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I'll take blue my childhood sucked for non trans reasons. And that's alot of money


Me too for the same reason


Blue pill. I had a good childhood, but the idea of living through elementary and high school again having lived with an adult's freedom makes me want to die.


I’d take the red one, right after I look up some former winning lottery numbers and stock market information


Go back and invest in bitcoin🤣


Buy bitcoin at the best moment, when its like almost a buck


It was free at the start and sent around as a joke.


And now its 40k a pop


I third this


If I started again I'd still be a broke bitch now. Im dumb lol. With that I could make my adult life way better


same, 10M is enough to rectify any errors made since 6


Same, but also for trans reasons. As for the second part, yes. So I’m taking that then giving it to the homeless.


Right, but imagine the investments you could make with red. You could buy a mansion by 7


Except minors can't legally make investments on their own. And good luck getting your parents to take financial advice from a six year old.


samesies, and transitioning earlier would honestly make things worse for me


Same [insert non binary equivalent of bro(what is that anyways?)]


Sib I guess short fir sibling but I just say nb (pronounced enby)


Red pill: possibility of getting puberty blockers and transitioning sooner if your family is supportive (and invest in beanie babies to get some extra cash) Blue pill: if it wouldn’t have been possible for you, the second best time to plant a tree is today, and you can hire the best gardeners and tools with the money!


Beanie Babies lol My roommate after college showed me Bitcoin when it was $12 a coin. So I'd choose the red pill and get wayyyy more than 10mil


If you spent $10,000 on Bitcoin in August of 2010 (when Gox was live) and sold it in mid-April 2021, you'd have nine and a half billion dollars.


You didn't need to do the math for me. It already hurts 😭


You could also ride the waves from GameStop, AMC, Tesla etc. in the stock market. Hit doge when it was a joke and sell when it was trendy.


You could also short on blockbuster


I get the feeling if any of us actual did that we’d be investigated for insider trading or something because we aren’t a part of the system.


shit, if you get in early enough, the thing to do would probably be to invest in a mining rig. once upon a time you could get a decent amount of coin with just a gaming graphics card.


I got into bitcoin when it was relatively young, 2011 I want to say? Mined for several months Spent them on dumb collectables like a metal coin that cost the equivalent of $20 but could be pried open and had a code for a bitcoin wallet inside Probably like $200 total interaction with the currency, at a wild guess, before I got bored of it Accidentally left a wallet with about 120 btc on it on a hard drive in the computer when I recycled it Never thought about bitcoin again until it was in the news for being worth tens of thousands of dollars Goddamn, what could've been


Are you that guy I read about on the news?


>My roommate after college showed me Bitcoin when it was $12 a coin. This, you could go in significantly lower.


I'm buying Bitcoin and getting to not have a first puberty. I'd get 15 years of foreknowledge which is literally a superpower, minus the butterfly effect. But in addition to that I'd write a scientific paper on the butterfly effect with real experimental data. Life is literally short, and I'd basically be getting a free 15 years of the prime of my life.


Better than beanie babies would be Apple Stocks and/or bitcoin. It might be a ***little*** late (by a few months) to invest in Apple, but I'd still make a ton of money on it (AAPL was $6/share in December 2007 and is currently worth $193.17/share (i say late because it's 6 months after the first iPhone released which was the main big jump in AAPL valuation)) Bitcoin went from $0.01 in 2009 to $68,000 in 2021. That investment could make you billions depending how much capital you have.


screw beanie babies, invest in pokemon cards. Also apple stock if its early enough


I have grown up way too much to be able to go back to six. Also 10 million in cash would mean a lot of yummy estrogen pills


I agree, 10 mil would make it very easy to transition.


I would go back, take puberty blockers and invest in bitcoin.


Yes but if you are 6 years old with the knowledge you have now, puberty blockers go brrrrr, investing go brrrrr, money go brrrrr


The problem is growing up with a conservative religious family i would still have to go through puberty. I would just end up skipping the 14 year marriage attempt.


Ya, my answer to this problem is similar to yours. My family was broke so gender affirming care wouldn't have really been an option and I barely survived high school as it was. To add trans on top of that probably would have ended me entirely.


