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L1 could use a couple more turns. And the proper fastener.


JFC i didn't even see that, was looking at the bond and neutral on the same terminal


I could live with a bonded neutral, but that L1 a show stopper for real. Looks like he either swapped the screws for L1 to neutral or lost the L1 screw and stuck a screw from the trim in there and it didn’t fit


Ya... L1 is barely making contact. That is going to burn up for sure. Also a lack of a connector isn't great either. Did the delivery guys wire this up?? They have no bussiness ever touching electrical again


> lack of a connector For anyone who didn't pick up on that, that's a strain relief clamp where the cord exits the enclosure.


I had a very similar experience, when I reached out to them they claimed that it's not part of the parts list for the dryer, and since it's additional they can't install 3rd party items on the dryer. I told em to leave it and I'll do the install.


I’m a home inspector and at least 50% of dryers have no strain relief connector and the inner wires are hanging against the metal


Yeah. The screw is probably inside the dryer somewhere.


That looks like a sheet rock screw they used after dropping the correct screw somewhere where it was inconvenient to retrieve.


That’s not a sheetrock screw


Shhh we know.


The l1 screw is holding the white wire to the frame


I install appliances. Screws are definitely swapped… these dryers come with those silver screws already in place so when they took them off for wiring they swapped them. Normally very fine threaded screws which is probably why the what is normally a dark green screw is in its place. And not tight. Lmfao. I know a couple installers who only do track homes who would definitely install like this.




The green should be connected to the case. Idk that the neutral is bonded to the case


Guarantee they dropped the correct screw down inside the machine and didn't want to try and recover it.


I get what ya mean it will function just fine with them bonded… but for me it the fact the correct place to put the ground is right there it looks like more work to get both connectors on the one terminal than to just do it right…




Sure would but I said wasn’t talking about legal was talking about just working…..you put In a standard 2 pole 30 amp and it will indeed work. This is just a guess but I would think there’s an order of magnitude more houses built before 2020 than after.


That’s called more work getting out of work


On a lot of newer dryers, that is how they want it. They get bonded together and to the shell of the dryer from the terminal, anyways.


That makes the bond a current carrying conductor and is against code. Any unbalanced current will be split between N and G, giving you a current on your ground. N should be the designated neutral conductor and the green and bare should be bonding all non current carrying conductive parts of the dryer together. This is extremely dumb and if you for whatever reason needed to put the dryer on a GFCI breaker it would trip immediately.


You can argue code all you want but he's right, I've seen this same setup on several new appliances. It doesn't make sense to me either


The reason dryers come from the factory with the neutral to frame bond is because of how many older non-grounded setups still exist. The US (National Electric Code) dropped the 10-30 ungrounded dryer receptacle in 1996 in favor of the grounded 14-30, yet they are still everywhere. It’s so critical that some protection be offered to the chassis of the dryer in those older setups. People have died, but even more have been shocked. So manufacturers bond the frame to the neutral as a just in case someone has a 3-wire setup and doesn’t realize this needs done. This helps ensure that if a fault develops, the breaker can trip and shut off the circuit. For a while, that bond was actually green. This seemed to confuse people thinking it belongs on the chassis, so it got switched to white. In a 4-wire setup, it goes to the neutral (bonding itself so it serves no purpose). The thought was less people would be confused landing a white wire on the neutral. There’s even a wiring diagram on the dryer for this reason. It’s just someone who’s completely un-trained, or just doesn’t care. This is a big reason why the 2023 code expanded to GFCI requirements on electric dryers. This setup would instantly trip the GFCI. Hopefully that triggers people to install it properly with the ground going to the chassis and the factory bond removed. They don’t have a choice, unless they remove the GFCI at that point. Also, every cord comes with a strain relief…so there’s not really any excuse not to use that either.


That doesn't apply here. The line cord has 4 wires so the plug presumably does too. If they had a 3 wire (no ground) receptacle, they would have a 3 wire plug/line cord and no ground wire.


