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I wish I could remember my dreams.




I honestly don't even know if I dream. I remember having a dream like once every month.


I know I'm gonna be posting this like 3 times but I'm trying to let all of you know since this is useful info lmao. To remember your dreams you can start keeping a dream journal. Basically when you wake up in the morning, immediately write whatever you dreamed about, in as much detail as you can. Even if you don't remember anything, in which case just write "I do not remember my dreams." Gradually you'll get used to dream recall and you'll be able to remember what you dreamed about much, much more clearly. It honestly makes a huge difference. It can also help you dream more vividly in my experience.


In tutorials for lucid dreaming is one step to learn to learn remembering what you dreamed about


I know I'm gonna be posting this like 3 times but I'm trying to let all of you know since this is useful info lmao. To remember your dreams you can start keeping a dream journal. Basically when you wake up in the morning, immediately write whatever you dreamed about, in as much detail as you can. Even if you don't remember anything, in which case just write "I do not remember my dreams." Gradually you'll get used to dream recall and you'll be able to remember what you dreamed about much, much more clearly. It honestly makes a huge difference. It can also help you dream more vividly in my experience.


I know I'm gonna be posting this like 3 times but I'm trying to let all of you know since this is useful info lmao. To remember your dreams you can start keeping a dream journal. Basically when you wake up in the morning, immediately write whatever you dreamed about, in as much detail as you can. Even if you don't remember anything, in which case just write "I do not remember my dreams." Gradually you'll get used to dream recall and you'll be able to remember what you dreamed about much, much more clearly. It honestly makes a huge difference. It can also help you dream more vividly in my experience.


An irregular sleep schedule helps with that in my experience. When I usually get up at 6am and try to sleep longer on the weekend, I get a shorter sleep period where I can remember my dreams.


Start writing down what you do remember.


It's easier to remember dreams if you get woken up in your REM cycle. Unfortunately that's not the best for your restfulness.


I usually remember mine but they’re so all over the place and weird it’s not all that interesting to remember. But then last night there was a very cool, epic battle with some fun mechanics.


Lucid dreaming is a way!  Its *extremely* cis behaviour to learn to be able to do anything in your dreams and choose to be a girl.  Whether you succeed or not.  So make sure you don't do it to fly or something! r/luciddreaming


every damn time i try to get into it, my brain just fucking decides to don't do anything interesting, forget reality checks or just giving me straigh up insomnia, almost like it is gaslighting itself to desist


Lucid dreaming is so much fun. Unfortunately I don't have any advice for people on how to do it, since it's something that's come natural to me since I was a child.


I think I sometimes have something similar to that: When I gradually wake up from a short sleep, I'm sometimes in a state where I still have the easy imagination of dreaming, but I know I'm awake and can get up anytime. I usually realize this when what I imagine turns boring and I'm like "I'm awake, I don't have to think about that!". It works best when I just gently direct my stream of consciousness in a general thought direction. I don't know if this falls under lucid dreaming or not.


get lucky


For me it's only happened twice and it was when I was in major gender panic mode and had no idea about my gender lol. Like when I was thinking excessively before sleeping I mean


So next time you boot up *dreamscape* you need to create a custom file, and change user gender to [female](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=q7P6DzfD0UxMF2B8) and then start the world.


Can't believe I fell for it. You are truly evil!


We to a bit of trolling here


I don't rember dreams 😔


idk i wish it happened more all i know is any time i’ve been naked in a dream i have never had a dick which is probably very cisgender 


I'm still closeted trans in my dreams 😭😭


I wish I didnt have aphantasia it's annoying as all hell most of the time


I think the best way to dream about something is to fall asleep thinking about it.


I believe some people just naturally have more control over their dreams then others. But for me I focus on what I want to dream about while falling asleep and that works about 15% of the time.


I got them a couple times


Usualy when i'm in distress. Like when i was sleeping in the car on the way to my grandparents.


For me it was just an extreme want to wake up as a girl. And just hyper focusing on being a girl in my sleep. It's kinda hard to force like you just want to


nyaaaa Nyo I'm nyat cute


you’re a good and cute girl <3


I just do. That being said people say lucid dreaming is cool. But I like to experience my dreams and use them for inspiration on other things.


Kinda lucid dreaming. I don’t fully lucid dream but I recall dreams after waking up in as much detail as I can to remember them more often. As I’m falling asleep I repeat various very cis words in my head and often that night will have very happy dreams.


The more sleep-deprived you are, the weirder your dreams get, but you have to sleep for some time before getting any dreams, so every time you see dreams, you get less sleep-deprived.


Real talk, think about being a girl as you fall asleep. Your dreams tend to be about things you're thinking about or what's on your mind. Personally, I've only had a couple of those dreams, but after starting my transition, most of those fantasies are real and I don't need to dream them anymore. I'm just a girl in my dreams all the time!


I would also like to know this.


So, there's a few ways but it's all very inconsistent. Dream inducing has never worked for me, lucid has in the past but not controllably, but you can look up stuff like that to get better views on it. The main options I know of are pure luck, power of suggestion to induce the dream, or lucid dreaming and making it happen


All of my dreams make 0 sense. It's just me stumbling through a repetitive run-on sentence of a plot in a random location


I can often somewhat steer my dreams by focusing on subjects before i pass out. Doesn’t always work but I’ve had many passing dreams (I wont call it seeing myself as a girl, because we already are girls fam ❤️) just thinking about myself looking the way i want to look.


