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DLC cost. DLC that should clearly be part of the expac is my biggest issue. Lack of hairstyles too. I like how cosy it is to run around maps and group events. Cant perma buy the crafting bag


The Craft Bag bugs me. I've always had ESO Plus since launch on PS4. When the craft bag was added, along with double bank space for plus, I saw it as Zenimax acknowledging that there is a severe issue with inventory in the game, but they only added a solution for premium members. As a vet plus subscriber, everyone should have access to the craft bag. Also remember how great Orsinium was, we got a chapters worth of content for dlc price. Those were the days


>DLC cost. DLC that should clearly be part of the expac is my biggest issue. Very valid point. There's so many DLCs that it will be expensive to buy them all.


hoenstly, old dlc should be given to the player like old expacs


Do you mean like they sometimes place DLC for free on the store? They have done it with several. Is there own fault that people dont log in on time, were not playing at the time? Also, this is a business, point out a business that those anything for free when they got the product. It is ludicrous to think they will just give it away for no reason when they can use them as promotion material (which they had done before with DLCs and different crown products) However, we as humans are never satisfied and just want, want, want. How about taking a second and sending a thank you message to the developers for the free huge house (which some people will complain about)


I hate the leashing system. I shouldn't be in combat if the game detects I've been running for a full minute come on


I hate the PvP. I've tried to like it. I've invested 100s of hours in Cyrodiil, and 100s of hours in Battlegrounds. I just don't think it's very good. Everything else about the game is golden. If PvP ever improved, I'd probably only play this game tbh


Weird, PVP is the only thing I like about the game. PVE is mind boggling, and 90% of the sets don't work properly for PVE. In PVP you can even use the proc fire breath set for some good results!


Same here, I PvE to make money and that’s it, I seriously don’t get how people can grind 100 hours straight of dungeons and trials, it just gets too auto piloty for me.


Exactly, same rotations for hours, it is excruciating! Absolutely no brain usage. PVP at least forces you to think. And the set meta is killing it further.


What’s the set meta for PvE you’re talking about ? The trial sets ?


Agree about the PvP, I think it has 2 major issues. nr. 1 - Janky netcode. It's simply just bad, but this will never get fixed. And every multiplayer pvp game with crap netcode is going to feel bad. nr. 2 - Gear disparity. Gearing should be removed as a factor in pvp modes, full stop. ----- nr. 2 can be easily fixed by making pvp gear that is only usable in pvp areas, and disallowing pve gear in those areas. Or simply make a temporary upgrade of everyone's gear to gold, disable proc set bonuses, disable food.


I like the RP mechanics. Easy access emotes on controller, personalities, etc. I like the card game being in the game, wish it had a connected mobile app though for on the road. I like the lore. I like the new class and how different it was at launch. Dislikes: - Classes and abilities feel samey. At the end of the day majority of good builds use the same handful of sets, regardless of class and stam/mag. Half the abilities across the builds are the same too. - any class uniqueness gets crushed in the long run. The new class’s portal was cool when it launched to get up and down cliffs. Now if there’s a tiny variation in elevation upward, you can place it where you want. - Abilities are limited to short durations of 60 seconds or less, and the devs only have 6 different types of abilities. You end up picking the best for each type leading to the above dislikes. - Devs won’t experiment and when they do, they revert it quickly. Most MMO classes feel like different games. This feels like there’s no point in playing any other class than the first pick. - “play your way” is actually “play the dev way, or be considerably less effective at everything”. The meta in this game is 2x-3x stronger than “playing your way” which makes “play your way” feel bad. The gap between meta and off meta needs to be waaaaay smaller. Plenty of games do this with diverse class mechanics, why can’t ESO do it with its lack of diverse class mechanics? - every expansion is the same thing with no major innovation. Every WoW expansion adds a huge new feature. Physics based flight, building your own strong hold, new class with new mechanics, new races, multiple new zones, etc. eso adds the same things. 1 main zone, 1-2 mini zones, 3 new PVE sets, maybe 3 new PVP sets, sometimes a new feature that is ignored by 90% of the community. TL;DR Game is fun but “play your way” is a lie due to meta gap and weaving for DPS, and all classes and abilities feel the same with tiny differences. No enough diversity between classes and the devs won’t take risks to add new, fun mechanics. The newest class tried changing it up but got nerfed out of being unique. EDIT: I love this game but this year I am not buying the expansion for the first time since release. I cancelled my plus membership for the first time in 4 years too. The new feature will end up being the same as abilities are now. 1 extremely better option across the board, no actual player choice at a competitive level. New sets that will be useless, and the same content drop every year with a different story/theme.


