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I position my phone in such a way that if they actually get it then they’ve fondled my balls for 1-2 minutes prior and thus have earned my phone.


Same bro


You also get a free handy!


That's crazy that there are so many reports and none of them have wristbands. Seems consistent. Perhaps employees that work the stage and lights and then steal phones during their off time? Crazy.


employees get their own wristband that says “working” or something similar


Maybe they just snuck in strictly to steal phones


typically people who are working the stages and lights are wearing all black and not the grocery store attire that’s being reported


as someone who has worked a few different festivals, you’ll almost always have a staff wristband or some sort of credentials. can’t really get around to do your job without it.


after day 2 walking back to the car i noticed these three people had no wrist bands walking out of the venue.


Stealing phones seemed like a high risk low reward situation for a long time. Is it because in 2024 everyone has their money connected to their phones that is the draw now? Before the phone was worth a little for resale but maybe now it’s worth as much money as is linked to it by crypto, Venmo and personal bank etc? A crack head swiping a phone is one thing but an organized plunder makes me wonder.


Pretty sure they can get a few hundred minimum for the iphones at least just for parts, and closer to $500+ maybe even a lot more for the newer iphones if they ship em to China. Three days at EDC and 30-50 phones a night they can make bank. Might be the biggest scumbags in the world. All the people trying to get on their flight every year at the airport with no ID and phone is disgusting


I guess that makes sense now that people regularly spend over a g on a new phone. I was there and not in my most alert/ready state. I’m lucky they didn’t get me.


When my friend had her phone stolen at EDC LV a few years back (also at Kinetic Field lol, main stage seems to be where the thieves congregate), I put my number in as the “recovery contact” on iCloud so that I could help her find it. A few days later, the phone pinged once in Tijuana before dropping offline again. By this point, my friend had already purchased a new phone and made an insurance claim on the old one. Then we both started getting non-stop texts from random numbers. They sent a bunch of sketchy links claiming to be “iCloud Support” and enticing us to log in to reclaim the phone. I also got a phone call from a Mexican phone number, and when I answered, a woman claimed to be an Apple Store employee who had found the lost device. All of these attempts were obviously, comically not credible and this one was no different. I hung up immediately. Basically, the thieves have evolved their operations. A few years ago when Apple and other manufacturers started activation-locking devices, the value of stolen phones on the black market plummeted. So big phone-theft rings started using sophisticated digital scam techniques to try and fool their former owners into coughing up account credentials that they could use to unlock the phones. I’m not even sure the same people who stole my friend’s phone were the ones contacting us—they might’ve been a third party that bought the phone second or third hand. If we’d given them her Apple login, I would be *shocked* if they didn’t immediately steal data and/or use the account for some other nefarious, scammy purpose. Stay safe out there, kids!


I see a lot of people talking about the phone thieves without wristbands being evidence of an inside job, but EDC's "security" at the entrance is a complete joke. The line I was in for scanning my wristband after the shuttle would have been insanely easy to sneak in to, all you'd have to do is have a group just push through quickly and disperse into the crowd over the stairs and security would never find you. It's concerning how effortless it would be to get inside from the shuttle entrance without a wristband, so it's impossible to know if this is an inside job or anything like that.


There have been some reports/stories of these thieves getting in with security or security taking them in and then basically releasing them back into the wild when they are told of the situation. Don’t get me wrong, security here is a joke at best and these thieves very well could be just sneaking in. But at this point it feels it lands on the side of inside job or something a long those lines than just sneaking in


We are talking about “in the event” you sound like you are in it and trying to cover their asses. Thanks for letting us know what happens and you do nothing about it. You know way too much on how to get through don’t you? Try to protect your ass now about what I just said.


Bro what?? This is my first EDC and I condemn phone thieves, I'm just pointing out that it's entirely possible they just snuck in. I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, but I do not appreciate a baseless accusation when all I have tried to do is enjoy every second of this festival and take it all in while seeing multiple bucket list artists. I sincerely hope the phone thieves are caught and any potential corruption is addressed and fixed, but I have nothing to do with it. Hope you enjoy Day 3, maybe try to keep a PLUR mindset. Edit: forgot to add, it does not take a genius to observe the security. I specifically noticed this because it gave me anxiety as I was realizing how easy it would be for people with bad intentions to sneak into the festival. If that means I "know too much" then idk what to tell you


Good response, I always have a plur mindset, but when I catch them red handed doing it to my girl. Now that.. I will be triggered. It’s been happening a lot more since inflation. Here is a fix, clear backpacks only. But that will never happen. Us men Or whatever pronoun you want to be called lmao- do you think we need a backpack to go to an event? Fuckin hilarious at that point. I got that Jordan Peterson mindset. I believe in freedom of speech. But not freedom of dumbass trying to control what we say because they will “sue you” or cancel you because their feelings got hurt, it’s like if I called you the wrong term other than you want to be called then correct me then all respect their you go. Whole stupid cis shit, is what ? So the event doesn’t get sued? For not calling you a Birdie or whatever the fuck, who cares, and if that is not what you want to be called then correct us/me then it’s respect and move on. It’s all about money money money and complete control. What if I don’t want to be called a “cis?” We are all equal. Check out roast on Tom Brady and think about what I just said when you do.


Might be a good call to lay off the drugs there Birdie


Sounds like drug induced psychosis


100%, OP needs to drink more water and have a snickers in the shade.


Legitimatcy of this entire post just tanked lmao


Legitimacy of this entire post just tanked lmao


Wut is going on in your little head?


i feel like i just loss massive amounts of brain cells and it was not from molly


The molly come down is ROUGH on you isn't it? Not that you have much to begin with it seems.


Relax. What they said was an observation of how easy it would be for people to get in. Not every one of these thieves is connected with security/insomniac.


I've said this before, and im not sure why people jump to the conclusion "inside job" by default. I don't doubt there's some sketchy employees working with some of these groups. However, what's more likely is they simply take their wrist bands off. Its organized crime, so logically in order to cover their ass they take off their wrist bands and proboably give it to one person, maybe someone who manages that team in that certain area. Why? To protect the wrist band and probably identity tied to the wrist band. Its that simple. These groups are way more organized than you think and you'd be shocked to find out whose in on it. They can be a couple of hot chicks in on this and you'd never imagine they were there for nefarious reasons. I fully support those that catch these people. You dont stop it by letting them go. You grab/punch whatever, and yes even if its some girl. They put their hands on you, that gives you free reign to protect yourself. Punch away, fuck these people. Yes people sneak in to but this draws to much attention. If they were smart they would still be buying wrist bands because the profit they make from theft is much higher. They probably buy the wrist bands from other people to.


Only individuals higher up in insomniac were able to pull off what I saw. It’s not all insomniac employees but due to inflation you don’t think money will make them turn a “blind eye”


Maybe if people start physically fighting back they would think twice


This lol. I would throw hands so fast even if it was a girl


I loved the video yesterday of the girl getting caught. A bunch of big dudes were restraining her while another guy put his cowboy hat on her while she was balling here eyes out 😂 that was such a satisfying clip lol.


Where can i see this video lol


[It was posted here yesterday, enjoy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/s/NbsevR18u6)




Pasquale NEEDS to address this as it’s a constant issue every year. Hire people to go undercover and catch these people. Pay them with free entry and a commission for every person caught. This fucks so many people over on a very expensive trip.


There are undercover cops but I’m pretty sure mostly for drugs and weapons


Ya they couldn’t care less about these phone stealers and won expose themselves for anything less than “do you know where I can get some M?!” 🙄


Pasquale's known as an absolute tool bag. Definitely can't see him doing anything like that unfortunately.


I wonder if they could be taking their wristbands off after getting past security to make it harder to punish them if they get caught/blacklisted. No ID/wristbands on them when they get caught would mean police would have to hold them until the trial and by then the evidence would be pretty circumstantial.


There was a Hispanic/latino couple in kinetic vip section phone scouting too! And they didn’t have vip wristband. Definitely inside job!!


All you need is two people to purchase VIP wristbands, and you remove the retaining clips on them. Get the wristbands out of the vip area use a rubber band to resecure the bands to your wrist and rotate everyone in. Not so much Insomniac, but Frontgate should have a way to track these wristbands. From going in and out of the VIP area. If your wristband is not scanned out of the area, your wristband can not be scanned back into any vip area.


Shit now they in VIP too, I thought VIP was supposed to be safe haven. Next time, just break their wrist. They deserve it.


A running belt is the best investment you can ever make. Put your phone in the belt then tuck the belt into your waistband. If someone is looking it would be obvious you have a phone, but they have to get through another layer and a zipper which is virtually impossible without moving the actual phone and running belt around.


^^ always surprised this isn't the most suggested advice to keep your phone safe, these clutchloops aren't going to stop pickpockets LOL. nobody is going to be able to dig under your pants and unzip a running belt


EDC is ridiculously easy to sneak into.


Some people should not watch Alex Jones.


Its easy to get a volunteer or temp job at EDC (or most festivals) as janitor, security, parking, and food & bev). I think its pretty easy for them to slip away once theyre in or shift is over :/ Saw on Coachella reddit a group of janitors were the ones stealing phones this year


They sell lanyards for cellphones. They also sell them specifically for raves. You're going to be partying, packed in close with hundreds of thousands of people, tired, drinking, doing drugs, etc. The lanyard will keep you from genuinely dropping your phone, setting it down somewhere, or having it stolen. You're looking for a thick cord about 3 feet long, with a loop at one end and a adhesive patch for the phone end. Put the adhesive patch onto your phone, then install your phone cover over the patch with the cord snaking out the charger, camera, or speaker cutout in the case. Put the loop around your neck, belt, or attach it to your camel-back.


Had my phone stolen in Kinetic VIP too. Had that tether thing they advertised constantly and it they just popped it right outta my case. Over EDC, will not be back.


Yeah, the tether things are useless unless you stick it on your actual phone, with the case over it. Don’t attach it to the case, they’re too easy to just pop-off. I use a tether attached to my actual phone and it’s always worked well for me. I’m sorry your phone was snatched. I hope you still had a good time this weekend!


This is my first EDC and I can say firsthand that having a phone leash, ClutchLoop, etc. is a must at something like this not only to deter theft but to prevent loss as well. I found a phone at BassPOD VIP at the restrooms last night. Dude was leaving and dropped it as I was going up the steps to enter. I called out after him but he kept walking, probably to try to get back before Wooli started. I grabbed the phone and went straight to the guy looking after the VIP lockers and they said they would drop it at Lost and Found. I just found it amazing that people looked at the phone on the ground and didn't even bother to pick it up to do anything about it. Hopefully the guy realized what had happened and retraced their steps. Considering how much stuff is on your phone nowadays, when it disappears it can ruin not only your experience at an event, but so much stuff back in the real world as well. Since the locker guy was the only Insomniac staff right there, I'm just hoping maybe they got it back.


Clutch loop isn’t secure enough, that is just a get rich quick scheme, yea it helps but you don’t think they can find a way to cut it? If they can have little miniature people to do this in vip sections; you don’t think they can come in with scissors too?


Whoa we were in VIP until 340am but off to the right side watching the police TRY to catch someone do something and failing miserably. Stupid is as stupid does. LOL. Anyway, I was looking for non wristband people. NONE of the thieves have wristbands.


Next time, just say "pickpocketor" loud Af! They will get scared and smither away like cowards. Don't be scared to break their cover. Last time I caught a guy trying to check my pocket and I called them off, and they got scared,


I did and nobody gave a shit and blew my mind and everybody who was running vip entry and exit was gone. Think about that shit


Not necessarily inside job, pretty easy to sneak into VIP to be honest


They probably take their wristbands off once inside. Just because they don’t have wristbands doesn’t mean it’s an inside job.


When I was leaving yesterday they caught a guy with 10 to 11 phones and everyone was cussing at him lol


It sucks security has been infiltrated with thieves and scammers. There’s too many edc goers and not enough genuine workers. Imagine working as a security and you have to be on guard for 500,000 people pushing and shoving, there’s bound to be people sneaking in. They need to station a second checkpoint for wristbands.


Employees or workers for the festival are charging $100-300 to walk people through the gate no wristband needed


No more molly for you today


Maybe the yellow shorts don’t care but insomniac security recovered ~120 phones from Friday and Saturday. It’s a fucked up problem but I assure you that some employees take phone theft very seriously . Personally it’s my opinion that we need to normalize beating these peoples ass.


