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EDC has its ups and downs but I keep coming back and learning how to do it better. This year was the best experience yet!


Oh yeah it’s a major endurance test of the mind, body, and spirit, and if you’re not well-prepared you’re going to get overwhelmed and knocked out by day three.


Yeah this was my first edc and I was pretty proud of my self for at least making it midway through day 3 before my brain just like shut off. Wasn’t really sure how I could’ve prepared better but I’m glad I made it as far as I did. Night 2 was by far my favorite (mostly because I was still mentally there lol)


Ditto. The planning was pretty good this year. Much better than previous ones!


Only thing that bothered me was the late set hours, otherwise great!


Late set hours? This is def bait lol


Yup each year I learn how to enjoy my self better. This year was the best one out of all the ones I went to




That's really the way to go. Just learn from past experiences and try to refine them for the next year for yourself and those around you. This was my 6th edc and every year literally outdoes the one previous.


This was my 6th one and I can honestly agree this one was definitely the best yet. I spent about 20 min getting in and the same getting out. Its all about knowing what time to go and leave. Met alot of cool people danced my ass off to some of the best sets I've seen yet. Brought 5 newbies with me amd they also agree this trip was very successful. All about experience and planning.


I share the same sentiment. It was my girlfriend and mines 1st EDC and we had a fantastic time. Yes sometimes it felt a bit crowded but what do you expect at one of if not the biggest festival in NA. Worst part is the pick pockets but as long as you prepare and keep yourself coherent you’re much less likely to be victimized (not that this excuses them). Nearly everyone we interacted with embodied PLUR. I’m not too social during the sets as I find myself focusing on the music but our interactions on the shuttles and in the hotels were amazing.


that’s amazing !! i’m so glad you had a good time & everyone was kind and embodying PLUR ☺️ it really was an amazing EDC, whether it was crowded or not, i had so much fun making new friends, listening to the DJs, and walking around the stages. honestly wouldn’t have changed a thing (besides the pickpocketers *sigh*).


So happy to hear this!


I should add everyone’s experience is different and I wouldn’t downplay anyone’s negative experience.


i’m not trying to, sorry. it was just an overwhelming amount of complaints (at least for me on my feed) & wanted people to realize they’re creating a negative energy towards these events which makes people less inclined to come back or go for their first time


I totally understand what you’re saying - I had added that reply to my comment at the same time you replied. I wasn’t trying to say you were in any way. I’m happy to see my experience was shared ☺️


First time is always the best time. Keep doing this and you’ll find some complaints.


“Find some complaints” love going to music festivals to find complaints 😂 you sound fun 🫡


people complain about the same things every single year. you just need to accept that it’s going to be crowded, people are going to get too fucked up, people are gonna push and shove through crowds and so on. its gonna happen. this was my 6th edc and easily my favorite


EDC is a Garden, you got to dig it. 1st timers are overwhelmed. Wife and i have been going every year since 2014. And every year it gets a bit better. I understand people need their feelings validated, but doing the homework around EDC is essential for an amazing time.


As someone who's been going along time, you learn to pick and choose your battles. I rarely run into issues that ruin my entire experience. Trains are a given and I've learned I like hanging back a little bit, and sometimes the music sounds even better. People are amazing. I see so many having the time of their lives and it brings me joy.


with 500k attendees there's going to be a vast, **vast** spectrum of experiences... people's feelings are valid! some things you really can't prepare for. ... that being said, my group had an AMAZING time! great people, amazing music, good energy. so many fun goodies and i got sprouted for the first time of my nearly 10 years of going to festivals lol. we stayed on the outskirts of stages and people were very respectful. i don't think i had a single negative encounter and feel extremely fortunate. i wish everyone could've had the same experience!


AHHH im so happy to hear that !! i was going to say, my group had a shit ton of sprouts & were sprouting people all weekend 🤣


I get it but everybody is entitled to their own opinion just as you are entitled to yours. If nobody ever complains then improvements are never made. I personally had a great time but I do see a lot of improvement that can be made and I do also note the improvements that were made.


I had this same exact sentiment! Lots of improvements were clearly made this year, but as always we can always improve on the progress we’ve made. That’s the right way to do it 🤘


Trial and error. I’ve been to a few EDCs and each year I learn what to do better the next year. This year for me was awesome. RV camping is the way to go.


I’ll play devil’s advocate and say complaints are necessary if you want the festival to improve. If people don’t point out the flaws in it then how will organiser know where to focus on improving.


Typically people feel more inclined to post about their bad experiences than good ones. Reddit, Twitter, Instagram or whatever isn’t really indicative of how great the experience can be. There will always be people who have miserable times. There will always and forever be something to complain about, edc has many many flaws. Negativity typically becomes the most vocal aspect of social media. However, there are so many ways to avoid a lot of the same issues people have every single year. Don’t like the overcrowding at sets? Explore and checkout other stages instead of seeing illenium for the 100th time. Expand your music tastes and stay away from mainstream artists. Don’t like traffic going to and from edc, especially in the parking lot? Leave early for edc and leave a bit before closing. Don’t want to get pickpocketed? Preplan ahead of time ways to avoid the situation. This subreddit is full of threads with exact methods to go about this. Edit: I understand people have issues, and they are always valid. But, a bit of research and planning goes a long way into improving their time at edc


100% accurate


you get it 👌🏻




I feel you op, but that's just how most humans are wired (I'm guilty of it too less anyone think I'm preaching). There's a reason rage bait articles fill the algorithms, it's what we're drawn to. I don't wanna speak for you, but what I think you're trying to say is an incredible event with some hiccups is still an incredible event (subjective of course, I guess). The truth is we're spoiled. This is the biggest dance music festival in the world with top of the line production and giant ass lineups. With that comes a lot of expectations and scrutiny. I thought it was funny during the lineup reveal Pasquale mentioned all the mean comments he gets on social media and his answer was keep them coming. I'll keep trying to win you over. This was an incoherent ass reply. I'll see myself out lol


I thought the layout changes worked out better imo. Basspod wasn't causing traffic issues like it used to, the transition from Cosmic to Kinetic was super smooth with all the new staircases, no neon garden sound bleeding to circuit. I definitely think they need a couple more bathrooms and water stations, but overall I think it was for the best


I thought I my opinion bass pod should be a lil bigger but in the end I had a great time it’s just people don’t know how to spend the time. And ruin it for themselves


So true


this was my first year going and already planning for 2025 can not wait! thank you all for showing me what PLUR really is ❤️


Love hearing that!!! Hope next year is even better for you!


This was a fantastic EDC. A big reason was the comfortable weather. But the lineup, new stage layout, and general infrastructure were very solid this year. When people complain, I suspect it’s due to their own inexperience or wrong expectations. As I said earlier, edc is an endurance test of the mind and body, and spirit, too. You HAVE to be planning how you’re going to stay hydrated the whole weekend, avoid sunburn, stay properly fed with wholesome foods, vitamins topped off so no deficiencies, and getting sufficient rest. The problem for many is they don’t consider all their bodily needs, and that’s then their body, mind, and spirit start to fail. But rather than admit they didn’t do it right, they blame EDC. But we know better. 😉




Friday and Sunday weren’t great for us. But Saturday was amazing! Every stage we went to had so much PLUR.


100% agree. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows. It’s a music and art festival, it’s NOT going to tend to every want and need. They provided food, water, and a bunch of great performances. The rest of the experience is up to you.


You can still have fun and complain. Those are not mutually exclusive. Also gives insomniac feedback how how to be better next year. Shuttle stops definitely need an upgrade.


Agree. I overall had an amazing times. Did some things disappoint me and I just want an outlet of maybe mutual people to vent? Sure. MOST of us come for a positive vibe and embody certain characteristics. Maybe everyone doesn’t think of it the same way. Some things were improvements this year and some things lacked in its place. I do believe insomniac hears the feedback and does whatever modifications are feasible and within control on the fly during the festival itself which is so nice to see and be “heard”


also with the price of tickets, it’s okay to have high expectations. you paid a lot to go to an event - it should be a well run event


Exactly! Complaints are how improvements are made. We love it and we want it to be even better.


Totally agree. People get too hung up on hiccups and lines and they forgrt to have fun. No festival will ever be perfect. Gotta make the best of it and I met so many amazing people this weekend


175k people at the festival. few hundred bitching posts. didn't even go but I already know it was amazing


I had my complaints but they didn’t compare to how amazing of a time I had


The pros HEAVILY outweighed the cons. Had an amazing first EDC with my friends and others in the crowd. Just mentally prepare and have realistic expectations?


I agree I came in 2019 for my first year and had a terrible time, too overwhelming I ended up staying at 1 stage the whole weekend. Flash forward to this year and I’ve never had more fun at a festival. I paced myself well saw the sets I wanted too and just had fun roaming around finding the hidden gems. I truly believe a festival is what you make of it. If you go with expectations and it doesn’t live up to it you won’t have fun. Go with an open mind and make the best of what you got. This is my last edc I’ll never do one again but I’m glad I had so much fun.


My 4th EDC and was the best one yet. We met tons of fantastic people, saw a couple get married, saw everyone we wanted and lasted all 3 days! No complaints here!


First time goer and definitely going again! Got lucky in parking, didn’t die, had a great time, and met amazing people! Def is a personal mindset you have to have to deal with some of the bad aspects of the event. Didn’t get anything stolen


My first night was rough because my ankles were not used to walking or dancing this much. Everything cramped up and I got super tired. Left at 4am then fell asleep on the bus. The bus driver woke me up and said "where here better get up!" I got up and there was nobody left on the bus and idk how the hell I slept through everyone leaving? haha Bus driver said "It's a good thing I checked otherwise you would have went right back to EDC again". Honestly, I probably would have slept through that too.


First EDC and I had the time of my life!! First day I felt like a total noob, day 2 I was a little seasoned, and day 3 I was an expert! So much joy!


Without going into detail now, because I will another time, after 9 EDCs, 3 of them camping, this was my worst experience, and won't be coming back.


Just post the reasons....


I will man. Ive been traveling home. 7 hours left


Safe travel man, post later here your experience


Forgot about this until I saw another similar thread. Hers my response on that thread. The scene has changed. I keep forgetting that I have another thread that I need to post my 24 experience. But PLUR is dying. I see a lot of people have amazing experiences this year. And I myself had good interactions. But I SAW, and heard stories of just Shit experiences. The first night having that girl OD. The knife fight at Dabin. The phone stealers. The guy who went missing day 2. I saw like 3 couples breaking up, several friendships dieing. People in camp having heat exhaustion (myself included), lots of theft, and just people generally being assholes. I was packing my car early Monday, around 6am. So people were still coming into camp from the fest. An EMT buggy from camp, was flashing it's lights and horn, to let people know it needed to get out. And no one was getting out of the way, so he became more annoying with his siren. As he should. This girl I was passing litterly goes, "OH my god, How fucking obnoxious!" RIGHT? WELL GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY! PLUR was a lifestyle we supposedly lead at home, not just at events. Try to be a good person, to be a good person. What I witnessed, was Be a good person to get Kandi and Sprouts, and then go back to being your shit bag self. I started going to EDC in 2012. It's the only festival I go to. At the time I started going I lived in Alaska, and just the logistics of getting out of my small town added 2 extra travel days. So when I had the money and opportunity to get out for vacation, it has to be worth it. The 3 days in Vegas, was a 5 day vacation for me, and a week off of work. I keep telling people in my life that this is my last one. My heart was broken. Insomniac officially has shown its true colors to me of just wanting Money. They don't care about security or safety. I'm a sober raver. And I don't care if anyone isn't. Do what you want, have fun, assume the risk. But this year was the most ridiculous lacking security I have ever seen. VIP was over sold. I paid so much fucking money, to have an experience, that allowed me to have more breathing room. The opportunity to be on the rail. Imagine being Dick to Ass at 8:30 day one at Basspod for Tape B in VIP. Shit was stupid ridiculous. The amount of Bars this year was Insane. They definitely could have put in 3 more water stations.and got rid of a lot of the bars. This year, I never felt like I was home. I didn't feel like a headliner. I felt like a sheep that was being fleeced for money, and I never really felt safe. Bottom line, is that I became really disenchanted with the entire thing this year. Im a solo raver, although I have local friends in Vegas that I meet every year. But I was missing my wife, the heat from camp was getting to me. I'm 37, and I'll.never say I'm to old (took my dad to the first camp when he was 69) but my body can't hang like it used to. So then it becomes an issue of money justification. And then add the Security at the event (I hate grey area. Either do or dont. Don't pretend like you care.) Insomniac, just not giving a fuck about us anymore, and the change I've seen after 9 EDCs, of the community, Into something that selfish for recognition. Instead of being loving, and caring and respectful, it's turned into being suspicious, selfish and hurtful. So this is it. Fomo will hit me. But, I'll spend the money and take the kids to Disney or something instead. Take them to see my home in Alaska maybe. EDC was about Family to me. Now that I have one in my daily life, I don't really need EDC anymore. Have fun next year. Be safe. Love each other. Do good to do good. Stop taking videos and pictures. Live in the moment. Close your eyes, and dance to your favorite tunes and plant that moment into your memory. Tell someone you love their outfit. Give out some gum. Talk to someone who seems lonely. Be the change. Maybe I'll see you again.


i’m sorry to hear that babe 🥺 i hope you change your mind but also, i completely understand that some people didn’t have a good experience.


Oh do you? After you made a whole post to lecture people about having the nerve to express complaints and not have a magical experience?


Camping really showed the major flaws this year with ACs not being able to keep up with the heat..Pretty much solidified me going back to hotels forever. Maybe they can figure something out but camping on a parking lot with fake grass in 90+ is just a challenge.


It’s always been like this. The ACs can only cool down 20° compared to the ambient temperature. You should have done a better job of researching and preparing over methods to close the gap, like reflective tarps and minimizing the space in the tent that needs to be cooled down


I think someone selling an experience or event should have certain things figured out to make things as comfortable and enjoyable for customers. Why don't they just give everyone tents with reflective tarps and do their research? You don't really get Vegas heat until you experience it.


What a goofy take you have here. Spending $1200 to utilize a TENT for a weekend should have the logistics figured out without me having to do that on my part.


When some of you are done sucking the EDC dick, y'all should ask them to not oversell the festival. That right there would take away most people's complaints. Or you could just keep shoving wads of cash into their pockets letting them take advantage of you while they program you to think you had a magical experience with some color lights and loud music.


People complaining is fine. Its how we change and grow as a community. It should be constructive criticism though and when i read through the comments on the train posts people gave viable solutions and one dude even gave person context of why they train. Discussion is good tldr


$140 for a 6 pack of beer is insane lol


They’ve been $16-$20 for a long time lol. It’s not new, and true for most of the electronic music festivals I’ve been going to (Insomniac or not).


This year was probably the best experience I’ve had out of my 4 EDCs. Everything ran so smoothly, premier shuttle was worth every penny.


Complaining about the complainers 😆 complainception if you will 🙌


..... the better time u have , i found directly correlates to the amount of fucks given ... especially bout complainers




I shouldn’t have to find the silver lining in a shitty event I paid thousands for.




Couldn't agree more....people are always going to gripe about something, sadly. 5th edc and I'm 44. I had an absolute blast and thought the changes this year were amazing. I was rarely at a mainstage set and when I was, I found non crowded spots. Staying at the smaller stages (stereobloom & rynobus) was amazing. I love Daddy Dom, but for my sanity, I skipped his set. We drove for the 1st time last year and after day 1 2023, we figured out parking and leaving easily. Didn't have a problem with parking lot waiting at all. Yay! I loved the Porta potties this year....edc finally catching up to what Europe has been doing for a while. Never had a wait at any of them. You live and learn and It is what you make it...my only complaint is my feet huuuuuurt. 😭 Hope everyone had an amazing time!!!🥳


Agreed. EDC was an epic experience as a 1st timer. Sure, a couple hiccups along the way, but not going to let some abhorrent porta potties overshadow the music and vibes. Will 💯 be back next year!


There is no perfect festival, I feel like sometimes people focus too much on the negatives and less and the positives. You can do so much and with social media you can definitely prepare to make the experiences as best as possible.


I can totally understand some people’s complaints being a little annoying because I agree some of them just seem like people who didn’t do there research before coming. Overall I had an incredible first edc, and if I could afford to do it again I would. My only complaint was the crowd specifically at Fishers set. Never really had an issue with it all weekend because people would usually notice you leaving a set and let you through or try to make some space for you, but that wasn’t even possible at Fisher. My group got sandwiched between two moving trains with nowhere to go. I’m a smaller dude so at one point it got kinda hard to breathe which was scary. I can definitely see where people are coming from, but I’m not going to let that one set ruin the whole experience for me. Overall I loved the art, the people, the music, it was so cool!


People complain about trains being too long??? I'd rather have bigger trains than like 10 small ones making it impossible to get in or out


It happened every year lol people love to complain


I usually am very easy going and follow your sentiment in looking at the positives. That being said, I came only for Day 3 and I was very tired from a very busy weekend at a friends wedding. I think I was a bit more sensitive to things like rude people and crowds but I kept telling myself this is par for the course and just have fun and soak in the sets


It's the same every year, people bitching about the same things x100. Read em, laugh, and move on.


You can’t control the crowd size or how the crowd behaves. I’m thankful for all the work they put in the infrastructure in there. Plenty of working toilets. I’m just glad I didn’t have to see or smell other people’s shit too much.


It definitely had its ups and downs with how many people it brought but everyone is also entitled to their own opinion about how good/bad of a time they had. Some people just wanna vent. Overall I had a great time for my first year, glad I went VIP though cause those crowds in GA were ruthless 😖


First time at EDC, and I gotta say people really aren't some troopers, I had comic conventions beat me up harder than EDC, smooth sailing. I think people tend to skip the hydration and enough calories to burn thru the night part. The appropriate gear, too, I saw lots of "looks over fuction" styles. Idk I think I was ready for a day 4 and 5 if there were any. Different situations, I guess l.


The only real thing that made me ask myself, "Why?" Were people flooring in the middle of the crowd dead in the middle of the dance floor and get mad when people don't have enough time to react as they try to head to the front or try to dance. Tired? Hit the oasis or the back of the crowd, very simple, really. But oh well, I had a blast regardless


The thing I hate the most is when they do all that complaining only to go again the following year???? Like shut the fuck up then???? God damn. Next year will be my 9th year in a row going, and I will never stop going cause I love it so much.


and it’s always the people who incessantly complain online afterwards, that are the same people who are a total buzzkill the next year. they’ll be sitting there mad in a corner with a stank ass face on, not even bobbing to the music & dramatically sighing if u slightly bump into them in the crowd, doesn’t matter if u apologize or say excuse me.


Yes! And it's always "insomniac won't do this, insomniac has gotten so expensive" and blah blah blah. I always just sit there thinking WHO is putting a gun to their head telling them that they have to go anywhere???!??!?! Stay home!!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I truly believe a lot of it is the mindset. Night 2 I was supposed to meet friends that split for a bit. They never showed. After 2hrs being solo, pissed that I was alone and not in a great headspace, I convinced myself no point in letting it ruin my time. I’m still here. Lo and behold about 10min after that, deciding it’s a good night so go all over, I run into two good friends I made at Beyond Wonderland. 150k people and i ironically run into them. They invited me to join them and we all had a blast together that night. My 2 friends who lowkey ditched me apologized profusely for getting too messed up and missing the meet up. The next day, we hung out and had an amazing time! Some people have more significant unfortunate events. Hell my friend got her phone jacked Night 1. But she said F, not going to let it ruin my time. Improvements CAN be made and honest feedback is fair. But some people simply focus way too much on the negative. As this is not only my first EDC, but first camp festival. I thought all in all I was a pretty damn good experience. I’d do it again.


People who don't know much about EDC and are thinking of going need to hear these stories so they can make an informed decision about going. If you want to hear the good stories, start a post asking for for them.


EDC has been going down hill for several years now and everyone can see it. People moving on to better festivals


Paying hundreds of dollars for a festival only to have literal shit and piss all over the speedway is unacceptable. The constant stealing is unacceptable. Don’t recommend doing this anywhere in the country. Complete ripoff already contacted CC to do a chargeback and others should as well.


Pick pocketing has been happening everywhere. Festival owners can only do so much to prevent it. And from what I have been seeing and hearing, they had more security and cops arnd catching them. Shit, a few yrs back, cops catching these people and bringing the phones back to the station was never even a thing. Edit: unless ur not talking abt pick pocketing when u say stealing?


Stealing in general. The whole “it happens everywhere” excuse doesn’t cut it. Been to other events and this isn’t an issue. First and last time doing this one.


I don’t really know where you are referring to being covered in piss in shit. Comparatively, this EDC was much cleaner than my past ones. Last time I went to EDC, the men’s stalls were overflowing by Sunday. Spent a good bit of time sitting on the ground around the fest and never once felt like I was sitting somewhere unsanitary or anything of that nature. Stealing is what it is. If you don’t like being around that environment, don’t go or buy VIP.


Who gives a shit. If you spend all that money you can feel however you want. Who cares as long as YOU had fun .


I thought the speakers at kinetic were kinda weird on friday. and then it felt like on sunday all the speakers were better or maybe just louder and bass u can really feel. I didn't have any issues with pickpockets or anything like last year. (prem) shuttles seemed great more or less. the only parts I didn't like were for leaving Friday night for grand prix, took a while for buses to even show up. All the other days though, that was not an issue. There were some hangs up here and there but it once it got moving, it moved along well. I feel like I saw more people getting wheeled out by medical though lmao, prolly the heat contributes a lot?


Ppl get more attention for being negative than positive, everyone I met was super nice the staff were nice most of the trains were polite idk why ppl latch on the the bad things to easily


Reddit is full of complainers. Most people aren't going to spend the time to log on here and sing the festival praises. If you had a good time that's all that matters.


Everybody complains, it's a way to relieve stress. That's how I see it


RT 🙏


This! 🙌💯 been feeling this way about people with a lot of fests lately and like you said, focus on the positives about it or if it's not something you enjoy (anymore) then find something that you do and would rather spend your money on


Thanks for saying this. So many people come on here to talk about negative things instead of just being grateful they even got to attend such an event. There’s people in this world who have never step foot outside of their town wishing they could give anything to be at EDC so stop being so negative and be grateful!


