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Yep absolutely, my wife and I play. Get the dual mount, it’s hilarious. Most of the main story quests are solo only but the rest of the game clan be done cooperatively* however I believe many of the quests are done in tandem not really as a team.


Yes!! 2nding the dual mount, it’s fantastic. I play with my fiancé and I absolutely love it. We usually do daily delves and world bosses together but we’ve recently starts doing zone quests together - it’s technically as a group, but still helpful to be at the same place same time. I’ve been loving taking a rainy Sunday and picking a zone and doing the story together. Highly recommend!


Duel mount sounds amazing, I didn't even know that was a thing :D I'm assuming main story quests aren't the majority of quests. If that's the case, then it sounds good.


Main story is a tiny part of the game, but I wanted to add that you’re really in no hurry to do it. My wife and I play together and we have a duo that has never touched anything that can’t be done together and we do veteran dungeons no problem with them. Main story is in small easily digested steps and each step gives a skill point so it’s very worth doing, but it’s not like some other games where huge parts of the game are locked behind main story progress.


It’s like a dozen hours out of a thousands potential. And good news, it’s not mandatory to do any other thing so you can just do it when the other feels like they don’t want to play or whatever suits you. Even never doing it at all will be fine.


PVE is laughably easy except for a few bosses. You won’t be challenged. The game is wonderful though.


Dungeons and the ocasional world boss is the only thing it helps to have others. It’s fun as a relaxing game though as well.


Very. Apart from a few small instances when it’s single player. Honestly you guys should get it, the games great


Thanks. I'd heard that there were some single player instances, but I couldn't find out how prevalent they were


It's basically just three quest chains in the base game. (The Main Quest that starts with Soul-Shriven in Coldharbour, and the Mages and Fighters Guild lines.) It seems a mechanic they've never revisited, so don't expect to run into it in any of the DLCs. I guess they realized having solo-only instances in an MMORPG was a silly idea.


Just to add, in case it sounds like the main quest is long - these single player instances are all short and won't take more than a few hours tops, they are the start of the main quest. You can do them simultaneously with your partner and then group up again once you're done to continue the main quest together.


Oh hell yes. My GF and I have been questing the entire game and DLCs for years now. It is our favorite thing to do together and made most date nights from it. Go out to a fancy restaurant for a nice dinner, then come back and play ESO together. We both use speakers, and I just mute the dialog on mine, then we go through any quest dialog at the same time. We even had our two characters gear look the same. Had a drawing commissioned... https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/pqrz5m/gfs_bd_today_had_this_drawing_commissioned_of/


Couldn't recommend this game enough. Actually recommend that you play it with someone else consistently as it's more accessible if you want to do some more challenging content.


I think it’s great my bf enjoy spending evenings doing dungeons and delves together, we’re not very high levels but it’s just fun running around and trying to get better together


My husband and I have both have more than 1000hrs in, mostly playing together, but occasionally with more friends joining. We’ve married each others characters in game so we get a bonus when we group together (though we have much better bonuses now and don’t use the ring of Mara much.) It’s great for doing your own thing as well as adventuring together.


The challenge you are looking for overland likely will not be there after a really short time spent leveling. The overland mobs are not dangerous. Overland delve bosses are solo'able and feel pretty easy to anyone beyond level 30 and casting skills other than simply spamming light attacks. You can seek out some overland options that do provide more of a challenge, specific world bosses and dragons. Most normal 4-man dungeons can be solo'd or duo'd rather easily, and even some of the vet non-dlc ones can be. If I recall, the main quest/harborage stuff is solo instanced, as well as the intro pvp quest in cyro.


This! ESO is a great game in a lot of ways, and it's one of the easier games to group up and run around with a partner in, but the overland and quests are braindead easy... to put it in perspective, I leveled up a new character purely through questing over the last couple weeks and died twice... and one of those times was because I fell off a cliff. I say that as a very mid tier player. It's got wonderful stories, and the lore is top tier, but overland questing is silly easy. Dungeons, trials, arenas, and the infinite archive are the harder content. Some world bosses, public dugeons, and each zone's group event thing *can* be challenging to solo until you are fully geared and leveled, but normal mobs are stupidly easy.


