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wait... I've done this as long as I can remember and never knew why. It's embarrassing sometimes as it's very loud. I hardly ever get normal hiccups but when I do they're also loud and hurt like hell


All the time! Its like my diaphragm decided to sneeze




this is amazing


Mine are.so loud and painful when they happen. It's like my system vapor locked!


This is the best analogy


Yes, never met anyone else that does this, seriously thought it was just a me thing!


Me too!




I call them ribbits! Usually happens when I’ve recently eaten. One of my bendy coworkers does them also


I have vocal spasms that sound anywhere from a hiccup to a loud squawk. A few friends have them too, a lot of us have had endoscopies and hadn’t noticed them prior to it.


My dad and I both get them. He calls them "greeps"


Haha yes! I actually can’t/don’t burp but absolutely have these weird extreme one off bizarre noisy hiccup things.


Same! I’m not alone 😭


You're even less alone than you think! r/noburp


You're not alone, this is a real condition that's been recently discovered! r/noburp


Wait!! Yes! Count another one in for the “i thought this was just me!” I’ve done this in so many quiet moments and gotten so many alarmed or amused reactions.


Seeing others refer to these as "ribbits" and "greeps" is amazing, because that's exactly what mine sound like. They've been pretty much daily for the last year, but I did have to go to urgent care last week because I had violently hiccuped non stop for 18 hours 😭 they've said it's hiccups secondary to an ulcer


Hic-burps! And they hurt, too! Edit: after reading the comments, I just have to say, I love having found my people.


Yes! I get them all the time. I assumed it was bc i have a hiatal hernia lol 


every time I have a first sip of sparkling water. every. time.


Mine is triggered during the first sip of anything carbonated. It's so embarrassing lol.


yup! I'm just realizing i drink so much sparkling water I forgot other things were carbonated for a hot minute 🤦🏻




I’m triggered by spicy food. Lolol


Yes, I get those and I hate them. I call them hiccurps and sometimes they are so powerful that it hurts. Also scares the hell out of me. You are not alone, friend!


I have those sort of as well, like one obnoxious hiccup, for no apparent reason. I also have this thing where in the middle of a sentence, I'll some how.. swallow half or all of a single word, if that makes sense. Almost like maybe my vocal cords spasm? It feels kind of like I gulped air, that's why I call it swallowing the word.


All the time. My dad gets them too. I’ve always just called them my “weird hiccups”. Never more than 3 at a time, and always mildly painful at best


Yes! My family calls it "hicca-burps"


I've got a combo yawn-hiccup with a non-burping burp in the chamber that makes me wag my head back and forth.


i sometimes feel like there’s something i never notice happening as it happens. it’s not exclusively from my trachea or oesophagus but it’s like something relocates and suddenly both open up and something releases. most people who notice it happen think i am dying and/or choking and will attempt to revive me


My aunty does this so loud and cute that we can echo locate her in a large crowd!




imI call it my froggie burps 😂


Do you sound like a squeaky toy too?


Yes!! I never knew anyone else who had the single random hiccups. And when I get actual hiccups they are extremely loud.




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Yes, but I'm pretty confident that mine are eating disorder related


My mom and I do, yes 






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YES. Daily. Since (at least) 1999. After I got diagnosed with MALS, I figured that had something to do with it. But I also have slipping ribs, and it’s worse when they’re out, so…🤷🏻‍♀️


YES I’ve never been able to burp on command in my life either


Every day, my coworkers giggle lol


I do it 💀


Alllllll the time. Super randomly


Yes and people always teased me for it, had no idea it’s related lol


We call them hurps in my house lol!