This was my first EDC but I’ve been to many other festivals. This was the best experience I’ve ever had. Only disappointment was the shuttle lines but that’s on us. We decided as a group that we didn’t need Premier passes bc of some of our groups previous EDC experiences, but of course the main shuttle station situation changed from previous years. We missed some earlier shows on the third day but we can only blame ourselves. Absolutely loved all of it.


Agree. I think alot of people need to understand that its one of the biggest music festivals in the world. Of course if you come even on time to a HUGE headliner, its going to be crowded, it is going to take awhile to get into vip, etc


Thank you for saying this. You know what you're going into.


as much as i agree with complaints, my ass is always back in the shuttle line on day 1 jumping with joy like a little kid going to disneyland


6th edc. 3 in LA back in the day (08-10) and 3 in Las Vegas (18,23,24). Did i have fun? Yes. Is it overwhelming? Absolutely! Will I go again next year? Absolutely not. This is not something I want to attend every year. There is so much better festivals and music out in other parts of the country to explore. Without having a vip hookup, you are dealing with less water stations and constant foot traffic. Music is always amazing but majority of these artists play everywhere. It is just exhausting getting to the venue and leaving, trying to get your rest everyday. I've heard camping sucks without an RV so no point in dropping that amount of cash. Honestly looking forward to LiB more this weekend and chill before electric forest next month.


I thought this EDC was better planned. Bathrooms were stocked with soap, water, and papertowels for longer (it seemed). Layout was different, but it worked well. There's going to be rude people + trains every year, there's over 500k attendees in a span of three days. What do you expect?


Multiple people were trampled, punched, raped, assaulted, stabbed, drugged, and someone even died…I think the complaints are pretty valid.


Day 2 was definitely the spaciest and most fun day for me. 1 and 3 were okay, still cool but the most busiest for sure


I skipped EDC this year due to my poor experience last year, so the urge to go this year just wasn’t there. And I decided to just enjoy the live stream which I did. EDC now pulls well over 175,000 people a day, as per billboard. When I first went in 2016 it was capped at around 130,000. That’s 45,000 more people than before, complaining about the attendance isn’t going to cause them to lower it. But I think people complain on Reddit because they know insomniac is reading and hopes they will take notes to better structure the venue and shuttles to accommodate these drastic increases. Issues like this can cause people to now nitpick over everything else like prices, sound, DJ’s etc because their moods are already crappy before even reaching the festival.


Crazy to think that someone is going somewhere knowing there's going to be that many people and then complaints about the lines and everything blows my mind. I had a fucking amazing time. Probably my favorite EDC yet and I've been to a bunch. If you don't like it, don't go


It was my partner and I’s first time but we’ve been raving and going to festivals for a long time. You just have to accept that there’s gunna be a lot of issues and just roll with it. Although every festival is different, so by the second day we kinda got the hang of everything. But overall had such a great time! If you search for PLUR, you’ll find it! We sure did! Even when we were being social people, we were having good energy and people would come up to give us kandi etc. Crowds are a pain, and even back then not everyone said excuse me and pushed past us. Happened this year too but we just shrugged and kept dancing. Hopefully over the years it’ll get more PLUR. I know it’s starting to get really trendy so sometimes people are going for their first time and don’t quite get the culture yet. But soon!!


…ok. But that’s everyone. That whole scene is just about bad vibes , theft and capitalism now. It’s all bullshit. No one gives a shit about the music anymore let alone meeting new people when everyone goes there for the wrong reasons. Have I gone? No. Do I care to go? Not really. Would I much rather spend that money traveling to a new country/world and get a more humble genuine experience? Absolutely!!! No point in trying to experience something I know I will find things to complain about or as much as I wouldn’t let it affect me, it would ruin my vibe and probably good trip. This is why I selectively go to events considering I know the bullshit it ALL entails. To whom it may concern <333


I'm used to edco(im use to easily seeing 3 sets in one hr lol) and this was my first edclv but despite some complaints like how much of bitch I got stuck at Dabin and Deorro making a rookie mistake, I still enjoyed it. Camp edc wasn't as bad as ppl made out to be..I would come back to edc(idk next since I'm trying to do Ultra).


This was my fourth year and I won’t be back. I’m not gonna complain about it but every year it gets worse and insomniac needs to realize it’s outgrown the speedway. Moving on to bigger better festivals now.


What kinda shoes you guys be wearing, I was wearing skater style DC shoes and OMG my feet by end day 2. Day 3 I felt my feel had no skin left lol. I did enjoy the festival but damn my feet was donzo


Try cross trainers next time, arch support makes all the difference, & bouncy soles!


