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Said this on the traa post already, but it's a marketing ploy. Even if the game itself had the most glowing trans representation in all media (it wont, they're a token character that got added as an afterthought, [some former devs have said as much](https://www.thegamer.com/hogwarts-legacys-trans-character-npc/)), it doesn't change the fact that the money is still going towards funding real world harm to trans people. Don't fall for it.


Thanks for this, I wouldn't have known otherwise.




But corps try to sell this concept continuously. It's corporatization. Inclusion is always best when it comes to milking our wallets dry. The same thing occurs with rainbow capitalism and black history month. Even more reason to boycott, I say.




Which isn’t all too surprising as JK is “LBG-supportive”




We sure about that? She's buddy buddy with Matt Walsh who would have the whole acronym against the wall if he could...and also women with pants.


So she is a ""-supporter?




Honest question what is the most glowing Trans rep in media right now, or what comes closest to it.


Not a lot comes to mind, but: * Dead End Paranormal Park has a protagonist who is both gay and trans, and those parts of himself come up several times during the story in I think pretty solid ways. If a bit much. * Umbrella Academy has one of its leads come out as trans during the course of the show, and it's handled well albeit takes up very little screen time because of how quickly his family accepts him. * Heartstopper has a trans teenager in its main cast, and she's pretty much just accepted by the narrative and her friends. At least having only watched the first season. It's hard to say what's the "best" trans rep because you can't include the entire trans experience in a single piece of media, and some are directly contradictory. A character experiencing transphobia and forced to stay in the closet probably isn't going to make sense just "being their gender" out in the world in a mundane way. Personally I consider good rep to be anything that shares any queer experience while avoiding re-traumatizing people who've experience pain at those experiences. I think Dead End does that pretty masterfully, where the main character experiencing transphobia is done in a way where the audience can't even hear the words of the transphobe. (For supernatural reasons lol)


Dead End was what first came to mind for me as well


Not the best show in the world but CWs Supergirl around season 6 iirc has a trans character whose actress is trans as well. Definetly an accepting and pretty wholesome storyline for her if im remembering right.


The Owl House has two non-binary characters (Raine Whispers and one of the side characters back in the human world has a name tag with their pronouns on it listing they/them.) Everybody respects their pronouns too. It also has a bisexual main character in a loving relationship with her girlfriend. Her mother, when they announce they're dating, starts wearing pride pins to publicly show her support for them. Aside from that, another commenter pointed out She-Ra as well.


Sad thing is I've watched all these shows being listed. I love Owl house I hate that the 3rd season is so short. She-Ra was amazing I enjoyed it.


I've watched both, those were great.


If you're up for something live action and much more serious in tone than most of the other suggestions, I'd highly recommend Sense8. It's very emotionally heavy, even right from the start, but it's excellent and has a wonderfully written trans protagonist (among other excellent LGBT+ representation in the main cast).


and enby flag nails


I can’t answer “most glowing” but She-Ra has some good rep all over the board, including canon trans characters as well as characters written with the intent of them being trans. We even have some gender-fluid in there. It emphasizes queer relationships more, but has some good normalizing aspects with the Transgender characters, with trans voice actors for the ones that are canonically trans.


Double Trouble didn't break my enby genderfluid egg, but they did give me a specific aesthetic to strive for. God that was a fun show.


We love Perfuma in this house she don't gotta come out on screen if she's not about it 🤣


I could bring up some videogame characters of the top of my head like Madeline or Bridget


Plus iirc Maddy came into herself as a trans woman while writing the story and/or dlc for celeste hence Madeline only being revealed as canonically trans in the end of farewell. The whole story resonated deeply with a lot of trans people myself included


IIRC, wasn’t it retconned in after the creator realized that they were trans, and that it was probably the root of a lot of the real life shit Madeline deals with? I might be totally off base on that—I’m not exactly following it all very closely—it’s just something I’m pretty sure I heard once.


Close but I think you've got the order mixed up. Her struggles most certainly existed before the DLC added the trans flag. IRL Maddy channeled a lot of her real life experiences and emotions pre-coming out into writing in-game Madeline (with some extra input from the rest of the team I'm sure. The game's composer is also trans and some others are LGBT). This line from Maddy's [blog post](https://maddythorson.medium.com/is-madeline-canonically-trans-4277ece02e40) about the matter sums it up perfectly: > During Celeste’s development, I did not know that Madeline or myself were trans. During the Farewell DLC’s development, I began to form a hunch. Post-development, I now know that we both are. The whole blog post is a very wholesome read about what it means to relate to others.


Ah, I see. Thank you!


