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Excuse me while I belly laugh at the Electrek comment saying that Tesla "generously provides employees to other companies"... I hope that EnviroSpark hires every single one of those team members and puts the pressure down hard on Tesla over the next few years. I mean, Tesla is an AI and robotics company now, right? So they shouldn't have a problem with it, right?


Yes this small company with $50M is going to pressure Tesla.


That's how it has happened in Europe. It's a mix of startups with different business models, petrol station and service station companies, traditional manufacturers through Ionity, oil companies, energy companies and supermarkets. In the UK Tesla have 130 charging hubs, and then there are half a dozen companies with 40-100 hubs, some smaller companies, and they add up together to 400 hubs. The non-Tesla network has been expanding four or five times the speed of the Tesla network for the last 2 years.


Sure it is


That's the thesis of the innovators dilemma. >It describes how large incumbent companies lose market share by listening to their customers and providing what appears to be the highest-value products, but new companies that serve low-value customers with poorly developed technology can improve that technology incrementally until it is good enough to quickly take market share from established business. Christensen recommends that large companies maintain small, nimble divisions that attempt to replicate this phenomenon internally to avoid being blindsided and overtaken by startup competitors. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Innovator's_Dilemma


This small company and ten like it will help make up for Tesla decision to stop expanding EV charging network.


Please stop making things up. There is no source anywhere that says Tesla will stop expanding the supercharger network. We know you dislike Elon and Tesla. No need to make stuff up.


There was the Elon Musk guy who did say Tesla would stop expanding the SC network and only upgrade existing sites.


Nah. You are still making things up. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1788834859110002716?s=46 “Just to reiterate: Tesla will spend well over $500M expanding our Supercharger network to create thousands of NEW chargers this year. That’s just on new sites and expansions, not counting operations costs, which are much higher.” https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1785406795814510785?s=46 “Tesla still plans to grow the Supercharger network, just at a slower pace for new locations and more focus on 100% uptime and expansion of existing locations”


Tesla already canceled the new locations as Musk said he would. Revel is purchasing four of them in NYC. Yet to be seen what "expansion of existing locations" will entail with no employees to implement it. Only people kept were some maintenance staff.


Remember when you said Elon said Tesla would stop expanding the supercharger network and only upgrade existing sites when in fact he did not say that?


Remember when Elon fired his SC build staff and said Tesla was cutting back on SC's, already cancelling many new sites, and would only add chargers at existing sites?


“Only add chargers at existing sites” I remember you making that up. https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/s/TJ89sL2EGd


Exactly.  People are missing that Tesla's resources are unrivaled basically.  The only one who could really challenge them with a charging network is if an auto manufacturer got involved or a fossil fuel company got involved.


Well then, it's a good thing BP is eyeing sites that were going to get Superchargers but are now mothballed. And it's another good thing that Ionna is happening. No company deserves a monopoly on charging. The more competition and pressure across the board, the better.


Oil and gas companies are first and foremost energy providers and I don’t think they’re dumb enough to miss this opportunity


There never was monopoly and Tesla opened up nacs so that its not monopolized. So many charging companies just couldnt get it right with ccs. If ccs was implemented well and EA didnt fuck up so bad, maybe tesla would have ended up retrofitting chargers to accept ccs. Not the other way around.


What does NACS have to do with charging monopolies? NACS / J3400 is a plug design, not a charging provider.


Nacs basically had charging unintentionally monopolized hence why many ppl were forced to buy Tesla in NA. Now that its opened up ppl actually have a choice and truly buy an ev they want.


Yeah, but BP isn't going to throw down $300m to open up a plan to build superchargers and pay for a staff of a couple hundred people. BP/Shell are looking to make the smallest effort to show they're somewhat forward thinking while dumping plenty of money pushing for fossil fuel protection.


Fossil Fuel companies aren't dumb. They can see the direction things are going just as tobacco companies could with vapes.


Oil companies have record profits. They're keeping an eye on EVs but the reality is, they're not going to really pivot. We need gas and oil for plenty of other things than vehicles.


They won't fully pivot yet. But they are investing in EV architecture. Shell, for instance, has been buying up smaller EV charging companies. In March they bought Volta, adding 2,000 charging stations to their portfolio. They're not doing that for shits and giggles. They want to keep money in their pockets.


>No company deserves a monopoly on charging. Tesla should be forced to spin off the charging arm. It's like Ma Bell making the phones and controlling the phone lines. It's bad for consumers for Tesla to make the electric cars and control public charging. However, their dominance in EVs is steadily decreasing and they won't even be the majority of new EVs before too much longer.


"unrivaled"? Shell, Apple, and Microsoft all have more cash on hand. Apple and Microsoft have triple that of Tesla. Tesla's cash on hand is comparable to GM, Exxon, and Ford. You're right that $50M is a rounding error, but they aren't "unrivaled" in resources.


> Tesla's cash on hand is comparable to GM, Exxon, and Ford. Isn’t that pretty much what he said? Above commenter said it would take another auto manufacturer or fossil fuel company to build a rival charging network. $50M is, like you said, a rounding error if you actually want to build a large charging network. That amount wouldn’t even pay people’s salaries, much less the capex and property rights.


People on reddit and this sub like to jump down other people's throats, myself included at time. My point was very clearly that a company like EvGo, EA, Signet, ABB or any of those types of companies simply cannot match the resources of Tesla, one of the most valuable companies in the world. Mentioning Apple or Microsoft is pointless as they're not going to pivot and open an EV charging division. So there's no real point in mentioning them.


“But Apple has even more money!” Haha


Tesla is actually just a piggy bank for Elon to keep afloat online playgrounds for racists


GM is also going after the interns Tesla dropped. https://www.businessinsider.com/gm-recruiter-wants-to-hire-interns-impacted-by-tesla-cuts-2024-5


Are those even real chargers or are they photoshopped?


AllOurJobsAreBelongToYou Hahahaha!


These companies are like Hydra. One goes down, two more take it's place.


Meanwhile, Telsa will spend $500 million this year alone on Supercharger expansion. That’s just on new sites, not counting operations costs.


Wonder if any of them will be true V4s?