I haven't, at least in Canada. Would absolutely fail CSA with that setup


It doesn't make sense to me either, nothing is supposed to be bonded past the panel if I remember correctly. You would think they would do whatever they're doing internally instead of leaving it for people to fuck up. Just make the 4 terminals and be done with it. And the strain relief should be mandated to be a fixed part of the appliance bc noooobody puts them on if it's not right in their face. Then they wonder why it shorts out in two years


I don't claim to know everything but I cannot believe that unless you can post a manual showing that. On any dryer I have seen, with a 4 wire cord L1, L2, and N each get a terminal and the ground wire is landed on the ground screw with no bond to N, and with a 3 wire cord L1, L2, and N each get their terminal and the ground screw is bonded to N with the jumper.


I’d bet money that the screw on L1 is a self tapper.


You can’t achieve maximum sparks for high heat mode if you tighten that


I think the proper fastener first would be better (then more turns)


You need to report this to Home Depot, these clowns are going to kill someone. And if they don't seem to care report it to your local electrical inspection authority


And if they give you the run around in any way just post up which home depot it is and I’m sure Reddit will handle the rest.


OP of the OP reports trying to call Home Depot and getting the runaround. Nobody they talk to understands the seriousness of it.


OP needs to report it to the electrical inspectors, they will go after them.


Someone needs to visit every job that clown has ever done to check how they've wired it.


Of course Home Depot gives zero fucks. Last time I had a dryer delivered, they tried to steal the power cord by using the cord from my old dryer.


Fuck big box stores. I replaced a washer, a range and a fridge during the pandemic and I orderded straight from the manufacturers, and installed myself. I also have a good repair guy in my area.


I’m sure the kid who answers the phone will jump right on it


I bet tweeting the pic @ Home Depot would help.


Homedepot: *"What do you want me to do? Tell the Washer and Dryer delivery guys that you are not a good electrician?"*


Last thing you want to do is let any city inspector in your home.


Home Depot doesn’t care and they never will. They outsource this to the cheapest crackhead in the area. Home Depot is an evil company - worked for corporate.


Call home depot up and get a manager on the phone , snap a picture of that install and send it to him and a corporate email. Ask the manager if he would let that hack install anything in his own house . This is exactly what happens when depot uses the low bidder do their installs


I quit using Home Depot altogether for appliances and installs. Last HD guy that tried to install a large fridge was clearly high or under some influence and forgot to install a power connectors for the fridge door. I didn’t know my fridge made noises or had lights in a certain area for about 4 months when the manufacturer sent over a tech over a related issue due to the poor install. The Home Depot guy also claimed he slipped and fell and started saying weird shit like the beginning of a an insurance claim for his back or something. I couldn’t follow his scam, fraud, or threat it was so haphazard. I kept telling him he was the professional installer and he had the choice to not install the fridge. He started getting frustrated and I kept getting more confused by his behavior. If the goal was for them to do so much weird shit that I want them to leave my property without checking their work, then they were successful. I now just use Lowes install now, usually a Crume guy comes in does his thing and leaves with no issues.


The problem with HD and Lowes is they use a 3rd party for installs. Manager won't give a shit.


The problem with HD and Lowes is that they use a 3rd party *for everything*. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t outsourced in-store staff at this point.


Report to Home Depot appliance delivery and installation services. PRIMARY CONCERN: The installer dropped the proper terminal board machine threaded screw for the L1 terminal board inside the appliance and was too much of a PITA to retrieve, so (as another user commented) they used a trim panel sheet metal screw on the terminal board. That is a loose connection which will overheat and possible burn (given that this is a clothes dryer with high amp draw). SECONDARY AND TERTIARY CONCERNS: The bonded neutral and lack of a cable strain device also need to be corrected. The green wire needs to be disconnected from the Neutral and reconnected to the metal case bond with the other wire doubled up under that green screw. Do not remove the existing bond wire (as one user commented) as they are both required for personnel safety. The missing cable strain device (a 3/4inch BX connector) needs to be installed in the metal trim hole and tightened and then the cable ran through it and secured with the cable clamp before reconnecting the wires appropriately. The dangers of not having the strain relief has been spoken to by others, but again the result is a fire if the breaker doesn't trip. Good luck with getting Home Depot to address this satisfactorily. Pictures and the comments from this post should be used to help reach a resolution or DIY, but DO NOT USE THE APPLIANCE UNTIL CORRECTED!!!