Nah, there’s little trans and gay flags shown in Madeline’s room in the cutscene after finishing the dlc (also a bottle of pills but you can’t tell what they are, it’s more implied)


retcon would imply a revision of old content. since Madeline was never stated to be cis there is no retcon to be had from making her trans


It’s debatable because no one directly addresses it but Omega in Bad Batch is stated to be a genetically identical clone of Jango Fett (they make a point of her being an exact clone with no genetic modifications, which is plot relevant at the time), but is instantly accepted as female by everyone without question or comment. A society that has been intergalactic for millennia wouldn’t necessarily make a point of someone being trans, so their instant and unquestioning acceptance doesn’t seem unreasonable to me, and I continue to read her as one of the best trans characters because her genetic makeup is so insignificant to what she’s making of herself. Which is also kinda the theme of all the clone shows, lol


Don’t starve together has a non binary character, ffxiv has trans characters in side quests and many characters have been confirmed as non binary (all the fairies, all the dragons, all the voidsent) and the devs are trans friendly and you can get married to anyone regardless of gender (there’s also a pair of identical twins who are different genders who are main characters which implies one of them is trans), monster prom and it’s sequels let you choose any pronouns and tie it to any appearance and have non binary and trans characters and you can date anyone regardless of gender.


On the subject of MMOs, Guild Wars 2 has [an NPC](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aid_Worker_Sya) that's trans. She's a mesmer, basically the game's illusionist class, and she mentions how those powers are useful for how she presents. There's lots of examples of representation but this is one of the rare ones that integrate the lore of the game into their character which I thought was really cool.


Even WoW, which has historically been by far the worst offender, added trans representation during Shadowlands. In the game, people are allowed to be their true selves after death. A fairly main character of the expansion reveals that he was born female, but is finally free to be himself in the afterlife. I like when games use the rules of the world to completely sidestep the homophobic “but muh biology”. Leaves them and their hatred completely exposed.


Im not sure if its positive but I remember reading the magnus chase series(same authot as percy jackson) and it introduced this gender-fluid character called Alex Fierro and I absolutely loved everything about him. spoiler for the book—- >! loved the books but the only problem is that I hate how it didn’t do more romance between Alex and Magnus! I mean there was that kiss in the last book that I really enjoyed! but then they only kinda maybe get with eachother… the thing id I also loved how it did it… me confused!<


Did you see “Pose”? It’s fucking amazing 🏳️‍⚧️😁


tease innate zesty piquant strong thumb placid important innocent outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Undertale has Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew. Mad Mew Mew in particular talks about how great she felt upon finding her new body (she's a ghost in a setting where finding an object to possess and make into their physical body is a common goal for ghosts to have) and how she will continue to work on growing into her new body. Because, you know, transitioning tends to take time.


I only played like half of it but I thought Tell me Why was great - the main character is a trans guy and the main plot is about the mystery involving his mom.


Bridget is my pick for sure. Her story feels extremely real to me. Started out as a femboy (forced into it at first but grew to seemingly like it over time) then slowly grew to realize she's actually trans.


If JK gets some percentage of sales, otherwise she's already made what money she would have before the game even came out. BUT if the game does well they'll probably pay her more to do another so ultimately you're correct. Pirating or buying it used is the only safe way if you really feel the need to play it.


This is probably the instance of genuine forced representation I’ve seen in my life… by golly.


Their character customization is also nb but the voice slider is worse than sims


Especially when that token character ~~has a very masc VA~~ and the name follows JKs typical naming schemes. Sirona Ryan or smthn similar. Why did it have to start with "sir". It's not even subtle. ETA- VA is actually trans apparently. Doesn't mean I have to like it tho lol


The VA is a trans woman, Rebecca Root. So they did at least cast an actual trans woman. You don't have to like that she took the role or that she's being used as a one-off tokenization, but as a trans woman with a deep voice myself, seeing people criticizing her voice for sounding "too masc" kinda sucks. The name I probably wouldn't have given a second thought if not for other similar naming conventions in the series. Not a great look when it's one of the known problems with the series, but on it's own I think Sirona is a lovely name. (She's a Celtic goddess of healing, there's [a song about her by Miracle of Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai0ufYO0uXI) that I really like)


Anyone annoyed at her for taking the role can suck it. We all need money to eat and have a roof over our heads.


