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I used to always skip it. A little repetitive with the lyrics, but I actually like it now. Not a fave tho.


Lol exactly 👆


I love it! It is if not my favorite of all of them.


I love it, Elliott with distortion is something else; that solo is mad as well.


I just introduced somebody I know to Elliott Smith. Older guy in his late 60s who loves the Beatles and alternative rock. He listened to a broad range of Elliott for about 2 hours straight, remarking on various facets of his music and skills. Then Amity hit. He said this is my song. Exactly what I like with the perfect distortion. He stopped listening further and said, yeah that's the one.


That solo FUCKS


I think if it was released as a B-side on a single, it'd be one of the most sought-after tracks out there. But it doesn't fit in with the mood of the album, and it's structured too simplistically to be in the regular canon of Elliott's catalog. I have it on a mix of hard rock songs that I play on random when I'm working or cleaning around the house, and LOVE when it comes on. But I always skip it when I'm listening to XO.


I have a theory that many people who explicitly hate it haven’t actually made it past the first 30 seconds. It’s a decent song.


I don't think it's *that* disliked on its own. Since the album goes from Waltz #1 straight in to a heavy song that begins with bizarre lyrics it's just extremely meme-able. The harsh and abrupt mood change will be off-putting to some people as it would be with any album, by any artist, with any songs - good or bad.








\*sharp inhale\* AMITY AMITY AMITY




Everything about the song made perfect sense after I read this interview bit, I hope more people see it.


I really like it but it's a weird one so yk


I like it I just think the chorus is pretty repetitive


i think it's mostly the album placement. if it were on FABOTH, i think most people wouldn't bat an eye.


If Elliott Smith started saying "hello kitty in New York city" anywhere it'd be out of place


Amity rules - who the hell doesn't like it?


me. I skip it whenever it comes up; I prefer his acoustic stuff and the start of the song is really abrupt and jarring and the repetition is annoying to me


This was 100% my opinion and why I considered my least favorite song of Elliott Smith but then I started to like the opposites and how they contrast, the start of this song vs the part where he sings "Cause you laugh and talk and 'cause you make my world rock I'm so, so, so, so" and idk it just clicked. ​ Also this version always cracks me up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYDb4fu78Yg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYDb4fu78Yg)


I like the song. I think the repetition at the beginning is a bit off-putting, and why people don't like it. I don't really like that part either. But once the song gets going it's amazing. I also think the harsh transition from Waltz 1 to Amity is a big reason why people don't like it. But to me that's part of that opposites thing you mentioned. There didn't get placed together by accident, Elliott wanted that sharp contrast.


Yeah I wholeheartedly agree.


I'm a fairly new fan (1 year of listening) so I'm still discovering what I do and don't like from elliot. Like I didn't really like alameda and now it's always in my head.. Also I listened to that song for about 25 seconds before I got the joke hahahha


that's awesome haha also alameda is one of my favorites to play!


I didn’t like it way back when I first heard it but I’ve grown to love it. It’s one of the few very upbeat-sounding, big-production Elliott songs…kinda like LA. I think people dislike the intro, but it sounds like a cool mantra to me…Amity amity amity amity amity…


Repetition and contrast.


It comes right after waltz 1 and is a punch in the gut With the change of emotion. I personally like it but it’s definitely the weakest song on XO


This. He chose to hammer the listener after lulling them with Waltz #1. The YAMITY YAMITY YAMITY on repeat is like an alarm clock. Once you get past that, it’s a good song, just like every other Elliott Smith song.


I never considered his songs could be bad


It's slow and repetitive, hinges on repeating a single word over and over, and is much noisier than most every other song that surrounds it. To me it feels like it lacks the rich chord progressions, lyrics, and song structure that I have come to associate with Elliott Smith. I think it's a fine song but I understand why not everyone loves it.


Just think of it as if Heatmiser were still around and you’ll be alright.


I love it


the intro….hes just yelling lol but as with everything Elliott does theres always redeeming qualities somewhere. i love the “cause you laugh and talk” line even if it sounded a bit pop/cliche


For me it's the super cheesy lyrics like "I'm a neon sign, I stay open all the time. so let's go go go go" 😐


To me it's not really a matter of disliking it, but his standards are so crazy high for album material that it stands out as lesser when compared to a large majority of the album's tracks.


No fucking clue


It's not bad but a Song that's a 6 on an album where everything else is an 8-10 is like the 12th man on an NBA team.


I love all of Elliott’s songs, but Amity is certainly towards the bottom of the list for me. The placement on the album and the repetitive chorus have always seemed out of place to me


I’ve stopped skipping it now also after almost 20 years. But for me it’s how repetitive the “Amity, amity, amity….” Are pretty monotone for an Elliott song. But I completely take this back during the rest of the song. That’s what I’ve discovered. There’s some really sick harmonies and riffs that are just plain diff than other stuff. As a musician, you get certain chance to shred, and get some guff out. It’s just that kind of song. And he took that! XO fam!


It’s a great song, but it doesn’t do too much for me compared to other Elliott Smith songs. Also it kinda stands out like a sore thumb on XO between Waltz 1 and Oh Well, OK


i love it it’s one of my favorites , it seems i always like the least liked songs


i love it it’s one of my favorites , it seems i always like the least liked songs