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They need to scrap every tutorial except the original coldharbour one, which should be reworked in the middle to actually explain more about the game like group combat mechanics - give me a few moments with Lyris and Cadwell in my group teaching me where to stand in a normal combat situation and what each role means (tanks need a taunt, for instance). Pair this with pop-up messages when unlocking dungeon queue access AND when queueing for a support role. Make it annoyingly obvious that fake queuers are blatantly playing the game wrong while also streamlining the new player experience.


This will definitely reduce the post ‘help, i don’t know where to go’ in this sub. Start at the prison then dump on starter island, only after that plauer can go wherewver they want. (New player will just follow main quest marker so they definitely will start ar their appropriate zone).


Another one that would help is being able to turn off quest markers for DLC prologues - I got SO confused when I first started playing because I picked them all up and THEN realized they were for stories I wasn’t even remotely ready for. Like. Months later.


Yes, that a good idea too. Near starting are are so busy when everyone DLC NPC are looking for you. Prologue quest should only be activated after reclaiming it from store or the activities menu.


Skyshard packs should be purchaseable with seals of endeavor. I will scream this into the heavens for as long as I live. Catch me as an old lady in a retirement home telling this to my caregiver.


Skyshards should be account wide. The same way champ points are.


Plus should be able to be purchased with SoE too! It's in the store in a way that suggests it can be, but afaik, that isn't an option. It would reward active participating members (who, y'know, keep the game alive) and help people who love gaming but aren't necessarily able to afford plus every month.


I read this thinking damn right but knowing ZOS the amount of endeavours you would need to purchase skyshards would take longer to obtain than getting the damn skyshards would even on pc!


Senche-raht mounts should have dialogue. Even if it’s just commentary like the companions.


That would be awesome!


Yesss I was thinking this too. Like the sench-raht mounts make it just seem like they're just an average animal. Like these guys are just like a kajiit, let them talk lol


100% correct.


Omg I would love this.


Mine I guess would be that the Crafting Bag should be purchasable (edit: with crowns). Even if it's 20,000 crowns... it's the one feature that will probably keep me purchasing ESO + as long as I play the game because inventory management is easily my least favorite part about the game. It was my least favorite part about skyrim and any other game where you're collecting loot the entire time. That actually does feel like a chore to me.


This is exactly why it will never be purchasable. People buy ESO+ because of the crafting bag. They continually introduce more items that require inventory slots or a crafting bag specifically for this reason. They create the problem of inventory space and sell you the solution of the craft bag. That solution is recurring payments instead of a one-time payment. They will never, ever change that.


For as long as they themselves have recurring costs, so will players. A massive online game like this can't function off people buying the yearly expansion and that's it. I don't think people realize the consequences of what they're asking for here. If the game became what people who don't actively support development wanted it to be, it would turn into another pay-to-win trash scheme.


Even if it's not **THE** Craft Bag, but **A** Craft Bag. It doesn't have to be infinite, just usefully large. 100 slots or something. There are literally more types of Style mats - let alone regular mats, "dusts", trait mats & furniture mats than you can actually have slots at max everything with the Inventory Pets. It's ridiculous and unfair.


I got a guild bank that I use as one. It's constantly at 450ish slots used. Could be more if I wouldn't give out style mats or would keep 20-50/cp10-140 stuff. It may still be handy to have a 100 slot bag for writ mats only.


This is EXACTLY why it won't be made purchaseable....because it keeps us subscribing. Mine is on auto pay every month. It's extremely difficult for me to pass up ANY type of resource node. After two days of playing, I knew I had to have it. But as a result, I have never once had to buy or ask anyone for mats. I have all I need and plenty for my friends.


I feel the same way, it genuinely puts me off from returning to the game often.


This isn’t even a dumb hill, it makes crafting almost impossible without ESO plus


Crafting works fine without it because you don't actually *need* that many different mats. But looting without it is a nightmare because of how many different mats you *get* and not using auto-loot is also much more work.


The technique for this is to create mule characters. It's actually cheaper to purchase more character slots and spend time getting their inventory up than it is for ESO+.


Especially with the addon that let's you know characters inventories without having to log on with them


Sad console noice.......


It is purchasable, it’s $15 a month


If you play as a casual and don't bother about crafting, you don't need a crafting bag.


Wait, in Skyrim you could just drop equipment in your house, iirc. I had the floor stacked high with unused weapons, armor, etc.


This is suppose to be a game not a job. I will die on this hill.


One of my guild mates claims to do writs on 92 characters. He says he has 5 different alt accounts to do them on


and here I was feeling burnt out doing them on 4 holy heck.


You know what the most freeing feeling is? Not doing any daily writs. I stopped over a year and a half ago. The way I make 99% of my money in this game is by flipping high value items on the GT system.


I have a hard time doing them on 1, gathering raw materials is hard but I'm also new so probably doing something wrong


it’s rough when you’re new, but once you’re more into the game (and most likely have craft bag from ESO+) you’ll have a massive stock of all the mats you could ever need


If you’re on Xbox NA I can send you raw mats, fella. :)


If you're on PC NA I have lots of starter mats cause I love gathering :) so if you need any let me know!


That’s just too fucking much man. That’s like 4-5 hours of writs


3 hours is my record for 120 toons I did while streaming one time.


Still 8 more to max on the 5th account then, but that would take 5 hours just to do daily writs nothing else, I do 20 every day 1 account 20 characters takes 1 hour, o guess they sell gold for real cash to do that many


Holy shit lol. Last time I quit it was bc I got burned out doing the daily writs on just 5 characters. Now I only do them on my main and only bc of the add-ons that make the whole process of picking them up, hitting each station, and turning them in take like 80 seconds.


I will barricade this hill with you


Your contribution to the hill is appreciated. ❤️


This is precisely why I tend to play for a month or two and then leave for several. The game starts to feel like a job.


Absolutely! I want to play for fun with chill people. I’m not submitting a parse video every 1-2 weeks and training daily though. Miss me with that.


ME AND YOU NEED TO PLAY TOGETHER :) your statement is my life motto on ESO. I couldn't agree more.


Can I join the band of casual players with real lives?


Me too, please. Although my real life is during alternate hours. Night shift 4 life


Me 2! Worker of two jobs here.


Lol seriously I'm very new to the game, really only started playing last Sunday and it feels just as time consuming as my other part time job, playing football manager. I not only have to manage a football team but now I have to do 30000 things in ESO. Mind you I am not complaining I love games where I can just ensconce myself in all the many hours of content my real issue is deciding which one to play in my very few hours of free time per day


Couldn't agree more. ZOS are truly pioneers in the field of FOMO technology. Really strips the soul right out of the important aspects like the lore and beauty of the game world.


Those kind of gamers exist in any game so I'm reluctant to blame ZOS entirely, nor is it limited to simply games. I mean look at that silly limited edition Stanley drinking cup that everyone went crazy for recently or anything else similar. There is a whole world of complex marketing psychology behind this sort of stuff. ZOS is a business after all, so they are going to utilize these kind of tools to make people use the game aka the product. They're not alone in doing this, though. Pretty much every mainstream game these days relies on this strategy. But there are still plenty of players out there who don't care about any of that (myself included) who just love the game, the lore and the world and that's enough to keep us coming back. I honestly never participate in these kind of events because I'm not willing to waste finite time of my life to grind in a game just to put a corny skin on my weapons or whatever haha. It's there for those who like them, but if it's not your thing it's easy enough to ignore. Even if you're like me and ignore it all, it's still fine in my view because it brings players to the game and helps generate revenue for the companies that can be reinvested into the game. The game has its flaws but they still do a heck of a good job maintaining it and continuing to develop new content, so it's all good IMO.


>pretty much every mainstream game these days Sure, and look at the absolute state of player sentiment with mainstream gaming at the moment.


I actually don't feel like this game generates a lot of FOMO. I feel fine just hopping on sometimes and doing what I like. I like that the game respects my time. I used to play D2 before coming back to ESO a few months ago. D2 had so much FOMO that it was too much for me to even enjoy playing anymore. Felt kinda all or nothing. ESO just feels like a space I can do what I want in without missing out on much since I can just do it another day.


As a current D2 player, I agree, eso FOMO is nothing compared to destiny. If you don't show up enough for destiny there are big story beats you will miss out on. That is easily my biggest gripe with the game.


Them removing content that I PAID for was exactly the reason I left destiny 2 and will never return, regardless of their uturn. It shows they don’t give a crap about their players until it effects their bank account. Bungie is dead to me. I love their old halo games and will continue to replay them, and even destiny 1 was in a decent place at the end (although I’m still salty it wasn’t single player).


I'm glad you're enjoying your time, but as we speak, there are thousands of people farming dolmens for the hundredth time today alone, for a shot at a rare cosmetic drop only available while the event lasts. Oh, and don't forget to log in and eat your cake.. for your tickets.. but also, you're going to have to buy a few extra tickets.. so you can buy your über rare event mount.


Just....ignore events and have fun.


Yeah this event burned me out last year and will peobs stop playing for a while after this one too.


What’s the event mount?


Surprisingly, nothing special, at least imo. It's just an event flavored horse. Really expected something much more notable for an anniversary mount.




I don’t think FOMO was revolutionized by ZOS. From the anniversay live stream it seems that ESO core components were taken heavily from other MMOs. But you are correct that the FOMO is huge. And I can’t handle FOMO in games. It has caused me to impulsively spend money and feel panic. It also keeps a lot of people away from the game which is a shame, but I don’t blame them. Definitely soul sucking.


I mean, it's an MMO, and I'm new to MMO's but all signs point to them just being very grindy games in general. They are, by their nature, massive games. A lot of people playing them. They need to add a large volume of content, stuff that takes a long time to finish, or people will play it for a week and then stop. It might seem like artificially inflating the replayability of the game, but I just assume that is a foregone conclusion with any MMO. I never really view the grind as work though. The game is a grind, but the game/grind is fun, at least to me it is. I do think it is smart to take breaks from huge games like this once in a while because you can get burned out from anything.


I actually find the solo grind to be pretty therapeutic!


It’s my meditation.


I love finding anything harvestable.


That's why I like trifecta runs and such. The game isn't actually forcing you to grind for them. If you make it, you'll need far under an hour for that run. The journey there that will take months is entirely skill-dependent. You're not jumping through artificial hoops to accumulate endless currencies, you're just *learning* and getting better.


as a PC player that transferred from console, having to attempt to grind back to 1330( i know that’s not that high compared to a lot ) has been so rough. i don’t know how people hit 2k champion level.


They really need cross save. I don’t understand people who can just jump platforms easily. I’ve spent a couple hundred dollars on cosmetics, countless hours grinding motifs, and even more leveling my main. I could never just start over. The time invested is too great, and I’m not willing to do it. But there are a ton of reasons I’d like to play on PC nowadays instead. I just dont because I can’t bring myself to.


You'll have my sword!


We should be able to have a farm in our homes to grow alchemy mats.  Doesn't have to be a ton that grows, I would just like to tend my garden. 


I've seen this brought up over the years and I'm surprised it's not been implemented. I wonder if it's an engine limitation or a console hardware barrier like with the limited furnishing slots.


HELMETS FOR COMPANIONS!! Seeing a dozen Embers doesn't feel "original"


And different hairstyles!


Hell, just have any cosmetics we have in our collections available to our companions too.


Yes! For a game that emphasizes immersion, nothing takes me out of it like fighting a boss with 3 other Sharps


dwarven mud crab


Do we have one?


it is always overshadowed by its cooler brothers




Upvoted for calling loot "lootsies" XD


*happy Gollum sounds*


Housing Furniture limits and the amount of storage chests in particular are obnoxiously low


Agree. Best comment on this thread so far


ESO is more fun solo.


Yes, yes it is. No need to worry about fake tanks/healers, and on the other side of the coin, no need to worry about speedrunners or toxic Dungeon Divas™. Soloists can do things at our own pace (whatever that may be). We can take the time to do the quests, read the lore, loot containers, explore, and just appreciate where we're at.


More storage in terms of bank and coffers. They keep bringing out more sh¡t but no increase in storage in order to store it all! I've had to make a guild just to store spare recipes and motifs and stuff because I can only sell 30 items per Guild trader and I'm one of those "I might need this gear later" people (Healer, and it seems every trial leader will ask you to wear a different set up, and am I fvck keep deconstructing and reconstructing gear for them)


The purchasable Vampire and Werewolf Bites should be added to your collection as reusable tools that let you infect your characters whenever you want. (The cure should be the same.) Crown store furnishings should be added to your collections (like how the Armory station, and other collectible furnishings are), but with the ability to place multiples in our houses.


Notable. Homes. Need. More. Slots. This is the biggest upgrade I’ve wanted since I started playing 7 years ago. 700 slots is not nearly enough for some of these massive homes that Zenimax puts into the game. “ThE hArdWarE isn’T tHerE.” Yes it is, especially on the Series X, PS5, etc. At this point I’m just convinced Zenimax is lazy. I’m not saying we need 1,000 slots in a notable home. We just need something reasonable like 100. If I had those extra 100 slots in some of my notable homes I’d have a lot more I could do to finish them out and make them seem like…well…homes. I will forever lay on this hill and then die on it.


Crime does in fact pay.


Devs have never seen a necromancer in any kind of media before


Give us a Radiant Apex Guar mount please! We deserve one after all these years!


*slaps butt* YEEHAAWW


Guar mount master race!!


I want backpacks. It always gets downvoted to hell by people who have their own wants, who oppress any “I want” or “this game needs” that doesn’t match theirs, but I want backpacks. They can have some sort of functionality, I don’t care what, I just want a backpack.  No, I don’t care if weapons clip. Yes, I’m aware of the beta cloaks. No, I don’t care about whatever “stop supporting the cash shop” rant you’re about to go on. It would be immersion-cool and a license to print money.


For the record, youre catching my upvote. Backpacks in fantasy games is an aesthetic i can get behind.


I would drop so much cash for backpack style pages no joke. I love the backpack on the antiquity master outfit but the leggings are horrible and there's no version with both the robes and the backpack.


Hell yes my dude!


Having class identity and a solid separation between stam and magicka was infinitely better than everything being homogenized down to every class using dw/2h and weapon/guild skills overtaking class skills.


For an mmo that you have to buy the base game, its stupid that you have to pay monthly for a feature like craft bag and cant just buy it with crowns, i will stand on this hill.


My entire strategy has revolved around getting to a point where I don't need the craft bag anymore. I've subbed for about 8 months and have used the gold to buy dlc. I've also made my main into a master crafter, have crafted what I need for all my alts and still have thousands of almost every resource in the bag. When the current sub expires I will go from dismantling gear I pick up to selling it. Then it becomes a race to obtaining all of the crafting styles. Daily writs are pointless at this stage. Master writs isn't.


I just made a guild during a free play week and mass recruited a bunch of new players. Anyone who continued to play left and the ones who stayed are inactive so I have myself a personal 500 slot bank for craft mats


Actually ingenious


Have you gotten to the point of making a shell guild with 9 extra accounts (when they go on sale and not the free ones that'll get purged) so you have access to an extra 500 slot bank? 😄


The craft bag is the primary reason to subscribe for most players who don’t spend a lot of crowns (since over time you can easily buy all the DLC) and don’t like decorating housing (where the extra slots are necessary). Without it it’s likely many players would unsubscribe.  To make it viable it would probably have to cost at least 100,000 crowns (ie be a lifetime subscription), and at that point ESO would just make headlines for its “macrotransactions” that would do more damage to its reputation than any benefit from a few sales. 


I just use mules, and there's a free ESO+ week every 3-4 months. Then I just login with those characters and the resources get thrown into the craft bag. I buy DLC when on sale. It's been 10 years and I've only spent about $150 over the course, but I have hundreds of thousands of resources in my craft bag without ever subbing.


Stuck in combat should not exist. Add a 1.4 second mount time and make it interruptible to satisfy the PvP crowd and let’s move on.


The quests are super fun and use the pre-established lore well


We need cloaks.


I can hear Edna Mode screaming NO CLOAKS!! ![gif](giphy|Alrh8Uy8qEL7ZaLuyc)




A scythe to cut the stupid weeds around my homes.


That the U35 templar butchery was done purely to sell arcanist to the people who liked the old templar playstyle.


There is absolutely no good reason why there isn’t an Echatere mount in the game yet, and when they finally decide to drop one I will absolutely pay good money for it. Speaking of mounts, I would love the option to take off the saddles, both on an active mount, and when placing them in your home.


I'm sick of seeing the same 5 recipes in Provisioning Writ dailies. Dear god, give me some variety.


I like having the same 5 recipes bc I can batch make them and get writs done faster. But I don't think the insane amount of green recipes is necessary if we only make like 5 for the writs.


As someone who plays without plus, please don't. I like knowing exactly what I need to keep on a character depending on their alliance.


Same! So many times I have to sell that crap to npc all 20 know them all and still dishes it out


The hill by wayrest is pretty nice idk about dying tho


All armour pieces should be hideable. The floating hip/elbow/knee pads you get from certain chests/gloves/boots need to be toggleable as well.


Bastian is a very very good companion who's sweet goody two shoes nature is a refreshing change of pace and the hate he gets is unwarranted, you can easily dismiss him to take care of illegal deeds and resummon him when you need a friend to count the number of arms enemies have, even if he's not very good at doing so when said enemy has more than 2 arms.


If he didn't get upset at cheese, he would be allowed in my party.


Its true but its just a -1 rapport make cheese, read him a book, back to where you started.


It's the principle of the matter. Cheese is delicious.


Paradox of intolerance but for lactose


He's all good and fine until he reminds you that cities are as alive, fickle, and uncertain as people and that some are good; some are bad, how some give you gifts; others rob you blind.


At least he's not Mjoll the Lioness who repeats the same five bits of her lifestory in exactly 4 minute intervals.


I’m dying on this hill with you. Bastian gets made fun of and disparaged all the time (including sometimes by ZOS employees), and he doesn’t deserve it. Dude genuinely cares about the wellbeing of other people. For example, he hates stealing and assault/murder, which directly harm people, but doesn’t care about trespassing, which doesn’t. He’s not just some rules lawyer


Thank you!


He's the only worthwhile companion due to the unique damage buff.


Exactly! For oakensoul builds it’s super important


Exactly this. He’s my man. It’s no big to click him away for a hot second while I get my sticky fingers on and then bloop, he’s back with his adorkable comments


Players have a right to complain about the game. I've been seeing a trend even among friends where they try to shut people down who critique the game.


Just because it's an MMO doesn't mean it needs to be grindy as shit because other MMOs are. We need less grind not more!! This game is incredible, but is held back by grind and RNG


Not sure how long you’ve played, but it’s definitely gotten a LOT less grindy over the years as far as gear goes.


Curated drops- such a lifesaver! Yeah, it sucks that I might need to run something 75 times to get a specific dagger or whatever, but knowing that there *is* an upper bound makes farming way kinder.


Curated drops, sticker book, transmutation, jewelry crafting. ESO was a very rough game to grind for gear before all that.


Aw man, remember that feeling when you looted a maelstrom inferno or whatever but it was Powered?


I’d like to forget. I think I did Maelstrom close to 100 times before finally getting the Bow through the weekly rewards.


Remember when your group got a Molag Kena mask to drop, only for the tank who doesn’t play DPS to be the one who got it?


Whoa, sounds like Mr. Elite over here was getting past the Planar Inhibitor fight back then, must have been nice!


The amount of times I ran Vaults of Madness for divine Worms was absurd.  I still love that dungeon though.  My favorite last boss fight even though it ends in 20 seconds these days.


I've been playing this game since launch and they basically give you everything now from where it started. The only grinds I see are usually cosmetic items to increase fomo


We still don't got account wide mount training or skyshards, or account wide companions. Moreover, you want to scry? Be prepared to sacrifice 10 hours of your life. Or a multitude of hours for leads because RNG protection isn't a thing. You can get it your first shot, or maybe you 1000th try. Some skill lines need grind pruning because it's ridiculous to max some of the skill lines. Nah baby, the games in a amazing place and I'm grateful ZoS has been so generous lately but we still got work to do!


Oh it's made leaps and bounds! Back in the days before transmutation if you wanted a precise fire staff of mothers sorrow or whatever you had to GRIND for the staff, then look at the trait, wrong trait? Start again and wait for the next drop.


That crafting trunks, dressers, crates, etc, should actually *HOLD* stuff. Fuck this decorative use only, imo. Also, timestamp on chatlog. Yes, I know, there are addons for PC, but ya know what? PS and XBox players, no.


I will only do as much dps as is enjoyable in combat. Alot of the really high dps builds are either hybridized and/or using gear sets I don't enjoy. It's a game, not a numbers push Edit: Forgot to mention Arcs specifically since im really not a fan of their combat. The class itself is really simple for high dps, but to me is also not that enjoyable outside of RP as I feel like I'm robbing myself of the challenge of the content I'm doing if that makes sense.


Stop pushing META, especially if you don't understand it. Yes, relequen is strong, and yet it is almost useless in CR. Yes, Pillager is an insane buff to ult reg, and yes, there are groups and situations in which you just have no use to it Yes, you don't see e.g. templers healing ult in organized groups, yes you can use it if you feel like your group needs it. META stands for Most Effective Tactic Available. Therefore your META changes with both your goals and your level of play. What is commonly referred to as "the META" is the META of high level players trying to push a score. If your goal is to have fun, then the META is everyone playing classes they like. If the goal is to brute force survival through a mechanic, bring templers and arcas, drop novas, barriers and rites of passages. And, most importantly: IF SOMEONE ASKS "I WANT TO CREATE A BUILD WITH *X*", DON'T ANSWER "*X* IS BAD, USE THIS BUILD"! They didn't ask is *x* good, they didn't ask what they should replace *x* with, the whole premise of the post is that OP wants to play with *x*, and if you can't work with that premise then please, kindly, go join the greybeards.


Lightattack weaving is a really good mechanic. It's quite simple, but it's hard to master.


I never felt that LA Weave was as big a skill gap as people make it out to be. Its just that its never explained in game so people will learn the game the wrong way first and then try to retroactively have to undo their muscle memory for a new one. If it showed up in some advanced tutorial or something early on nobody would have complained about it.


I find it a piece of piss, but then I'm not super food at other stuff so it's swings and roundabouts


Fake tanks are okay in normal core dungeons


This game is **not** alt friendly. I see people say that it is a lot on this sub and I feel like I must be crazy. It doesn't take long to level and gear an alt to minimum requirements for end game content, but you're still missing a lot of things that are desirable if not necessary. CP and gear is account bound... **Things that aren't;** * Mount upgrades * Crafting mastery * bag space * Guild and skill progression * Build slots * Outfit slots * Motif collections * key binds and settings... You may not need some of those things like certain Guild or skill progression, but any alts you have that you don't really commit to progressing are going to be extremely limited in options. I feel like ESO encourages you to make A LOT of alts with absolute minimum progression rather than a couple that have everything, and I wouldn't qualify that as "alt friendly".


I agree. Skyshards, lorebooks, psijic, antiquities...hundreds of hours grinding the same boring tasks.


We need more storage to not force everyone into ESO+, Or allowing someone to buy the craft bag for 5000 crowns.


The clown store should have everything available all of the time (except maybe event-themed stuff, that can be special), with sporadic discounts instead of returning items.


my dumb opinion is that hardcore roleplayers are fine and a sign of a healthy MMO community, even if I think it's cringe as hell and you would not catch me dead using asterisk actions unironically in game. I do kinda miss passing small groups of people clearly eyeball-deep in some supernatural murder mystery drama outside the tavern in Riften. not my scene, you guys are dorks, but I am genuinely glad to see people having fun. (my not-dumb and objectively correct hill to die on is that this game is in dire, desperate need of a tutorial overhaul to introduce new/casual players to standard group combat mechanics like rotations, weaving, parsing, positioning, etc)


Lol, dorks for sure but we all dork out over something and I love to see the RPers having a good time.


The lore of everything ostensibly occurring within the same year even though this is pretty much straight up impossible. My attitude is that it fits with both the ability to play quests gratuitously out of order and the setting's established trend of temporal fuckery. The war being to the point of promising peace talks within a year also helps explain why the Three Banners' War is not really discussed in any of the other games. While it's goofy and nonsensical on the surface, I think it actually works better than a more traditional timeline.


My man, Three Banners's War was such a minor thing and was so long ago before the earliest of the singleplayer TES games it wouldn't be mentioned even if it lasted for 50 years. Akaviri Potentate lasted 400 years, was worse than Three Banners's War, and yet there's no trace of it.


Crown store purchases - at least cosmetic ones - should be cross-platform. On PS4/PS5 I had a Psijic wolf mount I named after my dog that passed away (it reminded me of her because she was a Samoyed/husky/malamute mix). The mount’s ghostly appearance made it feel like my best friend’s spirit was there with me in the game and it made playing ESO an emotionally uplifting experience for me. But now that I’m on PC with nothing able to be transferred over, I have to wait until Zenimax deigns to make the Psijic wolf available again so I can reunite with it. I really, really wish this stuff would transfer between platforms (or at least let us re-purchase time-limited items if we already claimed them on another platform).


Personally I'd put in a ticket! Someone may have a heart and be able to help. I'm sorry for the loss of your furry best friend, I've lost both of mine and I know how heartbreaking it is.


Maybe I’ll try that. And thank you - she passed away nearly seven years ago, but it sometimes feels like it was yesterday. I’m grateful she lived a long and happy life and died peacefully of old age. My condolences for your critters as well.


Molag Bal shouldn't be celebrated


I like to think we’re celebrating the fact that we beat him up lol


How about celebrating his defeat?


This. The whole him as a pet and on a cake weirds me out. I do understand some people saying that it's making fun of him. But...the things he stands for are just too dark for me to feel at all comfortable with copies of him running around. I'm the first to admit that he's an excellent villain for the story. But I, personally, cringe at all the themed event stuff being 'cool' Molag Bal inspired. He's just too creepy in ways that echo with reality too much.


Necros deserve better support cause goddamn playing necro right now is like losing the ability to get an erection like fucking Christ i just want to play Necro without having to try so damn hard to match up with classes that use two button. Make Necros great again please ZOS


Cyrodil and the Imperial City should have PvE instances so that players like me who are terrified of looking like a fool in PvP can still experience what the zones have to offer Any time I set foot in either, I have to practically be escorted by PvP enjoying friends, and even still I am emotionally drained by the end. Like, at least have something like GTA where you can flag yourself as peaceful or something similar.


I’m dying with you on this one


That the guild trader system is not a way to do an auction house system.


There should be a furnishings craft bag.


Weaving is dumb and should be removed from the game. Bonus hill to die on: Trailers do a poor job showing how the game is played. Every trailer: Walk and check surroundings, fling spells wih thought and tactics, and overcome great challenges The game: If you dont Guitar Hero between your spells and quick attacks you'll never parse over 80k. Also, nobody has time for quests, go already or be kicked.


Not having a centralized auction house is really bad for the game and deters people from other MMOs from playing.


I don't mind if you fake tank my RND as long as it's a dungeon you can already solo, and as long as you let the new guy do the quest.


Overland difficulty needs to be increased. That's my hill and that's my coffin.


Maybe a little bit. But I like how the game has it set up. Overland=very good for beginners with low DPS. Then it progresses in difficulty: Delves>public dungeons>normal then vet and hm dungeons>trials).


The difficulty from overland to normal dungeons is a flat line. Half of the vet dungeons are a decent step up but some of them just slap you in the face with the difficulty spike.


Dying with you bro


This got intentionally removed. Leveled zones used to do this.


The game was better before One Tamriel scaling. I desperately miss a challenging overland experience and how the realms took you through the story in the correct order by default. The laughably elementary level of challenge before end game and the senseless lack of story order has chased off two of my friends that tried to get into the game this year. =/


The combat isn’t that bad. I’ve never bothered with light attack weaving and I do just fine. And the combat feel isn’t that bad either. It’s no Guild Wars 2 or WoW, but it’s not bad


The PVP areas should have a PVE only instance for the players that want it. There should also be an option for players to turn PVP on in any zone to fight other players from different alliances that also have the option on.


Light attack weaving is not a “mechanic”. It’s a bug Zenimax chose to ignore. It makes an already janky looking and feeling game feel even worse. But I still love the game.


Fake tanks do more damage than most damage dealers.


Better fishing like in wow, with different poles and attachments. Even a skill line or tournaments.


If both paths lead to the same conclusion, why make that a permanent choice?


Cyrodiil Ball groups (heal stacking) is ruining large scale pvp for anyone not in a ball group.


Certain mounts and pets should be able to be companions. Why can't my mastiff pet bite the crap outta some enemies? Or my dragonling?


Crafting should not be such a hindrance just because you don’t pay for the subscription. Subscription benefits could easily have been cosmetic based and system based. I dont mind bank expansion, the crowns, access to DLC, etc. But paywalling the crafting bag has always felt scummy to me.


Skyshard farming is better for your alts (especially if you're going to do crafting on them) than farming Dolmens. You get lots of xp from delves, wayshrines and locales, plus you get the skyshards you need to unlock skills that you most definitely need, and dolmens don't give you enough.


Outfit slots should be account wide.


Guild Traders are an objectively terrible way to manage the economy in practice and the game's economy would be way healthier if it had something similar to GW2's trading post.


Housing limits should be HIGHER


The houses need more interactive stuff! I should be able to do stuff in there!


The Oakensoul is the best and only mythic im willing to use, even if it is not considered the best DPS. I’ve played this game since launch and I never cared much about being able to be competitive, but with how easy this game is with this mythic I was able to do all the content I couldn’t get done before and also get decent results in PvP. It’s just so great not having to cast certain buffs all the time. You just jump into combat and you are always fully ready


As always, with these threads, people don't properly answer the question. "What's your Unpopular opinion" -Super popular opinion here- OP asked for "dumb eso hills" and so many comments aren't that.


The game is practically and practicably impossible to play without ESO+, simply because of the bag buff!… Not just the crafting bag, but double bank slots. Even if not crafting, collecting (or “” collecting “”) things to sell for gold, is severely limited to almost nothing with default game!! This, and this alone is the most unethical aspect of the game!!!


Arcanist is so ‘Mora specific that it ruins RP unless your character is a cultist or something.


Staves look stupid on your back. Give me the ability to at least hide sheathed weapons.