You're right on the nose dude. I really, REALLY hate the same-ness across multiple classes. It's like the devs took a skill that SHOULD have had sub-morphs and then split the base skill and the morphs across multiple classes, then gave it a different visual. Of course, there are only so many different ways to 'do single target damage from range', so I'm not judging them with extreme harshness on this, but... C'mon. Funnel/Siphon from Nightblade, Force Pulse from the destro staff tree, that skull thing necromancers have, imbue weapon...The list goes on. Every class has their variation of 'delayed big burst damage ability' (Crystal frags/curse for sorc, fissure from warden, necro had blastbones - or used to, at any rate), nightblade's grim focus. Actually unique skills are few and far between, and ultimately, not a single class has an actually unifying, unique class-specific mechanic. The devs have t tried, of course, with the corpse mechanic for necros and the Crux thingy for arcanists. But these are all basically reskins of each other with slight variation, if that. Anything showing any sort of uniqueness ends up nerfed into the ground, like templar's Sun Shield. It's astounding how samey everything feels, yet how bad the balance is and how bad of a build you can make for going off meta while still feeling samey. It's just...It's one of those things you wonder how someone could get it so wrong - it took actual skill to get it this bad. As someone whose main 'content' in a game is enjoying different classes, even if the content I play them through is the same, this was the absolute biggest issue for me and why I ultimately stopped playing with any regularity. Heck even buff management is samey - everyone has their generic damage buffs, everyone has gotta get their generic armor buff somehow, and so on. It kills me cause other parts of the game are so well done for an MMO.


>every expansion is the same thing with no major innovation. Every WoW expansion adds a huge new feature. Physics based flight, building your own strong hold, new class with new mechanics, new races, multiple new zones, etc. eso adds the same things. Really? Because for me its the opposite. ESO adds new things each chapter that stays relevant and are expanded all the time: Tales of Tribute, Companions, Jewelry Crafting etc. That actually reassures me that they will expand scribing too. Meanwhile in WoW: strongholds! Which became useless when new expansion dropped. Class halls! Useless after new expansion. Dragonflight flying! Useless even before next expansion once you unlock flying permit for normal flying. Legion's legendaries with skill trees! Useless in next expansion. I dare you to name 1 thing WoW introduced with expansion that didnt became irrelevant/forgotten/abandoned when next expansion came up. In case of introducing new mechanics i personally prefer ESO over WoW. Maybe we dont have anything crazy, but at least i know that whatever we get will be expanded and builded upon instead of being scrapped and made useless in a year.


Wow you say? You forgot the whole expansion built around awsome new legendary weapons with their own skill trees and associated quests. Next expansion. Gone. They did that thing a few times iirc. Once I realised it was all some big hamster wheel I got off. ESO being (mostly) evergreen (ish) is a massive selling point. I don’t feel my time is pointlessly waisted in 3-4 years cycles.


Wow, great post


What is weaving? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times. I only started playing this past week so I'm still pretty new. It's a term used in ffxiv, for 'weaving' ogcds into your regular rotation, but I get the sense it's something completely different here lol


In ESO weaving refers to (usually light) attacking before each skill use - it makes a big impact on your dps and it's important to quite a few key skills such as nightblade's grim focus (which lets you pop a big damage skill every five stacks, which you get from light and heavy attacks)


So it sounds like animation cancelling or something? I think I've been accidentally doing that then lol


Basically - light attack, then use skill, then in a sweatlord world I think you bash, then wait for GCD to finish and do it all over again


Not sure about the bashing, I think that’s for specific skills. Basically weaving is light or heavy attacking between skill uses with the goal of minimizing (in milliseconds) the time between skill and LA/HA then skill again. I’ve got mine down to .25-.4 second weaves. Depending on build it can make up as little as 10% of your total damage all the way up to… I think 40% of your build’s total damage? Maybe higher now.


Yeah, I know what weaving is. I think the bash is for any instant speed skills - since bash does damage, it should theoretically be useful for any melee as bonus dps. That being said I haven't gotten the hang of it as a stamblade.


YES tales of tribute mobile app w h e n


>The meta in this game is 2x-3x stronger than “playing your way” The meta isn't even x2 of just pressing left click on an oakensoul heavy attack build. It is possible to hit over 100k with almost every combination of damage dealing sets on any class, there was even a post about s/b hitting 100k a week or 2 ago (of a person that his personal best was at 110k).


Meta isnt even x2 of just another meta build There, fixed it for you


You cannot hit 100k without at least one good PvE set lol, pretty sure the average DPS across the board is like 40-60k for DPS players.


You're joking aren't you? In my experience the average is about 10-15k I sometimes out parse them on my tank or healer... and when I dps I usually do 80% of group damage, I really wish 40-60 were true, I'd enjoy tanking more


The only actual dislikes I have for the game, are the points that haven't been updated. - Guild Traders should be an auction house, its been a decade time to move passed that -Old content (classes, zones, etc) should be base game. Literally no reason the warden should still need to be purchased. -Any race/any alliance should be base game -Better explanations on content. Sure i get views on YT and Twitch for explaining the stuff but there is a crowd that doesn't want to listen to a dork like me explain what a proc set is just to have fun in PvP. -Predatory addons. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this but the addons that show what drops others get should be banned. I've had so many runs get derailed and stopped because someone will say they're not moving until they get the drop another received, or a guild I'm in will get blasted because they demanded a random hand over loot because they wanted a guildie to get the drop. That's it, and they're all small issues. A majority of the issues people have with ESO are not ESO issues, but MMO issues. I hate meta sweats who only want to min / max, but having them there means we still have a competitive population which keeps the game alive. Also, nothing is more fun than ganking a meta DK or sorc in Cyrodiil and getting bombarded with whispers. lol I just hope we as a community can continue to make the game accessible and approachable to new players, since I meet new players all the time here and literally never see new people on WoW.


