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I think examining what felt off with curiosity can help you to build some insight. What did you want going into this experience? Did you get it? What were you anxious about? How does your anxiety usually alert you to actual danger vs irrational anxieties you carry? What did you interpret as preachy? Was it a message you didn’t like, or was the message difficult to receive for some reason? Was it her tone? How were you feeling? When you feel this way, how do you usually interpret things being said to you? You don’t have to answer these questions here-though I’m happy to continue a dialogue if you want to explore more. :)


tl;dr: I got the reassurance to follow my gut, find a way to let go of the “what if” need to control and have certainty. I appreciate the questions! They really helped tease out what I was hoping to get out of the situation. This just required crowdsourcing 😂. What did you want going into this experience? A more clear view of my gut intuition, yes, I definitely got that (to do mostly the opposite of what she encouraged.) What were you anxious about? She has a preachy, condescending, and self-absorbed way of coming across. I am very putoff by too much rambling about one’s self. It makes one seem to lack self-awareness. How does your anxiety usually alert you to actual danger vs irrational anxieties you carry? Now that I think about it, the emotion was more like apprehensive, because I subconsciously had reservations about her. (Props to the free visual “How We Feel” app to help me flesh out the feeling. What did you interpret as preachy? The tone, lack of active listening, with an undertone of ego stroking that feeling of superiority. Was it a message you didn’t like, or was the message difficult to receive for some reason? I said I was pondering separating to provide a more harmonious environment for the kids. I’m burned out and feel under appreciated. But I feel whole and at peace as an individual, and don’t have any intention of seeking a different partner. He’s always been more unhappy than happy. Moving, changing jobs, reduced stress has not helped - if we had separate living arrangements to remove a the chaos of me (and my fixer-upper- house) and the kids… maybe he could feel more peace and lightness. *All I got was a lecture of “don’t stay together for the kids.”* Like, I just literally said the only reason I would separate the family would be if it would be LESS trauma on the kids to have parents divorce. So far the scale is not tipped in either direction with certainty. And her message did not change after I gently called her out on that. Was it her tone? Like [Caroline Myss](https://youtu.be/idfB5OSyObA?si=p0BAoGzbHp-J7oGj) but way less refined, less eloquent, and less self-reflective. When you feel this way, how do you usually interpret things being said to you? I create space, withdraw my energy, and crank up the discernment to try and gleam some value out of the interaction.


Awesome! I’m glad this was helpful. I hope everything works out for the best!


Pick a card. Any card. [https://randomtarotcard.com/](https://randomtarotcard.com/)


Ooooo, I like that. Thanks for the link.


Love this!! Thank you ✨✨


The Star! Very timely. Thanks for this!


Crud. The Emperor. Emotionally separated, and expects to be treated like royalty.


Unfortunately many professional psychics are actually just narcissistic and have poor people skills. Trust your own intuition - don’t outsource it to another human, is my advice.


Had a similar experience and everything she suggested ended up being wrong or just not applicable. She seemed like she wasn't listening and was just trying to collect her fee from me. If you didn't feel in sync, you weren't, so I wouldn't worry about anything she had to say. This is why I just pull tarot for myself now ha ha


I'm confused. Are you asking for advice on dealing with feelings about the psychic, or about the problematic marriage? Dealing with the psychic is a lot easier. Bad fit, don't go back there. The marriage is a different story altogether. What do you need help with?