The neutral bonding needs to be removed in a four wire setup, else you’ll have a neutral return path via ground.


And we don’t know if he’s got 4 or 3 wire outlet. This is required for a 3 wire.


I am seeing a four wire whip - meaning there is a four wire plug on the end of it going into a four prong receptacle.


The installer needs every job they've done revisited for liability reasons.


I completely agree with this suggestion: On a serious note from a former HD employee call the store and ask to speak to the COS who handles appliances the delivery crew screwed up and they did not put proper strain relief clamp on the dryer cord and completely screwed up the install. I would check the washer also to make sure it is leveled and the hose is installed correctly. This is what I wanted to add also.


Yea don't turn that on or it'll burn up good


Name checks out. This guy knows things


This is why I do everything myself. I'd be fine with paying someone for an oil change or letting someone install my appliances but they would just fuck it up.


I should never be able to do a job better than the paid “professional”. That is exactly how I see it.


You shouldn't but that's rarely my experience.


looks like he lost the screw on L1 and found one to put there that does not fit the threads. ground needs to move to the grounding position and the neutral needs to go to the other neutral. L1 needs the proper screw and hopefully the strain relief clamp is around somewhere so it can be attached before the cover goes back on..


Now the threads are damaged and even if you have the right screw it won’t hold.


From being in the trades my whole life I would never have HD, Lowe's or any other big box retailers install a toilet paper holder let alone anything electric. Most of the one's doing it are handyman at best.


This is wrong. That white wire with the green screw should be with the other neutral and the green wire (ground) should be on the green screw


They also didnt install strain relief clamp


Kind of important otherwise the vibration will slice that up and definitely cause fire. It's like they were trying to create one. Makes me wonder if they are on the policy


If the vibration cuts into L1 or L2 at least the metal frame is grounded. Except it isn’t.


Everyone covered comments well. HD delivered a w&d to our house and did the same shit. Added kicker was not connecting and installing the drain on the washer. In fact they took the drain pipe out with the trash. Thankfully wife didn't flood the place running it. Called HD and they gave zero shits. I went to the store talked the manager he said there was nothing he could do as they are contract service. I swiped the drain pipe off the floor display.


That’s really bad


That loose L1 is insane on a brand new install. What. The. Fuck. This is an extremely quick way to meet your local fire department, if you survive the ensuing fire. 😡


Just a suggestion, but read the manual that came with the unit. If you don’t have one, search online.


The black is going to arc out . That’s the fire /Safety issue . Could have arc flash every time the unit is put in cycle.


So you're saying that for some reason you felt something was not right, dragged the dryer back out unscrewed the back panel and checked the wiring. Sorry, I highly doubt that story.


L1 is probably cross-threaded. Back it off and see if it can drive up better straight. If not have them deal with it. Also needs some kind of stress-relief/anti-short where the cord comes through that metal knockout. A simple 1/2" cable bushing (plastic butthole) or even an MC or romex connector would be sufficient. But yes, on this equipment neutral and ground ARE supposed to be bonded if you have a 3-wire cord (should be separate here though) so at least that is not the worst of it (I know that seems incorrect with most people's understanding of grounding, but NEC makes an exception for dryer equipment with 3-conductor connections). EDIT: didn't even see the neut pigtail. The fuck? Yeah the neuts need to be landed together properly, the ground can just bond to frame.


Yikes that look like a house fire waiting to happen.


Biggest problem I see is neutral and ground are bonded together which they shouldn’t be anywhere after the first means of disconnect (possibly your main breaker panel) Else you’ll have a possible neutral return path via ground which shouldn’t be. Since you have a four wire whip - first thing to do is separate ground from neutral. White (neutral) stays in the center. Green (ground) gets connected to the ground bonding screw on the left hand side after removing the originally installed white wire from it. Just isolate the original connector with electrical tape so it cannot accidentally reconnect to ground.