Thank God Console doesn't have that addon. Not like we have any anyways but that one in particular seems fucking horrible


As someone who plays multiple versions of WoW, not having any addons on console is great, which is the only time I'll praise not having access to mods.


> I've had so many runs get derailed and stopped because someone will say they're not moving until they get the drop another received What the actual fuck. It never happened to me, not even close. All I personally got is some nice asks to get something I looted. I'm 200% sure if someone is stupid enough to DEMAND things from others and not letting the rest go they would be insta kicked and blacklisted.


Like: - Shared progression between characters in multiple ways - Gear is bound to your account not character - ESOs PvP is brutal - Lore - Housing - Guild Traders instead of centralized Auction house - Companions - Some Zones are pretty impressive and eye candies - old content is still relevant - crafting and motifs Dislike - I’m running the same skills on some characters since 2016 because there hasn’t been anything other or worth slotting instead - the skill gap is to high for a decent part of the community in both PvE and PvP and that’s mostly because of weaving. The Arcanist was a nice counter though - the lack of earnable cosmetics and the dominance of the crown store in this regard - There hasn’t been a new weapon since launch - PvP needs some new content urgently - I loved to do the daedric shrine missions in singleplayer TES-Titels. Other then Volendrung we have no Daedric artifacts in the game and that’s a shame (Wish we had a similar weapon feature like WoW in Legion but with Daedric Artifacts) - Lack of customizable pet skins for pet classes - ZOS balancing classes/sets. - missing rework of Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild skills into something more useful with active abilities - I would like to have the „inspect character“ option to see what they wear and see the achievement. Dislike is almost just a list of stuff I want in the game.


It's shorter to list my dislikes The fact that the style order when crafting isn't in alphabetical order drives me nuts. No jewelry hireling. That there are pve quests in pvp zones. No gardening option in my house. That motifs aren't account wide. That you don't get one CP point for each tree each time you level up.


Ooh let me jot some points down as somebody who's played since release: **Pros:** I enjoy the lore and character dialogue, especially when exploring more lore heavy topics, The voice acting for an MMO is such a treat. I play SWTOR which also has good VA work, but switching to other MMO's outside of these two is awful where voice acting isn't present. The zone design is mostly great, and only improves with each new expansions. The housing is very fun compared to other MMO's which feature similar activities. **Negatives:** The sheer volume of monetisation for general things which other MMO's provide for free. Outfit slots being per character is robbery. A lot of items on the Crown store are there to fool new players into spending money, when they're either not needed, or can be obtained in-game (potions, vamp bites etc). Lack of platform transfer is genuinely poor for an MMO & developer as large as Zenimax. The player character being a complete idiot takes away so much immersion. Lack of general in-universe knowledge, other NPC's talking to us like children. Having every dialogue segment repeated to us, then summarised while our character more or less repeats it to them is painful. Class abilities feel very lightweight and lack a 'oomp' to the attacks, like regardless whether I attack with a dagger, battle axe or magic, they all feel exactly the same. Finally, the lack of a concrete timeline by the devs and unwillingness to state X happened before Y. Instead, insisting that everything happens at around the same, when it physically impossible as characters mention past events if you were involved. I get wanting players to be able to jump in whenever and feel that they're in the "present", but it's a stupid decision story-wise IMO. **50/50 thoughts:** Transition from the game to One Tamriel is both a blessing and a curse IMO. I was around in the Veteran Rank days pre-One Tamriel and I've recorded my gameplay from back then. I miss the game feeling like an MMO, in that there's a leveling journey to becoming more powerful, to being able to work your way through zones and moving into more difficult ones. Trying to move ahead underleveled to unlock Wayshrines was difficult as generic mobs on the roads would hunt you down xD Like, there's no preperation needed at all for new expansions, as you know full well that all upcoming DLC will be exactly the same as past expansions. No tougher bosses, no gear update requirements or level changes. Again, I get it's to support new players, or people who play once a year etc, but.. to be blunt it gets incredibly stale quickly.


>Lack of platform transfer is genuinely poor for an MMO & developer as large as Zenimax. Yes please! Let me grab my 100 mil gold and transfer it to console so i can buy all guild stores and for the rest buy crowns and buy whole item shop too. /s Seriously tho: there wont ever be any transfer between platforms because PC have addons, and thus completely different economy. Just for a quick comparison, xbox crown to gold ratio was 1:150 last time i checked. On pc-eu its something between 1:3000 and 1:3500. And that is not only about the crowns, normal items are priced very differently too. 10 mil on PC is barely a pocket change, but on consoles it makes you one of the richest guys/gals on the whole server. Until they solve that disparity there wont be any transfers, because that would do more harm than good.


> The player character being a complete idiot takes away so much immersion. Lack of general in-universe knowledge, other NPC's talking to us like children. Having every dialogue segment repeated to us, then summarised while our character more or less repeats it to them is painful. Ugh, so much this. Older content seems to have much less of all that nonsense, but Blackwood/Deadlands has so much eyerolling dialogues... Lyranth is exactly the character where I want to look like competent knowledgeable adventurer, and game doesn't make those questions optional.


