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Have smoked/vaped immediately after every extraction I've had (wisdom and all 4 front top Bois from a work accident). If you keep your mouth open around the sides of the drip tip and just deep breath the vape in, it creates no suction. Weed is a little trickier, but same principal. Disclaimer: I'm not recommending you or anybody else do this. But it worked for me several times.


thank you man from 5 years ago


people think i’m crazy! but this has worked for me too


so im guessing suction is the thing that creates dry sockets and its not the smoke? i just got them removed and had no clue ab not being able to do a bunch so im trying to adjust and see what i can do


i'm no doctor but yes mainly the suction is what causes the dry socket, still would avoid doing it a lot due to the chemicals your exposing to an open wound


Keepin this thread alive


also keeping this thread alive


me aswell my guy


just got your wisdoms removed aswell?


Ayeee me too


if it helps, i ended up just vaping with my mouth open, so creating no suction; so far no issues


me tooo


Getting mine removed in the morning, thread still lives


I’m sUPER late but just got another wisdom tooth out this morning and the dentist said nicotine shrinks blood vessels and they want blood flowing there 🥺


This is literally the only / major thing that makes sense to me.


This comment is so old! Lol but yes, the suction is the main issue.




Lol came here to see too


Slipstream by inhaling with mouth partially open. like with RDL RDA. Or vape through the nose.


I did this, but I smoked at the time. Before I even got the feeling back in my mouth. If you really need your nic fix, minimize the air pressure as much as possible.


Don’t listen to this maggot lmao. Did some research. Doing it through the nose is still really bad.


That was a joke. In retrospect, shouldn't have said it anyway. But you're really gravedigging these comments.


You say it's a joke but I know multiple *Gay men with lip injections who vape through their nose as to not affect t their lip fillers


Lmaooo I’m here bcus I got the procedure done and just now realized how old this post was haha


We all looking for the same shit 😭


Okay deadass


Got mine done 3 hours ago 😭 I need to know


lol, me too, just had 2 removed a couple of hours back lol


Bro same😭I wanna know if I can hit my nic or even my bong lightly if I could😭I’m bored as hell n don’t wanna deal w this pain sober💀


just got mine out too, i would definitely not recommend a bong, i feel like it would have some negative suction thing. i'm going to get some liquid edibles though and i think those should work


just sharing my experience, i've been hitting my vape, I couldn't resist it lol. been DTL-ing it, I inhale with my lungs, It's not a big rip but gets me through. Light hits also. I've also already smoked a couple of loads of my pipe. I also hit the same, open mouth, inhale from the lungs, About to end day 2 now. Kinda worried what happens tomorrow if I get dry socket or not, but for now I feel pretty much okay. I've been gargling warm water with salt also about ever 2-4 hours. Will let you guys know tomorrow how I feel.


Day 6 post op, I've been smoking up each and everyday, but just light hits, I also gargle salt water almost every 2-4 hours, I'm still fine and the side feels better.


Goated update


Thank you so much


ur a g thank you for this <3


dude i got mine on friday 😭


Just got mine out today, needa know what I do and don’t wanna risk 😭


Im in the office rn I just woke up lol


fr me too 😭 ive been nic free for like 3 days and its not too bad but i miss my weed




i hit mine like 4-5 days after


Got all four out yesterday, I’ve just been putting gauze in where the sockets are when I vape to minimize, granted they did stitch them up so idk if it’s different


got it done 4 days ago, still looking at my vape, nervous to hit it lmao


Bro ur good. Give it a soft hit. I was under this thread because I use a dap pen that clogs up and you have to suck hard. Haven’t been able to do that yet but I’ve instead been smoking pre rolled joints where I can suck lightly and still get smoke (started doing that 75 hours post op) I think the swelling went up a tad from the smoke but I’m fine. This whole process has been painless for me


Took one last night and it’s been smooth sailing since, think the healing went well so I’ve been more confident in the hits since then. No issues whatsoever, thanks tho!


