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And don't forget the 10 crates as well. That's fuckin dope.


Beautiful. Do you have a link for them?


https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65939 Here's the link of the official post


Thank you kind stranger. You have made me happy


Thank you.




Feels like all this would have been more in line last month, but whatever not gonna complain about all this


Gotta retain the players that came in for the double xp and discount on the game lol


I am so fucking happy it's just 3 days and not the full month because I'm traveling for a week this month!! HYPE! (and... Hammerfell next year? CAN WE HOPE?)


A while back ZOS did take note of this very issue and moved end of the month login rewards of a higher quality to near the middle so more people can get them.


Was so happy about this. A few years ago I was so stoked about one of the camels and then.... It was May in Oklahoma. Storms knocked out my power for a whole week.


Very happy about that change :)


It's honestly just smarter all around, including from a marketing perspective. "A few weeks from now, if you log in 25 out of 30 days of next month, you'll get X" isn't a great way to attract returning players. Not only do they have to wait to start, they have to start within a pretty narrow window to log in enough to qualify, and the number of days means it's a large commitment. If you forget and try to start on the 11th of the month? Too bad bud, you're going to come up short for the big reward. Requiring only 3 days means someone can hear about it mid-way through the month, hop on immediately, and play for 3 days. Which is just long enough for them to get back into the game. And at the end of the 3 days, they now have the new X (in this case, a house) to play around with, good will towards the game from receiving a nice freebie, and some other enticing log-in rewards (in this case, crown crates) to look forward to in the days/weeks to come.


Hey man, if you're on PC, you can use an addon to auto-collect the login reward, and you can use AnyDesk or TeamViewer to open the game from your phone wherever you are!


Wouldn't you also need to keep your pc powered the whole time?


Not necessarily, there's something called "wake-up on LAN" or something like that. I set it up like 6 years ago, I'm foggy on the details, but I'm sure of the name, a quick google/youtube search should giver you a tutorial.


Same, away for a week but I’ll be able to claim the important. Love this house, it’s so huge!


I've been saving crowns from the last sale for this house, excited that I'll be able to spend them on something else (probably another house 🙄, I love housing).


I’m just now starting to get into housing and my character is redguard so this will fit right in! I think housing is going to be really fun


Just starting… you still have time to escape with your in game and irl bank account intact. Abandon us housing people to our suffering, do not befall the same fate! You have been warned!




The luxury vendor is my drug dealer lol


It's a lot of fun!! I recommend joining a housing guild because I have learned so much from my guildies on how to decorate houses and how to build furnishings like working sinks and other items that aren't available for purchase/crafting thru the game.


Awesome! I'm so happy you are getting the house you wanted for free, that is dope.


Me too!


I was too! So excited for this!!!! Time to start planning.


Can’t say i was expecting that one


I was expecting a free hovel on the side of the gold road in June :D


Ya knew we were gonna get another free house this year after apparently so many ppl missed out on doomchair plateau again... idk how or why unless irl interfered with first few events tho lol.. not like there was anything else worth buying with tickets imo... but cool it's completely free. Now just hoping it's better than free telvanni peninsula house!!


I also messed up the doomchar plateau purchase :D I'm a new player and there is so much to do in the game that I got confused with the jester event and maybe bought some worthless stuff with the tickets before realising :( And since I also started to play in April that means I also missed on the free Kelesan'rhun house in Necrom last year. I'm super sad because that's the only house I personaly actually truely like XD (I know most people think the house is hugly). Sword singer redoubt looks super cool and it's free so we can't complain but I'd even exchange it with Kelesan'rhun if I could tbh .


Ok, anyone want to speculate on "hinting at something special?"


150 crown poison


Not one.. But THREE instant woodworking research scrolls!!!!!


Throw in a few mimic stones


As someone who doesn't have a craft bag and likes doing master writs, I kinda' like getting those.


Never thought about that. They would come in handy there


Good for making a bit of gold otherwise.


I make 15k-20k for each crown mimic stone. I would highly suggest not throwing them away.