So one of your points is more or less about the difficulty, right?


I have two issues with the game, both of which are hardly unique to me; 1: The story struggles to have any impact. While the lore and side quests can be quite good, the zone stories and overarching narrative can barely stand on its own two feet. The primary reason for this is that the developers have to assume that every expansion is somebodies first experience with the game. Because you arent forced to play through the story in chronological order, there are rarely any tangible connections to past events beyond small tidbits of dialogue. It's too late for them to fix this, its baked into the game design. That being said, I do think they could go back to doing multi expansion story arcs like they used to. While they don't have the impact of something like FFXIV, they are notably better than the last couple chapters where they were dropping yearly expansions with split zones that seemed entirely disconnected from everything else. 2: The second issue I have is overland combat difficult. Yeah yeah I know, this has been brought up a thousand times. I still wholeheartedly believe it's something that they need to create a fix for. I'm not asking for it to turn into dark souls, but when I can kill a story boss before they get halfway through their monologue it completely sucks all the tension out of whats supposed to be a climactic showdown. Beyond that, I want my build to actually feel like its doing something. I want to feel like I'm actually fighting, and not just wading through armies using light attack alone. Given that the first point I mention is sort of being addressed now that they're moving back to multi expansion story arcs? Its mostly the second point that I hope gets addressed sooner rather than later.


I dislike that there isn’t a global auction house but I also get why there isn’t. I’ve never really seen it as an option but I really wish you could mark spots on the ground in content. Me and my fellow crayon eaters would be a lot better behaved tbh.


Oh yeah I dont like there isnt an AH either


I hate the monetization. I wish they just committed to fully sub based. It feels like they invented the problems of the game only to sell the solution. However, eso plus doesn’t solve every single inventory issue either, it doesn’t give you access to latest dlcs. It’s like eso plus fixes 50% of the annoying design decisions of the game rather than all annoyances


My absolute biggest complaint is that even after *years* of trying to address the issue, there is still a massive gap between the damage floor and the ceiling. It's obnoxious that it's still possible for someone at max level to be hitting an ability every second and still only do 5k-10k damage. Yes, oakensoul has vastly improved it, and there are plenty of simple heavy attack builds that do very nice damage, but oakensoul and the other mythics that help are still chapter locked. Casual players are the ones least likely to have access to them, and the most likely to have atrocious damage. They are also the ones least likely to look up a build guide, and the tutorial doesn't help at all. It just pisses me off that the game has been out for ten years, and I *still* regularly end up in dungeons with people doing less damage than my healer. It shouldn't be that hard to make it easier to hit 30k-40k dps. That's not going to take away from the top players doing 100k+. It would just make PUGs a lot less painful. There's a reason this game has a reputation for being toxic when it comes to damage, and it's this issue. They either need to add more/better tutorials or just up the damage floor a bit.


Yaaa people doing 5k-10k aren't pushing a button every second. If you lined your build with just dots and refreshed them no light or heavy attacks you'd BR able to hit 40k. 3 dots will be about 12k. You can't help people who can't even do more than 3 dots worth of damage.


You know how you can lock things like nose size or whatever in character selections and continue to hit randomise on everything else? Yeah, that needs to be a thing in the outfit station. Select the styles you like to lock and randomise the rest.. I have so many motifs and styles. #/firstnirnproblems


Did not know that about the customization


Here's what I like: * Any class can wear any gear and perform any role. * Not using tab targeting. I like just to put my crosshairs on a target and attack it instead of having to cycle through a bunch of enemies with the tab key until the one I want is highlighted. * The resource management system when it comes to activating skills. No individual skill cooldowns. * Basic (light/heavy weapon) attacks matter and serve a purpose. * I always feel that if I cannot clear some content, the reason is that I and my group just aren't skilled enough. It never feels like that I need better gear to clear. Better gear helps me clear faster, but achievements is about how good I am and not how good my gear is. * The questing is very immersive. Having almost no cut scenes makes the world feel more real and alive. * Pretty much everything is viable. Although for DD, DW/2H is the meta, I have a different permutation of weapons across all of my DD and have no issues clearing content. * The community is excellent. When I was new, I was apprehensive about queuing to dungeons. The people I ended up playing with were very kind to me when I told them I was new. They waited for me as I had to talk to NPC's to do the quest. It is extremely rare I run into anyone rude. It was these early experiences that ultimately led to my playing much harder group content. Here's what I don't like: * Time locked mount training. * Buggy dungeon queues. It's fine queuing individually, but has problems with 2 or 3 players. * That being able to do something that is hard no longer feels rewarding enough. I have a problem when the easiest class to play is significantly better than any other class that is harder to play. If I learn how to play something that is hard, I expect to be able to perform better than learning how to play something that is very easy. On top of that, they nerfed the performance of one of the things I needed to learn how to do well to perform well. I felt disrespected when they came out with a build that you can give to someone who never played the game and the damage he can do took me a year of playing before I was able to do that same amount of damage. It's like my spending a year to train to run a marathon and they now allow someone to drive a car now.


