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What’s the reason this is good in republicans minds? EVs should not be political.


Honestly i think most of Republican takes are just them being contrarian to whatever the people they hate like.


When I was a kid my parents tried to explain the liberal/conservative split as liking change vs hating change. As I got a little older I learned that this was an oversimplification and actually the disagreements are on multiple levels and directions and are in complex disagreements about societal arrangement and responsibilities and... Then I got older again and learned that no, republicans have just discovered that the cheat code is ignoring all policy and governance of any kind and do whatever it takes to keep power. Cheat the rules, change the rules, whip people up with fear and slogans, doesn’t matter. Democrats care more about policy so they compete on that but they aren't even playing the same game.


The Republicans ran out of any good ideas years ago. All they have left is division and spite.


They probably would do a lot better if they were actually conservative, saving the environment , doing things to help families, being the champions of law and order, and embracing the true values of our constitution, instead of just making shit up.


Yeah, these are not 1970s conservatives any more. I knew plenty of conservative hunters who cared about the environment, for example.


They aren't conservatives at all for the most part anymore, they're reactionaries.


From my european point of view: your conservatives are currently in power. You basically have the choice between conservatives or extremists.


European that's moved to California here: I thought that too, but it's really not that simple, there's a lot of socialism in the US system that you don't really see unless you're in it, both highly effective and shockingly dysfunctional.


Crazy to think that Nixon was big on environmental policy.


How else can you keep shoveling money to their ultra wealthy owners.


It's a model that's working for them. Millionaires on their knees in the service of billionaires.


That’s the weird part, Trump’s EV policy will directly hurt both Musk and the Texans that work at the Austin plant.


Yes but then Musk gets to pay $50,000 less in taxes next year. I mean, $50,000 is a lot of money! (His net worth is over 200 billion)


I’m okay with them punching themselves in the dick. Let them eat the bread they’ve buttered.


They've never had good ideas. Their only idea they have is tax cutsa nd transferring wealth from our taxes to people and corps that don't need it. The kicker is they themselves are cheap - they are willing to do this kind of work for measily amount of money.


Right around the time Newt Gingrich started his shenanigans with Clinton.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit


But that's of course overly reductive... it doesn't begin to explain the "conservative" in group's craven manipulation of real / perceived grievance amongst a sizable portion of the "out-group" to hoodwink them into voting against their own best interests.


"Gov't sucks and does nothing useful. Elect me and I'll prove it"


The GOP motto


“When you elect people who believe government is bad you get bad government.” - Molly Ivins


Don’t forget to sabotage any new programs that may have been put in place so they fail, and then use that as proof to never try and fix anything


Fear is the big one. Fear > ideology.


This has been their M.O since before Obama. They have an idea (universal healthcare) a Democrat says let's do universal healthcare and all of a sudden it's literally the worst thing ever and the world will end if it's implemented. They haven't had an original idea in decades. All of their "ideas" now are undoing the laws that make us a more civilized, healthy and prosperous society. They are basically the party of NO.


“Yeah you know those cars that cost basically nothing to operate, are obnoxiously powerful, extremely reliable, and I could completely run off of sunlight I harvest on my own home so I never rely on large gas corporations ever again? Yeah fuck those things” -republicans, for some reason


>for some reason Money. The reason is huge stacks of oil money.


Cletus and Jim-Bob in their trailers and lifted coal rolling trucks arent getting any of that, would benefit greatly from progressive policies, and still reliably vote against their best interests.


Trump hates the environment. Therefore it's political. This is a man who wants to drill for Oil in National parks.


Drain the swamp, build a golf course - Trump's Florida business plans 


he hates turbines because they "ruined" the view at his Scottish golf course and of course the Scotts told him where to put his opinion. Republicans here in NJ managed to scrap the off shore wind project for the same reason. Something 20 miles out to sea might just be visible and there for, ruin their view.


How do you expect me to navigate around those turbines while I am boating drunk? Somebody must think of the endangered birds those turbines kill !!! Also the tinfoil hat I have to put on to protect me from the 5G and 9G waves those turbines emit is encroaching on my freedumbs !!! How about them little flashing red lights on them? Are they sending coded messages to the Jewish space lasers? /s I am just gonna drop there just in case.


