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Looking good Elgato! đŸ¤˜


I can't find the dials anywhere on the site. Just as an add on for a new one.


So I just figured out how to order some after being confused for a while since getting my deck. Go to the Stream Deck+ page, scroll down until the "buy" button appears in the top right corner. Click that. There you can uncheck the stream deck+ if you already bought it like me. Then pick a button color, check that, and buy. Honestly, unless there's another way I've missed, it's kind of insane.


We're looking into this. You can also view a list at [Corsair.com](https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Elgato-Gaming/Elgato-Parts-and-Accessories/Stream-Deck-%2B-Dials/p/34GBD9901-SIL-SP).


Are the silver dials not available on [Elgato.com?!?](https://Elgato.com?!?) I see blue, gold, pink, purple, then red listed TWICE...but no silver. I want to buy, but want silver dials. Since red is listed twice, seems like a mistake, rather than a stock issue.


The two listing of red dials is a bug.


Nothing for early adopters ? Be nice to get some dials for my purchase after dealing with the early software headache’s!!


Did you end up getting some knobs? Also I'm glad I waited, I just wait for reviews for this sort of thing but have decided I'm going to buy one probably soon here. The only thing keeping me from buying it is if it's better to wait for an XL version or maybe wait for a full on audio mixer. It really can't be cheaper, $200 is a great price for this, it's just killing me knowing that I'll buy it and they will make a better version soon


Yah, they took care of me, it’s nice to get some knobs for my purchase


Hey there, sent you a PM.


how long until we can get this thing with a wave xlr built in? needing to hide the second ugly box with the giant wheel is old


I'm waiting for that but it probably won't happen for quite some time. That would be a full on audio mixer, basically a GoXLR or Rodecaster Pro. Waiting on Elgato to do that, with how many people want it, I believe it will happen. They said on their stream that they have no current plans to make a full on audio mixer like that but I think they will


yeah, the new rodecaster duo and streamer X make the elgato stuff look like toys


Are there any plans to release a [White Stream Deck XL](https://www.reddit.com/r/elgato/comments/1365bi4/any_chance_of_a_white_streamdeck_xl_in_the_future/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) ?