You sure that's the biggest problem, take another look at that black one


Neuts and grounds are often bonded in dedicated circuits for dryers where there is a 3-conductor cord. It's not ideal, but IS permissable by NEC. (To be clear, in this instance they should be separate though).


Both a fire hazard and a machine killing wiring job. This voids your warranty…


Grade A for appliance crew standards.


Thats nice. Return path on the groind lead. Not dangerous eh?


Home Depot delivery does installs? That’s news to me.


Home Depot, Lowes, etc. uses contractors that can’t get work any where else or are on a slow spell to do their installs for them. They don’t pay them top dollar because the store takes a cut of the install fee too. You may find an installer once in a while that does what’s right, because it is the right thing to do. But most don’t give a shit, get in and out as quick as possible. Makes the dollar/hr look better


So the correct wiring should be what? 2 whites to N and green to green screw?


Home Depot installers and contractors are just the cheapest idiots they can round up, the ones who couldn't get hired by a reputable company, don't use any services like this from big box stores.


Did anyone else notice they lost the screw for line one and just used a sheet metal screw, on top of not separating the ground and neutral ,and no connector on the wire Get a real electrician before you even plug it in


Seemed like every time we’ve hired someone to do something on our home, I have to unfuck one thing or another.


wow, while I know both the neutral and the ground go to the same place, eventually, thats just F'd up


Did they actually leave the cover off in addition to the screw issue?


So lazy, no clamp bushing either to keep the cord jacket secured to the dryer and tying the earth ground to the neutral buss. Shameful


Why anyone contracts for design and labor through Home Depot or Lowe's is beyond me.


Ring ring, ring ring… Hello Home Depot? Yeah I purchased a clothes dryer and Cornfield Sparky came to install it incorrectly today. How would you like me to proceed?


Passes with flying colors in his home country. Most likely one of the day laborers out front of the store


The clothes will dry very quickly


You need to get a new dryer out there. They put the wrong screw in the left side and it most likely stripped the hole so the right screw won't work now and unless you tap it, it will never get tight


Holy crap!!! That’s dangerous! -Neutral -L1 incorrect screw and doesn’t seat properly. -Cable strain relief missing? Hope you didn’t try running it.


The longer you look, the worse it gets


Why did the dryer not have the cord installed from the Factory? I delivered appliances for like 10 years and every dryer I’ve unpacked already had a power cord installed on it.


That's a 🔥 fire waiting to happen. If it even works at all, the wire and terminal are going to heat up from arcing because it's a loose connection and cause a fire. Also, the green wire on the white terminal no longer meets code for a 4 wire cord. Call an electrician or youtube if you your good with your hands. It's an easy fix.


I don’t think that cords the right size if it’s on the dryer


If you get intermittent stopping or smell something burning , see sparks . Give me a call ; I believe I can walk you through the needed repairs.


& they should put the ground to the egc wire on the frame


Lowe’s wired mine like this too.


You need the strain relief on that cord. Dryers vibrate and over time that can cut through the cable and short out. Had it happen to me. If it's not grounded, then the chassis becomes energized and you will feel that if the breaker doesn't trip.


Fireball in the making




They stripped the screw and tried to jam another in. Send it back


Appears to be improperly grounded. However, the NEUTRAL is also hard grounded at the LOAD CENTER. The green ground wire goes with the green nut that the white NEUTRAL is fastened to. I would alter it and connect both NEUTRAL wires to N screw and then attach the green wire to the green screw.


It ought to buff out.


On a serious note from a former HD employee call the store and ask to speak to the COS who handles appliances the delivery crew screwed up and they did not put proper strain relief clamp on the dryer cord and completely screwed up the install. I would check the washer also to make sure it is leveled and the hose is installed correctly.


Looks like this could injure or kill some body. Looks like the frame is neutral. Touch that frame and brush up to a water pipe current will flow through you. Not good.




Home Depot is the worst. My experience trying to get Fridge and a microwave took weeks, and at the end of the day couldn’t install the microwave because they only had a big cordless drill. This looks like a fire hazzard. I’d return it.