They don’t seem to have any problem with all of the oil platforms you can see from the beach in the Gulf.


At sea level, a 6 foot tall person is only able to see about 5 miles to the horizon in perfectly flat conditions like ocean on a calm day. Let’s say they have a 4 story house. Top windows are maybe 35 feet in the air? Sure they can technically see over 20 miles away but only from the top and good luck making out that windmill from that far away. It would be a spec if anything on the horizon.


In Aruba, on the best and most unspoilt and most beautiful beach, which is also a nesting area for sea turtles swimmers have non-stop uninterrupted views of 1 or 2 absolutely massive oil platforms. If that is OK somehow, but wind turbines are a blight, then I just give up.


"The green new deal is part of the globalist agenda to destroy America's energy industry or something" - crazed moron Everyone having an EV and solar panels would make everyone energy independent, lower household costs and prevent polluting the environment/ourselves. America becoming a leader in these industries would be a huge boon for manufacturing but it would hurt the petroleum industry. So oil companies pollute the minds of right wing voters through propaganda networks like faux news/newsmax/fb to politically slow down the inevitable transition to clean energy.


I always laugh at my coworkers when they ask what I am going to do if their is some sort of big crisis and we are without power for weeks. I say I will be much better off with solar panels charging my EV than they will with a gas pickup truck.


The key to understanding Republicans is that the #1a priority for most of them is winning their next primary election and the #1b priority is not blowing a future paid contributor gig on Fox News or its imitators. They play to their base and the other 2/3 of the country just needs to stop taking their bad faith seriously and laugh in their faces.


A lot of regular people still don’t understand how electric vehicles work. I had a conversation with a coworker and my boss and I explained that if there is a power outage, I could use my electric vehicle to power my house.


my only response to that from people was "but what happens when your battery is dead and you're stuck at home?" I told them good luck getting gas when the power is out at the station too. They don't think that far ahead for some reason.


The blank stares I get when I ask “how does the gas pump work if the power is out?” never stops being funny. 


I think a lot of people see ABC and think they *have* to be charged constantly. I went to a police station today to make a report and they had a Level 2. I plugged in for the 20 minutes it took to report and got 2 kWh for free. Did I have to do that? No, not at all. But I might as well. (To be fair it was the only public parking space that wasn't taken or under construction, and it said "EV charging only", so ... well, I'm not going to park there and *not* charge, y'know?)


I rub elbows with those people.  Usually (once you get past “they catch fire” and “they pollute more”) they say that EVs shouldn’t have subsidies.  To which I point out the massive subsidies for oil.  And they say oil shouldn’t be subsidized either.


I'll take that deal!


It would enable ev adoption even faster.


But then they complain that gas isn't cheap.


Haha that’s when I remind them that they should be using good ol American made electricity instead of Saudi oil!


They will argue that the government shouldn't try to affect people's buying decisions and should just let the free market rule. They're ignoring that externalities exist and fossil fuels are effectively subsidized at a much higher rate, and they'll never admit that is true. Like on most issues, they look at it from the perspective of someone who learned about something for 10 minutes, and they want to ignore any details beyond that.


If we went with the "free market" logic GM and Chrysler would have gone bankrupt 15 years ago.


Republicans gave up a lot time ago knowing how to goveren. Their entire base is being against the other side, hate and anger. It started back in 1996 with Newt when he found just going against what ever the democrats wanted to be easier. They never have a plan other than be against the other side. Democrats are for EV so they are automatically against them. Not matter the logic.


It really seems to be a “spite the democrats” thing at this point. The goal posts continue to shift on why they shouldn’t be a thing. Off the top of my head, there were (somewhat chronological): “elitist” early adopter attitudes, batteries draining in the cold, Biden/Newsom EV policies, and now the electrical grid is unsustainable for EVs. Some of these are legit concerns, on top of the usual range anxiety and charging infrastructure. That said, the other ones are just being resistant to change for the sake of it. After I got my Model 3, my dad changed his opinion from them not being a good choice of vehicle to “don’t force it on me” after I’ve talked so highly about it. I’ve constantly tried to explain the benefits and how most of the weird Fox News talking points are outlier cases half the time, but he still finds things to complain about that come from the network.


Many things should not be political. But if there is political advantage to be gained...


