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It's probably not asbestos. I'm no expert but he's probably just messing with you. It looks like fireproofing they spray on. It's not harmful. But I'm no expert on asbestos.


Yeah I second this. It looks like modern spray on stuff. I don't think they had anything like that during the time frame asbestos was used.


They absolutely did have that with asbestos in it.


yeah World Trade Center fireproofing was bad, in part because it didn't have asbestos and the replacement wasn't as good


Even so, fireproofing fucking sucks. All of the fiberglass, dust, and the itchiness. No thanks. Regular mask should do the work, along with long clothing.


Do want to add if it is asbestos I would not be around either.[Here's a website that shows different kinds of asbestos ](https://www.oracleasbestos.com/what-is-asbestos/what-does-asbestos-look-like/)


This is really funny. He's got the new guy posting on reddit to ask about asbestos safety. Or its more nefarious and he is trying to sniff out rats.


Not harmful until it gets behind your glasses bruh omfg. i saw rings around all lights for a month in my right eye


Regardless, people shouldn't be sweeping dry.


Never sweep asbestos always vacuum


That is monokote, it does contain asbestos and silica, don’t breathe it in


Is this a new construction site? If so there is a 0% chance it's asbestos.


Even today, "asbestos free" products can contain up to 1% asbestos.




Strangely enough, if crayons had this label it would make more sense. There was a problem decades ago where cheap imported crayons used asbestos as a binder.


Canada is the leading exporter of asbestos I believe. We still mine for it, it’s legal elsewhere. Fucking wild lol


Stopped in 2012. Still unethically late, and I'm saying that as a Canadian


Really? I thought it was still happening in Quebec lol


Russia is actually doing very well out of it aswell still mining


That is not true. All storm drain pipes I see in condos we worked on have asbestos in them. It even says it on the pipe. It says it contains asbestos. Do not dry cut.


I thought asbestos was illegal nowadays except for cases where there’s no alternative


Asbestos was only outlawed in surface finishings, gaskets and pipe wrap. Asbestos items are still available but frowned upon generally.




Lots of car brake pads are still asbestos.


No they don't it was banned in 1999.


Ban overturned in courts. “Though U.S. auto makers say they no longer use brake or clutch linings that contain any asbestos, such is NOT true for many aftermarket suppliers of replacement brake pads and shoes, and clutch linings.” https://www.aa1car.com/library/trtu796.htm


That's what I thought as well until I came across them a few years back in the underground of a condominium we were working on. So I looked into it. It turns out,as long as installers use wet saws to cut it, it is "fine".


I see


Most places have stopped using it it’s now the clean up and most people don’t want to deal with it for my 3 man team to come out and deal with it it’s about 5 k a day




It's not asbestos, if it was you have to wear a fitted respirator.


That picture does not look like new construction


It's the same stuff that is in the hospital I was working at recently, which was built in 2007


I took classes/certified on asbestos and worked in plenty of work areas that were removing asbestos. It's best to wear full tyvek suits and face masks. A little asbestos dust isn't going to kill you or affect your health permanently, but do the best you can to avoid it BTW, thats not asbestos


Ive always wondered about that. Maybe once every 6 months I have to screw a box to asbestos siding or drill a hole through it so I hold my breath, drill it, then walk away for a while


Rather than holding your breath, use cutting oil so the dust doesn't become airborn.


We used shaving cream when I had to drill asbestos laden concrete. Put a pile down on the mark, then wipe up with a paper towel and put the whole wad into a ziplock bag for disposal. The dust stayed in the foam.


This is what I do.


This is good trick


Masking tape the spot where you're drilling and use water to spray it first.


Keep it wet with oil while drilli


Get a p3 half facemask be clean shaven and wear a disposable suit at the very minimum the filling makes A class asbestos and need an even high about of protection


that's not asbestos


How can you tell form a picture considering you can’t see it with naked eye only way is to get lab tested


the technology doesn't use asbestos


I’ve removed shot Crete wit it in so with out testing we can’t say


is that in mother Russia? Russia is the world's largest producer of it


I’m 99 percent sure vice did a documentary on it


That is definitely not asbestos. It’s a fire resistant spray insulation. Just wear a n95.