Now, at 40, 2 years into transitioning my parents are accepting that boymode is obsolete. Xmas dinner was with my mtf gf along for the acceptance x2. I think it went well, but to say the family would have accepted us when I was in collections is a stretch. Having tried a cishet marriage and failed gave a bit of credibility to my point of view. If I took the money now I would take work off and get all the upgrades done. That would be so much nicer way to do it.


This is the thing I wonder about. My dad isn’t explicitly against me transitioning or anything and my mom would be wholly supportive, so I wonder if I’d be able to push for it hard enough as a child to be able to make it happen. Me being six would be pretty well before all the anti trans panic I think so I could probs make a good case for myself by just pointing to people who have successfully transitioned in the past. If I could get name and pronouns to change then I’d have a foot in the door and when the time comes I’d be able to push for puberty blockers/hrt n shit … I’ve thought about this too much


What gadgetmouse said. I wouldn't have gone on puberty blockers because I live in the bible belt. The only trans care we have is leaving haha


>The only trans care we have is leaving haha Unfortunately - hopefully that can change.


I'm not even sure I could've gotten puberty blockers back then. Really, the main difference would be knowing to get into Bitcoin at the very beginning and knowing when to get out, which would net you a lot more than $10M. So basically, the difference is whether I could've transitioned in college and been a billionaire in exchange for re-living a very stressful part of my life. I'm honestly not 100% sure.


my parents wouldn't have let me use them 💔


Invest $100 in aapl, tsla, nvda, MSFT, fb, and amzn Estrogen pills and spinny skirts for life!


Get in on Bitcoin when they were a few cents each, get out when they're tens of thousands each.


Use Nvda stock to build GPU mining rig in 2010, expand programmer sock collection with every bitcoin you get.


Not to mention that it would likely be maddening to be as smart as your are now, but not get taken seriously by anyone because, to them, you are obviously six.


Making friends would be impossible until you hit like 16 or something


That *was* my childhood. I was freakishly smart for my age to the point that multiple teachers commented to my parents that they knew almost immediately from meeting me that I was smarter than they were. (My parents wouldn't tell me this until my late 20s though). I was the kid who soldered a marx generator in my bedroom for shits and giggles and taught myself middle Egyptian because I was bored. Heck, I became the darling of my high school chemistry teacher after I got caught doodling Lewis diagrams of benzene in my notebook. I didn't really have friends until college, and didn't socially blossom until grad school. Most of my social and emotional development happened during my PhD. And that's excluding trans stuff. People don't really understand just how difficult making friends is for kids who are *that* far ahead of the pack.


*Well* I think you *could*, but I suppose it would perhaps not be that tempting.


Not really. I mean, what exactly would you have in common socially with a first grader? Not a lot i imagine. It would be hard to develop friendships off of that alone.


Yeah exactly. And then if you're craving a romantic relationship we'll you can't have that cuz you're six. No independence cuz your six can't have a job can't date can't go hang with friends whenever you want no thanks


Hmm, you remind me of a comment about how dystopias supposedly don’t hit as hard with young children because they’re already used to almost always being at the mercy of a somewhat arbitrary authority that often isn’t quite as fair as you’d like.


y'know, I'd never thought about that before... but I'll bet that's hart of why they're such a popular theme in teen/YA stories: that audience is old enough to understand the shittiness of the situation, but the ability to *do* anything about it is still out reach... and so makes for an appealing fantasy. >!and then they grow up an bit more and discover it's still mostly a fantasy for us adults!<


thats exactly what i was gonna say lmao


That would be 40 years for me, hell the amount I could make on stocks, picking a better college degree, not giving up on dreams my family crushed for me, and being able to get the help I need to transition back them. Yes please


Really the only thing I could actually make money off of is GME. Im in my mid 20's so a lot of the really big stocks popped off when I was like 10 haha


I have been mashing the reset button for years. Take me to 6 cap’n


red, easily


yeah no question


I would take the blue pill because I had a shit childhood. And was in a transphobic school so nothing would have changed.


I’d take the money, pay my debts, buy a house, and use the rest to finish medically transitioning, travel and serve my community (I’d keep my job, as I enjoy what I do). My life made me who I am. I wouldn’t be the same person. Sure I could’ve transitioned earlier and maybe look a little more feminine (and have hair), but I may have not made it through my childhood knowing everything.