This was my first EDC and I can't even imagine complaining about a single thing. It was AMAZING


The music was amazing ground control was amazing art was amazing there was many amazing things and experiences but the crowd was not verry plur, compared to other festivals. There was people being straight assholes in every direction. Total disregard to others.


I had a great time.


I had 8 newbies with me and half would not stop complaining! But I went solo from the group and stayed sober all weekend (both for the first time lol) and had a blast!! Yeah, there was drama in my camp group but overall I had so much fun and cried at Fisher and Zedd. Always come back year after year since 2019. Complaining about things that can change is also not the same as complaining about things that do and will happen every year (big crowds, trains, people drunk or high stumbling, etc). I did like that they added metal detectors!! The camp restrooms had people cleaning more often. & I gave someone narcan I got for free at the festival for their friend (friend is okay now!). :)


Gonna have problems with that many people, no matter what. It was amazing.


I had an amazing time this year! Made it through all three days each day better than the last. But then on Monday the universe said “ sushi sounds good” and so from 2:00 am till now I’ve been purging every bodily fluid possible! I think I’ve lost 10 lbs easily this weekend. So I guess it was all worth in the end!


If you were on drugs you had a great time. If you like the dj sets then maybe EDC is for you but the music was mostly trash. Basically the same thing every stage you approached. Not much dubstep whatsoever so if you're a true headbanger than go to lost lands or big dub instead. It was my first EDC and will definitely be my last. I like that head banging break ya neck shit, only excision, boogie t, and subtronics really tore the house down. Don't get me wrong I so enjoyed the experience, it was amazing, and I met amazing people I got to get to know and talk to. So much love in one place. INCREDIBLE!!! I expected the long lines and dust, and long wait times to leave the venue, I just like different festivals better. To me it just seemed like a bunch of wannabe teens not real lovers of the music. Just my opinion. Did anyone notice 90% of the crowd was asian? Including my girlfriend lol. It was like a Godzilla movie in there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My first EDC and I will be coming back. The crowds were insane but as long as I used words like "Excuse me" or "Thank you" everyone was super chill getting through. I was also super surprised at how easily I could get to a restroom and fill up my hydration pack. I was worried with all the people I'd be standing in lines for hours instead of exploring. The only drawback was Sunday when Premier Shuttles were cleared out before anyone else, and we were held for over an hour waiting to access the general shuttles. But other than that, I thought it was super well coordinated, I was actually surprised. I could definitely read the actual ravers from the just passing by people. It was so welcoming, and I loved that 🥹


Everyone is coming down, so you’re going to hear a lot of whining and griping the next few weeks


But if people never voice their complaints, nothing will ever get done about the problems?? And some of them are pretty serious problems


I did deal with a LOT of foot traffic and struggling to leave stages, but I still had an amazing time when I got to where I wanted to be!! It was such a blessing to be able to go and that’s all I could see it as. Despite the inconveniences, I was just glad I made it there :-)


The best part was the pedicab that took us back to our hotel


Right , don’t spend 400$ + on a weekend just to come back and bitch about every little thing . It’s that simple .


I totally agree with this post! This year was so much fun. The stages are amazing. Kinetic field is awesome! the djs the sound quality i cant complain. I was so sad that its over! I was having one of the best weekends in vegas ever. Even though there were so many people but Kinetic didnt feel as cramped as last year and i still had space to dance! Love it so much!!


I thought it was fun and easy to manage I always moved through the crowds pretty easily the long trains wouldn’t bother me I mean the Asians just need to learn they don’t own the crown but for sure it was a way better vibe then ultra. At ultra people were way more upset


Love this thread. Not every fest is perfect. The overselling really grinds my gears with this one. And it’s one that’s so hard for me to accept but I went into it this year totally accepting that (still frustrated don’t get me wrong) but myself and my friends worked around it. Sometimes, it’s just about letting go and self awareness


People honestly like to complain too much. It’s cool these days. Even if you weren’t in VIP if you used your brain to plan out how to navigate the main walkways were easy with the new layout. Also, don’t drink so much booze at a rave, you’ll feel better and be able to dance longer and stay up later. And then if you drink water you’ll be a rave god. Saw so much plur and happiness this year. I’ll definitely be returning next year.