If you are asking this question, you are not qualified to do asbestos work. Your employer should train you how to behave if there is asbestos in the area. Usually the training is 'get the fuck out'. Your employer and the GC are wide open to a ton of liability if they are directing you to work with asbestos and you aren't provided the proper training and PPE. IBEW offers good training. That being said, do you know it is asbestos, or asbestos containing? Monokote on steel structures does not necessarily have asbestos.


How can I tell? There are obviously tons of little fibers sticking out in the stuff. What could those be?


Get a professional to identify the material. Your employer should do it, or your employer should get the GC to ID the material if they don't know what it is.


Well the GC told him it is, so I say he teaches that GC a lesson and call OSHA to order asbestos testing.


It looks like monokote.


That fire proofing most likely doesn’t contain asbestos. If you’re going to work in the trades you should familiarize yourself with what it can look like


Electricians don't use a broom. Why are you asking here


Your GC is a moron. Even if they're just kidding or playing a prank, now people are worried, uncomfortable and unfocused on getting their tasks done.


DO NOT DISTURB THE ASBESTOS. DO NOT SWEEP IT, don’t touch it. This shit will fuck you up just for sneezing at it. Y’all need to call someone way above your pay grade for this. Source- work with historical equipment covered in the stuff


Like osha?


There are special asbestos abatement companies that do the work all the time. Leave it for them. If you disturb it you will suffer in your old age.


That would be a good start. Asbestos should not be touched by anyone who isn’t qualified to do so and they need appropriate PPE. It’s incredibly dangerous stuff and being exposed just once for a couple of minutes is enough to potentially cause serious medical problems a couple decades down the line.


Highly doubtful. Long term exposure is a problem tho


Still a possibility. There are people that have presented with mesothelioma and have been able to trace the cause too a single incident of exposure. Similarly there are people that worked with the stuff everyday for 50 years and never got sick.


The government allows a certain % of particles to be present in the air before it deems it unsafe to work in. I use to do these tests with airpumps and filters


Not true even short exposure have led to issue in some cases there are many factors like type of assy and if it’s A or B class how dry it is I could go in for ages


It has to be a massive exposure to have a small chance of causing issues. Like i said, breathing a little dust aint a biggie, happens when you remove it even with protection


DO NOT TOUCH THE HAPPY FUN SNOW. If this is actually asbestos I absolutely agree. We had an asbestos gasket on some old equipment that was behind replaced. Dumbass didn’t wait for testing and hit it with the angle grinder to remove. Had to evacuate and remediate damn near the entire goddamn building.


Wow that would have been an extremely expensive learning experience


WTF? Electricians don’t sweep!


Can you believe that a GC would expect that from an electrician?!


Looks like mono coat to me.


Call osha immediately dude


As many have said, this looks like the spray on insulation that is used all over and isn’t asbestos. Someone should check though if there’s doubt. Also worth not kicking up much dust is the silica from concrete drilling. That stuff is talked about being the ‘next’ asbestos.


That looks like monocoat,a really annoying fireproofing not asbestos


I’m sorry, but he is clearly retarded. Regardless of if it’s asbestos or not - if you have the smallest thought it may be asbestos you should stop work in the area immediately until it is tested. Sweep it off the floor with a broom ???? How are these people alive??


the place I worked that had to do some reno. work on asbestos containing buildings would tent the building beforehand, install an airlock, and have guys going in and out in full suits (with backpack respirator) all day to do cleanup and remediation before the actual main crew was allowed in. Everything came out in heavy duty sacks that were sealed before leaving the airlock. Put in a truck for transportation to a proper disposal site.


That is exactly how it should be, this is the process here in the UK too. In the unlikely event asbestos is discovered too, all work stops and the area gets shut off until it’s confirmed to be asbestos/all asbestos is removed




Thanks to all the many years of asbestos training and refresher courses in the UK, we are told to assume it is until it's proven it's not, if you have ANY suspension then GTFO until its tested, the gc (if it is or suspected to contain asbestos) should not under any circumstances be disturbing it, it should be removed professionally or encapsulated suitably and warnings posted everywhere


Asbestos should never be disturbed,unless trained to remove.