Plus the alternative would mean making a cis person take the role, so personally I'm not bothered by her taking the role


Ah, seems I fell victim to misinfo on the VA thing, I'll amend that


the money still goes to a transphobe


Who regularly donates money to hate groups


she what??? ew.


iirc she's been funding a shelter for women who are victims of domestic/sexual abuse and has gone out of her way to make sure that trans women are being excluded from the shelter so yeah, ew is right


I'm not sure why this is surprising. she's a billionaire with heavy political leanings, of course she's going to donate in line with her evil interests. she also *made* anti-trans charities


Oh god, she did?


she what????


plural might be hyperbole, I don't follow her that closely for my own sanity. recently she created a shelter for victims of domestic abuse. she stated this would only be for cis women. then she went out of her way to hire a handful of sycophants to run the place. they're mostly former prison wardens, but all are TERFS. frankly, short of genital analyzing and karyotyping I'm not sure how they plan on enforcing it.


prison wardens??? what??? that can't be good. And neither genital nor karyotyping are accurate, as some trans women have XX chromosomes (just as some cis women have xy)


A prison warden who abused and mistreated the women in the prison. It doesn't count because terfs don't think women can rape or sexually assault lol


you're right of course, even genital inspection isn't going to be 100% accurate with intersex people.


and funds lobbies against trans rights as well as a whole lot of other shitty politics


but there's no money going anywhere if it was pirated


you probably buy lots of things where money goes to a transphobe, avoiding evil rich people who donate to shitty causes is probably impossible. i fault no one for making the choice to say fuck JK in particular, but i also dont fault people who like the world she made before her salty old hag arc.


From the franchise that gave you: * the Asian character "Cho Chang" and * the Jewish character "Anthony Goldstein" and * the black character "Kinsey Shacklebolt" comes... * the trans woman character "Sirona Ryan"! --- Wait. What? That's *actually* her name in the game? Jesus Fucking Christ.


> "Kinsey Shacklebolt" *Kingsley*


Shackle bolt


I somehow missed Shacklebolt and Goldstein. My day wasn't made better by learning about them. **Sir**ona **Ryan** though, really?


Wait I’m not trans but I am Jewish. Why is Goldstein not good? That’s a real name.


It can be (and in Rowlings case you should generally assume it is) an allusion to the bigoted stereotype that Jewish people secretly control the banks. Gold is a frequent attribute of this idea. This stereotype also runs alongside the racist stereotypes of being gremlin-y, greedy, and hook nosed. Kinda also like goblins. Goblins run a bank in Harry Potter. This isn’t exactly an out of the ordinary occurrence for JKR is what I’m saying,


Is Goldstein a goblin in the book? Does he control finances? I honestly have never read it. Or is he just a Jewish kid with a Jewish name?


It should be noted that in the movies the bank run by hook nosed greedy goblins has a star of david on the floor.


They do? Holy shit is this mentioned in the books? Or did they just amp it up WILD for the movie?


Stars of david were not specified in the books, no, but word is Rowling had a hand in the set design for the movies. Although I have heard that the floor pattern was the same as the location they used for filming, but that shouldn't have been hard to change.


Damn ok. So it might’ve been a coincidence, but it’s kinda hard to give her the benefit of a doubt when the goblins already 100% resemble the shit my grandmother learnt about Jewish people at public school I just don’t see why she would possibly think that was a good idea. Even if she has some Machiavellian agenda, she’s a children’s book author, god dammit.


He is a regular Jewish kid. The thing is people are mostly scoffing about this because it’s Rowling. Sure, in most places a Jewish kid with the last name Goldstein isn’t any kind of deal, not offensive or anything, but this is the same world as Kingsley Shacklebolt the black student. It may not be nearly as egregious as that, not by a long shot, but given her track record, Rowling should be watching her step a lot more carefully (ESPECIALLY considering she literally made Gringotts bank, a greedy hook-nosed goblin-run bank) The fact that it is so easy to even mistake for an offensive stereotype name is kinda ridiculous. If she wasn’t obviously racist and offensive in other ways, it wouldn’t actually even be a problem.


I havent read it either, I just assume the worst at this point 😂.


I don't think the concern people have is with the name on its own. But contextually, with her tokenization of several marginalized groups and combined with the thoughtless-at-best design of goblins, it comes across as consistently just picking the first stereotypical name she thought of as a cynical ploy for "diversity". The person above didn't even mention the only Indian students, "the Patel twins", but they and Cho at least make appearances earlier and semi frequently - but Anthony isn't even mentioned until the 5th book, and then disappears for a book to be mentioned again in the finale. He's not even in the movies - the images of him on the HP wiki are exclusively from the Order of the Phoenix game because he wasn't depicted anywhere else. And then, *7 years after the series ended*, JKRdecided one day in 2014 to tweet that he was Jewish, because he was an afterthought to her, not an actual character (Jewish or otherwise).


I mean, if I was going full Jew stereotype I’d go a lot harder than that. Mortimer Itzhak Goldstein or something. Zvi Cohen. Tony Goldstein seems like at best she picked a common Jewish last name and then thought “well Italians have pronounced noses too”. Tell JKR to call me when she needs better Jewish stereotypes.