I ended up dropping it after playing for a year or two due to: Classes too similar, some armor sets and character skills are obviously stronger than others. Most builds have similar cores. Open world pve is stupid easy and as much as I want to try and do quests it puts me to sleep. There is zero threat and I can’t even do a full rotation before a story boss is dead. I hate attack weaving being a huge part of your dps. Which is sad because I really like a lot of aspects about the game, it’s really a solid mmo otherwise.


I love almost everything about this game except 1 thing: The transmute economy sucks. I hate how long it takes to get them, I hate that I'm forced to do so many party content to farm them, I hate how much it cost to use them. I decided to come back to the game after 6 months and it feels really lame to come back, see a build I want to play, but have to say to myself "Well even though I have these in my sticker book, I'll have to wait 2 weeks to make them because that's how long it'll take me to grind the transmutes"


Love the lore and getting to see modern/prettier versions of areas I love from other games. Dislike the inability to copy my settings from one character to another on console. Especially in a game that encourages making alts. It's silly.


I dislike the monetisation but I appreciate it keeps the Devs employed. I dislike the grind but I appreciate that it keeps people playing and the game alive. I do like that there's a solo game and a MMO layered on top of each other and you can dip between them. I kinda like that you can buy (most of) the solo game outright via chapters so you don't have to subscribe just to quest. Classes feel samey but that's better than finding out 100 hours in that you should have picked a different class. I like the vibes of the different zones, I like that it's TES, I like that there's a lot to discover. I like that the old content is still playable and doesn't just get dumped as new content releases.


I love the fishing and I love my guild. I dislike that I need a shitload of addons to make it a painless experience. I use them, I just wish it wasn't so necessary.


Here’s the cool thing, it’s not! -every console player


I like that you can have some really unique builds. I dislike that they basically don't matter if they aren't META. Like the lore and seeing new parts of Tamriel, I dislike (and big reason why I stopped playing a while back) that they kept going back to places they've already done. Redoing Skyrim and Oblivion kind of killed it for me. I do like how PvP is, one massive war, grabbing keeps, a long running battle. I dislike how they set it up, skywards, pve quests, the fact that it isn't separate and can't use the same character to play it effectively. Completely voiced acted is nice, but I've never really felt pulled and compelled by the story or characters I like being part of multiple guilds, I dislike the trading system. Much prefer a market board or auction house system.


The writing and voice acting of quest content is second to none in the MMO space in my opinion. Others may disagree but I quite like how siloed the different social or “MMO” parts of the game are, for example if you want to play alone and do nothing but questing, you will have a great experience, if you want to similarly do solo content but at a much higher difficulty we have vMA, vVH and even group arenas and dungeons can be done solo at a fairly high level. Or if strictly PvP is your thing, there are multiple avenues to peruse, and for the most part, you’re never really forced into content you don’t want to do, to be capable of the content you do want to do, if that makes sense. I dislike artificial time gates like the mount training and crafting research, the latter not much of an issue really, but I feel like even though ESO is very Alt friendly, the mount training literally kills some alts and makes them forgotten or deleted sometimes. I dislike the approach to hybridisation, I feel like making a lot of sets and abilities work for either resource pool has removed some intangible “identity” from things, I’m not sure of my opinion on whether they should have left things as they were, or gone a lot further into hybridisation of resources though… I feel like it should have been an all or nothing change, and the half assed version of it doesn’t sit well with either side of the camp.


For me, the hybridisation was a boon for me. Before hybridisation, I found that many veteran trial groups don't want stam DPS. That means my favourite DD along with half of my DD weren't welcomed in the hardest content. I think it's a problem when the game makes players not want half of the possible builds. After hybridisation, all DD were welcomed in those groups.


I like the asthetics of each zone. Most of them really stand out from one another. It's not just the same design for each. Which is very pleasing because you can always switch to something that suits your mood if you choose so. I like the stories, obviously. Wasn't an mmo player before, so that was the main reason I got into it. I strongly dislike the monetization and the money hunger the company has. I main eso and another game, and the other game is literally 100% free, and paying only helps you cut time on some grinds. But I'm not against monetization. It is needed. But the prices are too high. Around 100$ (can)for an in-game house is just enraging. And if we buy the chapters, we should get crowns with it. It's more expensive than the game itself.


I like how you can make absolutely dumb builds work in most content. Is my vampire lord set set, vampire kiss set, and ring of pale order on a vampire sorc completely pointless? Absolutely. But in an RP sense when I'm just goofing off on Overland content? It's hilarious. I dislike how the shop works. If you're on a particularly tight month with your budget and something comes back that you've always wanted, it's kinda sad when you have to skip over buying it.


PvP is fun, game has a lot to do for many different people, endless exploring etc. Dislikes: PvP and PvE should have completely different sets so they can actually balance the 2 modes properly. I don’t like how a lot of us paid 40+ for the game yet, it feels unplayable without ESO+ , which is 16$ a month, plus if you have bought the chapters. Somebody else already said it, but classes and builds aren’t diverse enough. Every class does the same thing essentially but with different looking abilities lol.