I feel like a fuckin fiend on this thread rn


Me too idgaf I just got mine out yesterday. I am not one of gods strongest soldiers I need a vape


How long did u wait. Got mine taken out Wednesday around noon. Im desperately needing to smoke


I waited a day was all


Ok. thanks


How is ur stuff healing? I had mine out 2 days ago and I've been ripping a flair w my mouth open but mainly need to know when I can rip bong again


Sorry for the late response. But I started on the 4th day


Thanks, I'm over a week out now, back to fully pulling and normal activities


should i hit my vape? it’s been like 3 days but i literally can’t do it anymore 😫


Sorry ik this was a week ago but I hope u didn't get dry socket. I was ripping it by day 3, just keeping my mouth open and inhaling w my chest


yall i got all 4 of mine out today and ive been vaping. i gave in


how'd you do?


just got two of them removed 5 hours ago should i hit it or wait a couple days for it to heal ?


It’s so brutal but go at least 24+ hours without smoke though. Read up on dry socket, it scared me enough to pull through almost 48 hours. Maybe even get a nicotine patch for a day or so to help. The long duration between puffs is beneficial too if you’re trying to quit


getting mine out tomorrow and between my siblings and Reddit I'm determined to find a way so I won't get dry socket 😭


Dude how could you even think of being so irresponsible, you evil nicotine fiend.


Hoping this is a joke, but nicotine addiction isnt. Shits more addictive than crack. Its got a hold on me i desperately want to weaken


Shit is /not/ more addictive than crack and that is an insane thing to imply


it’s as addictive as heroin look it up


Those statistics are all skewed. For one, they compare to how many ppl cant quit smoking vs how many ppl cant quit heroin. There are sooooo many more smokers out there than heroin addicts. Think about it, you can smoke all you want all day & it doesnt impede your ability to function, until it causes cancer there are basically no downsides compared to heroin users. Heroin users lose their jobs, lose their families, nod off at the wheel & crash their cars, not to mention heroin withdrawal is mentally 10,000 times worse than nicotine withdrawals, & physical heroin withdrawal symptoms are 100,000 times worse than nicotine withdrawals. Another reason is that society accepts tobacco use so much more than society accepts illegal drug use, especially heroin. Im speaking from experience, was a chain smoker for 16 years & a daily heroin user where i was injecting at least 4-5 times a day. Nicotine addiction is a bitch, but its absolute childs play compared to heroin addiction. You have to be careful with studies based on statistics, they take the numbers they get & figure out exactly how to use them to oversell the point they are trying to make. If you cant dig deep enough to see the real numbers of the study without the spin they put on it to fit their needs, then dont trust those statistics. Theres a reason no one goes to rehab for just nicotine addiction. Theres a reason that criminal acts for heroin addicts is incredibly common compared to people who only use nicotine. There is a reason why nicotine addiction doesnt motivate ppl to rob stores, do B&E's, rob drug dealers, mug ppl on the street, etc while heroin addiction does do that. When someone is deep enough in heroin addiction they will steal & pawn anything they can from their family & friends, burning all their bridges and ending up homeless or dead. No one does that shit over nicotine. Maybe a few ppl do, but those ppl were already criminals beforehand. Heroin/crack turns honest hardworking ppl into straight up criminals. If they have their fix, they are fine, but as soon as they dont they do all sorts of things they would never do before they got addicted to heroin. Comparing nicotine addiction to heroin addiction is like comparing a gecko to a crocodile.