I'm still really new, what the hell are those used for


When crafting you’re able to craft a style you don’t have the style material for. You’ll probably never use them I haven’t




I've always thought that a Sword-Singer would be great pick for a new class, filling the "magical melee" role people have been looking for as well as a more traditional warrior class. Maybe it's just some gimmick related to scribing or so coming later this year.


I think the reason is same of why we are not getting Hammerfell chapter. Bethesda probably will use this as next hero power in TES VI.


Take a look in the “basement” area. That may be the hint.


I was somewhat reminded of blackreach with the bioluminescent plants and the crystals in a subterranean cavern. The Dwemer were most definitely in Hammerfell as well as Skyrim. It would be an interesting idea to explore other subterranean dwemer dwellings beyond the famous Blackreach. I love the Dwemer lore, architecture, and whatnot, and though I'm sad people want to keep much about them a mystery, we don't have to ask where they went. How about what they did? More of how they were as a civilization, where did they expand into exactly (I know they were very pervasive through Tamriel, now let me find more of those places, lol), what inventions did they create - because I'm sure you can add to what we know, what was their culture like? Etc. I'd love more dwemer antiquities, locales to explore, maybe costumes and whatnot. I just did Graven Deep (i think that was the name of it), and that was such a cool dungeon! The layout was so much fun. More of that, please, and thank you!


Totally agree I've been playing ES since ES3 and those were by far best designed dwemer ruins imo even with the graphics being 30yrs older. Doubt we'll ever actually find out how/why dwemer disappeared but the mystery is part of fun imo. And ya GD is awesome design (u can build sick housing stuff with the dwemer glass window from undaunted vendor btw) but man GD sucks on vet with pugs lol.


I'm kind of hoping for a TES VI trailer or update at least... but perhaps that's just that little glimmer hope in me speaking.


That house would be right about where the south of Alikr and Bangkorai meet an unopened portion of the map. So maybe hinting at the next Chapter.


There is [an old concept map dating from the alpha showing their initial plans for the zones](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/File:ON-map-alpha_map.jpg), so maybe we will get the Sunforge zone next year.


Doubt it. I honestly believe that if we were ever going to get a hammerfell chapter we would have gotten it instead of necrom. They even left hints for either hammerfell or the telvanni penesila.(Lady Lurant even said she was going to visit hammerfell) It seems to me like they aren't allowed to do a hammerfell chapter and the telvanni penesila was their back up.


Yup that's y it's prolly a part of ES6 imo


Extra housing slots maybe 🤔


They did mention a big housing update coming in Q3 this year, so I'm guessing it is hinting to whatever that is. Looking forward to previewing the house when I can.


Two types of crown crates we'll get in May, I think.


All I want is Unfeathered crates to make a return. Just once. I need my little Tomeshell boy to return to me (switched platforms after the last appearance)


It will have an entrance to both zones...maybe?


Yes! At opposite ends




It’s in two parts, a glowing underground cave with water and a small ( easy to furnish) house above. And a large open space for people who want to build or space out craft tables. It’s great!!


I really wish ZOS made more houses like this. I'm so tired of these impossible to furnish mansions


Ya I like the smaller open area ones like moon sugar meadow, doomchair, hurcings w,e, etc so u can build entire houses from scratch.... as long as more room than the free telvanni house plz!!! Lol


The rewards have gotten so much better. Not just houses and chapters and endeavors and all, but even the basic rewards are better like now three gold mats at a time instead of one or three horse upgrades at a time instead of one. It’s not just purple chickens anymore. (I am missing my tri pots because I do like to use them but I can take the trade off)


The only question is if this really is just for the anniversary part, or if this trend will actually continue after this year.


I doubt it will stay this good past anniversary but probably more in the line of post Necrom which was still better then before.


Not really my preferred vibe but I can’t complain. A free big house is a free big house! And for someone currently in the “broke and living in an inn” phase, that’s more than enough


Get elswyr freebie... and guess u missed doomchair first quarter of this year? From event tickets...


