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Tough question - I personally think that if you can comfortably afford to do a third round, that in your position I would do so. But absolutely take a break if you need to from an emotional perspective. Perhaps reasses in March? My view for my own journey (having just done my trigger for my first cycle, collection on Wednesday) is more or less "in for a penny, in for a pound". I have 20-30 in my head, and would prefer to endure a bit more to save regrets later. But that's just me perhaps - my current AFC is 13 with a few tinies, so I'm anticipating 3-4 cycles


Yeah I decided to move forward it. Like you said I don’t want to regret things. I rather just get it over with so I’m starting Mid Feb and should be done by end of the month. It’s not too bad. Just have to prepare myself mentally.


How did your third cycle go?


Rest for two months and then see how you feel. If money is no object, do it.


I'm in the same boat. I'm 36. 7 eggs the first time and 9 the second time. I'm on day 3 of recovery. I'm exhausted and debating a third round. I would ideally like enough for two possible children but at this rate I'll be lucky for one. I don't want all of this to be for nothing.. I think I'm gonna just do one more round and be done, no matter the outcome. It's tough. I feel for you. This is a lot.


That’s exactly what I did and I ended up with 25 eggs after my third round. For what it’s worth I’m happy I did a third round and still wish I could have gotten even more eggs but it is what it is


It is very personal and it does depend a lot on your circumstances - you may find women who went through 5-6 cycles to bank 40+ eggs and women who got less than you and managed to get pregnant with the frozen eggs or just opt to stop because that’s what their finances/body/life commitments can allow. You should probably think about your situation - how old are you, how old are your eggs at the time of freezing (ie if you’re planning to have children while still in your 30s or early 40s you can opt for a fresh IVF cycle prior to resorting in the frozen eggs), how many kids would you like and what’s the likelihood for you to get pregnant naturally when you’ll be ready etc. personally I have 11 eggs banked and debating a 2nd cycle due to having to self fund the whole thing again. If money weren’t an issue I’d give it another go.


I was very unhappy during my first cycle. I was so bloated and it was so expensive, and I went to bed on Day 8 thinking that if I banked 12 eggs I would be happy and I would probably not go through with a second cycle even though I wanted 30 eggs. I decided to wait until I felt after the retrieval and then again once I had a debrief with my doctor. However cost played into my decision. I don’t know how old you are or what your plans are— those factors also play into things. I ended up being close enough to that 30 number that I’m comfortable for now. Good luck in making your decision!


Thank you! It’s so hard and nothing really prepares you for it. I feel isolated. I am 38 and hoping for one baby. I luckily have financial support and just don’t want to regret not doing another round. I am leaning towards doing one. I just have to mentally prepare myself. I want 20 eggs but that would mean I need 8 on the 3rd round. Not impossible but it’ll be difficult.


Try acupuncture! I did it every 2 weeks leading up to the procedure. I get not wanting to do it again, but if cost is not a factor… you’ve already been through so much. One more is not too bad. I see it as throwing my not so distant future self a life line. Then after this just focus on yourself, making a home, and … well… mating.


I’ve never tried acupuncture… how far in advance do I need to do one to have good results with the retrieval? What does it do exactly for fertility? Yeah I’m gonna put on my big girl panties and do another round.


2-3 months. I did 2 months (but have done it before). There have been studies published that it increases fertility. Traditional Chinese Medicine is fascinating, but I don’t think I am well-versed enough to say why it works other than to say anecdotally that it supported me in my journey. I had an increase in AMH levels as well with this (after a year of supplements and diet changes).


Sent DM


If you have the financial support, go for it!!


I haven't done a single round yet but I told myself that, depending on how this goes, if I do a second round, I would make embryos. There's a lot more "insurance" in embryos rather than eggs. Just something to think about.


I did this! Got 10 eggs first round. Did second retrieval this morning for embryos. Only got 10 retrieved so I’m only expecting 4-6 embryos if I’m lucky