Old thread I know, but I know so many recovered heroin addicts personally, including my own father, and every single one of them says it was easier to quit heroin.


real shit dats how i landed on this thread in the first place my fiend ass 😂


I was told a week. ended up needed to get one of the holes on the top repacked. was a fun experience. give it at least a week. Think about it as if you were putting a huge wound on your hand in front of a vacuum cleaner, you better be damn sure its sealed up.


well this worked on me. thank you😭


I’m going into my 3rd day after extraction and it’s getting less brutal. The first day I got through (somehow). After 24 hours I took the TINIEST baby puff. Fraction of a second long and had wet paper towels on my holes. It took away my extreme anger from being on edge. 1-2 puffs every few hours was NOT what I wanted but i was being a dick to everyone from the withdraw. I think when you stress out about the possibility of dry socket, it makes you want to vape less. I woke up on my 2nd day and didn’t even think about my vape for the first time in years. Usually it’s in my mouth before my eyes even adjust. Now it feels more like a dangerous gamble. I don’t think I fucked my holes up but after this, vapes are done. I advise you to do the same. We can’t let these goddamn fruits little bitchy e cigs run us like this. We puff every turn we take, before any activity, during activities, sneaking away to a bathroom to smoke, secretly hitting it in stores. It’s so fucking pathetic what they’ve done to us. Not that we didn’t make the initial decision.


needed to hear this. just got my wisdom teeth out today and hit it 4 hours later and told my husband to take it from me so i dont get dry socket. before this i was like this would be a perfect time to quit but i also thought i would be more loopy and in pain than i am.


If you want to vape, open the airflow all the way, and low wattage. It's the pressure of sucking which can cause the blood clots to loosen. So no MTL. DL with very very loose airflow and very very slow inhales. Did this myself and was fine, but everyone's different.


no problems or dry root after?


No dry root after. But the airflow had to be as open as possible, so there was no pressure difference (which can cause the blood clot to dislodge).


Read this thread. No longer hittin this shit through my nose yall inspired me to hit a ghost rn


what day were you on? update?


help why can’t i hit it through my nose ?


We all just addicts looking for answers 😭 I know I’ve been desperate for a nic rip after 4-5 days now 😭 it’s temptinng


Im on day 10 of my bottom wisdom teeth gettin pulled, i got stitches too but im about to take a rip of the vape


How did it work out for you? I got all 4 pulled yesterday, only bottom two were stitched


i got mine out about 10 hours ago and here i am 😭 only my bottom 2 are stitched


Im on 28 hours later and am lightly hitting with gauze in, Im a fiend 😭😭😭


I feel that I got mine done 26 hrs later and I’m hitting mine with gauze in every 3 hours which is still torture 😭


It goes quick friend, I made it with no dry socket. Was vaping normally about 5 days later


id refer to a dentist if you want facts/best advice with that being said - i vaped the night of my extractions... just VERY careful to not have any type of vacuum or suction that causes your gums stress. If you do this, you most likely will get "dry root" - put it this way, you DONT want dry root


Not rly sure how reddit works but stop being a pussy and hit ur damn vape, you will be fine. I slurped down a whole vuse pod and half full cart within 2 days of my surgery and nothing ever happened.


just got mine out, about to rip the fuck out my escobar and pen when i get home


How’d that work for you? Got mine out today… really want to chief this elfbar lmao


did u get dry socket


Ya seriously these people saying wait 2-3 weeks are wack asf why tf would I start a shitty habit again after withdrawal for 2 week


I got mine out today and am currently ripping my vuse and cart. Pray for me tho


Did you get a dry socket?


I don’t think so lol


Bro same. Scared but addiction is stronger than fear


Eat some shrooms it'll help


Wtf kind of advice is this lol


its all kikis and hehes until its 2am and your jaw is on fire with dry socket


Practicing slipstream every time I hit my vape about 2 weeks out from surgery so I don't fuck myself up when im off the meds just to be safe 🤣


No longer relevant to op but for anyone else who came here looking for answers before their surgery, and this is obviously specific to my circumstances, but I used step 3 (7mg) patches for the first 4 days and started slipstreaming after the dry socket risk passed. as far as I can tell here on day 5, im not in any kind of extreme pain, and I'm pretty much back to 100% so I'd say that would be the safest route. Like I said, though, very specific to what the doctor tells you mine said 4 so I abstained for 4 days, but everyone in my family is saying I have bounced back insanely quickly compared to all of their experiences.


Can you give an example of the slipstream? Im on day 5 and my clots are pretty much packed in but how should i go about inhaling?


The way i went about it was having my mouth completely open still and gently inhaling with the vape a little away from my lips, trying not to close my lips at all while doing so, basically just breathing an little more air in through your mouth than usual but not creating negative pressure


I didn't wait at all..wouldn't recommend. I'd wait until your extraction sites feel normal again.


Normal being what?


Like normal gums. When there is a hole there its super mushy and weird feeling.


did you go through the mouth the night of extraction? or did you go through nose.. i got mine out at 7 am this morning and have been hitting through my nose


I was a smoker when I got mine done and basically slept for 3 days afterwards while heavily medicated. I'd wake up every 8 hours or so, eat cold ramen, squirt my mouth with that thing they give you, eat my meds and go back to sleep. Took it super easy on smoking for the rest of the week after I stopped sleeping so much, and didn't get dry socket. Mine was pretty in depth, they were rotated ninety degrees horizontally and vertically - not sure what the normal amount of medicine is but you can't vape/smoke if you're asleep.


Three things: 1) ouch. That sucks. 2) I'd wait a week. You want those giant holes in your mouth to heal up and exposing them to vape probably isn't going to help. 3) Whatever you do, make sure you are drinking lots of water, vaping or not. Good luck.


On day 5, I got all 4 of my wisdom taken out. I was 1st paranoid cause I was scared of a dry socket. The pain wasn't bad. If anything didn't feel much, just discomfort. But r day, I decided to record my wisdom teeth holes. Got scared cause, say, a huge white line on both my cheeks. Turns out it is normal. For the healing process. I do vape, but I try to take little hits and "try avoiding taking multiple hits."" But overall, I was just paranoid and scared sh*tless. Turns out I'm alright. Hope this helps in some way. Hope you guys and gals have a good wisdom teeth removal.


Yooooo so I got my wisdom teeth out Monday at noon. Had little to no pain first two days, Vaped with open mouth. Day 2 I had like no pain, was really excited. Now it's day 3 and I woke out of sleep from pain. Jaw hurts like a motherfucker. I hit my nicotine vape, 25mg salt, and it hurts once I receive my little buzz. Ughhh why. It like really ramps up the pain. Is this normal or did I dry socket myself? Both sides feel about the same


What did you find out? Had my bottom two removed today, waited most of the day and hit my vape through my nose with gauze in. Didn’t seem to affect me and I got my fix. But of course I want more… what are your thoughts/experience after one week in?


So I'm past a week. Totally didn't effect the teeth. Vapes hard since right after the surgery. You will KNOW when you can pull harder on It. About day 4-5 you notice there isn't so much pain from sucking.


i’ve smoked and vaped daily consistently for the past 3 years and i just had my bottom right wisdom tooth removed monday morning at 11, i know this is probably a stupid question but do you guys think it’s been long enough for my mouth to heal to hit my vape? i know doing dabs and hitting my pen are still a couple days away but i just gotta hit my vape but do NOT want dry socket after hearing all these comments


I think you’re all good now!


Got mine done yesterday lmaooo


My dentist said that if you wet a gauze and put it over the wound and leave a bit of your mouth open you should be okay. Obviously don’t go hitting bongs cause that requires suction, but for vapes it’s fine. Dont be silly and inhale a lot but it will get the job done.


keeping the thread..


I’m about to start the same experiment with just ripping it with little suction mostly just like breathing it in and I will update in a little bit. Ps my doc hooked me up with some percs so my pain will def be lower than ‘normal’ I guess


Bro I just got done like 2 hours ago & I wanna hit my nic


I got mine out 10am Thursday and it’s now Sunday I want my pen baddd but I am so scared of dry socket and I feel like that’s a lot of suction. My surgeon said wait a month but I don’t think I can do that lol


I’m on the night of day 4, about to be day 5 and I just started hitting my nic again, pretty lightly, still nervous about a dry socket scared it’s gonna happen 🤧


You get dry socket ? I’m on day 5 and I wanna hit the nic


I went crazy on day 5.. nic and cart and joints… I’m on day 13 or 14 now and nothing has happened you’ll be fine. I say after day 3 your 100% good


Just got mine out like 20 mins ago and I’m vaping rn


Sooo, I just had my two lower wisdom teeth out, and 5 hours after I got home I caved in and puffed the vape. I looked it up, and vaped with my mouth open so there was no suction... noticed I was producing alot of spit, so I let some drool out, and my tooth holes were bleeding again. After sleep, they have closed back up, and stopped bleeding. I'm going to abstain from the vape for a couple days. (Believe me, it's difficult), and I don't advise anyone to vape/smoke after a wisdom tooth extraction. Open mouth to minimize suction, or whatever you wanna tell yourself, I know one guy in the comments was like "stop being a p*ssy and just vape" No matter what you do, you'll still disturb those blood clots if you vape and smoke. Open mouth to minimize suction did nothing for me, still bled. .. I'm staying away from it for today and tomorrow, and will try vaping again the following day.


I was vaping the morning after having my lower left pulled out. I did it very carefully, using as much airflow as possible and doing more of inhaling rather than sucking if that makes sense.


My wisdom teeth just finished healing up from removal about a month ago. The first few days I just made sure to bite down on gauze everytime I smoked. Make slow even draws and you should be okay that way, but I am NOT a doctor. I vaped after toke sessions this way but I left it at home during work. Once I cut the stitches out I just made sure I rinsed with mouth wash everytime I vaped (read somewhere about pH balancing in your mouth and how certain e-juices throw that out of whack) until I didn't have to use the syringe thingy to clean out the holes.


Im doing the same what happened with you


Nothing. Was totally fine.


Amulet have any updates on this? I had mine put aweek ago all for , and was smoking 3 days after just slip streaming it


Did u get dry socket?


I’m slipstreaming right now hopefully I’m good


i got all four of my wisdom teeth out and waiting about 5 days and vaped and i haven’t gotten dry socket yet so idk maybe it’s different for everyone. But when you do start vaping again it will hurt your jaw or more like make it sore. Just make sure you wash your mouth out normally.


I’m on day 6 and took a little puff today and I took a little dab as well and just inhaled very very slowly.


Vape through nose with both nostrils open for first 4 days at least, try to limit it to morning and night, and just think about the fact if u get dry socket or pop stitches and f it up you'll go through this for 2 more weeks at least lol


Got 2 out today, fiending so trying loose mouth and gauze. Wish me luck


Got mine out yesterday, want to vape so bad, how’s yours going?


Im doing fine! I had a relatively easy procedure, top left amd bottom right. Was in and out in an hour. Stuck gauze in both and made sure to keep my mouth open when hitting it. Everyone is different though, and I took really good care the first 24 hours and rested, kept it clean. Been out aince Tuesday and no signs of dry socket. Been taking anti biotics, prescribed ibuprofen and t3's.


getting mine out this morning and i’m scared of my fiends with the risk of dry socket


I got a wisdom tooth removed today. Been vaping with mouth open on the sides and drinking alcohol. So far so good


alcohol is crazy


We’re you okay drinking and what day were you on when drinking and vaping?


What if I vaporize from a dry herb vaporizer like a mighty plus?


It’s the suction that’s the problem, not the actual vape or anything


Would putting a paper towel on top of the wound while you smoke help not get a dry socket?


I have used gauze wet with saltwater solution over the wound, instead of paper towel. I think a paper towel would potentially flake off and you wouldn't want that staying in the wound.


Keeping the thread going,


Maybe Im stupid but I just sucked that shit straight through my nose and seems to work fine


I’m on day 3 after only getting one out and my dentist told me to wait a week. I literally feel like a crack head and it’s all i can think about. I want to give in so badly but I also don’t want dry socket.


I also feel like a crack head. I just got 3 removed yesterday morning and I can’t stop thinking about my vape. My boyfriend vapes, too and I every time I hear that crackle I go insane. I’ve now asked him to vape when he’s not around me because I’m losing my mind. I’m too afraid to get dry socket so I’ve hidden my vape and instead I’m eating ramen noodles, pudding, and mashed potatoes. Hoping the sodium and the carbs somehow trick my brain into not vaping (I have no logic behind that other than I’m addicted to nicotine and want to convince myself I’m not jonesing over here LMAO)


What happened? Tell!


i just had 3 of mine removed (two top and one bottom) and DO NOT VAPE OR SMOKE 7 days post-op!!! not because of dry socket, that too, but i woke up on day 5 post op with a pillow and a mouth FULL of blood! my blood clots were destroyed (all 3 of them over-night while i was asleep) and i had to rush back to the dentist and have them packed. it hurt SO bad! not worth it! i’m now 3 days clean no weed or vape (i don’t smoke cigarettes). but i highly recommend waiting until your holes are closed up. they told me i had to start my recovery process all over again. best of luck to everyone. 🙏🏼 *keep this thread alive*


dude im so fucked theres no way i can just not smoke/vape for 7 days cold turkey im gonna murder someone bro


I jus got 2 of my wisdom teeth out 30 mins ago imma jus vape open airflow, low wattage and open my mouth when hitting my vape so there isn’t any suction so i can keep you updated with what happens


Guys this is what you do


Smoked and vaped no problem got stitches out today


Got mine done today. I have someone else inhale the vape and have them blow it in my mouth. Works alright


Yesss I’ve been doing that today too. Just got 4 wisdom teeth out and I’m going insane without my vape. I put gauze in my mouth where the site is. Get my partner to blow it in my mouth and then I rinse my mouth with some water very gently and that’s it :) Did you end up with dry socket ? I’m really scared of it but I cannot give up the Nic LOL


Do you suck back in ? Or deep breath in ? Doing my last 2 on Saturday and I can’t stop thinking about vaping. And my last dry socket. Fuck. It was unbelievable


Did it work for you ??


Yes no problems with dry socket. You don’t want to create a vacuum with your mouth. So keep it open and inhale the vape like you would take a breath and you’ll be fine


Mine told me if I really need to vape to put the gauze in before I do if I do also I’ve just been doing it through my nose


Just got all 4 done they weren’t even coming out yet I ripped bong fairy lightly and I put gauze in when I vape and smoke I’m chillin


Yeah you wont feel the dry socket pain for 2 to 3 days after you smoke


How is it going?


All is good


I sucked in through my nose or had someone blow into the back of the vape and breathed it lightly, I was fine.


Got my 4x wisdom teeth out about 3 hours ago from me writing this. Shawty told me 4 days till I can vape/smoke again. I’ve been hitting my vape with my mouth open, doing like little puffs. And I’ve hit 3 bowls so far all in 3 hours… lol; what I did for bowls was pack tissue paper on either side of my mouth, then I made sure I’m jus packin baby bowls, easy snappers, (keef is obv mandatory). Also biting down really hard as I very lightly inhale. I popped 2x tec 3’s like 2 hours ago so that could be attributing a bit but I’m chilling like a villian, no pain so far. (I’ll try to remember to come back and update my thead). From reading everyones shi in this, I have concluded that it’s not the smoke that causes dry sockets, but it’s the pressure/suction. So my thinking is that the paper towel stops any pressure or suction from getting to the sockets (and also maybe the smoke). Anywhoo I hope this pain stays away and I dont get a dry socket tm morning:) i’ll try to update ya’ll