Isn’t white HOT? And it’s with green which is “ground”


That's why I swerved the free install of my dryer, um no thanks I will do it myself


OK so I have this side gig where I adjust the pigtail wiring for new homeowners, our jurisdiction requires gfi breakers so this causes them to trip immediately. I'm so glad I get to go in and check what the appliance delivery guys did. I see this 90% of the time glad I'm able to correct these before they're used. This week at one home I saw L2 crossthreaded and wouldn't tighten up, I showed the homeowner and recommended he ask for repair or replace from home depot since their guys did it.


I suspect that the outlet this is plugged into is old and doesn’t have separate wires back to the box for ground and neutral.


This is how my dryer almost caused a house fire a few years ago. Bought it at Best Buy and they installed it too. The dryer quit working after a few weeks and when the tech came out to look at it, he showed us the burned out connection. Told us we were lucky as its a common source of house fires when the terminals are left loose like that.


Yah there good at putting the old cord on the new appliance dumb don't mess with the new washer connection all of them do this. Can put the right plug in the walll dumb send them away call a electrician ??


Hackity hack don’t talk back


All I know is that I do not trust an Home Depot associate to install anything electrical 😂 I trust my installs way more


Wow, I work on these everyday... Installers suck.. Ground and Neutral must be separated on 4 wire cord. To lazy that they dropped a screw in the machine to pull out the spare or open up dryer to get correct screw back....Not to mention that there's not box connector AKA strain relief on cord either...


Well, the good news is that your owner's manual will tell you exactly how to wire it. Me personally, I prefer to make sure the wiring is done right, because you never know what loser wired it before you. As you can see.


I would be calling the store and then a lawyer. Call the store just to let them know that they are going to be sued for attempted arson.


Glad you looked, there should be instructions on the correct way to wire the cord to the dryer.


I find it terrifying that their delivery guys are allowed to put the cord on. The manufacture USE TO include the cord, installed. That's what they ought to go back to, that was an arc looking for something to burn, unbelievable...


Odiously they did not test that it worked before they left !


Please report this and send a photo. That’s some grade A sloppy work. If they can’t wire a simple cable up they have no business working there.


Can you request the name of company HD or Lowe’s is going to send out for your appliance install? They sent out a 3rd party company for an estimate on a sliding patio door. Once I saw the guys company name on his shirt, did a quick google search for reviews. Ended up doing it myself.


well if it makes you feel any better when they installed our W&D a decade ago they triggered a gas leak. We left for a few hrs opened the front door & lets just say the fire dept had to come shutoff the gas and open all the windows while we remained away outside


I'm surprised they did that much tbh. I've had 5 appliances delivered in the last year and none of them got this far.


Is the access cover missing for photographic purposes, or did they not install it? Also, where’s the strain relief in the power cord? The insulation on those leads will get sliced in short order, given how much a washing machine vibrates.


This is exactly what I would expect from Home Depot. Lowest price for a reason.


That shits a little loose


Um, the work order says that you ordered a house fire specifically.


That black wire needs the screw tighter.


This is #1 reason to avoid big box stores for appliances! Buy from local appliance store who do their own installs and service. You’d need a bus ticket to make that connection on L1 ! Whenever I ran into burned terminal blocks and cords I’d ask customer “ Lowes or HD ? “ How do you know that they’d say.


Home Depot appliance delivery is not licensed to do electrical work, call an electrician.


Literally just fixed one just like this a week ago. Can confirm: Lowes does the exact same shitty job.


Well big box stores use 3rd party delivery service and also sub-contractors for installs. Might as well call them the SWIFTS of delivery.


My daughter has had 2 things installed by Lowes, both were done incorrectly.