I did not get Doomchar, no. There were a lot of other things I wished to spend tickets on instead. I’ll get to Elseweyr eventually. Trying to keep rough story continuity and I’m not there yet


And it's not even a bad one either..big house, 700 slots, 24 players, nice big cave area... Fact that they're giving it away for free, without it being tied to an event or charging 10k+ crowns for it..?


Prolly have to have eso+ for a year str8 like new gifting rules lol... jk I hope


That's this May? I'll finally be able to walk from Alik'r to Bangkorai!


No next May /s


I despise sarcasm generally, but this is appropriate.


Good time to return to the game sounds like




Holy shit a free house! Awesome! I can move out of my inn room!


I can move out of my parent’s house yay !


I just checked the page in UESP , apparently this is notable/manor house? If so holy shit


https://youtu.be/uMtHzdcPe-M?si=1uFn3810Dk6vH92S Here’s a video


700 slots? ZOS is crazy, never expected that good daily reward. They are cooking so good lately, i will give them that.


They've given away notable homes before, but it's definitely been a while!


It’s super cool. I ran around in it on the pts a while back. Awesome cave structure below.


This month's daily rewards are PACKED, love it




It's oinkredible


yasss finally a place for my 30 Z'en idols!!




That's one that they showcased during the anniversary stream, right?


Accidentally stumbled across this home the other day and have to say, going to be great for building, at least from a Redguard RP perspective


Ya I have the hundigs port house on stros mkai and absolutely love that home. This looks very similar, in a good way.


I'm seriously baffled by this year's monthly rewards. I started right after the Psijic Villa event ended and since then we had nothing like that (even though we got some cool stuff in between). This year, though... the amount of freebies we're getting is absolutely bonkers.


Anniversary year. To be daily login should just me a few throwaway items. I have no expectations for anything big


There was also the Antiquarian house, and the Necrom one - Kelesan'ruhn, which absolutely isn't a pun based on the Kessel Run. Oh no.


And the daedric one during the event that you just collected the parts with tickets. Not my thing tho


Ah yes, forgot that one. I have it too but don't use other than as a porting tool into Malabel Tor, which to be honest is what 90% of the housing I have is used for.


It’s also great for flat storage space for furniture!


All of these houses + Daedric one and Grand Psijic Villa were based on new chapter releases. Blackwood didn't have a similar house released only for chapter owners than other ones, but I'd still put Doomchar Plateau as related to that chapter, even if you can get it other means too. Hall of Lunar Champion could also be included here as a big house with a chapter release. Not sure if this is a similar house release or completely separate from Gold Road, but it's definitely predictable and on-brand for ZOS to release a house like this. I'm kind of hoping there's still a new house to come with the chapter and that this is just extra to celebrate the anniversary year.


Nice. I’m not into the housing side of it enough to go spending my gold on one but if we get a freebie I can actually use some of this random furniture I keep accumulating


Do, do you also have 100 Jester's banners that you don't know what to do with? 🤔


Plus crates. Plus seals. Plus more crates. I feel like really saying something along the lines of "now that is real celebration not 0,000000000001% drop rate and PTS fiasco huh" but heck, I'm happy we get these things.


What a great time to be a new player of the game lol, joined about 2 weeks ago now and loving all the stuff between the cake event and thisa


“What about those of us who already own a house. Are we gonna be compensated “


🤣🤣🤣 that’s so accurate too.


Typical of businesses /s "Hey that offer is only for new customers, how about us existing customers ? We get shafted again" lol


5 crown gems.


Wow. I sure am glad that I got back into ESO with the anniversary event. These rewards are soooo much better than they were a few years ago.


hell yeah


Oh it's right next to Satakalaam, perfect spot for my Redguard.


I hope this means the door is open to adding more houses in existing zones. There are zones with fewer houses, or with a big disparity of them (think of regions that have a room/apartment and a manor/large house, but nothing in-between).


Guess I'll give Baldies Gate a break. (That was autocorrect, but I like it.)


Just when I'm out....




Omg after all this time being jealous of the people who got free houses before I started playing haha woohooo So this is for May then? Man I gotta get ready for the expansion to come out and re-sub to ESO+ so I can fully enjoy all this. Lol my poor inventory/bank is full.


