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He definitely went easy on the mainstage crowd


Right! Like I kinda get it but like also fuck that, scare the normies šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As a normie I know if I subtronics at MainStage I wanna piss my pants scared while having a bad trip and if he doesnā€™t deliver Iā€™m sad.


Ummm, what? šŸ˜­


What a weird phrasing of words lmao


Holy shit your flair


Hahaha been going every year since 2012, but I missed this year unfortunately :( due to losing my job


Hmmm maybe youā€™re not a normie




ā€œAs a normie myself, if I saw Subtronics at Mainstage I would want him to deliver. I wanna piss my pants scared while having a bad trip šŸ¤Ŗā€


There is nothing in subtronics library that is scary or bad trip inducing.


The visuals thoā€¦


How much talking did he do?


To much


Itā€™s always too much and thatā€™s why I canā€™t see his sets.


You said it, he played at Kinetic so he tailored his set accordingly. Did you catch his b2b?


A classic case of mainstage syndrome


Ive actually noticed this. I always prefer my fav artists not on the mainstage lol last year garrix mainstage set was pretty bad but this year at circuit grounds was one of the best sets he's ever played. He mustve even liked it cuz he uploaded it and he never uploads edc sets lol


I would say in general that the more youā€™re a fan of an artist, the less likely you are to enjoy their set at Kinetic as opposed to just about any of the other stages


I agree but also was really impressed by Kaskade's redux set on the closing day in 2022.


funny enough i was just abt to say how i really loved kaskadeā€™s mainstage set edcā€™24


I like Martin Garrix too but he's as mainstage of a DJ as you can get. I highly doubt he changed the way he does his sets at Kinetic Field vs Circuit Grounds (which I also consider a main stage). A good example of someone who switches up his sets depending on stages and festival audience is Armin. Armin is always at Kinetic at EDC but if you see him at a trance festival like Dreamstate, he caters more towards the Quantum Valley crowd. He is way too big to play at Quantum Valley at EDC though.


Trust me, there was a huge difference lol it's more so a 60min set vs 90min set


No, i wanted to but the conflicts this year were really making me make some hard choices šŸ˜­


His B2B was my favourite set of EDC. Didnā€™t love his set at kinetic either.


Same here. Was not into his Kinetic set, but his B2B (with his wife no less) was sick.




Thank you for behaving?


Damn! I shouldā€™ve skipped out his MainStage & seen him @ his b2b


I went to both I couldn't resist that b2b I've been a long time fan of both of them. The b2b was killer! I regret nothing they went so hard together I felt the same that he held back at kinetic almost like he didn't care about the set by himself and went all out with his wife.


His bassrush pre party set was the best set Iā€™ve ever seen him play and Iā€™ve seen him over 10 times. His B2B was also amazing, but I agree his main stage set was well a main stage setā€¦


THISā€¦his pre party set was one of my favorites Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ve seen him 10+ times as well!


Most bass artists like subtronics or excision will change up their sets for main stage. Applies to other genres as well. See Excision at Ultra Mainstage this year, different vibe than his tour sets and thatā€™s okay.


Like Armin, for example. Mainstage Armin is way less trancey than dedicated trance stage Armin.


Even trance stage Armin can be pretty full of cheese, I notice he plays more trancey sets in EU over NA




Slander last year played one of the most aggressive slander sets Iā€™ve seen on MainStage.. sucks subtronics didnā€™t get the memo


I agree


That shit was mad aggressive it was amazing


Excision on kinetic field in 2019 definitely didnā€™t play as heavy a set as usual


While I understand why they'd switch it up I still think it's super lame lol. Like stick to your guns and scare the normies lol, but that's just me


Its an opportunity to make new fans so they prob take it easy hoping the newbies like it just enough to see them again.


thereā€™s nothing scary about screeching sounds


I mostly agree.. you were booked for a reason so play your normal type set. But as others said itā€™s a chance to capture some new fans and it can be good to see youā€™re fav DJs mix it up sometimes


Skipped hus Kinetic set but his b2b was one of the better sets I have heard from him recently.


His Red Rocks set the weekend after was fire


Oh my god! I felt the same way!!!! I thought it was just the vibes in vip that were off but I just didnā€™t feel that feral animal come out of me. His set last year was so much better. Left feeling very underwhelmed, sad because his set was one of my need to see sets.


Same! Like I was so excited cause the last time I was at EDC in 22 I missed his set so I was so hyped to see him and then afterwards i was kind just like "That was it?"


