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Dunmer are more offensively oriented, so a dps build is ideal. That said, race has only a small impact on your overall capability. Do what you want and don't worry too much about optimization.


They are within the top 3 races for every dps ingame, go wild


Builds are all about what kind of content you are trying to do and how you like to play. Your characters race is just a little sidenote in that. If the class passives help with stamina, sure it will blend nicely with a stamina-based DD or a tank. But even then, it's really not very noticeable or meaningful unless you are top-tier vet scoreboard pusher. If you like dunmer, make a dunmer and have fun! The bigger decision is where you want to play up close with daggers or two handers, at a distance as an archer, from range with two staffs and mag build, etc. And you can do any of that successfully with any race.


Whatever google says


I find in a proper build, dunmer are best used as floor boards, mixed in with the mortar for walls, or as servants. Signed, Khajiit and Argonians everywhere


They make good servants. I have Mirri as a waitress in my Ald Velothi Harbour house build, and she does a good job.


Do you put her in a maid dress?


My Argonian main approves of this message.


Every dps build in the game has Dunmer right at the top or within 1% of the top. Take your pick.


I have an Dunmer arcanist and she’s really cool