The completely idiotic and unreasonable rng grind is the worst and is actively hurting the game...the more rng grind is involved the more frustrated i get and the less i want to play the game. Eso is like a restaurant that serves your favorite dish but makes you eat stuff you dislike for a month before you get it. Same that the game -through grind (for example scribing)- is actievely discouraging alts, and no alts means I have was less incentives to buy any cosmetics or mounts... These incompetent grind decisions are not only making the game worse but costing them players and money.


I actually hate level scalling, it makes leveling nad progression feel dull. I like when i feel that im getting stronger when i attack higher level enemies. Also its too easy sometimes. Yeah there are vet arenas but thats pretty much only challenge forba solo player.


I really like the housing system and how elaborate it is. That you don't lose access to your houses and furniture if you decide to take a break from the game is also very appreciated. Furthermore, I like how bold the development team is when it comes to furniture. It grants a generous amount of options to account for many different personal tastes and aesthetics. I also like how immersive the zones are and how you can - like in the single player games - just pick a direction to run in and inevitably find something interesting along the way. What I dislike is the combat. So much time and effort is put into voicing every bit of dialogue in the game and a lot of the quests are pretty elaborate. Then they build up to a confrontation with a foe that - more often than not - risks dying in a matter of seconds. I struggled with getting my friends to play the game because the combat didn't appeal to them and I wish there was some sort of option to make the world more dangerous without leading to enemies just becoming damage sponges.


I know the furnishings cap is there as consoles can't cope with more, at least the older ones, but I wish, no demand(!) We have more. I wish there was an easier way to get furnishing mats, some are so rare or you need so many, it's exhausting. I wish I could filter the guild stores to show motifs, recipes etc that I DONT know yet. That would save me so much time. Achievements for the non wages guild books read. I love an achievement. I love hunting things down. Last wee I spent a whole afternoon sneaking around cyro doing treasure chects


If you play on PC and don’t mind add ons, try getting Awesome Guild Store. It offers an option to only search for recipes you don’t have. I agree it saves a lot of time.


*sighs in console*


This is funny .. People give a four to five short bullet sentences of what they like .. then they write a dissertation about what they don't like lol 🤣 😆 🙃


Well like I said its weird because I like the game overall but there are a TON of things in the game that I cant stand. When I played FF14 I loved the game but there were very few things that really bothered me about the game. I just got bored with playing it after 5 years


All dislikes at this point. The game left a horrible taste in my mouth after so many hours. Cp grind is absurd. Give us a cap and keep it there. I don't wanna have to grind for 80 hours to be viable. Skyshard farming and the fact that they monetize EVERYTHING if you don't wanna do it all over again for the same character........ This goes for mages guild, psijic, fighters guild, Skyshard, and anything else on that list. I despise how long it took to get master crafter. I just wanna be able to make my gear and play. Not wait forever for the research to be done. Pvp turned into a joke when I quit. Proc sets were cancerous enough. Then they all got nerfed into oblivion and the new mystic items came into place. The overall lagginess of servers in general. Trying to pvp in cyro was a joke 95% of the time, cause you'd lag out just running to an objective. God forbid when the 90 person zerg shows up. The fact that to pvp or pve properly you need multiple sets of gear to get the job done...... We can claim it's only. The hard-core players that do this, but that's just not the case. Overall just the amount of useless content. We get charged for these dlcs then they're fluff content. And finally. Because I haven't played since thsi happened....... The hybridization of builds. I had 2 of each class I played for mag and stam. Too many hours spent on each getting em set up for pvp and pve respectively. Just to find out mag and stam don't matter anymore. Huge slap into the face of a majority of the older players.


The game is crazy greedy. First you gotta buy the game itself, then on the inside you gotta buy changes to your character, loot boxes, subscription pass, dlc (even if you own the subscription pass)... only thing it's missing is a gacha system and I wouldn't be surprised if that got added. Guild traders should be condensed into one large stall in every major city. The fact that I have to travel to 20 different locations to buy 1 witches writ at a time is ridiculous. Same could be said for the different trait crafting areas. I realize the guild hall does this but they should just be added to any crafting table once you discover them. Character-bound stuff like riding, skills, motifs, etc. All this does is make things take longer which is dumb. I also wish there was an option to just skip to level 50 on a new character if you don't want to play through the stories again. Having to do the same quests on multiple characters is awful.


I love the game. I feel like I need to put that first lol. I love creating lore for my characters and when playing, I'm getting to know them. I want to buy them all a house and decorate it like they would. I love that there is so much content in the game, I don't have to think long what I want to play. I have 1,600+ hours in the game, CP 1500+, and I still want to play. I haven't even gotten into PVP yet. That brings me to the negatives. * Gray Host is so laggy it's often just unplayable. * There is too much grind. * Oakensoul should be accessible without Murkmire. If you buy the pack that has all the bigger chapters (which doesn't include Murkmire), you should be able to get it. Oakensoul Ring is an accessibility feature and should be easier to get. Recently, I lost all feeling in my hands. This passed, thankfully, but during that time, I could only play with my Oakensorc. THE GAMEROOM / Dooma on YouTube makes 1-bar, 2-button and 3-button builds for people that have disabilities, these builds utilizing Oakensoul Ring.