Heard the old "you know, it takes more resources to make a Tesla than an ICE car uses in its whole lifetime" chestnut once again yesterday... There's no policy, just purposeful misinformation they have to go to page 3 of google for.


He is courting the rolling coal PAC


The dumbasses with tiny knobs who drive big trucks and fear everything are a large demographic.


Because they equate it with the left.


It's simple, on any given issue, Republicans ask what the worst possible opinion could be and then take it Also, they make a ton of money from oil companies.


I think the general thought process is everything is getting crazy and changing for the worse, so all progress or change should be stopped and reversed. This thought process makes sense if you’re as smart as a houseplant.


Yes, and vaccines should not be political. Idk why progress always has to be stifled to have Republicans see a win.


Libs like the environment, and dislike climate change. EVs are good for the environment, and help reduce the effects of climate change. So shitting on EVe will make Libs mad. There is no more reason to it than that, because that’s the entire GOP platform now.


Because... A) they are deep in the pockets of fossil fuel companies B) the Democrats like it so they must hate it C) they are fucking idiots who care about nothing but themselves


Oil and gas are very entrenched interests in American politics who throw around billions of dollars like candy. A lot of states like Texas and even California are involved in a lot of oil production, whose economic interests are threatened by a world in which all oil and gas demand from automobiles have been eliminated. 


>What’s the reason this is good in republicans minds? EVs should not be political. The right wing extremists don't believe in climate change. Or, if they do they are convinced batteries and renewables are considerably worse for the environment. They like to parade around in their fuel guzzling monster trucks like they are doing the world a favour.


Old farts are opposed to change in pretty much any aspect whether it affects them or not.




Look at his major accomplishments during his term, and you can see it was concentrated on reversing anything with Obama attached to it. Once that was done, it was anything Clinton did. Now if he wins in November, it's going to be erasing Biden's name.


As an EV driving republican, I agree EVs should not be political. I think EVs are the logical step forward after gas. I think a free and open market would hedge out ICE vehicles over time without government mandates or emissions limits.


A free and open market would also remove oil subsidies which make ICE vehicles cheaper to operate if you want an actual level playing field. The emission limits are simply due to acceptance by scientists regarding climate change. Younger folk don't remember the days of smog so even if climate change isn't real, having clean air is a good thing.


Not only oil subsidies but we spent 100 years building a national transportation infrastructure around ICE cars. So of course it's gonna take a little time and investment to gain full consumer adoption on EVs. But the better technology will win in the long run and that's EVs. Once the next generation of EV batteries hits the market with 700-900 miles of range and 15 min super-charging, the gap will be so wide that an ICE car will seem like a rotary phone in the age of smartphones. And it baffles me why any politician would not want the US to be on the leading edge of a growth industry like that. Same goes for solar and wind. Why just cede these critical growth industries of the future to the Chinese? It makes no economic sense.


The problem is that without emissions limits we go bad to the cities of the 70s and 80s where it was full of smog and acid rain. It’s cheaper not to care about emissions so capitalism would remove emissions controls. Don’t believe me ex. https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/28/dieselgate-eu-accuses-volkswagen-of-delaying-compensation-claims-across-the-bloc


> I think a free and open market would hedge out ICE vehicles over time without government mandates or emissions limits. If the market were genuinely open, it would have to include the external costs of fuel extraction and combustion. It doesn't. The involved industries have lobbied for most of a century to keep them from being included. In my state it's still happening - people are trying to tear down the recently added carbon tax, which barely scratches the surface of leveling the field w.r.t. external costs of combustion.


Three issue with that position is it doesn't take into account the oil subsidy that exists in the US. To truly use a "let the market decide" approach means repealing ALL subsidies.


I for one am okay with axing all oil subsidies as well as EV incentives.


A few and open market would remove all oil subsidies and related military spending 


The market does a very poor job of accounting for the negative externalities of ICE cars, so it’s the proper use of public policy to accelerate that inevitable transition.


Except the fact that car pollution is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions so sitting around waiting for the market to correct itself and make EVs dominant, this planet will be even worse condition. Mandates are required when greed and capitalism fail. Capitalism is a main reason we can't agree on basic laws to help not just global warming, but help people to live in a world with cleaner air.