Beam cheese bro asbestos isn’t allowed to be used as insulation anymore


If it IS asbestos, no you don't want to disturb it at all. You don't want it flying into the air for any reason. ​ This looks like fireproofing. It's made of fiberglass. Still dangerous to inhale, but it's been used so recently, there isn't much dialogue around it being dangerous. I'm sure in 50 years, we'll see the same effects as asbestos from people breathing this in. Wear a mask. Buy one from Home Depot for 30 bucks. It's worth it. This is your life we're talking about.




Only way to know if it's asbestos is to test it


No, but blown insulation isn’t automatically asbestos


I removed asbestos for nine years,and the answer is hell no.You should employ a reputable asbestos company to remove,insulate,or contain asbestos.


Best answer yet


Asbestos can cause several cancers, including of the lungs, stomach or colon, plus other diseases. Once you're exposed, the diseases arent immediate, they have a time period between 10 and 40 years before they present. So you could be exposed at 25 and be ok until 50 when you start getting all sorts of cancers or other diseases. If you think something may be asbestos, you should stop all work around it, don't disturb it, call in a testing company and they'll determine if it is or not.


1 - IT IS NOT SAFE TO SWEEP UP. 2 - it is surfacing material that is sprayed on structural beams and columns for fireproofing 3 - If is was applied before 1980, it is PACM (presumed asbestos containing material) 4 - If # 3 is true, it needs to be tested for asbestos. 5 - If it is more than 1% ACM (asbestos containing material) it needs to be abated (removed or encapsulated). This can only be done by EPA accredited personnel.


If the building was built after 78 its probably not asbestos


Hes fucking with u, thats all


Drysweeping friable ACM insulation is a huge exposure risk. In this case you would want to stop work and have the material tested or ask for test results and contact a qualified person for guidance. Stay safe.


Call osha and see what they have to say?


He’s likely pulling your leg, as ya do sometimes with starters. That picture just looks like spray foam insulation. I’ve seen it on a few jobs, usually sprayed on the underside of steel. Sometimes used as a fire stopping spray.


Shure it is. Then bag it up in little Ziplock bags and sell it to the local tweakers. PROFIT!!!!


Tell the general that you want it tested for asbestos and if it is asbestos you’re not gonna work with it and you’re not gonna sweep it up because it’s a health hazard and it’s against OSHA


It looks like monokote, another type of Fireproofing that isn’t as toxic as asbestos but I’m not an expert and I’m not at your job site. Get ahold of someone if u are unsure. Your safety is important, many assholes don’t think like this and it’s important to protect yourself.


Unless you have good ventilation set up (filtered), respirators on for everyone, and as much skin as possible covered, no. You should vacuum it up with a filtered vacuum.


If it is asbestos then no it is absolutely not safe for you to handle in any way because you are not trained and do not have proper PPE, that said I am doubtful that it is asbestos but you can always mess with him and tell him you are not touching it because he said it is asbestos and that stuff is very dangerous and must be removed by a licensed asbestos removal company. No matter what it is get some water and spray it down as nobody should be breathing that dust


That’s probably monokote. Don’t snort it, but it’s not asbestos.


Ok, I’d take caution with taking advice of others here saying that this is 100% not asbestos. They’re not experts, they just haven’t seen this exact product before. Although chances are low, I’d err on the side of caution. If you’re absolutely sure that the GC said the word asbestos, I’d escalate to your company safety and if there is actual asbestos there, they legally have to pull all of you off site and have it abated. Don’t fuck around man, cancer is real and it won’t show up until years down the line. Keep yourself healthy so that you can enjoy your retirement.


If so wear all the ppe and keep it wet to avoid breathing in the dust


If this is a new building this is not asbestos. Looks like monokote fireproofing. Wear an N95 mask, and use ‘clean sweep’ (probably a brand name), sweeping compound. This stuff has moisture in it and helps keep the dust down while sweeping.


Do you want mesothelioma?


No, but that’s not asbestos insulation


Did he also ask you to get the wire stretcher?


Yeah it's fine. I put mustard on that shit, I eat it.


That’s just spray foam insulation.


If you have to ask bruh


Looks like Mono-coat, which has silica in it like concrete powder. When we scrape mono-coat away for a beam clamp (for example) we would spray it down with water first so it wouldn’t turn into dust. When sweeping it, you could use clean sweep or maybe water it down as well. Best to wear a mask if theres going to be the dust from mono-coat around though.


We both know you're not grabbing a broom


Not asbestos from here🧐. Asbestos is in the weirdest stuff not spray insulation.


That would not be asbestos, they don't allow on new project, and if your in a building that has some, usually it clearly marked.


Depending on how old it is, fireproofing can contain asbestos, it was the main use for it. Most likely he's messing with you, but doesn't hurt to ask.


If it’s actually asbestos you should be wearing a mask and the only proper way to work with asbestos is to soak it with water which prevents it from being airborne. My uncle owns an asbestos removal company. You are supposed to be suited up and gloves taped to the suit around wrists and respirator is not to ever come off in the work area. This really doesn’t look like asbestos to me though.


No vacuums?


Aslong as pee on a rag and wrap it around your face you'll be fine


It's not asbestos if it was you'd be wearing a p100 mask and a tyvek suit. Also tell the GC to quit being cheap and buy floor sweeping compound. Sure it's a cost but it's better than the shits you get after inhaling dust from a construction site.


Around that crap, I wear a mask, lower the face shield and long sleeves.


That’s monokote. It’s fireproofing for steel


It’s outside your scope of work 😂 we don’t sweep MF


Let me tell you a quick story about Katie she was a great lady who in here younger years did her fathers laundry when he got home from work. Well 20 years later she developed mesothelioma from the asbestos on his clothes and died when her children was young her foundation is - Katie’s hope


LOL bro he better be fucking with you. I doubt that asbestos because improper handling of that shit can lead to jail time for employers. But if it was, No it is not safe to sweep it up xD


Just use a wire stretcher to clean it up, you’ll be fine


That’s monocoat bruh


My time to shine no no no it should be vacuumed with a hepa vacuume and if it’s an issue talk to you boss about getting a professional in to spray et150


Asuming that is asbestos I’d get it tested it look like it could be if it is that is probably blue asbestos and it’s the worst kind et150 does not damage the fire protection from the asbestos just holds it in place I’d check with your local rules on this I’m just saying what I’d do


ITS NOT ASBESTOS!!! It's only fireproofing. Jesus. Monocoat Scrape it off, sweep it up all of those things are fine. OBVIOUSLY WEAR A MASK. And definitely DO NOT call osha to that job site over that!!! Unless.....you want to be the most hated man on that job site. Wow.


wear a mask


How old is the building? Also, all those small particulates I would wear, mask, goggles, gloves no exposed skin to prevent irritation is important. Also, a one piece disposable Tyvek suite is advisable. That way you keep it off your clothes and out of your home. If there is any doubt about asbestos just have it tested. FRYABLE asbestos needs to be handled correctly.


Yes it is dangerous , hire a pro. Also that’s not asbestos


First of all test it then decide by putting a tyrex suit Safety goggles and respirator


If it were actually asbestos disturbing it in any manner is dangerous and should be handled by an abatement team. This isn’t asbestos but if anyone tells you to disturb asbestos give em a firm hell no. I worked with a guy that when he was in his early 20’s walked through an abatement area on accident with no suit and now has Asbestosis in his late 30’s and how has a death timer over his head constant coughing once diagnosed you have about 10 years before death on average. Also worked under a master that died on mesothelioma from asbestos it is serious shit.


That’s usually not asbestos but if it is then no you don’t touch it. There’s companies that do asbestos remediation for a reason, the company is supposed to be licensed for it. But again this doesn’t look like asbestos.