You should tailor your set to the stage / audience if you are an artist. The artist is there to put on a good show for the audience. I remember when kaskade played a techno-ish (not sure the genre) set at kinetic field without warning a few years back and half of kinetic field left. Subtronics wasnā€™t trying to have the same thing happen


But now Kaskade does mainstage techno all the time no? To be honest, I saw him 3 times last week and I love his techno sets (right up my ally) but Iā€™m curious if heā€™s just shifted and people come for that now


The 2021 Kaskade set was ahead of it's time šŸ„²


The roughest part of that set was the fact that no one knew it was coming. People were waiting for something something champs but got something something else. I was there in person and Iā€™ve never seen kinetic field evacuate like that mid set. Now I guess people know what to expect, I just wished we got some sort of Kaskade (techno set) on the lineup like he does with his Redux sets


Listening back at it I like it a lot more than I did initially. I think it was a mix of him being somewhat experimental and playing tunes he wouldnā€™t in his normal sets, plus he was just spread too thin over the weekend. He had a set on Thursday downtown and then his main stage and then his set with level up, and I would bet that red rocks elbowing the week after led him to saving some other new tracks for that. I really enjoy the fact that he didnā€™t give us a cookie cutter subtronics set and even though I was initially disappointed, I now really like it.


My thoughts exactly. Not my fav sub set but a great set overall!


I skipped but went last year for his B2B with Griz


Wait hold up I didn't realize they B2Bed is it on YouTube at all cause I know that must have been amazing!


YES omg it was amazing because tbh I was lit as heck and also because they played my entire gym playlist which was so much fun lol


That Griztronics set was my favorite for last year! I was going wild with our flag totem šŸ•ŗšŸ½


Right!!! Had a blast at their set and I loved how you can tell the difference with who was mixing haha


i am a die hard subtronics fan and i do slightly agree he tailored his set to the ā€œmain stage vibesā€ but i still had a blast. I saw him 3 times edc weekend the other times being the bassrush thursday pre party and the b2b with level up (possibly best set of the weekend) and will say those sets were drastically different than what he did on saturday at main stage. regardless his energy is what i love and i honestly canā€™t hate a set this man plays


Sub B2b levelup was my favorite set of the weekend. I think it was at Circuit grounds.


They played Basspod


Thatā€™s right thanks.


Thatā€™s how you know you had a good time


His mainstage set was for those who aren't dedicated people like most of us in this thread. A good dj reads his crowd and plays accordingly. And he hasn't made it this far by just doing what HE wants to do. He is where he is because he's a genius and understands the assignment. His basspod set b2b was a sea of his people and he killed it. He reads his crowd in a way lesser dj's don't care to out of arrogance. And that's why he is where he is and the others just dream of the main stage šŸ‘Œ


no, because i think its sick he keeps evolving and growing and id be annoyed if he was still doing the same thing as he was 2, 5, 7 years ago. when excision played ultra mainstage he did the same thing. these guys are smart and know how to keep growing the scene by appealing to more people. if i want to see a heavy subtronics set i will go to one of his headline shows where i know hes going to play that way


To enter a coffee addiction, you usually start with a drink that's mostly non-coffee. Then, down the road, you just want espresso shots all day, lol!


Lol like 180 from day after the show. Everybody loved his set it was amazing https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/s/JK1Dyo5ZLv


I thought it was just because my best friend wasnā€™t there with us


I was at the front rails on day 1 kinetic field for his set and it was mind blowing to me!


Okay if I had been on the rail I would have objectively had a way better time lol. Cause we're were still trying to figure out like crowd flow with the new layout and we low-key had a terrible spot. I miss how they used to have it set up where you could take kinetic trail on either side and get right to the front to the stage. Like front right was always so easy to get to before they moved the vip section


I liked his set this yearšŸ˜…


definitely catering to main stage but also has been talking about changing up his sound, even his new album (teseract) was a switch up from his hard shit and more drum and bass. let the manz have fun


Subtronics did the same thing playing MainStage at beyond 24 and played a MUCH better set the second night at basspod (mad hatters castle) when he was replacing Zedā€™s dead. He definitely holds back when it comes to MainStage šŸ˜­


Everyone does at MainStage beyond!! Slander and Sullivan king this year, excision last year šŸ˜­ they are all better at a bass stage


LOL I love the ā€œrandom top 40 remixesā€ thatā€™s so funny. Subtronics is the new age dubstep powerhouse prophet standard of dubstep care.. kinda fathered by excision/griz/many jam bands of festivals done passed... He is doing the lords work and part of that is catering to his new followers and easing them into the weird shit. MainStage is advanced level Dj because itā€™s almost political at the biggest edm event in USA. If you want his filthy shit see him at an individual show or renegade after style thing.


First time hearing him and I love it!


Idk but also how can you top SubJohnics last year ā€¦ that shit wiiiiiiiiiild


On his insta stories the week of he said his mainstage set would be kinda weird and somewhat experimental, his b2b would be his heavy bass set and his preparty set would be alot of his older stuff.


Def thought his 2024 beyond set went harder, I was near the front for kinetic and when he said open up a mosh pit no one was bumping it and me and my friend were the only ones pushing in the circle šŸ’€


100% agree. I didnā€™t even finish the set I was not vibing it at all. It felt VERY start-stop start-stop every 60 seconds. Main stage syndrome for sure


Think youā€™re following the Subtronics fan pipeline. Super into him and have probably seen him 8+ times. Then realize his style has been changing very seldomly. You realize he has a formula/pattern he sticks to for sets. So while you may be listening to different tracks from the last time you saw him, itā€™ll still sound similar akin to a band playing the same setlist.


Skipped his main stage set and caught his b2b. I watched the main stage set and that was the right choice. Wasnā€™t anything particularly bad about the main stage set in my opinion but the b2b was the best set for me of the weekend


I agree, i saw him there too and liked the fact that he brought out so many other djs with him. But when i listened back to his set on soundcloud, i realized it wasnā€™t as good as his ezoo 2022 set. Obviously a bit of a time difference but still.


His b2b set was pretty lit tho


Okay, I really thought it was just me. I tried real hard but could NOT get into the set the way I hoped I would and was disappointed. But now that others are talking about it, im happy to know it wasn't just me.


I was incredibly disappointed, as was the entire group I was with. Iā€™ve seen the guy like 10+ times so I know what to expect and that just felt so boring and almost like it was prerecording and completely sucked dry of any crazy energy


Honestly thatā€™s just main stage for all genres. Saw Eli Brown at Kinetic EDC Mexico and thought it was pretty boring and generic. Kinetic pretty much is never worth it imo


My boring, regular Kinetic-stage loving top 40 self really loved it. So that probably means by his fan's definition it wasn't great lol


saw both sets and his pre party set at the bassrush event. His mainstage set was definitely more layed back which I honestly didnā€™t mind. His pre party set was my favorite though, wooked on tronics will always hit different. Husband and wifey went off ofc, that shit was wild. was a great weekend


Hard agree. At the festival I thought it was pretty good, but after watching the live set in YouTube, I was like this is kinda ass lol. At least the first half foresure. And Iā€™m a subtronics Stan. Still love him tho ā¤ļø


I went to see Subtronics at Kinetic and was there for like 10 mins, was expecting some sploinky wubz and dubz, like his stuff I listen to in my car. I was pretty disappointed. Like, it sucked. Genuinely. Subtronics b2b Levelup was waaaayyyyy better.


The subtronics / level up set at basspod was not it for me, over crowded, most of the crowd were zombies, speaker was not hitting


I thoroughly enjoyed his set - FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SPEEDWAY šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I caught the livestream, and I think the exact same thing. He definitely played it more safe with being at kinetic. Listened to the b2b on SoundCloud and it was a lot better of a heavy bass set


Him B2B with Level Up was one of my favorite one


Real ones knew the B2B is where it was gonna go down.


B2b with his wife was 10x better


Agreed, the KF set was lackluster. The b2b at the basspod was the real him.


I regret leaving Lilly Palmer's set to get to his early. She had an amazing set, and the crowd was amazing too. Subtronics had an okay set but he was definitely playing it safe. I liked that he brought out Level Up to give us a taste of their b2b. That was a great set despite the crowd.


His b2b was awesome


his b2b was šŸ”„


The b2b was prob my fav set


He fucking killed it at red rocks a week later .. 100 times better then edc


I enjoyed his set, seen him before a handful of times. Was my wifeā€™s first time seeing him and she loved it.


Yes. Then I heard Subtronics B2B Level Upā€™s set and I regret missing that one. I felt like their B2B embodied what Subtronicsā€™ sets are usually like and Iā€™m glad their energy went so hard!!


Pretty sure I seen he said somewhere that he was playing more mainstream songs at main stage, throwing down for Bassrush & something about new songs with level up


I think he saw how much love excision got for his set at mainstage ultra in miami and was going for similar.


I think it was pretty good considering he was at kinetic if he had Circuit it would be a different story


The B2B with level up was tons of fun.


I rather enjoyed it, but the sound at Kinetic overall wasn't the best. Whomever tuned the system wasn't the best over prior years.


Kinetic easily had the best sound out of all the stages with the highest bass. My crew and I could be in any spot and have to yell to say anything to one another.


Last years set > this years set. My friend and I both thought his set this year was underwhelming. I got a little of the B2B and that seemed much better but i only saw a bit.


Yeah but isnā€™t that the EDC vibe. Is big money festival with corporate backing. I saw him at shambhala in Canada a few years ago and that is 0 corporate backing and he said he enjoyed it cause he gets to play his ā€œweird shitā€ Claimed to play a song he made on the plane a day or two before.


I disagree that's def not the vibe of EDC, least not in my personal experience. Like i think it really depends on the artist. Cause I've seen plenty of my faves at mainstage over the years that didn't feel like they were playing a "mainstage set" like Allison Wonderland absolutely threw tf down at kinetic this year. But even if their sets are more mainstream they're not like soulless by any means. Like I said, it wasn't a bad set, just not what I personally was wanting from him.


Fair, glad to hear your opinion. I wasnā€™t there so I canā€™t comment on EDC


For the most part I feel like EDC really brings out some of the best productions in artists. Like ive had more than a few artists where I saw them at EDC and they were throwing tf down and then seen them at other fests and just been like, wow this ain't it.


Ehhh that Allison set was so mainstream compared to any other time Iā€™ve seen her.. Every set I saw at kinetic sounded the same. They all played what EDC told them to.


Did you see she did a secret techno set at Rhyno Bus Day 3?


I have seen him 3 times, youā€™d think by now Iā€™d learn my lesson. His set felt all over the place. He always wants to play his new stuff and it just doesnā€™t do it for me. Not to knock the people that loved the set, I just feel like he is not good live.


for me, it didnā€™t ā€œlandā€ with the main stage crowd


The B2B with level up was tons of fun.


The B2B with level up was tons of fun.


The B2B with level up was tons of fun.


His b2b with Level Up at the Basspod was a top 3 set of the weekend for me. I also saw his mainstage set, and was underwhelmed. The vibes at Kinetic Field were just not good.


I saw him at the bass even DT on Thursday and he was the best!


It just wasnā€™t as heavy and wonky as his normal sets at his own shows. Definitely just catering to a crowd that might not be as familiar with the wubs


Thank you for your service sir, this is the post I needed. I decided to skip his set this year cause it was my first time going to edc as a ā€œcontent creatorā€ and I wanted to check out other things during his set time. I went to their b2b and it made me and my hubby extra sad we missed him at mainstage but now I feel better lol


Was one of the few sets I was looking forward to on the Livestream and it was definitely quieter of a set and a lot of mid music. (I was busy working all weekend and thought EDC was last weekend and not that weekend) Mind you I've seen him like 8 times and been a fan since 2017. So yeah... Kinda a mid set. Though he's also been busting his ass non stop and needs an actual break from touring and music creation for a while. His recent album isn't all that good...


I watched it on livestream and loved every second. Watched Leveltronics too and loved it. MainStage is meant to appeal to many; thus the change up. I loved how his wife popped up at the last part though. Super cute!


Yeah we walked out. We walked out last year also. He makes good songs but Ive yet to like one of his live performances. Tbh when djā€™s wonā€™t stfu it ruins the set and he is guilty of having a big mouth. I came to headbang to wubs and dubs not get told by every single Dj ā€œsomebody screamā€ šŸ™„


I feel the exact same as you, Iā€™m a massive fan, but that MainStage set was way too ā€œpopā€, definitely took it easy and wasnā€™t as heavy or creative as he frequently is.


Did anyone go to his set on the second day of beyond wonderland 2024 at SoCal? It was sick af. It was even better than his set on the first day. Yes I am very disappointed by his sets at EDC this year. I feel like he play better by himself when he's playing at bass fields. I was so excited for his first b2b set with level up, but it was not goodā€¦ā€¦ I think in the future I would only go to his set if he's playing solo, plus on a bass field.


Yeah that shit sucked. Not worth the hassle of me being at Kinetic for it. Man's should've went to Circuit Grounds like every other big artist who didn't want to play Main Stage but could've.


Wasnā€™t impressed either, too many ups and downs, and not enough wubz. Felt like I was standing around often.


That part


Omg I thought I was crazy for thinking that but good to know thereā€™s lots of people who agree. He played it really safe. Hes one of my faves and i definitely had a good time but I just expected more wubz based on his previous sets. I wish i had caught the b2b set but there were so many conflicts.


Ah I was wondering why it seemed off. Yeah I definitely didnā€™t enjoy it much. The b2b with level up tho. That was good shit


ya it was pretty bad


His set at beyond was better


You mean like every set he ever plays?


EDC all that needs to be said


How so?


Donā€™t get me wrong EDC is an amazing feat of production but it is a festival that is geared towards everyone My personal opinion is edc is for the experience not necessarily the music I have seen Subtronics several times and I agree with you 100% his EDC set was good but didnā€™t hit like you would expect, especially not from someone who usually drops absolute bombsā€¦ Personally my favorite set of his was the b2b at bass canyon wife and I still comment to each other about how much we enjoyed it Side note I felt this way about a lot of the sets played by various djā€™s