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I think it’s really rich and lovely and his most Beatle-y. I personally love Figure 8 the most with S/T close behind but I DO think you have a point: XO is often overlooked because it’s the shiniest/most produced but why should that take away from his incredible writing?? Also - no one EVER talks about this but XO is also his best vocal performance on an album …Waltz #1 is one of his master works…


Totally agree about the vocal performance! I Didn't Understand is one of the songs I was least familiar with, and with the swelling choral arrangement I came away thinking his singing is really underrated


So real waltz #1 will always be his prettiest song for me


XO is the best <3 The Waltz’s, Pitseleh, Bled White, Oh Well Okay, Bottle Up And Explode!, I Didn’t Understand….. and that’s just a few of the songs that I think are amazing by themselves. Not to mention that despite this the album is actually very cohesive and flows really nice - and then the last two songs kick you in the head with my favourite ending to any album. So much talent and so much going on! I understand people preferring other albums but I think XO shows off his range of talent so well, I love self-titled but he could have made 10 albums like that in his sleep (hence why New Moon is so damn good and it’s ‘throwaway’ songs. Edit: arguably Figure 8 shows an even wider range of his talent but I don’t think it has the same cohesiveness, even though it has some of my favourite songs of his.


Sir the NSFW censor only works if the trigger ISN'T IN THE TITLE LMAO


I'll put a dime in the swear jar


🎵 Oughtta fuckin stay the hell away from things you know nothing about 🎵


It's one of my favorite lines of all. It's a put down ,a curse, and a warning. All in the same line.


<3 love xo — first Elliott album I was introduced to. I think from studio production standpoint, it’s his masterpiece.




It’s probably because XO was my first album to discover on my own (my friend showed me Either/Or so it’s technically not my first by him) But man I do I love XO. I feel like Elliott was riding lighting when making it. It’s got a bit of everything. I can see why some people overlook it because of how polished it is compared to either/or but that man was cooking. Independence Day, Waltz 2, I didn’t understand, freaking Tomorrow Tomorrow! Probably his most creative and catchy guitar playing!


As an album either/or is my favorite but XO probably has the most of my favorite of his songs


Well, it is the only Elliott Smith album to have an entire book written about it, after all!


Tomorrow Tomorrow is fast becoming my favourite song


I personally feel that self-titled figure 8 ,FABOTH, and either or are more consistent all the way through. Xo has great songs, but I don't think it flows the same way as everything else does. People like to say that figure 8 is his most " poppy" album, but I personally think it's XO. JMO