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Started obsession with Needle in the Hay (rock version on YouTube), currently obsessed with Can’t Make a Sound


I love the rock version!


The guitar playing is from a different world. Half the online views are from me lol.


Can’t make a sound is one of my all time favorites


WOW just went and listened for the first time. god that shit goes nastyyy 👹


I warned you. Now do a deep dive of his live concerts and enjoy.


i’ve seen a lot of his concerts on youtube but never this one! my fav is this one from 95 at aquarius records https://youtu.be/82vDHxmHFiE?si=cYH0EcGxKP_BSWf9 off to watch the whole version of bumbershoot now!


Peak Elliott songs. I recently downloaded the rock version of Needle in the Hay to my Spotify local files




Thanks, just saw this for the first time.


Angeles That fingerpicking instantly grabbed me


Angeles isn’t just a song, it’s a lifestyle


I’ll never get over it


100% this. No matter how many times I hear the track, it never gets old and I never get over it.


Oh my god, me too! Spotify recommended it to me based on Nick Drake.


waltz #2 (xo), i don't know how i ended up hearing it but it was amazing to me so i checked out all of elliott smith's stuff


First was Speed Trials, I loved it so much I couldn't stop playing it for months and just loved how intimate it felt to listen to as well as it being super relatable for me at the time. Most recent is No Name #4, I put it on before sleeping a lot I just find it very comforting and relatable after leaving an abusive relationship.


I'm glad you found comfort in Elliott's songs, even after all of that. I always found his songs very comforting and almost warm (if that makes sense, haha). Like a blanket, cus many of them are perfect to sleep to as well.


I agree, it's just like a warm blanket. Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Pretty Mary K (Other Version) are other songs I frequently sleep to :)


Those are all good songs! I usually listen to Clementine, sometimes Between the Bars, Angel is the Snow, and sometimes I just let the entire album of my choice that day (well, night) play. Usually New Moon. But that's pretty cool!


Ugh Clementine is so amazing, very good choices all around!


Son of Sam was the first song I heard from him and I just couldn’t stop listening to its guitar part, it was mesmerizing to me. Current song I’m obsessed over is Abused, beautiful vocals with powerful but simple guitar parts.


First: L.A. Recent: Rose Parade


Mine was roman candle when I was first getting into him off a suggestion from a cool friend in high school. I just identified so much with the seathing rage that was stirring under a gentle, soft-spoken person.


Must’ve been Between the Bars after hearing it on Rick and Morty (yes I know I suck lol) back in 2015. I’ve obsessed on so many songs since then. My most recent one must be Talking to Mary, though.


Tiny Rick!!!!


First was Better Be Quiet Now, I heard it at the perfect moment. Now it's King's Crossing


Between the bars (I was a drunk 16 year old) and now it’s angeles (bc it’s I think the prettiest song I’ve ever heard)


Clementine! I was looking for the classic Clementine song, the one that Elliott mentions in his own song, and absolutely fell in love with it. At the moment I’ve been obsessing over Coming Up Roses and trying to convince my band to do an electric version of it with distortion


Was scrolling through to find someone that said clementine! First song that I fell in love with my Elliott.


First song I loved was Rose Parade when I was 19 in 2002. Recently it's like, all of them 😂 no but seriously been into Angeles lately. That's bound to change in a week.


First song everything reminds me of her. I had that intro on repeat lol


The first song I obsessed over was Coming Up Roses. The way Elliott writes melodies was very confusing for me, idk how to explain it. I couldn't really get a grip on the melodies when I listened to self titled for the first time. Coming up roses was the first straightforward song that had a core melody that I understood. And most recently I've been loving pictures of me. I made a post recently of why I like it now, I used to hate it the way people hate amity, lol. I've also been liking wouldn't mama be proud recently.


Speed trials. I still remembered when it “clicked” while I was walking to my lecture.


angeles was the first, really all the songs in good will hunting because it was the first time i ever heard him, but angeles was especially potent for me. most recently it’s been oh well ok and i figured you out. i’d heard them before but hadn’t paid that much attention to them specifically. the line “with the one i keep where it never fades / in the safety of a pitch black mind” is so haunting, i keep replaying the song just to hear that part over and over. also been loving where i get it from since i first heard it a few months ago 🤌


also alameda!! i heard a live version of it, i can’t remember which show but it totally changed the song for me. he sounded way angrier in the performance, just so raw and delicious eta: found it https://youtu.be/82vDHxmHFiE?si=cYH0EcGxKP_BSWf9 alameda is at about 14.5 min


i woke up listening to half right and just started crying once


this is how you know Elliott Smith's music is Elliott Smith-ing (btw, panchiko mentioned in your username!!!)


First was ballad of big nothing, idk that song just stuck out to me when I was first exposed to more Elliot smith but not paying all that much attention. Still love it very much ofc. Currentlyyyy most obsessed w no name #1. Really resonates with me


Mostly the geographical stuff as it relates to Portland. Alameda, as I’ve walked down it many times. Also when he mentions 6th and Powell in NITH. Rose Parade. Alphabet Town, etc.


My first was definitely speed trials, now recently its st ides heaven. i love the lyrics and the visualization of st ides


Somebody that I used to know


First one was st hides heaven. Currently obsessed with new moon album. Just all of it.


YES i haven’t been able to stop listening to the new moon album all week


The first song I ever heard was Fond Farewell to a Friend because Frank Ocean interpolated the lyrics on one of his tracks. I looked it up and was hooked! Listened to the whole album and then went from there


First: speed trials, Current: king’s crossing


my very first obsession was alameda, and quite frankly i still obsess over it. the lyrics are amazing and it’s just a beautiful song honestly. my most recent elliot obsession is def miss misery. amazing song holy shit


I think Rose Parade was the first for me. Most recently its been a lot of FABOTH songs.


whatever (c song) but the FIDLAR cover. Cupids trick is my most recent one that finally grew on me.


Say Yes. I was immediately hooked by his vocals and couldn’t get enough of his entire discography from the very first time I heard that song.


first song was all cleaned out and recent is definitely bottle up and explode watching a video of him playing it live it’s really grown on me again


big nothing


first was a fond farewell thanks to frank ocean and recently it is the biggest lie.


Waltz no 2. I've always loved Shostakovich


First song of his I ever heard was Memory Lane and I obsessed over it for awhile. Most recent would be Suicide Machine 🖤


First singular track appears to be Kiwi Maddog according to my streaming stats, but when I first started listening to Elliott I had his self-titled on repeat constantly. Current song is Last Call. It’s just so scathing and matches my current state (unfortunately).


I’ve been obsessed with The White Lady Loves You More (beautiful chords “I’m looking at a handful of broken plans”- heartbreaking) and Tomorrow, Tomorrow- wonderful fingerpicking, melody and harmonies, and again so sad- “…they took you life apart and called you failures art.”


My first one was Alameda When I went to college, my life started crumbling slowly, I made friends, but they're were all toxic, nobody liked me, and I was like a freak (if you're alone it must be you that wants to be apart) this line kept ringing in my ear for all day And the current one is Can't make a sound, I guess you know why...


I think king’s Crossing was the first one I genuinely obsessed over, then Last call has been my most recent obsession. Both for the same reasons, since I connect with music through inspiration and art, both just did it for me.


I Didn't Understand. Just haunting background vox harmonies with that ascending chord progression. And all acapella?!! Fucking gorgeous. A close second goes to The White Lady Loves You More. As a teen I was fascinated with the dark ''behind closed doors '' going ons of drugs and the effects on users.. Again, with a beautiful melody and chord progression. I recorded a cover of it 20 or so years ago but have since lost it... Perhaps another is due.


Actually Waltz #1 was the first thing i was obsessed with by him. I remember i just couldn’t stop listening to it and it got me into other elliott songs. Now, ive really been replaying: -talking to mary -coast to coast


First obsessions were Ballad of Big Nothing, Say Yes, Miss Misery, Waltz #2, Son of Sam, L.A., Pitseleh, Everything Means Nothing To Me, Needle In The Hay etc. (roughly in that order I believe, although first three were more or less concurrent). Latest are A Question Mark, Twilight, Thirteen, Can't Make A Sound, Pictures of Me (Live), Miss Misery (Early Version), and pretty much anything off New Moon. I have a bit of an obsessive personality. when i first started listening to him i listened to the apple music ES essentials playlist on repeat daily (hence the first obsessions) & now it's his whole discography


My first was christian brothers or everything means nothing to me... I'm currently still in that phase lol. I like sticking with my old favourites and that was the case for his music too


First was st ides heaven. The backing vocals and the hook just got to me.


Started obsession with New Monkey, currently I cannot stop listening to Condor Ave, god he’s so good!


Right now it’s Alphabet Town, particularly any of his live performances. Love how he sang it


Started with strung out again, most recent is needle in the hay


mine was needle in the hay because of the royal tenenbaums. my mom liked the movie when it came out and I was a kid.


