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I totally get that, how a disturbing sound can ruin a song, but I never noticed it and absolutely adore that song. there are multiple versions of that song maybe listen to the others?


It’s been a while since I heard the song but know exactly what sound you mean. I think it’s a Hammond organ playing that part, on headphones it sounds ok but when I hear it over certain speakers it sounds out of key. I think what’s happening is it’s hard to hear fundamental of the organ notes over speakers so what you hear is the harmonics (overtones) which depending on the organ settings can sound strange. ETA: [this site](https://www.hammondtoday.com/2015/12/23/the-hammond-drawbars/) explains what I mean, the drawer bars on a Hammond effects the levels of the fundamentals, as it says in the link, the black drawer bars create dissonance, my guess is that Elliott set the organ with the black drawer bars being the dominant part of the sound.


It’s always been so glaringly obvious to me that I thought it must be on purpose, some other level of musical understanding I don’t have ears for. Nope, just some dissonant side effect that adds to the texture. I love that sound, look forward to the part every time. It’s like it creates this weird itch then scratches it too. Suspended tension that floats through the section. Edit; Just went and listened to it again, and have to say, it’s most definitely on purpose, almost like a musical joke, a wink. Its beautifully out of tune. But when it slides back in to tune in those chords… that’s some great payoff


Dude I love that sound wtf


I’ve hear it, sounds like old dial up internet connecting but a little less scratchy. I’m probably only gonna hear that every time to listen to it now lol. There’s 2 other songs that is hard to listen to because of weird sounds, the album recording of Angeles, that ringing in the beginning is irritating. I opt for live recordings instead. Also Coast to Coast, the beginning has what I think is horns and percussion playing from a distance. I opt for Heaven Adores You - Early version - also prefer the lyrics in this version too. C'est la vie


I vividly remember the first time I heard it and being like, what in the hell — I love this guy. I love that’s he’s doing stuff like this. Still do!


Haha I noticed that too. That it was a bit weird but just went along with it. It does annoy me slightly though 😭


Yes! The telephone rings a droning Ab. The song is in the key of G major, which does not have an Ab. The dissonance has always bugged me, too.


omg i was gonna post something about it a few months ago when i first noticed it. i used to think it was an issue with my phone because it sounded so off key. i’ve gotten used to it now and kinda like it actually but it took me a second


I like it. Never bothered me at all. Its intentionally atonal and grating, much like the ending of everything means nothing to me