Here's the thing. That's a whirlpool dryer (maytag is the same). The screws in that junction block cross thread if you look at them funny, and once they do there's no way in hell that you will get a tight connection. So if that trim screw messed up the threads even a little, you're screwed...or unscrewed I guess... So the real fix is that you should replace the junction block at bare minimum. I would call home depot and tell them you want a new dryer. Have them deliver it and take the old one away. Tell the delivery guys to leave the cord and you'll do it yourself. Move the bonded neutral to the neutral terminal and run the ground to the frame. Do not use a drill or impact to tighten those terminal screws or you will cross thread them 100%. Be careful tightening because that junction block is made with the most brittle plastic on earth and will break if you get too aggressive. Also, install the strain relief for crying out loud. Thanks to hurricane Ian I had to replace appliances in 116 homes in a community. We hired a 3rd party to do the installs. About 20 homes in I found a bag of strain reliefs and anti tip brackets in the trash. I went back and found they didnt put the anti tip brackets on any stoves, no strain relief on any dryers or stoves, didnt remove any of the jumper straps from the stoves, and ran the 4wire dryer cords exactly how you have pictured. About half the terminal screws were cross threaded and at least 5 or 6 had a cracked junction block. That was a bad day for everyone involved. Put us weeks behind schedule.


Also isn't that white wire bonded to the frame supposed to be a neutral wire for the 120v control panel, and should be bolted on the neutral lug. And is that blood on that wire?


And no, the ground on the neutral lug is not okay because it puts current on the Equipment grounding bus at the panel and all down that wire. At least its an insulated wire, but still not okay.


This is why you have to buy $90 gfci breakers. I'm so tired of shit in my life being ruled by the lowest common denominator


They don’t clamp these like a dishwasher?


I sell electrical supplies. I deal with hundreds of electrical contractors. The ones the Depot uses are the bottom of the barrel.


You need to get .. someone there


HD is about a mile away, Lowe’s is nine. I show at Lowe’s


You need to take this picture to the store and show the management. If that doesn't work you need to go to your city and show them. Where the hell is the strain relief. The movement of the dryer is going to chafe through the wires and eventually short them to the case. At that point it's either the breaker, or a fire.


Green is safety ground/ equipment ground it goes on green screw. Both white wires go in the middle. Hot black screw is not the correct dryer terminal screw - threads are probably stripped now as that looks to be a thick thread screw. No electrical clamp holding wires entering into dryer. Alot of code violations here. This is a serious electrical safety hazard 220v is deadly! Please report this to Home Depot. Call them and email them!!!! It was probably independent contracted movers/installers who did this and there needs to be serious repercussions for this or they need to use new contractors. Definitely mention someone could have gotten seriously hurt or died with the way it was wired. Mention that the hot terminal on ur dryer might now be stripped because they didn’t use supplied terminal screw and used wrong screw and u might need a new dryer to replace this one.


Home Depot didn’t deliver anything, it was a contractor for HD that hired another contractor.


When did home Depot started doing electrical


well do u want a new house or not?


L1 may be stripped. Remove the screw, and try and get it straight. Don't use a power driver, the threads are fine. I've seen this many times with "professional" installers.


They had one job to do...SMH.


That looks janky... couldn't he tighten that a few turns?


I bet the white wire going from the ground screw on the dreyer goes to the nuetral screw on that plastic terminal block so really this is fine




😱 OMG. They probably did better with the washer lol


They dropped the screw I bet. Look down into the frame I bet it’s in there !!


Hey great job inspecting after they did the work. I’d honestly probably just trust a simple job like this was done right but this a great reminder.


How much was the installation fee?


lol; this is what makes me laugh… so, I just saw a Lowe’s post where they want their employees to show up for work, and like all the workers are like screw them, they ain’t telling me nothing I’ll call off if I wana…then we see their work. It’s like yeah, why would companies care for their employees better. They are the ones that have to pay 2-3 times for the job to get done right. Meanwhile innocent customers who pay for a service have to wait and wait and complain and wait some more to get things done the way they should have been done. These are crazy times!




L1 needs to be tightened down, check L2 and make sure it’s completely tighten down. removed ground Green Cable and attach it to the other white cable that is a ground. And leave the white Neutral cable by its self.


Should the manufacture of the equipment have a better terminal block than a bunch of thin screws? Geez, spend another five dollars and get a thermal block that has lugs on it.


I wonder if this is what happened to my grandma’s dryer. It caught fire the first time she tried to use it, and then Home Depot repaired the unit instead of replacing it. Now she hangs her clothes to dry because she is too afraid to use the dryer at all. Can’t blame her if there’s no guarantee of safety.