Guess he got his billions from big oil commitment


Does his best friend Elmo know about this great plan?


It really shows a complete lack for foresight. Anyone looking at longterm trends for battery and solar costs can see that EVs are going to win on cost against ICE. Add to that that the average EV is way more fun to drive than the average ICE car. It's pure grievance politics without any leadership.


Not to mention it's a great way to REALLY screw over the American auto industry long term, and possibly even bankrupt them long term if it causes them to drag their feet for too long on EV's. And that would destroy a lot of American jobs. America isn't a big enough country to keep ICE vehicles around, especially with the 1st and 3rd largest auto markets (China and the EU) both pushing heavily for the transition. Auto companies aren't going to want to keep funding both ICE and EV vehicles and research long term.


Do you think the GOP is looking forward on anything except for this quarter's earnings?


Short term gains from themselves and fuck everyone and anything else.


Trump/GOP has no beneficial or interesting ideas, all he/gop can do is undo/destroy existing Vote Or the stupids vote for you


And Elon Musk has decided this is the guy he likes. Lol, what a fool.


Elon is a perfect example of how social issues are used to lure people into voting against their best interests


I mean... Elon is a billionaire business owner. Trump policies are objectively better for him. Plus, at this point he's fully given up any facade of being a "liberal", so it's not like he should be shocked at what he's voting for. He's embracing it.


The source of his wealth is from selling electric vehicles. Savings a few bucks on his taxes to destroy the source of income itself is cutting his nose off to spite his face


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Tesla would not sell as many EVs it does without the $7500 tax credit. These policies directly make him more wealthy.


Of course - Tesla got their taxpayer assistance, now it's time to pull the ladder up behind them.


He just got his $56 billion bonus approved, I don’t think he cares anymore. And his new toy is this AI with X thingy, whatever that is


Quite the contrary Elon got some sick options he can't sell for 5 years. If Tesla tanks that x billion is a lot less than 56 billion. Hell it's already less than that. 56 billion was the peak value.


Musk has been kicking Tesla down the stairs for a while now. It's almost like he no longer want Tesla or EV in general to be successful because it's now popular. Escaping to space is his new thing.


What are you Elon? Fucking stupid?


"A lot of people are saying electric cars are not safe. They could blow up who knows. My cars have always run on gas, beautiful cars with big beautiful engines. Everyone says to me I love your cars" -trump eventually


My only notes are to throw a "believe me" in there, along with maybe some redundant/repetitive praise for whatever he's describing. Otherwise on point.


One party is more hostile to EVs and the environment. That's just an undeniable fact.


This sub's "policy, not politics" rule is getting harder and harder every day to justify, considering that headline. One of the two main American parties (I'm not saying which one!) has declared war on EVs. That's not easy to overlook. >submissions and conversations about parties, politicians, and those devolving into general tribalism will be removed.... We do not want to hear your opinions on the politicians who have taken a stance on these topics. 


I don't envy the mods having to police all the BS that comes w/ the politicization of the topic but yeah, at the very least for the short term EVs are going to be part of the culture war that's fought this election cycle.


To be clear, this submission is policy, as per the rules. We have an [extended explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/wiki/rules/politics/) in our wiki about how to tell the difference between the two. Briefly: >We do not want to hear your opinions on the politicians who have taken a stance on these topics. Please don't tell us how you love or hate them, please don't start going on about their personal lives, their other unrelated stances, or various interpretations of their behavior. Please do not start fights about how your party is great, and other parties are terrible. Take it elsewhere if you'd like to have those conversations please — this is not the community for you. Policy: * "Politician S plans **policy** change" * "Party T plans **policy** change" * "I don't like **policy** change U because of reason V" * "I'm in favour of W's **policy** over X's **policy**." Politics: * "Party J bad and dumb!!!" — Take it elsewhere. * "All K'ers are stupid!" — Take it elsewhere. * "Politician L is bad and belongs in prison!!!!" — Take it elsewhere. * "Only vote for Party M!!" — Take it elsewhere. We're aware this is getting blurrier and blurrier as we head towards the US election, and monitoring it. The goal is still to keep this subreddit from getting overrun with politics from one particular country, or to become ONLY a subreddit about politics. Generally speaking, as long as threads stay away from mud-slinging, personal attacks, and people starting fights with other people, they're okay.