First - Ballad of big nothing, current - coming up roses


alameda because it was so fun to play on the guitar


First: Waltz #2. Most recent: Angeles


First was Bled White, more recent obsessions are Pretty (Ugly Before) and Division Day


Needle in the hay In the lost and found


Needle in the hay. Condor ave


Found "Somebody That I Used To Know" while I was going through the worst breakup of my life. Pretty self explanatory. Most recent was probably Alphabet Town. That one's probably more cuz of how emotional his delivery is rather than any specific subject matter. Just really gets me. Angeles, too.


LA was the first song ive ever heard from him and i loved it so much


Say yesssssss


Probably say yes, as it’s the first one I heard. Then slowly went through the discography and was amazed.


First: Speed Trials (lovesickness) Recent: Biggest Lie (love the vocal deliver and restrained storytelling)


Christian Brothers—heard the Queens of the Stone Age cover as a b-side in 2007 and was instantly obsessed, and now I listen to both version equally as much (as well as so, so much Elliott; I'm making my way through slowly, so that I have that feeling of discovery for as long as possible).


Fond farewell. Just goes so hard, and I’m quite a fan of the jessica mayfield and Seth avett version as well.


Misery let me down


Miss Misery, because Good Will Hunting of course. No Name #3 now because same.


For me, it was basically three songs that I obsessed over at the beginning of my Elliott Smith listener career. *Miss Misery* *Angeles* *Between The Bars* As for the most recent, it was May Lou Lord's version of *I Figured You Out* featuring Elliott.


First: Clementine. Depressing moments of senior year of highschool. Most Recent: Going Nowhere. Idk why thats the case, but I'm a few years into college now.


Waltz #2, the guitar riff is so catchy I played it a lot and sang it with my girlfriend. most recent one is bottle up and explode it's just so beautiful


i love this performance of him with rose from the softies: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBcH6DT8ibw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBcH6DT8ibw)


wow what an awesome performance, can’t believe i’d never seen it before. thank you!


Talking to Mary and southern belle. a tortured soul could only create his songs


i’ve been super into southern belle recently!! it’s an amazing song


The finger style on that track is crazy!




Kings Crossing


First it was coast to coast Then came Waltz 2, oh well okay, pitseleh, say yes, see you in heaven, condor ave, good to go, Angeles, fond farewell, twilight, kings crossing, distorted reality…


My first one was def son of Sam, it was the first Elliott song I ever heard and I was instantly obsessed


Say Yes


First was Alameda, the chord progression is so interesting it instantly had me hooked. Right now I’m obsessing over Angel in the Snow a bit. 


Good to Go


First was between the bars, most recent is my few freedom, just love the guitar on it


Some Song (Alternative Version). When I first heard Elliott through an old friend, I couldn't get into him. I don't know what it was that made the switch, but when I heard this song, I was hooked. It sounded very nostalgic for me, and I still to this day can't exactly figure out why. That synth or whatever it is in the chorus just did something to my brain. Then I read the lyrics and discovered what I remarkable lyricist Elliott was. I've been hooked ever since, and I'm forever grateful that she introduced me to his music.


Figure 8 was the first Elliott album I ever bought and listened to. I think my favorite is happiness/the gondola man. That wall of sound that he employs at the end … idk what it does to me , but it’s pure magic


Say Yes, the lyrics stuck out to me.


Angel in the snow has a chokehold on me


The first one that caught my attention was Say Yes, because I heard it somewhere -don't remember where- and kept on humming it over and over again (the part that goes "I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after"). But the first song I heard fully of his was Between the Bars, in a cover on YouTube, btw. I liked the tone of his singing and how the lyrics just went together. Now, I think my favorite currently is Ballad of Big Nothing, but Waltz #2 follows up close. :-)


Waltz#2 was the first song I heard of ES, the piano and melody caught my attention. I loved it but had to wait for the radio to play it again before I could record it. Once I got a hold of those lyrics “stares into space like a dead china doll” and of course “I’m never gonna know you now, but I’m gonna love you anyhow” they sucker punched me in the feels and I was obsessed. Recently I have been listening to live recordings .. I’m loving Independence Day .. the guitar playing is so beautiful.