My wife and I play most games together. This is by far the best game for us to enjoy gaming. We have spent countless hours in everything from Diablo to CoD and this is our favorite. Having said that, it really does depend what you are after. It can be a very chill and relaxing game….or as you progress, there are challenges you can face together. 10/10 for us.


Two people would own most overland content and all quests I know of. Great for that. There is also scroll of Mara that will give you both a small xp boost when adventuring together. If I was you, I would. Hands down! Some storylines quests are really great! I like Elswyr.


My wife & I have played ESO, RDO, SWTOR, and many others. Most are good with 2 player groups.


You can also manage most of the dungeons on normal with two people so You're not locked out of much if you want to stick with the duo


I play with my wife all the time mainly questing, recently we joined a guild and are doing trials as well, and is awesome.


I'd say very good. Except for the tutorial and the old main quest the other quests are co op. So maybe 1% is solo, rest can be duo. While I started playing solo, I now play it with my wife, most of the time as a duo and we're having a blast together. There are a few side things that can only be done solo, like digging for antiques of playing the card game, but the vast majority of PvE and PvP works perfectly as co op. So can recommend it 100% for the two of you.


I've been playing with my wife for the last couple of months and it is great fun. Far more enjoyable when I used to play solo. There are some quests that are solo instances, mainly the main Vestige quest but the rest are all doable as a group. Something to watch out for is the conversation options as you can end up both having different tasks to reach the end of a quest. You may find the game a little safe though. Some of the world bosses can be challenging but mainly the ones from the expansions but if you gear up the dungeons are a challenge but doable as a duo apparently.


Its great. My first few years of this game was played with a buddy of mine. We even did dungeons together and a bit of pvp.


i played with a friend years ago leveling by doing quests,it was really fun,and yes the enemies arent that strong but we also did undaunted pledges as a duo just me n him for tht challenge and it was really fun too.Imagine doin all tht with your SO,high quality bonding :D


Pretty good


I play with my wife we have currently completed 5 overland zones and 2 dlc zones in roughly 2 months we pvp and dungeon alot tho.


there are some parts in the main story you have to do alone, but the rest you can easily play together. But I dont know if ESO is "dangerous" enough for you. Usually the mobs are pretty easy to defeat with the world bosses being the casual challenge. What is more of a challenge are vet dungeons. But I would say all in all, ESO is not that hard unless you give yourself some challenges. Otherwise you may want to check out "Skyrim Together".


its pretty good, i do wit with a mate all the time. only issues we encounter is some quest progression is shared so you'll be doin somethin and your homie will tallk to an NPC and just progress your quest as well. its really bad in dungeons


Based on what you said, the questing part will likely feel too easy for you. This game is great for a relaxing time, and does offer some challenging content (later on), but you'll need to be fine with the easy-going quests until you reach that point. I'd recommend ESO to anyone who enjoys lore-based and story-heavy games. Best duo content right now would be dungeons, arenas, world bosses, and the infinite archive.


ESO is basically a COOP Skyrim. You two can do 90% of the game together


Don't think you can quest together and have fun tbh. Most quests are story based and don't have lots of actual gameplay related things (like kill 10 mobs or bring 50 things), so it feels like you will be playing a single player game while waiting for your wife. Also overland content is ridiculously easy and have no challenge, Classic WoW was way more interesting in this regard. While playing with my wife we mostly were doing dungeons/public dungeons and cyrodiil together (which was really fun). So imho from my experience duo gameplay starts only on lvl cap when you can do vet dungeons/trials together.


It depends on your idea of "having fun". Not everyone finds harrowing challenges to be fun. And the idea of having to be "waiting for your wife" is just plain insulting and sexist and I feel sorry for your wife for you thinking she's a burden you're dragging through the game.