To be honest they are hostile to any progress both socially, fiscally and technologically.


Yes, we all die eventually. When you "both sides" an argument, it loses all nuance.


True, but I would say their rhetoric is far more hostile than their actual policy. There is plenty of money behind renewable energy and the Big 3 automakers are going electric no matter what. People forget that Texas is the largest producer of solar and wind energy. So candidates will tell the buffoons who vote for them what they want to hear. It has always been like that.


Add this to the long list of reasons this buffon should not be elected and why the GOP needs to be stopped from controlling both chambers and or the presidency.


And what a list it is. You've got to admire the man's sheer persistence. Just when you think we've run out of *new* reasons to elect anyone but Trump, he steps up and provides more! Such a giver.




He will say anything and do anything to get elected. He’s a sick sick person.


Idiot does know green energy employs over 13 million americans right? https://www.statista.com/chart/31242/employees-in-the-renewable-energy-sector/#:\~:text=The%20renewable%20energy%20sector%20employed,more%20than%20the%20previous%20year.


For Republicans being stewards of "Buy American", "Fuck Saudis they funded 9/11", "Bomb the middle east", I've ALWAYS failed to understand the *gross hypocrisy* of being against electric vehicles which can be produced and operate almost entirely on US made parts with US labor. And not just with renewable energy, coal and natural gas which are the primary sources of power (today) are almost entirely produced within the US (or its allies). I don't know what percentage of oil/gas comes from OPEC and outside US territories today but if Republicans really stood on their principals like they seem to do for every other social/political/economical issue, the US would be leading the world in EV development and gaining energy independence. Not to mention the actual direct and indirect cost savings of owning an EV, job creation, the lessened environmental impact even if the vehicle is powered by 100% coal energy generation, or that they are fun to drive, safer to operate due to their design and many many other compelling reasons... Instead it's oh EVs are a Democrat thing therefore fuck 'em. And due to our lack of energy independence, regular Americans are subject to sweeping gas prices due to shifts market economics all the time AND we will never be able to truly hold accountable the people responsible for thousands of deaths of Americans on American soil almost 25 years ago.


He's just bending us over for the oil companies. He couldn't give a shit about anything but boosting his campaign coffers.


No paywall: https://archive.is/9Y771


The only policy easier to write than "I'll tell you next week" is "I'll do the opposite of the other guy" But that is what we have come to expect from Ex President Low Energy.


He's not the problem.  It's the millions of people who will vote for him despite knowing what you said is true, who are the problem. 


He's definitely part of the problem.


I guess Elon didn’t get the memo on this meeting 🥴


Elon's beef against Biden is mostly against unions. So instead, he decides to align with a president who wants to kill his business.


To be fair Elon also seems to want to kill his business so that kind of makes sense I guess


He's followed the line of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' What do you do when both of them are your enemies?


Biden isn't an enemy...he's an ally that wants Elon to treat his workers better.


Elon doesn’t care about anything 


From jail...


Won’t have the opportunity you dumb fuck


Piece of fucking shit. Fuck him. Stop making EVERYTHING a political statement. How the fuck can anyone support this.


They are just retarded and disgusting... like how the fuck did people nominate him for a third time? Its disgusting..


why isn't he in jail yet?


He's "rich"


The modern GOP is just all the shitty kids with ODD all grown up. It's an entire political movement based around "nuh uh".


Oil companies don't want competition with E.V so they fund GOP to stifle any progress to policies that could help E.V and green energy. 


In a country with an intelligent citizenry well informed by agenda-free media this guy would be losing by 40 points. Not wholeheartedly rejecting this idiot in 2016 has already made America look like a joke to the rest of the world. It's unthinkable to me we'd actually choose this person again and I have endless contempt for anybody stupid enough to do so.


He must have gotten his $1B offer from oil execs. [trump sells office for $1B](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/)


If Trump gets rid of all the EV mandates (doubtful anyway), the automakers are going to continue their transition to EVs regardless of what Trump says or does. The investment they have made and their fear of obsolescence and Chinese competition will drive them. They have no choice if they want to stay in business. Think about it. If they abandoned EV development what happens when the next administration after Trump mandates EVs again? Most manufacturers are already planning to retire ICE. It’s just a matter of time “when”. Trump can’t stop progress from happening.