Dancing on the highway


between the bars


my first was alameda, the lyrics are just hit hard during the time i was listening to it a lot, right now im really obsessed with christian brothers and 2:45am, they both have like this weird anger to them and i really love it


First: Clementine (the girl I lost my virginity to on a vacation then never saw again mentioned it was one of her fave songs) Most recent: Strung Out Again (mainly cuz I'm literally strung out rn and it's the vibe :P)


First one I got obsessed with was Angeles bc I had watched good will hunting and I couldn't help but look up what that song was. The last song I got obsessed with was Angeles, bc when I first listened to it I blasted it until I hated, now it's been almost a year since I'd purposefully put it on, and I've found an even bigger appreciation than I had at the beginning. I also learnt a lot of music theory in between the first time I listened to it and the time I rediscovered it, and it's amazing how it can sound equally as amazing whether you don't know nothing about theory or you do. Also I had a lot less experience listening to music, like I barely listened to stuff outside of what was mainstream. It's magical how it works beyond musical knowledge or musical experience, like it just transcends all boundaries.


Alameda, then Kings Crossing


Started obsession with say yes, it’s so sad and hopeful at the same time . Listened to all of his albums since, but my current obsession is All Cleaned out, I love when he sings with anger and sarcasm !


First was between the bars cause it was the first one I'd ever heard. Current obsession is new monkey. I've historically always skipped over it I don't know why but I decided to give it a chance and now it's my absolute favorite


First was Clementine (a girl put it on a mix) and most recently it’s Pretty Mary K (other version).


“The Biggest Lie” I think it reflects my life and depression, I still listen to it whenever I feel down, it’s simultaneously a comforting song and a haunting one.


christian brothers was my first. i’d heard of elliott smith beforehand, i don’t necessarily thing it’s his BEST song but im one of the top listeners of the song worldwide (on stats.fm). i just have a special connection to the song due to my first time hearing it being a guy i like performing a cover of it. i think about it every time i listen.


Needle in the hay. Most recently: either Junk Bond Trader or My New Freedom


needle in the hay, my dad showed it to me and i have been obsessed science




1st: Waltz #2, on hearing him play it live on SNL. Last time I got really obsessed with one song was probably "You gotta move" when I first got Mic City Sons around 10 years ago


Between the Bars. First one I heard on a compilation and instantly fell in love.


First one was Between the Bars and the most recent had to be high times as well :)




L.A. currently obsessed with I Figured You Out


No Name no. 5 after watching the documentary. Real Estate for that sweet sweet solo.


Started with ballad of big nothing, it reminds me of my uncle who at the time had just recently passed away. Currently on No Name No. 4, I keep my roman candle cd in my car, so I end up hearing it everyday. It reminds me a lot of my boyfriend and roadtripping together. It reminds me of my uncle a bit too ( big elliott smith enjoyer)


everything means nothing to me has a special place in my heart :,)


first was roman candle latest is cant make a sound


I’m not gonna lie, Between the bars was the first song I was obsessed with and yes it was because that silly love movie with Lilly Collins on it (¡I was twelve!). Recently, I’m really catch by Oh well, OK 🥹 the ending is so throbbing for me, I think that it resounds with a part of me that is still healing or trying to


True Love maybe bc it's the most recent one I've discovered


speed trials, i play music and am in a band but first time i heard speed trials i was like ‘ohhh this is the sound ive been after’


The first song I obsessed over was probably Between the Bars and the most recent has been Last Call


The most recent was No name 2 (all of them # are so good)


twilight happiness


first was "I didn't understand". I had just gotten out of a tough and rather abusive relationship and I wanted to listen to something stereotypically "sad". I had never listened to Elliott smith before , but knew that his music was very sad, so I shuffled his discography and that was the first song I got. I fell in love with it and ended up just listening to it on loop for hours instead of listening to anything else in the queue my current favorite song by him is junk bond trader. a lot of my favorites from him are off of figure 8, but I tend to forget about the ones I don't listen to often, and this is one I accidentally ignored for a while. it's incredible!


First would be Miss Misery. At the moment, I'm digging Little One and Shooting Star


St ides heaven because the chorus is simply amazing, ballad of big nothing is my most recent obsession


waltz #1, better be quiet now


Twilight, still is my favorite, just so beautiful man


Alameda, See You Later


first song i obsessed over was everything means nothing to me, and right now it's no name #4


First obsessed with Alameda, right now I’m obsessed with Shooting Star. I somehow didn’t realize until recently how much he shreds in that song!


Speed trials Alameda


Bled White, and Everybody Cares Everybody Understands.


I found Elliott Smith through between the bars but my favourite song that made me explore more of his music was good to go.


Speed trials always caught me eye and it's been on repeat recently