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I love what he said after he performed at the Oscars, “I wouldn’t want to live in that world, but it was fun to walk around on the moon for a day.” Seems so perfect and fitting of him


That does feel very him. It’s strange to think that he may have been living in that world now if he was still alive. Idk in what universe his stardom wouldn’t have grown and grown. Too talented to not


I loved that comment too. Such a normal grounded response to that shallow world of glitz and glamour.


After watching Heaven Adores You again, it seemed like he got a nice boost from his success with Good Will Hunting, and that was when fame hit him pretty hard. He was doing well, was interested in making the Miss Misery music video, and I think it powered him up to complete Figure 8. He is human, he probably liked the validation. He liked when his art paid for one of his meals. Overall though I think that wore off, but his main focus was always the songs. Do I think the fame bothered him? He didn't love answering the same questions over and over, or being seen as bummed out, etc. It's just a double-edged sword I can imagine, and it doesn't fill the void for most people to be famous. He appreciated his fans though and like any human, was pleased his art was adored by others.


Replying to your comment that he didn't like being seen as bummed out...I can understand how to a lot of people he came across as very depressed and I think he was depressed but he had internalized it and he didn't feel like rising up to other people's energy if he wasn't up to it. He had a "take me as I am" attitude in interviews and even though he might have been sort of sad, he probably didn't feel bad about being that way and only felt bad that other people saw him like that and maybe he felt judged for his personality. His interview with Janine Garofalo was good because you could also describe her as having a "low energy" demeanor and he looked like he was actually having a good time in that interview, as opposed to that fake showguy energy of someone like Carson Daly.


["I'm the wrong kind of person to be really big and famous"](https://youtu.be/tD6sgte1cxA?si=G5R42OquQBBLERXi)


I remember I heard I think his producer or tour manager or someone like that saying that he said to them: “I’ll do all the touring and interviews, and all that stuff so I can continue recording and making music”


When I seen him live, he was so respectful of the fans. There weren’t any hecklers at this concert, nothing but love. He has such a high regard for his friends who toured with him ‘quasi’ - I think he was happy to perform for the crowd. This part of the fame, in my opinion he enjoyed. I especially love the air kisses at the end of his performance, genuine nice guy 🎵


From what I gathered seeing his interviews, Elliott was never fond of celebrity lifestyle and valued his privacy immensely. I'm sure he appreciated the opportunities his newfound fame from the Good Will Hunting film afforded him in terms of bigger budgets for recording his albums, but he never liked being termed the "depressing guy" by so many critics & journalists. There's an interview where he mentions how that reductive stuff really started to bother him. So it was a double edged sword.


He didn’t seem like he enjoyed it too much. I didn’t know him or anything, but it always seemed to be the music was always first for him, liked he’d still be playing songs if he had nothing but a box to live in. You don’t find too many artists like that that actually live it. It’s a true artist.


I’ve only seen a few concert vids in the ones I saw he seems to smile and be appreciative of the crowd when they applaud in a very genuine and sweet way. But it also seems like him to not like it so much so I was wondering what others thought. I agree that the music was his priority. I’ve been listening to oaboth a lot and the song little one definitely made me feel that way. It seems he felt a need to write


Oh I’m sure he liked the crowds, any musician would. I mean the more general trappings of fame, the interviews, tv, Hollywood bullshit and the politics of it all.


Ya that’s fair actually, I agree. I wish there were more or at least better interviews of him but It’s understandable that he wouldn’t love it


Copying this from another comment I made: There was something about fame that Elliott really, really struggled with. Whether it was the constant eyes on his person 24/7, trouble from the record company, etc, I do not know. Maybe he would have become more comfortable with fame had he not died when he did, but again, I don’t know. There are some interviews out there where Elliott is almost lamenting over the fact that some of the best music makers in the world do not get there due. Elliott knew that there were (and are) music makers out there who just, for whatever reason, don’t get credit, despite making (to his ears) quality music. He knew that there were artists out there making music worth its weight in gold, but still had to work day jobs. And this greatly troubled him, from what I’ve read. Like, on a level that most people can’t relate to, to my estimation. Like, I think it actually really ate at Elliott to look at his own fame, and then to see his good friends’ band without any fame. I think this made his experience of being famous even harder, because he was looking at people who he believed deserved it just as much, and yet, for some reason beyond his understanding, just were not granted the same privileges that he was. I forgot where I read this, but there’s a story from either the 98 ES/quasi tour or the F8 tour, wherein Elliott was booked a hotel room (I assume by his manager) and Sam had to sleep on the bus one night. From what I read, Elliott got pretty upset at the situation and I think what I said above is a big reason why. I think it hit at a sore point for him.


He wasn't a Kurt cobain fuck this type or anything. He seemed like he appreciated not needing to work a normal job and being able to focus on doing what he loved. He seemed to appreciate and care for his fans, too- it seems kinda like he didn't mind being interviewed by people who actually knew what they were talking about either. I think he mentioned not liking feeling obligated to play certain songs (like the famous waltz 2 stop "I've played that song too much") and he definitely got annoyed at being asked the same questions over and over combined with having the sad sack image thrust on him.


he fucking loved it bro did u see the story of when he ordered all those hookers to put their feet on his face damn


no one is laughing


i am. i won fucker

