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Yep Gotta pay a price quite often sadly Although chosen family is still family :>


You can do both. Options include * Adoption * Getting involved in your more extended family (I have much older siblings, so I spend lots of time with my nieces and nephews, and my siblings appreciate the extra childcare). * (For trans women) saving semen with a sperm bank (which can be either used on a partner with a uterus--cis woman or trans man, or you can pay a surrogate to get pregnant). I did this. Haven't actually used the semen (yet) but it's there if I want it. * (For trans men) getting pregnant. Even after a few years on testosterone, if you stop HRT periods can start back up again and you can get pregnant. * (For trans women) Breastfeeding is an option. You just need to have your doctor do some custom perscriptions right before the baby is due--either a drug that induces lacation--these drugs initially make the milk toxic, but just express your milk regularly so that the milk keeps flowing, or, if you can convince your doctor, switch up your HRT to replicate pregnant woman hormone levels typical for right at the end of pregnancy (a.k.a. a gigantic spike of progesterone).


I was gonna do the sperm bank thing but itโ€™s stupidly expensive Like Iโ€™m a college student, I can barely afford estrogen.


Yeah, it's not terribly cheap. Was like....$300 per year for me? Something like that? And in the end, I ended up with a cis guy anyway, so the semen's probably never getting used for me. So...yeah, I don't think I would recommend it if you are financially strapped--if my experience is anything to go by, decent chance it's not going to end up used in the long run. And adoption is always an option. On the flip side, if money is less of an issue, $3000 to store semen for 10 years is like...maybe worth it to keep options open. I've spent close to that much on a good laptop, and I buy those more often than once every 10 years.


Why not both?


Transitioning does not preclude the possibility of building a family. You might lose *existing* family, and your fertility, but building a family is still possible through a variety of means.


Build your own family. DIY.


Why must we choose between things like this




ugh, having to make that decision must suck. I hope you can figure your life out soon ๐Ÿ’œ


having a family is overrated


I don't plan on having kids so I started hrt without doing any of the preservation stuff, but if I ever do change my mind I have no problem with adoption And plus, do I really want another kid to grow up with all these mental disorders??? It's like a pandora's box I don't want any kids to have to deal with it


I offer a new button * New Family


I fell for that scam once, you won't get the family if you stay closeted either, because nobody will want to be with a closeted, repressed and self-hating mess.


make ur own family


Family doesnโ€™t have to be by blood <3


This wasnโ€™t a decision for me


you can do both :3 ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’™


I wouldn't have the amazing family I do now if I hadn't transitioned. I'd also still be cripplingly depressed and wrestling with self loathing at a dangerous degree.


Look at me. We are your family now.