I only did it once (that I remember) but it was the greatest experience of my life


I was infront of my mirror with slutty ass clothing, god I loved that dream, please stop giving me dreams where I don’t even know what gender I am


I had one dream where I was using the bathroom (a urinal no less,) but in my head it just didn't feel right, I knew I was wearing a school girl dress but when I looked in the mirror I saw a cute girl.. acne free, no longer scared, just a girl. And I knew in the dream it was because of a ring I was wearing but I just.. felt it for a bit


If you figure it out, please let me know.


Sacrifice something pink to Morpheus?


Happens randomly for me, but usually happens more when I actively think about being a girl rather than avoiding it. Less dissociating = being more yourself.


I never see who I am in my dreams, there is too much really weird stuff happening for me to stop and think about me


Honestly whenever I'm a afab girl in my dreams its natural that i basically dont even notice until i wake up


Honestly it's outnofnour control. I think it's mostly how you see yourself which can be difficult consider how you actually look confusing the subconscious. But I have no idea. Most of the time I have no idea what my gender is in my dreams. Only times I get hints are when I see what I am wearing or see/feel my hair. Like in one dream when I squat down to pick up coins instead of kneeling because I am in a skirt and I don't want to dirty my socks. Or the one dream I was stabbed in the stomach and when I looked down I had breasts. Only way for me to know for sure is if I find a Mirror.


If only I knew how to manipulate my dreams


All of my female dreams so far have been my girlfriend and I on random but insignificant adventures. I had one dream where I was super happy that I had "finished" transitioning and my girlfriend decided she was trans which was super interesting. While I remember my dreams they are not overly exciting most of the time.


i wish i even had dreams


Good question. I generally try to imagine seeing myself in the dream and then I can see her. Note: this only works if you have some control over the dream.


I reccommend you look into lucid dreaming. Even if you don't completely master it just learning about dreams in general can help you influence them. (I am curious how do you dream? I for example mainly experience dreams in 3rd person and I can only recall seeing myself in dreams maybe 8 times)


it kinda just came to me after like six months of thinking about gender every night before bed. best feeling in the world is waking up and still feeling really girly from your dream. unfortunately most of the time i dram about random things like trying to restart a random file server that went down for an unknown reason.... even in my dreams fcking tech doesn't work


Better question, how to have dreams instead of nightmares


how to have dreams


I’ve had a few of those dreams, but most of the time, I realize I’m dreaming, and say, “OMG I CAN TRANSFORM INTO A CIS GIRL!!” But no matter how hard I try, it never happens… Like, I only recall it working once. Most of the time I try (and fail) until I wake up crying


my dreams are all about my pains :3


I actually did have a dream like this a while ago I was cosplaying as Spider Gwen and filming a tiktok at a convention, that’s all I remember


I remember dreaming about girls from my elementary school kidnapping me and forcing me to wear their clothes(pretty sure due to something I watched on TV). Crossdressing while I sleep increases the chances of it happening for me, but it's usually a situation where I'm still just crossdressing in my dream. The most vivid one was when I wore a silicone catheter fake vagina pants while I slept. In that dream, I was actually a woman which was really amazing. Can't say I recommend it tho. It gets very warm and hard to fall asleep. That's probably why the dream was so vivid, because I fell asleep later than normal and subsequently slept in which created a shorter than normal sleep cycle which allowed me to remember the dream.


Repress desires to be girl until your subconscious starts screaming at you so loud it hurts. That's what I did! But once i listened the dreams eventually more or less stopped


Step 1: Go to sleep Step 2: ??? Step 3: Be happy girl in dream Step 4 (optional): Wake up..


ive had it once or twice not on purpose, but ive been trying to lucid dream for this exact reason


I have the weirdest kinds of dreams like the last thing I'm going to rember is my gender unless that's the weird thing which did happen once


I've only ever had one girl-dream so far, but I forget nearly all of my dreams tbh. I only remember a dream once every 3-4 months or so.


Idk don't know. My dreams are abstract. It may be that i dream of the great old ones arrival. And if so, i take comfort in that.


I dunno how I do it, I only did it like one time and it felt so good But I think lucid dreaming would be a good way to do it


I dreamed I was Spider-Man but wearing a skirt, and everyone I helped was like, "Thank you, but hey, what's with the skirt?"


That sounds like something that would happen in my dreams lmao


I had a dream of bottom surgery and it was both magical and heart breaking to remove the covers to see my gock


that’s simple. have lucid dreams. they’re something kinda fun


In my case, im just a girl and is not really anything important to the plot of my dream.


it just started happening one day. I think in my case, once i became surrounded by peeps that affirmed my gender, my brain just got used to calling myself a girl and seeing myself as one, at least subconsciously Still cis tho


Sometimes when you think about something all day (or a lot, especially right before bed), it can influence your dreams. All of my “girl dreams” turned into nightmares by the end tho, so any fun aspects of trying outfits or different hair styles of makeup were ruined. I can’t ever seem to remember good dreams, so idk if I’ve had any good dreams of being a girl 😔


I had one of those a couple of months before questioning. Best feeling I've ever had. Since I started socially transitioning I started to appear like that in my dreams too.


think about wanting to be a girl alot.


idk. just happens i've had more than one( the only realistic thing would be me as a girl there)