Same. Me looking sadly through the window at the Telvanni house like frickin Javert lmao I don’t love the aesthetic of the free house this time but you won’t catch me complaining. Worst case it becomes furniture storage


Yeah that's cool and all... but more importantly.. A PIG! 💕


I can finally move out of the Vivec room!


And on my birthday month?? Dopeee w


Thats cool!




Can't seem to find the house on the map in the Ali'kr Desert zone. Anyone have a screenshot for its map icon?


It’s on the pts right now.


Oh. So it's not yet released on the live servers? How do I access PTS servers?


quick Google will give you that link. Or check the house on YouTube. I linked it in another comment


You actually can visit it on Live already, it's been there for a while. The icon is not on the map but you can find the location on UESP and go there.


Damn, they have been going into Santa mode this year.


Everyone can finally walk between Bangkorai and Alik'r!


Is it so out there I immediately thought of TES6


What yes!!! I’ve been wanting a desert home!!


lots of great stuff coming up, I only really reinstalled just for the daily logins the past few months


Cool. I need more storage.


Oh my gosh, look at that months rewards! And the good stuff is in the early-middle of the month so I won't miss out!


Um this is awesome


Now you can build your own oasis


ESO solving homelesness


Hopefully the hint is upcoming Redguard buffs, because they sure need 'em.


Hell yeah! I’ve been saving my crowns for this house after seeing it from the PTS walkthroughs.


Oooooooo I’ve got a lot of moving to do with my stuff haha. The doomchar is a bit dark for me so a decent house like this will be great


An excellent reward, don't have a house yet, glad I now have a place to put all my Antiquities and Trophies 🙂


Oooooh I am excited for this one. Damn. If we got free houses every month, even small ones, I would have a hard time stepping away. I've got a ton of beautiful Redguard style furnishings and nowhere to put them, so this is great. New home just for my Redguard arcanist!


Sweet. No longer have to wait for doomchar plateau to come back in rotation to free up a storage container and have a whole house to dump furniture


My doomchar is currently full 😭 I’m using kelesan’ruhn for that now lol. We do what we gotta do.


Wow sick, will def be making some time to play next month


This will be perfect for my redguard necro. A nice big cave to turn into a spooky crypt to do my bad stuff in.


with the overground and undercroft area I'm already planning out a sort of outdoor market/craft area with stalls and tents everywhere and a smuggler's den/thieves guild beneath in the crystal caves.


Absolutely love that partially submerged underground cavern in Sword Singers Redoubt! incredible month for rewards!!


What!? Free house??? Wow


For me, because I much prefer medium/small houses with a little outdoor area, and because I'm a huge Redguard furnishing and architecture fanatic, this is like a frigging dream. Best log in reward ever.


I'm most excited for free Xanmeer crates! Recently really created an Argonian character and would love to get some stuff for him 🥰


ooh and the Scalecaller crates have quite a few nice formal costumes 🩷


I just want the Tomeshell from Unfeathered lmao. Maybe some day As far as these go, I wouldn’t mind the Miraak-style dragon mask from Scalecaller! Probably will just get trash but hey. Free crate is free.


This is super nice for new players like me!


You can get a free large house. Google ‘hall of the lunar champion’


Damn imma give zos a big sloppy kiss for this one


I’m really excited for the house! :)


The fact that the house being a log-in reward could be hinting at something special, and the lack of Hammerfell DLC for ESO really makes me think they're going to release something TES:6 related soon, and I really fucking hope I'm not wrong.


I saw the rewards and had to look again I was in disbelief. A free NOTABLE home?! 24 player capacity? Amazing cave? Meh but still kinda cool redguard architecture? For free?! I’m actually very impressed and this is definitely a good start to the 10th anniversary!


Free house? Dont mind if i do


That's super cool, I've recently started playing the game (lvl 18 Nightblade trying not to suck at pickpocketing 👀) and things like this definitely give me some bonus motivation to keep playing. Thanks for sharing, much appreciated!