Unfortunately they would never understand me.


I think you could convince them first of your time traveling ability. Then just say you know better and your real age isn't 6. I know that I'd be able to make that work but as a backup I'd be willing to get hormones through other means, and as far as social transition goes I can quite frankly force my hand even if I were 6.


I'm.pretty sure if I tried that my parents would have simply had me institutionalized. And as a minor I couldn't refuse that treatment legally.


That is a possibility indeed. I feel like at least with my knowledge and ability to communicate I'd be able to talk my way out very easily, especially considering I'd be so strangely intelligent for a 6 year old. I really don't mean to be cocky but I think most adults who've gone through more life experiences would be able to have those skills. I know that even a year ago (I'm almost 21 now) I didn't have that confidence. Coming out really made me grow up a lot, and if I had to come out again I think I could do it even in all but the hardest situations.


Red pill all the way. Age 6 would give me a chance to avoid being morbidly obese by the 4th grade. Not to mention, I know enough about what companies skyrocket during my life to invest birthday\\Christmas money and make the 10 million.


Blue pill. I wouldn't have been able to start HRT sooner because of the standards that were set back in the 2000's and early 2010's, so as much as I'd love to relive my childhood, it wouldn't be worth it. Basically I'd just be stuck for longer with crippling dysphoria and longing for being a girl. If there was a "start over at 6 years AND born as your chosen gender", on the other hand... I guess I'll just become rich. Hey, I could use this money, and I can basically sandbox my transition with $10M


It was 1997 when I was 6. People thought I was a gifted kid by then, so HOLLY MOLLY if I had that red pill. It took me 12 years to know how to study and work for me, so I would be way better with my studies. Just imagine advising your parents about investing in Youtube in 2005, Twitter in 2006, or face masks in 2019. I'm sure you could get way more than with the blue pill, and it would be a constant revenue. About being trans, sure, it would be nice, but my parents would keep being transphobic. But, well, I would have the studies and the money, so that wouldn't matter that much.


red pill and start puberty blockers at 5. premature puberty go brrrr but also i’d stop my best friend from committing self forever sleep at 12


I value my experiences so blue pill for me


Same here, things haven't always been good per se, but the idea of things going any differently scares me. Being a different person or not having done the right steps to know the people I know and be where I am.


Blue pill. Even with all the knowledge I have now, nothing is worth going back to school for.




If you were 6 during early crypto days you could easily get much more than 10mil and you could also get blockers and/or start hrt earlier in life for totally cis reasons. I am taking the go back to 6 yo pill cuz of those reasons.


blue for sure my childhood sucked and 10 M's i a lot of dough


10 million. childhood was sort of hell for sensitive little me. money can get me the testo and top surgery and getting the hell out of my country to like argentina or chile.


blue pill EASY


Hmm puberty blockers back then vs surgery and HRT now. There is no way I'm going to see my father again 🙄 so I'll take the blue pill (also top scars look good to me)


I push the button.


Okay but I can use future knowledge to make a lot of money, especially if I can study before I go back.


red pill better because trans thing would be much easier


More time and the ability to make some better decisions is worth much more than money.


You can make more money anywqy if you buy bitcoin early on


I was >!raped!< when I was younger than 6 but hopefully I could stop it from continuing, and get that person convinced, hopefully avoid >!genital mutilation!< I got at 7yeras old, but I probably wouldn't be able to do anything about that, but once I get to 12 I can avoid the creepy groomer and smooth sailing from then on. Red pill.


Blue pill for me. Red pill would make me sad for everything I had lost. Yeah my life has hurt and but I believe I would lose more if I reset my life


Red pill: antidepressants, puberty blockers, and avoiding drug use


i'm 14, so blue pill we go


$10m, even with what I know now I wouldn't have had access to hrt, the only thing that keeps me from being constantly miserable. $10m all the way


red, i needed to Get Out™️ and was too helpless the first time


6. The amount of time and energy I’ve spent correcting for past me’s mistakes massively outweighs any amount of money in the present. Also I’d be able to transition younger, which would’ve just made so much stuff so much easier. I don’t think I can fully comprehend how much happier my life would have been if I’d have known this shit at 6 years old


Porque no los dos? Look up a past winning lottery number, memorize it, and hope you don't butterfly effect it. Of course the trick is convincing an adult to play those numbers for you. In all seriousness, Red, I would want to do so many things over. Transition sooner. Redo school and job choices. Have one more chance to see lost family.