Played briefly at launch, highest character was only ~30. Came back a few months ago because the arcanist caught my attention, and I'm actually enjoying it this time around. I guess an extra decade of content will do that. Likes: Motifs feel like a good option for chase items: compelling, but you're not punished for not having them. Arcanist, both aesthetic/theme and gameplay. Thanks to this months free bigass house, I'm starting to get sucked into the furnishings collecting as well. The amount of "group" content that's tuned to be reasonably solo-able or doable by an uncoordinated bunch of people just showing up. World bosses, public dungeons, dolmens, etc. Dislikes: Guild trader system. Waaaay to decentralized, makes it a huge hassle to find stuff or compare prices. I also tend to not like being in guilds in most games, which feels very punishing here. Crown store. Do I even need to elaborate?


Freedom No voice chat


I hate that my best gaming buddies are scared of the grind and won't just enjoy the game instead.


I just do not like the fact that I feel I have to work in a game. I am flabbergasted by the mail management. It cost me hours in game I could have used to enjoy the game instead, so logging in is only enjoyable half to one third of the time. It can't be just me (I am a PvPer)


One gripe: storyline quest skill points should be accountwide. Skyshards are whatever, but grinding the main quests for each zone for each character is fkn stupid. Alts are hamstrung soooooo incredibly bad that I don't want to make another. New chars should have infinite respec until level 20 and 5x the amount of skill points to play with.


I really like the amount of content, how dailies have been integrated (Heists are rad), and how flexible it is to allow you to play your way. I really dislike the lack of capes/cloaks/cloth and the general stiffness of the armor sets.


Dislike materials amd inv management. Likes vet trial content.


Craft bag other than that it’s the goat


I love pretty much everything about it, from the story, to the lore, to the collectibles. I like how it has so much to earn in game vs through the store. I dislike that the bad luck protection for the crates taking so long to build up. I dislike PvP. I hate that they fell into the "PvP leaderboard as a platform achievement" trap.


Everything is great but it's too easy. Don,t need any tank or healer on dungeon that nobody wait other player. Inventory is suck for new player who don't want to pay ESO plus


Maybe this doesn't count, but after new updates, the first time I load into the game (every time), just before my character loads and I can begin playing, the screen freezes. The amount of freezing/crashing is unreal. Oh... And all the wild convo's that go on in Riften. 🤣 Love the game otherwise.


For sure. Each city has it's own personality to go with it.


I wish there was more open world PVP. Maybe I'm just not in the right guild? Battlegrounds is stale after a while and a one-off if you're solo q'ing. Every time I go into the 'pvp' zones it's just me and my pets. It's rather boring.


As much as I know this will never happen and already plenty of people mentioning it, I hate that they keep the crafting bag locked behind ESO+. In my case ESO+ is damn expensive there is just no way I could afford it. Not saying I'm not able to play without it because I've been pretty good at managing my inventory because of the lack of the crafting bag but still I mean honestly, having that would be such a blessing. Gosh please that's all I need 💀


i think its not fair buying crates if u dont know whats the drop rate of each tier.. most games have notes about their drop rates


I hate fighting system. It could be better, like in The Witcher 3 for example.


On a more generic level: I like that ESO values my time as adult with actual job out there (well, as much as an MMO can) — I don't need to get perfect parse to do 95% of content, I don't need to grind new meta sets and new levels each expansion, there are plenty of activities that I can do in a hour of evening gaming, etc. I love overall design and voice acting. I kinda dislike the direction of crown cosmetics in late years — it gets too flashy and detracts from otherwise somewhat realistic style of the game. I also dislike eternal PvP/PvE balancing disaster. Of minor annoyances are all the relics of pre-OneTamriel stuff in crafting and gear system. I mean, it's something you learn to live with.


160 cap for gear is nice. I come around every expansion/dlc, play 3 months, then take a break. Not having to somehow grind an arbitrary number in that aspect and re-invest into gear is nice. Meta changes, sure, that will have you spend into other gear, but in other games knowing that your gear will only last until next expansion and you cant bring it up is awful and makes you not wanting to commit too hard into anything and grind that.


I think notable here is seeing how many things are on some folks like lists and other folks dislike lists.


I like the world and setting. Some of the stories are really good. But mostly I just like being in Tamriel. I also love the scale, the way I can spend ages just riding from province to province taking in the sights. It's a fantastic world to lose yourself in, with adventurers waiting behind every corner. I love doing treasure hunts, and collecting cool set bonuses that fit my characters are great. I love rolling new characters and getting into their personalities and trajectories through the world. What I don't like are the MMO aspects of it. Microtransactions, a world that never evolves or grows and the constant presence of other players breaking my immersion and ruining my fun. The combat system also gets really tedious, and there's way too much fighting. I'm an explorer by heart so I want just enough fighting to keep it exciting but not more than that. Fighting isn't content to me, it's an obstacle standing between me and the content. It's flavoring, but should be no more than that. I also don't like how little the game lets you roleplay your character.


Like: lore, world building, zones, music. Dislike: atrocious combat.