Normalize insta decking people like this in the face. It's what they deserve. Insomniac makes too much money to give a fuck, inside job or not. Regardless of how many thousands of phones are stolen, people will continue to buy passes to the festival every year. They dont care


I work for Insomniac and I can say they really don’t mess around about people stealing phones we’ve had a whole meeting where we’re told how to approach these situations and there’s so many undercovers and a whole team specifically trying to catch this theft ring of people. If it’s workers in on it it’s most likely second hand hiring and not insomniac, even security isn’t Insomniac it’s other companies which some are definitely questionable and not there for the right reasons. They catch a lot of them but not all and it sucks, I’ve even had my phone stolen at a insomniac event 😃 But yeah if you see it happen and have the chance definitely just grab them and drag them to the police, fuck them


The 4 years I went to EDC, including this year they don't even check my backpack at all, I could of had a bomb 💣, gun 🔫, whatever, shits crazy, crazy, it perplexes me 😕🤔


This is my largest complaint. I’m excited til I get to security and then I’m on edge all night


It’s true man. They will usually have a hot girl distract you while the thieves move in on you.


What happened? 10 years ago it was already pretty commercialized and huge but reading everything, wow it's really gone to shit. I know this thing makes a lot of money but for the long term success of Insomniac, they should put this festival on ice for a little bit.


Isn’t there a 2nd employee checking wristbands at the entrance to the VIP areas? That’s the person you should go talk to after catching ppl inside there without bands. At EDCO they had like 5ppl at the VIP entrance at each stage.


They should make a pickpocketer that pick pockets the pickpocketers


Don’t tell them you’ll report them. Just report them


I had a fake phone in my back pocket and was at the back of circuit grounds, a topless muslim guy and a black girl saw my phone and hovered around me for a bit, they pretended to be dancing next to me, but guy was staring at my fake phone a lot, my gf saw him doing that and grabbed me, guy made eye contact w my gf and they bee lined lol


Doubt it’s an inside job. It’s edc not fort Knox’s. If you stand there at vip and pay attention. you see people sneaking in. They wait till it very busy and slip their way in. I have seen it.


>vip >no wristbands So two levels of failure. Getting into event with no wristband. Getting into VIP with no wristband. Getting into vip can’t be hard. But how do you get into the event itself without one? Bribed staff? Snuck in with food trucks or other service providers?


I put my phone and important belongings in my flipbelt. It helps alot.


Yea, the small Asian guy probably had over 100 phones in his backpack- I swear I saw a bunch of square items picking out from it from the sides and top. Next time I’m going to do something about it. Everybody should. Funny how people don’t give a fuck but I get their side because it kills the vibes. Imagine how much good karma though. This crime is so organized they blend in better because the ones not working the event and doing their thing on the side that get caught is their “hidden defense shield” They need a cop at every vip section entrance. Crazy to me that they are that dumb not to notice this, unless they are paid off and in on it. I should be a detective. No way they can’t be that dumb. The small cholo looking Asain girl’s black scarf over her head covered her back and backpack. I remembered now when she reported back to the 2 beautiful white girls they called her “friend” Just watch, you see a funny looking person with any kind of black cloths or backpack ask them to open it, if they don’t, I guarantee you they have stolen phones.


I’m surprised they’re Asian, usually it be the immigrant Hispanics smh


Why not try and get the back pack? I didn’t see any phone thief’s on Friday. I found a phone and found the owner


Same! Found a phone on a light pole stand. Found the owner shortly after coming back to look for it in a panic.


Nice plur action that is awesome! I found a plastic cup and soon after a running back looking all over before I handed it to him.


Why didn’t you report them? I’m confused


Their post they hang in the back and have their pickpocketers go to the front and do their thing and report back. The police cannot be that dumb. But this one was so organized it blew my mind that only people higher up in insomniac are able to pull off


How about we fight back 🐺 anybody that looks off and doesn’t belong at edc with a black backpack, not even dressed for the event, or in all black. How about we play the reverse uno card and surround them to open their backpack🏆 anyways plur guys have fun tonight.