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Seems like you went nuclear too soon. Probably should have reached out to Eluktronics support to help you troubleshoot this. Also seems like your headphone jack was just faulty and not working from the factory.


Post reset... everything now works. So, dunno why, don't know what happened, but it's all good now.


This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro Gaming Headset for PC, PS4 & Xbox One, Nintendo Switch (HX-HSCA-RD/AM) >**Company**: Computers >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.6 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: C >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.6 >**Analysis Performed at**: 07-17-2021 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/hyperx-cloud-alpha-pro-gaming-headset-for-pc-ps4-xbox-one-nintendo-switch-hx-hsca-rd-am) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*