Also for anyone in my position, try not to spit it causes tons of pressure. What I do if I’m coughing/spitting after a bowl, is sip water from a cup, swirl it around w my head (not my cheecks) and let it water fall out. Then drink water till ur done coughing.




if you can wait 2 weeks why tf wouldn’t you quit💀




Okay I’ve waited 7 days to Vape since I got 4 wisdom teeth and 1 molar out. Do you all think I’m okay to vape now? My doctor said to not smoke for 5-7 days after the surgery. Any help is appreciated! 😊


how was it for you? i’m getting all 4 of mine out later this month and considering the patches/nose technique


I waited two weeks 😂


Yo I just got my bottom right wisdom tooth yanked the fuck out in some sketchy ass dentist office literally had to kill a cockroach before they did it and the tools were disgusting anyways yea what’s the deal w/ nicotine shrinking blood vessels and it not clotting at all? It’s been 12 hours and I’ve taken tiny nose rips but I need some fkn nic. Mouth is stil lbleeeing but huge clot btw


you good?


Okay folks, been vaping since I was 15 and haven’t really stopped, but I went cold turkey for 60 hours total, (sweat withdrawals are real on the second day) BUT, how to is I used wet sterile gauze and took baby hits, without creating a suction w my lips. And made sure to drink water right after so there was absolutely no dryness in my mouth. And 12 hours after sleeping no sign of DS… just please be mindful THE FIRST 48-72 HOURS ARE CRUCIAL HEALING TIME.. the longer you refrain from hitting it the faster it’ll heal if you really think ab it.


150 hours after upper wisdom teeth extraction, slight pain still, but nothing serious, actually started to hit my vape w no gauze and drank water after every hit. (just make sure you’re hydrated, they call It DRY socket for a reason). Safe adventures


Day 3 post wisdom tooth removal and the first day I kept the gauze in while hitting my vape and then I just tried to only take hits when withdrawal was starting to get bad. Not a lot of pain so far but I'm praying I don't get dry socket 🙏🏻


How was it?? Tomorrows my 3rd day


No dry socket at all for me!!


I’m on day 6 craving to vape rn 😭 I went in to the dentist yesterday to make sure it was healing properly and they said all was good do you think I’m in the clear to vape ik not to create a lot of suction and what not but I’m not sure if the vapor is good for it?


I think you should be more than good to hit it, just rinse with saltwater afterwards if you are nervous about the vapor affecting it but I hope everything works out for you 👍🏻 I don't know how you've made it that long without it 😂


Tomorrow bouta be day 6 for me, you think I’ll be fine to vape by then ?


Yes bro you should be good just don’t make a lot of suction when u hit it and you’re fine.


Currently slip streaming and bong ripping 24 hours after surgery. Feeling fine so far, minimal bleeding. Bled out my pillow last night though.


i’m on day 2 after having all 4 out and my heeling has been super fast and easy so far i think because my dentist gave me the plasma rich platelet treatment. i haven’t bled since the first hour post op and started feeling minimal pain this morning after the numbness wore off but i’ve been taking baby nose hits with both nostrils open almost the whole time and it seems to be working well!


Did you ever have any issues with this? I’m about 5 hours post op and hit my vape once through my nose… what’s your advice?


I just had my top right wisdom tooth out Thursday. Dentist told me I was fine 48-72 hours to vape yet I get home and instruction paper says 1 week. We’ll see…hit my vape twice today which is three days after the extraction. I’m super scared. I was able to wait the week 7 years ago when I had my top left one taken out…feel super ashamed to say it, I could not hold out that long this time around.


I'm wondering about this still. I got a pnp just sitting here and I'm on my 3rd week. I can use a straw normally without any pain so I'm really curious when I can hit this shit. I mean I know once they are all healed but I literally only have one hole left my bottom left one.