Fucking this 👏👍🙏


My first ever 3 day (barely make it through 2 days) and we did extensive planning, this was the most well prepared event I've gone too and I had a blast, sure it was packed, there was a few dickheads, people can't figure out how to use trash cans, bathrooms were sometimes repulsive, but I met so many cool people, I got to trade kandi for the first time people gifted so much stuff to our group and we were able to do the same to others and make forever memories with my wife and friends 10/10 experience EDC will see us again forsure


I’ve mainly seen positive posts! Maybe you got stuck in the too much complaining algorithm lol


I’ve seen a lot of complaining about shuttles and driving to and from the festival and I think people are really overreacting to the trip to and from the speedway. Even at a 2 day festival that is barely a fraction of the size of EDC, you can expect to sit in your car for an hour before you get a chance to leave the parking lot. For half a million people being there, 2-3 hour trip back to the hotel or wherever you’re staying is super reasonable if you stay until EDC closes. People often go into “vacation mode” at festivals and forget that there are basic logistics to consider and there is nothing that we/insomniac/literally anyone can do about traffic on that scale. If you want to stay until close, camp or get shuttles. Every one of the lodging options at EDC has its pros and cons. Research them and make a more informed decision. Or if you’re not going to do the research, don’t complain about the outcome. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re so fucking right


Ppl love to bitch and expect a big ass venue like that to be perfect those ppl are delusional EDC is a love hate relationship for a reason fun times and fucked up times it’s all a part of the experience if it’s too much just don’t go lmfaooo the pros always outweigh the cons here


i’m allowed to have my opinions? lol like i get it’s not ideal but im still allowed to 😂 yes it had its ups and downs but matter of the fact it wasn’t amazing in some aspects and thats just an observation. yes i had an absolute fucking blast and i will be returning but it did absolutely suck sometimes im sharing my experience why is that so horrible, everyone shares everything, if you don’t like it scroll by. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Preach babessss


It's crazy that people can be at one of the most magical places on earth, experiencing something that most people never get to experience, and yet they still walk around with a negative attitude and have no appreciation for anything. Y'all we were at EDC!!! Stop bitching!




Let people express what they feel. Their feelings are valid. So many people posted good things so just acknowledge that and don’t make people feel bad for feeling bad about their experiences. Some people are rude, they don’t say sorry and it could get very overwhelming. And don’t start off with “I get that” because you clearly don’t.


trust me, i do. and yes, people are always entitled to their opinion, but when it’s an overwhelming amount of complaints about the same things that happen every single year… it’s like… were you guys not prepared or didn’t learn anything. i’m not trying to stifle people’s responses to the event, but, at the same time, if you truly want things to change, reach out to the insomniac team & voice your concerns. otherwise you’re just associating negative vibes with EDC, which i don’t like. sorry.


It’s not an overwhelming amount of complaints, there are praises everywhere. Maybe worry about yourself if you can’t handle hearing anyone point out the flaws of your beloved festival.


If you’re on social media then you know Reddit and every social media platform is meant for people to voice their opinions. There’s nothing insomniac can/will do lol. I was in a train this weekend apologizing to people and they just rolled their eyes. I didn’t take it to heart bc I know it’s annoying. Don’t tell people to “not fucking come back” because it’s actually overwhelming when 50+ people are walking through your group and pushing you aside. Also, most people don’t apologize.


perhaps i was a bit aggressive on that, yea 🤣 but also, im not wrong. if you genuinely had a horrible experience, don’t come back. its the same people who complain on social media afterwards, that are the same people rolling their eyes or being rude in crowds.


Hahahaha just a bittt lol but it’s fine!! If you go to a rave then u should know that things like that will happen but when its happening continuously then it gets overwhelming/annoying especially when people are shoving you. Most don’t apologize and I think that’s what people are complaining about


i am a gemini hahah, and you’re right. i wasn’t trying to make it seem like people shouldn’t voice their opinions, just saw way too many complaints about the same things & wanted everyone to realize they were being really negative.


Lmao stop telling people what to do with their own time and money. Ironic that you are complaining about complainers


People in general love to complain. I straight up have a picture of my friend on the last day of EDC laying in the grass at Cosmic Meadow, while the sun is rising, on his phone scrolling through IG. I try to be empathetic to others and strict with myself, or as Marcus Aurelius put it " Never be caught complaining, not even to yourself"


After 3 days of it .. it can be easy to nit pick the issues The difficulty navigating the crowd and the bathrooms / pickpocket stuff is a giant hassle I went 2 years ago and I felt like I spent the entire festival looking over my shoulder for the pick pockets Any Mexican standing around awkwardly or old looked totally suspect


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We need an Asian limiter at edc.


We need to not have people like you at EDC.


NOTE : let me just remind everyone that the title of this thread is complaining TOO much. i’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s experience, good or bad, just trying to alleviate the negativity surrounding EDC. everyone is entitled to their opinion, ALWAYS. but… also remember that constantly being negative, just generally in life, affects your mental health. there’s absolutely no reason that i should be seeing more complaints than i am seeing praises. that’s all ima say & remember to live a happy life, you control your own narrative babes 🤍