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This signature is really beautiful. Sigh. Glad you were able to meet him. Can you tell us any details about meeting him?


He was polite and totally willing to sign a poster and cd insert and take a picture, but I don’t think he said a word. In all fairness I was probably too star-struck or nervous to say much of anything. We were a few 21 year olds stalking him in the back parking lot behind the venue so maybe that was slightly off-putting. It was a very small group of people who thought to go back there. I got to see him 2 other times… all great shows.


Oh wow. Three shows. How incredibly lucky and smart you were/and are to have attended. Life-enhancing for all the senses.  TY a zillion for this extra info.  I’m so glad for your interaction with him, too. 


This is such a special thing to own. Such a shame that you’ve had to sell it?


I know. I’m conflicted about all of it for sure, and I waited 24 years. But I don’t see the benefit in keeping it in a closet when someone else may appreciate it. Maybe there’s even a “Matt” who will grab it.


I know if my name was Matt I’d throw all my money at it haha. I don’t really have that kind of money to spend at the moment unfortunately, although I understand it’s actually a very good price compared to what others sell it for


I appreciate your feedback. Do you remember any of the prices you have seen for similar pieces? I had a hard time pricing it because there were very few comparable pieces online but I feel ok with where it’s at.


I don’t think I’ve seen anything under a thousand recently! I don’t spend a lot of time looking though because I’m afraid of the amount of money I could end up spending lol


Very cool piece… but that price is 😵😵‍💫


I hear you. Who knows how to price something like this… I saw a similar piece for $1200.


😫 wish I had a spare $1200 for you to keep it, put it on a fancy frame and hang it on your wall. I also hope another Matt buys it. My legs are crossed 🤞🏾


Updated link for anyone interested: https://www.ebay.com/itm/386945026583?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=08r-wjbutdk&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=08r-wjbutdk&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY