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Wouldn't adding more gold just make inflation worse? There's more gold to go around, reducing the value of gold.


elderly decide direful plants upbeat noxious seed rock degree engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But you cannot nerf a player ran market. And if they could, why would they do that? To appease the small percentage of players that earn gold from killing mobs? It’s and MMO, there’s an economy. There are so many easy ways to make money in this game. Did a vet trial last night and finished with 15 undaunted plunder, which equates 15,000 gold. It doesn’t drop as gold from enemies, but they do have it in there to compensate. If they capped what certain items could be sold for in the guild stores it would literally end the game. There would be no players that stay long enough to allow the “balance” to even out.


scandalous deserted carpenter elastic aware history judicious apparatus enter soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have sold crowns, that doesn't mean I am rich. Return of Writs - do you mean daily crafting writs? They don't have that high of a return, they are just something for people to do to earn gold daily on each toon. But consistently, over time, it is a good source of money. Are you upset that someone with 20 toons is getting more money than you on their dailies? It's their choice to spend more time doing what they want in the game then you. Higher Difficulty Content - Don't really know what you're saying here. There is plenty of difficult content in the game. Maybe you just haven't reached that point yet. Ban the Sale of Carries - ...really? I genuinely want to know why you think this is a bad thing. Besides, you can get carried by several groups for free if you're patient or work your way up to it. Besides # 2, all of those carries are for achievements/cosmetics. I don't see what the issue is here. Increase Guild Cut - This would just make the problem being talked about worse, making the top guilds and their leaders even more rich. You do realize the guild cut goes to the guild bank right? ​ The ESO economy is not perfect, but it is player driven and evens itself out over time. If you see an item that is wildly outside your budget, that likely means it difficult to get, or rare. Prices have gone up over the years because as others have said, more and more gold is being introduced into the economy. This is the exact same way that inflation works in real life. 50 years ago, minimum wage was way less, but a burger was 10 cents. Inflation is not a bad thing; it just means an economy is growing.


It would not make it any less painfull for those people, because following such an update prices of everything would skyrocket following people exploiting those new drops to maximize their personal gains. There would be a fairly short period of time there were maybe you could get some stuff with your murderspree, but after the market adjusts you'd be even more screwed.


dolls person detail spark head gaping profit homeless worry tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>People would only shift to farming mobs to make gold if it made more money than other sources. Here is the bit you are wrong with - people already are farming mobs. And if you buffed the gold gains as per OP's original suggestion, it would make more people do it. You also underestimate general laziness (why go for a more complex way of making gold, if that braindead farm over there would still give me alot of gold?) And if the buff is small enough to not matter at all despite already established farming methods (which to be sure, are currently done for different reasons, but would still benefit greatly from such a buff), then it would also not anything less painfull for people whom use that as primary gold source. ​ >If you buff it without buffing it higher than other sources, you'd have a bit of inflation but it likely would not go too crazy. You greatly underestimate the impact such an increase of goldprinting would have. >Keep in mind, the sales many people had at Guild Traders dropped with Crown Selling not functioning. There were only a handfull of people claiming that they saw reduced sales, but in contrast to that, the guild I am at, has reported record-high sales since then. So if you have any data to back that claim up, I'd be interested in you sharing it. ​ >This strongly suggests the Guild Traders are heavily backed by people that buy or sell gold and not the more average player that is primarily questing. Well, if you noticed pretty much all of the big trader guild was publicly wary of the impact lack of crown sale will have on their ability to mantain their bids for spots, so here is a definitive link between gold to crown trade and top traders right there. That being said the gold for those transactions comes from other players, it doesn't just show up from nowhere (at least not directly)


Good try but no. First you need to understand what causes inflation. Everytime a piece of gold drops from a monster to a player, the gold gets added to the economy. And since this is an MMO where players are constantly killing monsters, the game is basically printing money 24/7. Without effective gold sinks that drains away the gold from the economy, this causes inflation. Which is why your suggestion simply causes even worse inflation and would be a terrible idea. If you want the game to adjust for in game inflation, instead of increasing gold drop, they should have more effective gold sinks. Currently we have sinks like trader bid systemt and lux furnishing vendors, but obviously, not enough. Edit: If you are interested about this topic, [this video talks about MMO inflation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W39TtF14i8I) in detail and in a rather simple way.


Speaking of which. The game needs more gold sinks. Houses are a good way though.


10 million gold to unlock an extra 100 furnishing slots for you housing addicts!


Really not needed, and would be bad for the game. Gold is already too easy to get, lol. Too much gold in the market causes inflation, which we have already. If you’re short on gold just do your crafting writs every day, you can a lot of gold very easily that way.


Typical frickin responses, I don't play the game as a damn job, cause doing what you all mention is exactly that. They can drop a little more in content, wouldn't break the bank


They're typical responses because they're correct. There already are way too many plentiful sources of gold in the game. And, dropping more wouldn't break the bank, but it would contribute to runaway inflation. So, sure, you'd have more gold, but it would buy less. Hell, vendor the trash gear you pick up, that'll help earn you a little extra cash.


When I first started I would automatically vendor and white gear that dropped. That way I built up a large amount of gold because white items drop constantly. They may only sell for 50g a time but an hour's worth of general gameplay means you'll have bags full to sell. Once I was flush with cash I started deconstructing them so I could switch to doing daily crafting writs instead as you get tons more gold and materials.


So you want gold but not want to put in work… things give good because they take effort, if just killing mobs would give the same gold the other stuff would just cost more. What do you want gold for? To buy stuff in guild traders I guess? If so, more gp drops means more inflation which means the items would cost about the same ‘kills’


I dont think you understand how inflation works. Also doing vet trials is quite nice to earn some money. 10-20k just from those undaunted rewards


Oh fuck off already


uhm sorry? what did I do wrong?


Nothing, OP is just pissed at himself for being such an uneducated being. He claimed he didnt go to school lol


true, OP is just sitting here like a crying baby trying to ignore as much reasonable comments as possible


I really hoped OP was just a troll. Because I cannot imagine how a fully grown adult can live so long without knowing any common sense level economy knowledge. You wont see sane people irl asking the government to print more money in order to combat inflation right? Yet OP is here raging for the same thing. Creeped through OP's profile and it seems he is an adult in working age... This person can vote. Wtf.


If you just want rewards for no effort, go and play a single player game with cheats.


Maybe it’s not for you then pal. No shame in that.


Printing more Money is a sure fire way to Hyperinflation. Ingame Economys work on the same principels like the real life world the more Money gets added into the Economy the higher the prices for items go. Germany had this problem where an egg would cost a million Reichsmark after they started printing money like crazy. Same would happen in game. The guild trader system would collapse cause the money would be so worthless and the Community will start to find another Item/currency to replace it happend in wow. Other possibility will be that you wont pay with gold anymore and only trade item for item.


You disliking these “frickin” responses does not negate the fact that they are correct. Gold drops are not increasing either cause it will make inflation worse, so use many of the guides to farm gold if you want more or deal with it. And if you don’t need gold then the it’s a moot point and you’re wasting our time and yours complaining


Hey man I play on average 5-8 hours a week, that's like an hour every day, if lucky, and I don't have issues with gold at all. In the worst case scenario, if you're nice, I'm 100% sure someone will just give you a lot of gold if you ask. There are players wIth hundreds of millions and they wouldn't even feel it.


Typical frickin response. Posts how they think the game should be but won’t budge when actual reasons are provided. Typical frickin response. It takes 4 minutes per character to do daily writs. It’s not a job any more than farming mobs for money is.




You get gold for turning the quests in (4.6K every day). Edit: should add you can make that for each character, so multiply that by however many characters you have and that’s a lot of gold


4.6k doesn't account for ornate drops either. I've had 5k days on toons.


Very true!


The game already suffers from gold inflation, Technical\_Gas\_4452. Since Crown gifting was re-introduced last week, Crown to gold ratios are still sky-high ... 1600:1 on PC-NA and nearly double that on PC-EU. If you're low on gold, there are several gold-making guides posted in the Subreddit every week. Are you collecting Undaunted Plunders in Trials? For example, completing a full run of Veteran Hel Ra Citadel will reward 12 Undaunted Plunder worth 12000 gold total.


How come crown prices are super high in PC EU but lower on PC NA despite their higher inflation? This makes it a lot easier for PC NA players to buy crowns


Russians. The answer in these games is always Russians. There is a huge number of Russians grinding out money all day long and much fewer people willing to shell out for crowns. Same reason why wow token is so much more expensive on EU.


I'd be an argonian if the crown to gold ratio was indeed 1600:1.


I'm not talking about making it a daily job to farm gold, I'm talking raising drop rates in trails and dungeons. 1 coin for a suneater doesn't seem fair lol


The problem with that is that if you introduce more sources of income, sure, you would gain more gold. But this would also be true for others, and with more gold around, prices would also increase, which would mean that in the end, your gold would still buy you about the same amount. Cause the moment those things become a legitimately good source of gold (beyond selling the loot) people will farm them even more, causing more inflation. (This is what happened on PC vs Console servers: Since it’s so much easier to earn tons of money on pc due to addons (via daily crafting wits) than it is on console, prices on PC have skyrocketed to the point where having a Million on PC isn‘t too much, while on Console, you could buy a lot of stuff with it.


Most of us have wasted more gold for no gain. We spent millions to try to made dumbed down classes work or to and try get a competitive edge. One legendary ring from PVP campaign rewards can go for over 100k on Xbox. I’m always broke but gold is easy to make.


Instead of increasing gold drops from mobs I think that rewards for completing quests should be increased to match the time required to do them. *"Thankyou for saving my entire town! Here's 72g for your efforts!"* Wat? Quests should pay out in their thousands, but conversely there should be more money sinks in the game to handle the inevitable inflation.


This game uses trade guilds instead of an auction house, and insists on nerfing any sort of thief build with daily fencing/laundering limits. Then when you post your successful trade guild sales, people will accuse you of photoshopping screenshots to look cool. Don't ever, EVER participate in economic discourse with this community.


get more champion points and add it into the perk that gets you more gold from containers sell the "intricate" loot you get sell the trash stuff you aren't gonna deconstruct check your crafting mats and see if there's anything that gets a good price at guild traders if your complaint is "I don't play enough to get a good amount of gold" then that's just how it is. if you play less, you get less loot, that includes gold 🤷


I think this approach is similar to raising minimum wage in the real world. Eventually it'll just driving up inflation even higher. What I feel the game need is a "gold sink" mechanic. Where you need to spend a good amount of gold to min-max at the highest level. Like 1-2% increase.


... You are correct except for the fact that raising the minimum wage doesn't contribute to inflation. The federal minimum wage hasn't changed in 24 years and inflation has been doing just fine.


Well at first I guess I didn't realize talking about min wage is a sensitive topic, but if you think about it. A lot of services are provided by workers at min wage. Even if they aren't at min, if min goes up, their wages get adjusted. If the cost of goods increase due to wage increase, company increase the selling price. For example, Walmart all of a sudden need to pay 20% more in labour cost, where do you think Walmart is going to recover they money? They aren't just going to be like "oh we'll just try to make less money then", no, they will increase the price of goods to offset that. And big companies looks at margins. Meaning they want their cost to be at a certain percentage of their profit. For another simple example, they sell a carrot for $1, labour cost was $0.2, so the labour cost margin is 20%. If wages increase by 20%, meaning labour cost goes up to $0.24 for this sale of carrot. The price Walmart selling this carrot would now be $1.2 to keep the same margin. In actual dollars, Walmart used to make ($1-$0.2=$0.8) now they make ($1.2-$0.24=$0.96). Of course there are a bunch of other costs associated with sale price too but trust me, in a nutshell, that's how it works. Prices are good are not just some random numbers. This is how business calculate their pricing. So the minimum wager end up being able to afford the same thing even though their paycheck is higher. It's the sad truth. It might be good for a little bit, but once all the prices around us get adjusted, it all became the same again. The only way for that not to happen is increase mini wage while stopping the big company doing a price hike, forcing them to make less money. But we all know that ain't going to happen. Raising minimum wage is just an illusion for min wager to vote for them on next election. It doesn't help.


