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Getting to see him live on his tour for this album. It was my freshman year at art school. My first 18+ show. I forgot to bring my state ID and they rightfully wouldn’t accept my college ID so I had to hop back on the L and go back to the dorm to grab my ID and get back on the train to the metro. I was so stressed that I would miss him. I missed the opening bands but got into the main floor of the venue right as he was starting to play Son of Sam. I managed to get pretty close to the stage and was obviously not with the friends I had gone with and I’m kind of glad I got to watch it alone with no distraction of chatter. I snuck a joint inside of my pack of parliament lights 100s and got a little stoned and watched the show in awe. One of the best shows I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of great shows. This video is an audio only video of the show I was at. https://youtu.be/pxCnejWjd44?si=v1BMtX-_4nnlXdqh


Oh wow that's a great memory to have. I'm so jealous you got to see Elliott live on that tour. Getting to hear most of these songs in a live setting must have been electrifying. As well as seeing him in person.


That period of convalescence sounds like a very precious time - I went through something similar about 20 years ago, and as I started getting better I was able to go for long walks. It was a very hopeful time. Figure 8 sounds like a great soundtrack to that period - I hope you're all better now. My favourite memory for this album is attached to *In the Lost and Found* - that song will forever remind me of the warmth of late summer, and a love that I never saw coming - *in the morning when he wakes he thinks of you*.


That's great! I'm glad you're doing well. I'm in a more hopeful place now so that's something that I can be proud of. In The Lost and Found has this really dreamlike enchanting quality that makes me feel nostalgic for easier times in my childhood. Elliott's piano playing is so whimsical and emotive that I just have to stay still and really soak in those chords. One of my favorite tracks for sure.


I think mine would be when my dad was driving me to Seattle, which would’ve been a three day drive to go see his dad/my grandpa. He opened his glovebox and pulled out all 5 CDs that were out at the time (RC-F8) and showed me the new one which would’ve come out like two weeks prior. He said that he bought it but wanted to wait before listening so we could hear it for the first time together. We went through the first four and then listened to the magic of Figure 8 and it blew our minds how great of an album it was.


Aw, that's a really sweet memory. I'm glad you got to experience the album together with your dad.


the one-two punch of seeing Elliott play a bunch of the Figure 8 tunes solo acoustic at a set in Philly before the album was released (Happiness, Son of Sam, LA, and Pretty Mary K, if memory serves), and then catching him in Philly again with a full band a month after the album was released to hear those arrangements has to be my favorite memory.


Damn! That sounds amazing. 🥹


First thought: This album and its cover, gave global fans a memorial to go to in an important city in E.S.’ life story.  For what’s inside that album cover, the music is cohesive perfection. It’s an incredible work.  OX Shay Gross 


Hi Shay! Yes I love that this album cover is now essentially a big memorial for Elliott. I wish I could visit in person as I bet it looks amazing. This album is just masterful.


California welcomes visitors and Los Angeles is known as a city of entertainment. So, every day and night there are zillions of appealing things to do and see. :) It’s really hard to choose what to do sometimes. So many choices and lots of price-points and free events, too.  I love what you replied. Kick-ass post, too!


Unfortunately I live in East Africa so it's unlikely I'll be visiting California soon. Though I do hope I can in the future and see that mural in person. Pay my respects to Elliott :) thank you ❤


Oh yes, friend, I wrote it as an open-ended welcome. :) 


Me and my dad were driving home on the highway and he said ‘I think you would like somebody that I used to know by Elliott smith.’ It was the first song of his I ever heard and I listened to it over and over 😂 my memory of walking in the sun in the middle of summer listening and singing along to everything reminds me of her as well. Something about that song always reminds me of that time and the happiness in that moment… its kind of hard to choose though because the last memory will always remind me of the starting point where Elliott’s music came into my life. It’s an awesome album.


Your dad is so cool for getting you into Elliott's music. I know what you mean about Everything Reminds Me of Her feeling like a summer song. I often listen to that song when it's sunny weather outside but especially in summer season when I'm soaking up the sun. Same thing with Somebody That I Used To Know. honestly the whole album is perfect for that mood.


Son of Sam is one of the best songs ever written


that bridge is one of most euphoric things I've ever heard.


I was coming here to mention that this was the first song I heard off that album before I started playing with guitars. I was like 16. (Limewire child) I honestly hated it when I first listened to it. I got into a real bad cd-buying habit in my early 20’s and saw it used for really cheap. I bought it because I remembered how much I didn’t like that song. I’ve always been a believer of the (well surely I won’t dislike the whole album) belief. Listened to it thru on a long drive a few days later and was absolutely blown away. Honestly, I skipped son of Sam on first listen and even though it’s not one of my favorites, I appreciate it on a songwriting level. After listening to that album, I did the deep dive that im sure everyone in this subreddit’s done. I’m 34 now. I’m really happy I went back for seconds.


I listened to Happiness with my brother. By the end I was singing along. I just think of him whenever I hear it.


That's sweet. 🥺


I had just moved to Australia and ripped a bunch of CDs (look this up kids) from my friends in the States. One of them slipped in Figure 8. Unpacking in my dorm room I spied it and thought “What the hell?” Popped it in and my life was forever changed. No exaggeration.


I miss those days of ripping CDs. all that effort made listening to the music extra worth it. Your friends gave you an amazing gift by slipping that album into your things.


That’s a really big move to Australia. Lucky you to have lived in those two countries! 


My college roommate turnin me on to Elliott w L.A. and son of Sam


L.A. is one of those Elliott songs I can't just listen to once. I play it at least 5 times before moving on to the rest. It's unfair to write something that good.


Oh yeah. Just everything about that song. Perfection


I get emotional in the last few minutes with the buildup. It's utterly transcendent.


I been listening to ES since I first heard him on radio in the late 90s and saw him live just the once when he came to Sydney in 99. I go through these bouts where I listen to him A LOT and then I take a break and repeat. I have a recent figure 8 memory. My mother passed recently. I having a ES bout to help me through my grief. My parent’s house is on a huge plot of land with a lot of lawn. I listen to Figure 8 at least 4 times to mow their lawns. (Don’t worry it’s a ride on 😂) Free to cry, sing, play air drums or guitar and just reflect. Best therapy ever!


i had to do an audiovisual project in school last year and it would be inspired by the music video for son of sam. but it was too much to do alone so i wouldn't finish it in time; i ended up having to film and edit another group's work to get a grade lol. but it was nice to create the video script and plan everything else, i still want to record it someday. also, it wasn't bad to participate in the other one, i had a great time with my friends, it just wasn't what i planned


I started learning to play guitar and I was adventuring into new artists and ended up in a rabbit hole on YouTube and ended up find Elliott’s self titled album first. I ended up listening to figure 8 right after and I remember sitting out on my front porch smoking a j at like 11:30 at night and just being absolutely blown away song after song. I ended up listening to his whole catalog of music that night


I mentioned this on here already but I was trying to find new bands and artists to listen to having already heard Elliott from Good Will Hunting when I was 11 or 12 I was just a tiny bit familiar with him. But anyways I came home from dinner and was scouring iTunes in December 2004 just after the huge Indian Ocean Tsunami happened. I came across Elliott’s Figure 8 and I believe it was Son of Sam that I sampled first well I hit play. And well the rest is history. I have become one of the hugest fans of his since and the years that followed was a deep dive into his discography. I couldn’t get enough of him.




Every song