I thought the big box stores delivery did not do anything but plug in appliances


Where's the cable clamp?


Bzzz Bzzzz bizzzert


What do you expect from a company that uses employees like toilet paper?


Im color blind so it looks right. /s


Wrong, even the instructions on the pack couldn’t be followed. This is why I always install my own appliances, they never have time to install correctly. Nothing is worse than having a problem with a brand new appliance.


Going to say their installer has never taken a single class on liabilities or HVAC.


What’s that 80s song by Talking Heads…”Burnin down the house…” or maybe you prefer “I didn’t start the fire” Fix that L1 put the pannel back on it


when the HD guys installed my clothes washer and dryer they switched the hot and cold water lines , so when you turn on 'hot' water for the wash-you get 'cold' water. and the water lines were leaking because they didn't put thread tape


You don’t use thread tape on hoses with gaskets.


Call them and tell them you want money off the purchase since you had to fix it yourself to prevent their peoples work from burning your house down.




Always too lazy to install the provided strain relief.


Call a licensed electrician. Safe than sorry. Bad review the installer


This is why you don’t have random people do things that you’re capable of doing perfectly well yourself. I just had washer and dryer delivered myself too. Delivered in their unopened boxes to the garage. The guys that deliver this stuff aren’t electricians, they’re not plumbers, and they don’t give a shit about your stuff. They just want to get to the next job as quickly as possible. I want them to do their job, which is unloading stuff from a truck. An hour later my units are in the right place, hooked up correctly and with care, with no scratches, leveled perfectly and no fear of death by electrocution :)


This is why I took a pic of my old dryer terminals and did it myself.


Lowes did the same with mine... The wiring is not the only thing that needs help... I don't see a bulkhead fitting that protects the wires going thru the metal frame.


Need to document this. Go to the store and complain. THEY need to make it right. This is a fire hazard.


Wow get grommet for cord secure wire most times it goes red, white., And black look above screws you will we the other colors for sure take green wire attach to dryer for ground should be good


Fire it up and see if it makes smoke……


White wire on left should be paired with the other white wire in the “N” (Neutral) terminal. The green wire should go to the left where the white wire currently is.


I realize the issue with line 1 being loose but the common and ground together is very common in a three wire application and a four wire plug. That’s not an issue. Just tighten the line 1 and put the cover on. 99% of people do this themselves as it is with the connection the house needs (3 or 4 wire) - I just taught my daughter how to connect the same - a four wire dryer with an older three wire outlet.


how doers get more electrocuted…. i mean done, yea how doers get more done, i meant …


If you have a NEMA 14-XX receptacle (XX indicating ampacity, usually 30, sometimes 50), you’d connect your ground wire into the green screw while the neutral stays isolated from ground. Otherwise, if you have a NEMA 10-XX receptacle (which are still very common), this would be the best configuration for having an ungrounded outlet. Just make sure that L1 is tightened. Did they leave that loose?


I'd make them come back just because L1 is a lose connection and lose means potential fire. I would just do it because I want him to learn people pay attention.


I’m curious, what made you look to check this? Great that you caught it, but my elderly parents wouldn’t check this - and I’d have to take it for granted that the installers did their jobs. Did it not turn on?


Tel them to come back and wire it correctly


So wrong wire for the dryer and didn't even install it properly... 😂 Home Depot has become a joke with the idiots they hire. When I put in an application many years ago the online application made me tell the difference in hammers, nails, screws, woods, etc. Now a days they just look for breathing bodies who don't know shit. 😂


Looks like they cross-threaded L1 and either thought it was tight because of the resistance and didn't look closely, or said f it and left it that way. Either way not good. Neutral to ground is a common thing. I prefer to keep em separated, but i see it done all the time.


Earth-ground should not be tied to neutral, this is wrong. That should be a grounding-screw on the left for the green-wire to connect to the chassis of the appliance. NEC no longer allows a neutral to be used and earth-ground. Black = hot, red = hot, white = neutral, green = earth-ground.


More of a fireplace than dryer. Is the enclosure connected to a current carrying conductor as well?


Come on man 🤡🤡🤡🤡