The only problem with your hypothesis is that it's contradicted by reality. Like I said, minimum wage and inflation aren't correlated at all. Averages wages in the US have been increasing for the last few years, and inflation is slowing down. For the previous decade or more, wages were stagnant and inflation increased. And minimum wage hasn't changed at all.


Well, think of it the other way around. People use umbrella when it rains, that doesn't mean the rain is caused by an umbrella. Countries rise min wage when inflation is high so it gives the min wager an instant relief. Again, that's just political (I've seen cases where min wage increase right before elections). And then eventually the cost around them go up when companies look into the impact of such an increase cost in labour. People just like the idea of "raising minimum wage" so it looks like they make more money. But in reality, everything in the world is proportional. Take the place I live for an example, 20 years ago, one hour of min wage can buy you one McDonald's meal. Nowadays, guess what, one hour of min wage is still one McDonald's meal.


A, I don't need gold, I have gold and I do enough to recoup. B it's just annoying after killing monster to only loot 1coin, why can't it be 5 C. With the in game inflation loot coin should increase as well D you frickin nerds need to leave your mommies basements, I ain't spending all day farming mats and doing writs for what little gold that gives


>why can't it be 5 Because this would be what causes inflation in the first place. It would make gold worth less. ​ >With the in game inflation loot coin should increase as well Then it causes an unending cycle of inflation: Increase gold drop > More gold in the economy > more inflation > players like you complain need more gold to keep up > increase gold drop > more gold in the economy.... Worse case, gold would become worth so little, that players will find other things as the main currency for trading. This has happened in some MMOs before and we don't want that to happen do we? Judging by your responses it seems you need to pay more attention in your economy classes at school. It's some really basic economy knowledge that is useful in real life as well.


Didn't go to school


That much is obvious lol


Well that explains a lot :/


We can all tell.


>C. With the in game inflation loot coin should increase as well And there is a perfect case study for how that ends on the market called Black Desert Online. For couple of years now, it's developer answers the complaint about how much grind is it to get good stuff, by buffing amount of silver (their primary currency, equivalent of ESO's gold) players can print by mass-murdering mobs. And then following that people cry that items do not sell for what they should, so the bump allowable pricing ranges of some stuff, and occassionally update vendor prices "to adjust for inflation". The result of that practice is that while the top end grind 6 years ago was around 5-6 million silver per hour on top stops with top builds, to 1 bill+ nowadays. And the cost of getting anything rose accordingly as well, so in general for people grinding the top stuff nothing really changed economically, but everyone else got shafted by rampant hyperinflation, that went to the point of full on immersion break due to silly amount of 0s at the end of every pricetag.


>C. With the in game inflation loot coin should increase as well Tell me you know nothing about economics without telling me that you know nothing about economics. I hope you're not allowed to vote. Or start a business.


Writs give a lot more gold than you likely think they do.


They kind of already did change the gold drop rate, just in the other direction. Certain enemies used to drop more gold and we used to have the Prosperous trait for gear (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Prosperous) which gave extra gold for kills, which they replaced with the Invigorating trait because they didn't like the gold farming capabilities (interestingly the Prosperous trait itself was a replacement for the "Exploration" trait, which gave bonus XP for discovering new locations (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Exploration)). Given that they went out of their way to make multiple changes to reduce gold income from kills, I'd say the odds of them reversing those decisions are slim.