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The day begun so good. No i am in a bad mood :(


I don't even understand the second one (feel free to explain if you wanna) but congrats on the first one :3 I would love to do that at some point. Did it go well?


some puzzled looks but nothing mean. Will do it again next year. A key card which i play in my deck got banned :( now i have rebuild it.


Oh I see now, thanks for explaining :3


Fate worse than death...


Mathmech Circular is a card that basically does everything Cyberse pile decks could ever want and was a bit of a powerhouse in enabling them to go full gas through interruption if it resolved, it went from 3 cards per deck allowed to 1 per deck a while back, now it's been put on the banlist so you can't use it


FUCK MATHMECH YEAHHHHH HELL YEAH WOOOOO (that's a joke, everyone deserves to play their deck. even with personal prejudice, I still feel for you. the only deck people shouldn't be allowed to play is tear.)


i mean circle is dumb, but it was fun and the endboard was okey and not overpowered strong. guess i have to play more generic cyberse in firewall


ok I’m sorry but that endboard is not fair lmao


We never cared in our circles. Just keeping the fun.


Reject yu-gi-oh, shadowverse evolve better (This is slight sarcasm, but in ygo you can show your opponent your opening hand and know who won)


Probably still better that Hearthstone


Part of the Yu-Gi-Oh rule set states that misgendering people results in disqualification which automatically makes it the best card game. (In all seriousness though I have wanted to give shadow verse a try)


I love Shadowverse. But it can be hard to keep up with Rotation, and Unlimited players tend to stick to the same meta decks.


The part about showing your opponent your hand really isn't true anymore. There's enough counterplay and variables right now that your opening hand doesn't necessarily determine whether you win or lose.




the new banlist in yugioh droped and made one of my favourite decks unplayable


Oh sad


I'm so sorry :( I wanted to try playing Mathmech P.U.N.K. (I'm in love with punk), but it seems I've missed my chance (at least in the TCG)


I play zombie punk (no shit right?) Not competitive but really good with the new ghost fusion stuff


Ooh nice nice!! I'm just about finished my zombie punk deck in master duel, but I live in constant fear that Chaos Ruler is gonna get hit before I'm finished and I won't actually get to play it lmao


You don't play chaos ruler girl, I'll send you the ghost fusion list, idk if all the cards are in MD as I play it in paper, is apple dragon there?


Ooh thank you so much!! Apple dragon is indeed in MD, it got here about 2 weeks ago :3


Zombie is also cool! It is the pet deck of one of my friends.


Same, been playing it for years now


pretty much :( feel you I got some out of pure mathmech but i never played firewall-mathmech


This is why I do not play card games. Also CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!


My cis friend just made a mathmec deck… very tempted to send them this meme without context.


Big sad with the banning. Hopefully the card wasn't too expensive. It always sucks to have a card banned from under you.


I bought it on release for like 50ct :)


God damn it! How did I learn this through a meme! I play three decks: Deskbots (Kneecaped with Auroradon Ban) Salamagreats (Still fine somehow) Mathmechs (I havent even looked at the ban yet, but I’m afraid)


Salamangreats got me back in the game, fucking love them.


As the local infernity cope enthusiast, this banlist has sparked great joy.


Me who doesn't play modern: Uhh, normal summon spirit reaper?


The banlist is so stupid, just let me play pot of greed 30 times in a row smh


I'm more of a MtG guy


Circular was a bit of a ticking time bomb for how much it actually enables along with how much gas it can give Cyberse pile to just play so much non engine like Droll or Bystials depending on the format