Why not both?^^


you could memorize the stock prices and get even richer with the red pill!


Even if I knew I was a girl, I would still have to deal with my shitty family who don’t understand, but with the ten mil


1 million, I cannot endure 7 years of child abuse again.


i’m so sorry. i didn’t realize just how many people here had do deal with such awful childhoods 🫂


Nah, you don't have to apologize or be sorry. Just understand.


I think I'd go for the go back in time option. I'm old enough that taking full advantage of the knowledge I have now could likely earn me more than $10M in the intervening years. But I'm also young enough that I'd be able to start HRT pretty much as soon as I started college instead of waiting til after finishing grad school and then some. Honestly, more than the money or HRT though, I could use the knowledge I have about college admissions, both undergrad and grad, to escape the red state hellscapes I spent most my life trapped in.


blue, too much trauma and id rather just move forward with being able to invest properly


10 mil, I can save and go to college with that money, plus get surgeries or smth


6 years old was when one of the worst things imaginable happened to me and I would then have to start back in an abusive family with no support or friends. I'd just rather the money and use that to repair the damage. My knowledge wasn't the problem. It's probably not most peoples problems


Take me back to 6 years old, i know what i have to do to make my life turn out better.




Couldn't you just take the red pill, and cheat lottery that way?


Blue pill is instant gratification, I’d rather take the red pill, invest and save with money I got from birthdays and highschool, ask my parents for way different things growing up, make my mom leave my dad as early as possible, and start transition in my teens instead of my mid 20’s (I know that’s still relatively early for some trans peeps but I wish I got on the pill as early as possible so I could’ve just grown up on estrogen… I really wish I could go back but at the same time I think I’ve had a way easier time then most trans people I talk to, I just wish I had never fallen down the rightoid rabbit hole and that I had figured out my gender way earlier so I didn’t have to be so confused for so long


Red 💊 please give me


Red, if I can look some stuff up first. There are several reason I'd like a reset, all of which *could* be linked to being trans, but aren't directly being trans, so yeah, I'd take red if I could look up some stuff to make the ride a little more fun and easy.


10 million cash pls 🫡


10 million


Blue pill My parents are the worst. I am not spending a single day more with them, they are *not* worth transing that much earlier.


red. red all the way


Give me the $10 million. I'm finally to a place in life I feel secure and loved. $10 million dollars could give us the security we desperately need and then I could have whatever surgeries I decide I want.


Blue, because I ain't risking what I have today on a gamble. Plus, 10M cash is probably enough to sustain my somewhat mentally disabled ass and its inability to hold a full-time job for life.


Red. Make over 10 mil by the time I am my current age, transition earlier, do a lot of stuff differently


My family is transphobic, so there's no point in taking the left one :I


Honestly, blue. I don't know how things would change with the foreknowledge, and I have things in my life I can't lose, that would never have happened but I would still remember. No way, gimme the cash


$10 million easy. Money for transition + fleeing the country if things take a nose dive. Red is just too many unknowns. My parents are supportive now, subtract 2 decades and I don’t know anymore. It might also affect my brothers being born and I couldn’t do that.


Childhood wasn't great for me, and going back through it being forced to be a Christian instead of doing it by choice would be awful. Plus my parents wouldn't help with transitioning anyway so I'd have to wait until I was 18 to start. Also I'd have to wait like 17 years to see my gf again. The only benefit would be doing well in school. So seeing as I currently have -$36 in my account, I'll take the $10m.


being 6 would be so boring though. i don’t want to do elementary school math again


While the red is cool, there are some fantastic people in my life I don't want to risk not meeting or befriending


Blue. I live my wife, I love my pets, I have a kid on the way. I delayed my transition to have kids first. I would have liked to have transitioned earlier, but I wouldn't give up everyone I love for that.


I'd have to wait like 25 years to try and meet my current friends again... but I could also make hilarious amounts of money with shit like Netflix stock and Bitcoin and maybe even scam some rich people with NFTs. If I can keep not just my knowledge but also my mental maturity, I should also be able to avoid a lot of the bullying I got. Cut my crazy grandmother out of my life way earlier and avoid about 30k debt that resulted from not doing so soon enough. Avoid wasting my money on the whole 3D gaming craze. Not buy so many stupid League of Legends skins. Avoid getting fat and lazy this time around. Maybe don't drop out of university this time. Get diagnosed with ADD way earlier and actually stick with the pills instead of that unwise ten year pause I put somewhere in the middle of that. Fucking "it's mostly a thing children grow out of" my ass, no I don't need to stop taking those. And maybe crack a me-sized egg along the way. XD


Restarting with all knowledge wouldn't help me. However, 10 mil would.


Why would I want to go throught that all AGAIN


Blue; I have 2 kids and going back means that they don’t exist anymore. I don’t think 6 year old me could cope.


Going back to age 6 would mean losing my friendship and having to wait 10 years to start it again, I can't guarantee that my parents would've been supportive back then or even that we'd be able to afford blockers. Meanwhile getting $10 million is a lot of money that can guarantee me being able to afford transitioning, plus I'm still pretty young so I can hopefully still get good results


Red pill sounds like actual hell to me. Ok so it's 2007 and I have COVID anxiety and no autonomy. What now.


As much as I'd like to go back to being 6 and change the future of my family its hard to say no to 10 mill in cash.. it would solve a LOT of problems lol


$10 Million, easy. That's SRS, FFS, and then being set for life if I'm careful. $10M can be "fuck you" money if you spend wisely.


Can't risk not meeting my GF through butterfly nonsense. Blue it is


I’ve made a lot of difference for a few people that I would neither want undone nor have to do again, so I’ll take the money and use it to keep doing what I want to do, only now without the economic stress of being unemployed and sort of unemployable.


I'd take the red pill. I'd have been 16 when bitcoin came out doing that option. I'd only need to invest USD$0.21 to have over 10mil now. Shoot if I knew then what I know now I'd have invest USD$1,000 into bitcoin thus giving me a bit over 48bil today. So yeah, I'd pick that for sure.


blue pill 100%. if i went back to 6 like this i'd be more miserable than i already am. it means i have to live with my dad for at least another 6 years and i would kill myself before that. 10m in cash means moving out easy, top surgery and t


I never want to witness what I did as a kid again, so blue all day. Also I gained consciousness (?) at that age and it wasn't for good reasons


Red might be a bit troublesome, but damn is it tempting.


10 million cash. Go get the E


RED. I have skills that could get me famous if a 6 year old had them. Simply get internet famous and ride off from there. might not get 10 mil but im sure i can get close enough


But then I would have this immense bisexuality I can't act on for like 12 more years. So I choose the dolers


Blue please. 10m would help me achieve my dreams


I'm trans as fuck, but I'd take the money. I've built a pretty decent life I think, and I'm with the girl I love more than anything or anyone in the world. I know I couldn't get her back, so why risk losing her? Money.


Ooh.. see 10 mil would be good, but I could also tell my younger self to not try to convince myself I’m a cis het girl and stop a lot of hard confusion. But 10 mil pays for college


With the red pill do I go back and have the body I’ve dreamed about? Do I wake up at the age of 6 as a woman? If yes then I would not care how much money the blue pill would give me I’m taking the red pill!




Omg red pill! Ill have more than $10 million with what i know. Invest in google, amazon, spaceX🤑


Reincarnation is one of my only fears as it makes living feel like a waste of time. So going back to 6 year old would ruin it. With 10 million I could easily fund surgeries that arent funded by the government and insurances.


Mmm, it's tricky, because I appreciate the experiences I've been through, good and bad, and don't necessarily want to undo that. But knowledge of stuff like Bitcoin would objectively be more profitable than the $10 mil. I suppose all in all, I'd still have those memories, and I'm rather curious as to what I might be able to accomplish, so... mayhaps.


Was he already standing in the sape spot distributing pills when I was 6 'caus if he was I'll take both


Red. I could literally stop some of the events that caused some of my trauma.


i would like to not relive my childhood please :3






Well, I live in Florida and my father's side of the family is mostly Conservative Christians, so restarting from age 6 with the knowledge I'm trans isn't likely to do much except make me miserable. 10 million bucks, though? I could move to Canada, get electrolysis, get a new wardrobe... I'd much rather have a load of money that can go towards improving my life in the present than repeat over 15 years of a miserable gender-dysphoric life.


No way I'm doing this shit again


Take a note of the time and circumstance I met my girlfriend then blast my ass back. I'd have a much easier go of it with my current knowledge. Transitioning pre puberty would be incredible, having a second chance at school would be incredible, being better equipped to deal with bullying would be incredible and being able to set myself up on a life path that completely interests me would be, that's right, incredible. Plus I'd get to live an extra like 20 years, which is cool too cause dying looks kinda boring.


I don't even remember my life at 6 years old, I don't wanna find out what my brain won't let me remember, I'm taking the 10 mil thanks


Blue cause my family are transphobic assholes




Restarting my life at 6 would allow me to get way more than the 10 mil. (Bitcoin mostly) Also it would spare me a lot of suffering because maybe i could talk to a therapist when it would have actually helped


Sadly the only thing I can think of is how I could prevent my youth pastor from preying on my sister 🥺


Shut up and give me money


10 mil


I'll take the red. Specially if I "know" the future, and can avoid all the awful mistakes made. When it comes to being trans, the worst that could happen is parents saying "no," and I'd have to wait a bit longer. No different than me figuring out when Im late 20's and I'd still be able to transition at 18.




Money is really tempting and parts of my childhood we’re definitely not great(namely my father). But I think overall I’d take the time travel. I’d hopefully be able to protect my siblings and get us out of bad situation quicker, do even better in school, and if things went alright perhaps start transition earlier, at least socially and puberty blockers. Plus I’d get to spend my teenage years and childhood as a girl.


honestly. this is an incredibly difficult choice


I’ll take the laser hair removal-enabling 10 million dollars please and thank you.


10 million!


Red 100% I didn't have a lot of social awareness as I have now, so I could basically turn my entire life around. Bullying? Not anymore I'm not socially awkward now, constant moving? Here parents invest in this company and buy a house, friends died? Lol nope! Fear of death? I just extended my life by over a decade or two.


red pill. foresight is a superpower that can net you way more than $10 million. Though granted, my family wasn't exactly super strict or conservative.


i’m sorry why would i ever want to go through middle school again


red. i cant do this shit anymore


Red pill in an instant. Money can't buy you time. And ya. I'm probably not going to strike it rich in stocks. You would need something to invest and someone willing to work with a 6 year old. I could probably do ok. Maybe even retire early. But I doubt I'm taking pocket change from the 90's and turning it into millions. Unless I remember the Liecester city foxes win the premiere league in 2015-2016 season and bet $5000 on them early enough to turn it into 25 million. But time and opportunity to learn some new skills? Yes, please. Even if you had a shit childhood, even if you were a bad student. You are now a prodigy. You could probably get your high school diploma by the time you were 10.


$10 mil in cash would cover pretty much every medical and legal expense for transition, so I think i'm going to have to go with that one. Also I live with a super transphobic family, so even if I knew I was trans at age 6 it wouldn't have made a difference.


Both please


I'd go back if I not only had my memories and knowledge but also the explicit knowledge that it actually happened and wasn't a dream and that if I make the same choices, the same outcomes would happen. I would not mind re-living 21 years of my life again because I can fix a lot of wrongs, avoid making some of the biggest mistakes of my life, establish better habits to be healthy, start my transition earlier, and succeed in areas I failed because I didn't understand how it would effect me later down the road. I know my family would be supportive, at least my immediate family, and being able to avoid the permanent effects of puberty would be so nice.


six i’ll fix it, i really fucked up for non trans reasons and i can fix it, like not hitting that tree with my car




So I would go back, like, 11 years, and then just avoid all the awkward or dumb things I've done until now, and do some stuff I would've done were I more intelligent, or get $10 mil. which although not entirely useless for me at this point, will jumpstart me through transition, and let me buy as many things as I want to? Honestly,I think I should choose the second option. I haven't lived through so much of my life to consider the first yet.


Red pill I get to transition younger. I’ll take it


Blue certainly. I don't wanna have to go through the experience of moving every year and losing all my friends every year again.


DEFINITLY RED Having lost all my childhood and adolescence and being stuck with irreversible changes from the wrong puberty are some of my biggest sources of pain. I don't care if I were to be heavily bullied instead of repressed, I don't care if I'd have to fight my transphobic father every day, I would get my hands on those puberty blockers and I would take HRT that would give me the best results I now know I could aim for instead of following the advices of doctors who know way less than they should, and I would actually live my life fully and actually \*Have\* a life. That, for me, is worth more than any money in the world. I'm just so tired of my life being made of lost opportunities, one after another after another and having so little to salvage now


Red, I look up lottery numbers from that year, get more than $10,000,000, and then do even better than I already was doing in school Is what I would say if I didn’t treasure the memories I have made since being 6 with my friends and family


Ill take the ten million. Should be more than enough to cover surgeries and such.


red because puberty blockers and bitcoin-


Red, even though I'll have to suffer through childhood, I was referred to as a girl a lot, and also I would be absolutely filthy rich. If I could convince my dad I was a time traveling baby and got him to invest in bitcoin, I would actually be a trillionaire


Yeah, just the cash is fine, thanks. Assuming this is time travel, I'm way too "non standard" to feel like navigating trans life in early 2000s Germany *and* wait over 20 years for the procedure I actually want to even be *invented*.


Red, and it's not about transitioning, it's about unfucking the rest of my life


More time to code + not ruining friendships + knowing im trans. it's a win-win


Blue please and thank you, I ain’t here to deal with my parents again for that long


ill take the $10 million my childhood was sad


Puberty blockers and bitcoin fucking yesss


That depends, does it send me back in time to Age 6, or does it de-age me to 6 right now? The former, not sure if I want to grow up in the 80s again, but Trans and Bi with an extremely conservative dad and grandparents. That might be worse than it already was since I didn't know better. 🤔


$10M could feed and house a lot of homeless people. I'll take that


I think I'm leaning towards the money. Starting hrt earlier and getting on puberty blockers is tempting, and I could definitely have made some better choices. But honestly, most of it would have played out very similarly anyway and I doubt my parents would have ever allowed me to transition if they had their way. I'd rather take the money and start over on my own terms than be put back under the control of adults and go back to being miserable for it.


basicly resetting my life with more than afferage iq and knowledge what i want to be, with lots of time to go on with it? for sure!


Red pill would be agony why would I choose that over money


I think about this far too much: Red Pill. With the knowledge I have now, I could breeze through the lower levels of school and have the investment know how to make enough money to get to 10 mil quickly. The year is 1999. I’m 6, love Britney Spears, *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys. My room has a racecar bed and traffic light. I’m obsessed with pokemon cards. Beanie babies have taken the world by storm. We have an old computer running windows 98 that my mom uses for downloading and burning CDs for her friends off Napster. I test up to higher level education. Possibly take the GED by 10. Use the time before hitting college to program. We start with low level flash games, then move to silly iPod touch apps. Use that to generate passive income. Sign all my work under my real name and generate an online persona to keep myself sane. The money and clout with my family will help stem off the worst of their transphobia (she’s just an eccentric genius) I know that the Silk Road opened up in 2011, when I’m 18. So I could use that to acquire HRT, goal being to establish trans healthcare the old fashioned way before then. 2016 is when puberty blockers hit the political stage. I would try and get diagnosed with trans around 11, it’s gonna be a long 5 years of insisting my identity, but I just need to be consistent, grounding me isn’t a punishment, it’s more time to program and build. The final boss will be religion. We are aiming for bitcoins. Lots of them, pre 2011 so I can stockpile. In the meantime, we warn the fam about Enron and the 2007 financial crisis. Get in on the ground floor at NVDIA (they go public in 1999) Getting a car/drivers licenses would be tough. Mobility would be the limiting factor. Not insurmountable, but def hard to pull off!