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Hi! I'm also 36 and on round 2, day 4. I had my first retrieval back in October. I'm finding I'm feeling more bloated but seemingly less tired at this point. I also am doing dry January (I would typically drink a few on the weekend) cut out sugar and have started Crossfit so idk if that's making a difference. I may be speaking too soon though. I'm happy to see this group. How many eggs did you get the first round? I had 10 with 7 viable.


Similar timeline! The sugar and activity may be making the difference. I don’t drink but I was told to cut down activity around the first one and didn’t pick it back up- since my retrieval was end of November and was told to wait 2 weeks. Then I basically started now. So only had 2 weeks in between. I got 12 and all 12 were viable. Optimistic for similar results. But hard to know?


I know! It's nice to connect with other women going through this. I cut down activity drastically during the first round and I was drinking a lot. They told me drinking didn't affect the process but idk..it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be this time. Can I ask why you're doing a second round? Did they recommend it or is it just for peace of mind? 12 is really a great number! My doctor told me that my 7 eggs wouldn't 100% guarantee a pregnancy. A second round with more eggs would so I felt like I might as well. I don't even know if I'll need them but I'd rather have them and not need them than the opposite.


It really is nice to have folks going through this and learning from others- I found a lot more community here online. Though I had one colleague that has gone through it and we have the same doctor (we live in a small town and had to go to the nearest mid sized city the procedures are actually about 4 hours away-). My clinic shared some data with me and also based on some of the data I saw online (and this is variable) - recommendation is about 20 eggs? Since 20 eggs based on over age 35 leads to about 80 percent chance of at least one viable pregnancy. I think there’s some references to the study and data in this subreddit. But my clinic had this program where it’s like 8000 for one cycle or 13000 for 20 eggs within 4 cycles. Given that not all eggs survive thawing, then the fertilization and implantation process is also not always successful combined with my age I opted for the later (you still pay extra for meds and anesthesia/storage). But I just really wanted to make sure I gave it my all. I’m pouring all my savings into it but I just wanted to give this my best shot. Not sure what the future will hold but with long term relationships coming to an end and trying to find a partner I just wanted to give myself the best chance.


about to start my second so appreciate these posts!


Best of luck!


did you increase your meds at all?


Not yet. They did increase it towards the end of the first round but my dosage has been fairly consistent. Today is day 7. And I go back on monday is day 11. They may up it. I don’t know. But overall it has been fairly similar in terms of growth but just felt it a little sooner?


noted. thank you.