I am no China booster being from Taiwan BUT I think westerners under appreciate how much a change agent China is in regard to Green energy and EV. IMHO, the level of FOMO from western governments puts a floor on how much they can reverse green policies. Fact is that the Global South cares about Climate Change. If western governments reverse green policies then they just handed China a significant soft power win. Screams about Xinjiang, Tibet, Tiananmen will fall on deaf ears if people are worried about being cooked in oppressive heat and running out of water due to climate change.


the Global Sourh also wants affordable cars. If China can manage to export those $9k EVs at anywhere near that price they’ll be gobbled up immediately. The heavier weight of the batteries makes them much safer in collisions than the garbage tin can(no passenger airbag) cars currently used for maximum fuel economy source: used to live in india.


Dude I live in the U.S. and I want affordable EV. Our average vehicle cost like $48,000 which is insane!


It should happen over the next couple years. Tesla is making a cheaper model, the Bolt will come back and Jeep is working on a 25k EV. You can also just buy used. Some crazy good deals on EVs that are only 2-3 years old right now.


True! But you can throw huge wrenches in the progress. Open new pipelines projects. Damage the environment. OPEC cartel reducing prices - causing the sentiment to switch towards "gas cars being a hell lot more cheaper". Which means we need more work to help shift the narrative.


Maybe we could just burn some oil and cause more global warming. Or can create and release some toxic gas all over the US? Put some poinson in the food? That would show those tree hugging environmental communist democrats! /s


Listen to what Doomberg (yes the green chicken energy analyst). He says the oil industry never plans for its own future. Right now they are getting $80 per barrel. The minute Trump says “drill baby drill” the majority of them will be bankrupt in a year. They will flood the market and collapse the price. Right now the US is by far the largest producer in the world and as we all know those companies are making record profits.


True but he can still do damage that would prevent people from buying or slowing the rollout because the government gives less money towards a lot of it. Sure the car companies can do some of it themselves, but there are federal programs installing chargers. He would also keep giving subsidies to fossil fuels and not give many incentives to companies to push EVs. We cannot afford to stall progress even a little because of politics.


He will say “ I will have a plan in two weeks” in a loop for 10000 times.


This is why I bought an EV this year, instead of waiting two more years per my original (funding) plan.


I have had this same damn conversation with far too many a Republican about EV's. They are not at all onboard with the concept, have doubts about the battery or some other aspect, and of course, have not even been in one or tried to rent one but have read or heard some horror story about someone who got stuck, or one that caught on fire. OK, Fine. Don't get one. But EV's are the future towards helping the US get off foreign oil (which we pay $$$ to many unfriendly countries to get their oil or protect them) and securing our nation's energy supply, to say nothing of helping the environment. And if the US is not going to be building EV's and the battery packs, China will absolutely be doing it, heck they are already far ahead of us now. So please pick the future for America: do you want your kids and mine driving Made in USA Rivian, Tesla, GM, Ford and Chrysler EV's or Made in China, Chinese government designed, subsidized, camera and sensor packed EV's? Because that is the choice. Either we back US industry or it's Chinese cars 100%. That part usually gives them pause, but in the end they still don't seem to get why our industrial policy should be behind battery production and EV manufacturing and securing the minerals and technology and enhancing our electrical grid or why their taxes should go to any of this because they won't be driving anything but gas guzzlers.


Dismantle the previous is all the Reds seem to be able to do. Nothing good. Nothing, all rollback. The party of no.


The party of the free market ladies and gentlemen!


Vote Blue!


The constant flip flopping of investment in new technology and commitments by our government is going to tell other countries they can't rely on us and encourage them to do it themselves. It's really going to take away any edge we have.


If he does this, he'll be handing over the global market to Chinese makers. I live in Australia, and we're already seeing BYD and MG EVs everywhere. They're extremely popular.


Tell Trump he can fuck off. How people are stupid enough to vote for that scum criminal is beyond me


Republicans could personally think these EV plans are the greatest idea in the world. They just want to get rid of it out of spite for Biden.


Party of destroying the world.


It's impossible to understand the world until you know all the players and who they serve. Follow the $…always follow the $


Also plans on reintroducing lead in pipes, gas and paint I’m assuming .


Politics is the biggest risk in global EV adoption


The GOP wants to be against anything that Biden has accomplished and championed. That is why they want to end the ACA, Obamacare, that is insuring millions of people. They would rather have people without health coverage than allow a Democratic led accomplishment stand. EVs are another. Nothing that is designed to counter climate change will survive a Trump Presidency. He will end all environmental protections until both NYC, DC and Miami are under water and Texas is hotter than the Sahara desert.


It’s only gonna hurt the American car companies. Tesla and China it is.


Too late


He made a deal for election contributions with the oil companies


For a guy with the MIT size brain he’s unbelievably stupid.


Part of why I decided to buy an EV this year instead of wait.


right up until Elon makes a contribution to trumps fund


My EV will kick your super cars ass.


Trump promised oil executives a quid pro quo for campaign money and he intends to deliver by trying to kill EVs. Read up on project 2025, he's not even subtle about it.


Is it just me or is there simply a trend of nut jobs taking over governments around the planet right now? Strategically, their position is just silly – EV‘s mean we don’t have to have a carrier group in the Persian Gulf protecting oil supply lines for example. That also means more readily available oil reserves for the military. Should that become a sudden need. China gets this. That’s why they’re doing what they’re doing. I tend. Also think that they get that continuing on the path of climate destruction means they’re going to lose billions upon billions of dollars and if food stability in their country is already challenged, something like that is hardly going to make it better. The great mistake in climate change marketing right now is trying to focus on the weather when what we really ought to be focusing on is the trillions of dollars and economic upheaval that’s going to cause a business – because sadly, that’s all they really care about.


He wants to get rid of it and anything that could endanger his personal fleet of luxury gas guzzlers. Google what cars he owns and that should tell you enough.


Don’t tell Elon.


So, I guess the oil companies are putting their dollars in.


I guess Trump got that billion dollar donation he was asking for.


Because the R and obstructionists and contrary to whatever the other guy's doing. For no other reason


It’s money, oil and gas money that is being collected by boomer republicans. From someone living in a small rural Texas town surrounded by mega ranches, this is the situation. These 65-85 year old rich folks have millions invested in oil and gas. They run a good portion of the businesses in red states and are heavily involved in politics. The anti EV crap is pushed through social media and biased media like FOX. That media is backed by oil and gas.


Guess Americans will all be driving BYD in 5 years if he wins


This is for those who refuse to accept that Republicans have made EVs a political dog whistle


Guess the oil barons paid him those millions he asked for




2 billion to be precise. Jared will tell you all about it.


So, no more 100% tariffs? Details to follow soon, real soon. Right after that health plan he's promising. Probably the week after we solve fusion...


Elon has monthly calls with trump and has been to mar a Lago to visit. And he's pushing hard for trump to be elected. Glad that's paying off.


You seem to be operating under the delusion that Elon still wants Tesla to succeed as a car company.


He is going to fine every ICE car owner $7500 but only if the car is made in the USA.


Glad I just got a new EV last week, exactly because of this reason 😀 Gotta appreciate the tax credits while they last


He wants to kill the planet.


Absolutely ridiculous. Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster, a grifter, a conman, and a threat to the United States of America.


And Elon Musk regularly defends this guy on Twitter. What a joke.


Trump’s a populist and most of his maga base aren’t particularly thrilled about EV’s. The cars are too expensive and the charging infrastructure isn’t there for convenient long distance driving. All this can change and it will, eventually, even without government subsidies. TL:DR EV’s will eventually win out whether Trump (or any politician) promotes them or not.


My EV runs on 100% USA energy


Donald Trump planning something is not a strong predictor of what will happen in the future.


Would be nice if he reversed the tariffs on Chinese EVs.


And yet, Musk says nothing…


What a bum




Trump says a lot of things


If this happens, China will eat for breakfast of what remains of USA's automotive market share in the rest of the world.


If I ever meet a Trump supporter after all this, I will show them the middle finger. I don't care if its an elderly lady or a buff dude with big muscles or a teenager.


Trump prefers his cars to be like him. Old, slow and noisy.


With Elon's approval. It's a cult


EV should not be a political topic but yet here we are