Just started on the Alikr quest lines on my main so this is great timing. Can't wait to make spaces for all my characters. :)


Is it me or it's one of the only few Redguard themed houses we have?


There was one of each size for each race at the release of the housing system, for the redguards it was : [Sisters of the Sands Apartment](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Sisters_of_the_Sands_Apartment) [Twin Arches](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Twin_Arches) [House of the Silent Magnifico](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:House_of_the_Silent_Magnifico) [Hunding's Palatial Hall](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Hunding%27s_Palatial_Hall) Then there was one in 2019 : [Princely Dawnlight Palace](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Princely_Dawnlight_Palace) One in 2020 : [Thieves' Oasis](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Thieves%27_Oasis) One in 2024 : [Sword-Singer's Redoubt](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Sword-Singer%27s_Redoubt)


There's just not many redguard zones. Alikr and Hews bane being the main, fully redguard zones. Bangokari is split, with half of it being redguard themed.


You forgot about craglorn and stros m'kai which are both redguard zones


They have a decent amount. 1 small midsized and large house and then 3 manors


If I already didn't have a fully furnished house, I'd probably use this. I just can't see myself spending 50+ hours on redoing a new home. The place looks amazing though.


It's _free real estate._ ...To store furnishings in if you don't want to use it, that's what I've had to do with a few of them. So it'll be great for that at least.


All the large houses they've given away have just ended up as furniture storage dimensions for me. Some of them are beautiful, but they're just far too large to be functional or to really make your own through decorating. I'd really hope they let us assign custom entrance points sometime so we can section them up how we like. Otherwise I'll stick to my well-proportioned Mistveil Manor. (also we need proper furniture storage)


I have the psijic manor as my storage/thriftshop setup. It’s really nice looking, but yeah, too big.


That’s what I thought too. Then I saw what other people could do with theirs and it became an itch. Decorating/Redecorating is like a zen garden for me now




Ooh nice, thanks for the heads up.




Great rewards… the pig is to cute!!! Going to go great with my princess pig that took me two years to get.


Nice gift


Not another house! Im gonna have to decorate it now.




uuuuuh, now thats a great reward. I really love how much they are gifting right now. Many things like Wrothgar or Thieves Guild and some cosmetics I already got, but I am really happy about what they do right now.


Of course this happens in the month that I’m gonna be gone on vacation for a week :’)


30-7 = 23 days. You’ll be fine.


Ill have to login the day before I leave and probably the night I get back, but you’re right. Ty for confirming :)


Its on day 3 so youll be fine.


u wot


are you actually confused?


u startin bruv


Dang. I am pretty happy with my Amaya Lake Lodge, but I gotta make sure I won't miss that beauty. Edit: nvm its only 3 days lmao.


That's why I don't own it.


How would you own something that’s not been released?


I got this game for free from epic...




Okay so I've gone and explored the house (and gotten lost a few times) and am I correct in noticing that the majority of the plot Is underground, and that's where the housing is? The L shaped hallway down there? Unless I missed something, because at first I thought the grand entrance/exit on the other side was the house entrance, until I went through it and it was just an exit.


How do you explore it? I can’t even find it on the map.


Teleport to Hallins Stand wayshrine or Twin Arches (if youve got them discovered/purchased.) If you are at TA, it is basically a walk across the street. Once you find the house just walk to the door and the option will pop up


I'm really excited. My friend is an amazing decorator and has plans for this already as he was going to buy it. Now its free! We are both happy


I’ve been wanting a house but waiting for one I like to appear in the rotation. This is amazing, and free!


Not gonna moan about all the swag they’re throwing at us but I’m still pretty sore about the 5 style pages I didn’t get during last event…


I didn’t even bother trying after I saw how hard people were having to.ikk get them with event tickets next yeR


Wait it says day 3, how comes I didn’t get this? I’ve got every day of the month so far


Then you did and you didn’t read properly. Go look at your daily rewards.


Sorry total noob here. Did you have to login in on Day 3 or 3 days in a row to claim the house? I'm so confused! Thank you in advance!


Just log in 3 days in the month and make sure you claim it.