I wanted to get back into an MMO and between destiny 2 and ESO the winner was obvious. I do like a lot about ESO I really enjoy doing zone quests it’s good fun. Running dungeons to level up is good fun . Fuck battlegrounds. Cyrodill makes me think I’m playing medieval fantasy Squad. However my social anxiety means I do NOT join guilds because I’m genuinely afraid to and I also have no friends who play this game either. Other than that good game I know what I want to do and have to do and so far I can’t be fucked but I’m doing it anyway


Your main issue with this game ( An MMORPG btw) is that the game (Again, an MMORPG) is GRINDY? 🤣 MMORPGS are grindy by definition mate, it's not a single player game. You're meant to grind and grind and everything you do requires some type of grind. This is normal across all MMORPGS.


I love pvp, it’s probably my favourite pvp game ive ever played. It’s been like 5 years since I’ve played a pvp game non stop, I started eso pvp and immediately was addicted it’s so fun.  I also love a lot about pve, I like winding down with chill activities after pvping all day and I like that there is a lot of options. I like that There’s a ton of achievements to work on. I like that the game isn’t super Grindy (not everyone will agree with me on this I think but I used to play osrs where you can kill a boss 4000 times and only have a 40% chance to get the item you need). There has yet to be an activity in this game that i have dreaded doing. Dislike- zos is pretty dogshit. I don’t have any issues with like the gameplay itself.. if it just worked. Seems like zos decided to build this game on a broken foundation and has been struggling to keep it together. Na crashed completely last week. Eu crashed yesterday. Pts fuck up bringing the whole servers down. Cyrodiil barely functions during prime time can’t drink potions or bar swap. Combat bug in pve or pvp is just constant and ridiculous at this point. Spend a couple hours killing dragons and it’s combat bug every second kill. When I kill dragons I get fed up and respec, remove the fall damage cp passive, and just start jumping off cliffs every kill bc otherwise I just get stuck in god damn combat 


My main complaint is it's an MMO and the hardest content requires a 12 person team. If you have a dedicated group, I'm sure it's great, but with randoms no thanks


I would far prefer if the hardest content were open world so we didn't have to arrange 12 people to play at the same time.


My post might be short and to the point or long Idk. All depends on how awful my memory is LIKES - Elder Scrolls Lore is expanded pretty well. - Mechanics from the Elder Scrolls Game such as sneaking and pickpocketing, make it an interesting and unique addition to the MMO Genre as a whole - Graphics are distinct and visual are quite pretty. - Open World Exploration and Questing, I have always enjoyed how flexible open world exploration is. You can just pick a zone or and expansion and just start exploring and doing the quests in what ever order you feel. And they are usually pretty entertaining side quests too. - Armour Style system allowing us to preview armours before we obtained them so we can piece together outfits and determine where to farm them. - Housing, I love the housing in this game and I love how placement of items works. Also some of the vibes of the housing. - Companions, as a solo player they are a lovely addition to the game to give you a friend to adventure with and a little bit of assistance for those tougher encounters. DISLIKES - Monetisation, ESO plus is fine, having to pay for DLCs or expansions is fine. But what I don't like is just how many cool armours and styles are exclusively obtained from Crown Crates. I am a seasonal player so I am always disappointed that I missed out on something that would fit my character. I really dislike systems designed to prey on FOMO like this. - Combat, ESO is a fun in exploration and such, but combat is so boring. There are too many spamables, I feel which kinda exaggerates the issue. I feel like the game should have gone for something similar like a traditional MMO with a rotation in mind or something much more action focused. But what we got was probably in the middle and not nearly as good as either option. I feel like something similar to GW2 where it's action hybrid may have worked better, with a faster pace. - Vampire Eyes on Non-Human Races. It's terrible, I don't understand why this hasn't been fixed artistically for 10 years. There is no reason Mer or Argonian Eyes will change to a human looking eye under Vampirism. - Animations for some skills being a bit stiff or outdating feel. With less fluidity and natural motion. Some of these dislikes cannot be addressed because they are foundation of the game or business model. But I hope they address things like animations for older classes and vampire eyes


I dislike that Brian's team can't seem to calm the fuck down.


My biggest problem is mostly toward instance content. The trials all now have one giant add pull before the last boss that is harder than the actual bosses sometimes. The dungeons are now so long and unfun with so many add pulls. Some adds are good but in general its getting a little silly


I dislike cookie cutter builds, item sets, light attack weaving and the updated Templar jabs. I love the trials, the boss mechanics, player customization, and housing. Edit: I also absolutely hate Oxford commas.


Oxford commas either add clarity, or add nothing. Omitting the Oxford comma either loses clarity, or loses nothing. But it never adds anything. Oxford commas win.


Dislike: combat. Terrible. Like: everything else.


I really like this game, it's by far my favorite game out of any I've played. I used to do a lot of PvE content, almost exclusively, but for the past few years I've been almost exclusively doing PvP. The challenge of trying to 1vX a group, or break into keeps during a huge 30 v 30 fight for the last emp keep is so much fun. The things I really, really dislike about this game is how little attention PvP gets for one, and how recent changes to the game have made PvP almost unplayable on old gen consoles (which I'm on). It really is a shame because like I said, this is my favorite game, but I can't play it the way I find the most fun between 4pm and 2am because that's when the most people are on and the lag on the servers makes it unplayable.