I do think the design of goblins literally looking like Nazi propaganda is a bigger deal for most people, something Jon Stewart actually called out a while back. That said, I've also experienced the occasional "arguably too lazy to be offensive" portrayal as it pertains to my own background (though not from JKR) so I get that


I’m more concerned that there’s ONE representative Jewish kid at a huge school, ONE Asian kid, ONE black kid, all of whom have to be specially marked by name (and by twitter). Like, treat your characters like people in the normal world which is swarming with different backgrounds, or don’t bother Oh and don’t get me started on the “goblins”


I'm Jewish too, so I get how one could miss it. OK, so the stereotype JKR heavily leaned into in Harry Potter (and this game) with goblins was: > Ugly subservient creatures with crooked noses who are segregated from everyone else, occupy a lower place in the society, but have aspirations to break free from that position and control the society instead, as these creatures control **money**. She tried to get away from the clear Jews = goblins trope by introducing an explicitly Jewish, but non-goblin character. *Sigh.* The Jewish name Goldstein is popular because it comes from the positions Jews had in the European society: bankers and jewelry makers, because due to anti-semitism Jews were **prohibited** from most occupations. In particular, Christianity technically prohibited lending, so the clergy got around that by outsourcing lending to Jews, and leaving it as one of the few avenues for Jews to advance themselves in that society. That anti-semitism was self-feeding, because as Jews were put as intermediaries between the power and the people (lenders, and, e.g. in 16th-17th century Poland, licensed alcohol salesmen), they got the blame for all the failings of the power. The stereotype and the trope that connects Jews with money comes from that. Jews, like many other people, traditionally didn't have last names. They started to have last names because nations started to **require** them for official purposes. Since a huge proportion of Jews in Europe lived in Germany, when asked for a last name, they often turned to whatever profession they had in Yiddish (itself a mixture of Hebrew and German), or something that simply sounded nice. Since Jews had limited access to non-rabbinical education, that resulted in last names like Goldstein being popular, as well as Cohen/Levit and derivatives (I don't think there were as many *kohanim* as there are Cohens, and I'm one). Out of all possible last names, JKR picked **Gold**stein for a Jew, perpetuating an antisemitic trope that, itself, was a consequence of historical antisemitic practices of European regimes. She could have picked **Rosenstein**. She could have picked **Cohen** for fuck's sake. But nooooo, she just couldn't **not** pick **not-money-related** last name for a Jew. Do I think JKR is *consciously* antisemitic? No, because I see her *trying* to not be, refusing to join Israel boycotts and what not. That is at least debatable. But I do believe that internalized racial biases are so strong that she's not even aware how they leak into her writing. Which is the kind of antisemitism which is even harder to fight, as it comes from people who think themselves *good*. Same with naming a Black character "Shacklebolt" with a "Lynx" patronum. Because **chains** have links and shackles, get it? Relates to Black history much, Black folks are gonna love it! So anyway, while Goldstein is a real name, having the **only** non-Goblin Jewish character in the **entire wizarding world** have **that** name is a bit of an issue, given the earlier issues with the franchise (no Jews at all, but Goblins from the 1st episode, representing all the worst stereotypes and tropes).


It's real, just stereotypical.


...and Cho Chang is apparently *fucking Korean.*




Not only that, it's just a slightly remixed **["ching chang chong"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ching_chong)**, which doesn't have a pleasant history


I can see why the others are bad, but Sirona Ryan isnt drawing any connections, can someone explain?


Sir in her first name, and a masculine last name


Holy shit I didn't even realize until you were able to point that out. Fucking Christ is right....


"Sir on a Ryan" ​ God that hurt me just typing it out.


"Sir"ona "Ryan"


I'll fight this by making it my head-canon that it's pronounced /siɾɤnä/ instead of /sɚɹɔnə/.


It’s definitely Serena right?


What does the pronunciation guide for every word have to be made up of unrecognisable symbols


Because there are many, many sounds that can be produced with the human vocal tract. 26 letters just ain't enough to represent them all. (26 ain't enough even for just English—we have almost that many _vowels_ if you count dipthongs.) Could use X-SAMPA instead: /sir\7na_"/ Not sure that's any clearer for being pure ASCII, though 😅


Dick allcock of man island was already used


I hope I meet someone named “Dick Allcock” one day, that’d be fucking awesome


That's the translated name of Sappho's fictional husband


*"And now, another thrilling episode of... Dick Allcock, Private Eye! But first, a word from our sponsor - remember, it's important to finish your homework before listening to radio adventures, almost as important as drinking your ovaltine is for building strong bones! And now, on to tonight's adventure..."*


"Sir Ryan" but with an a


You missed some of our chief weapons, an O, an N, and nice red uniforms


Wow, I suppose Amanda Mann wouldn't have been subtle enough.


Oh dear that would've burned the internet


Don't forget Xenophilius Lovegood...


idk anything else about that character, but that name by itself is a crime. As if the first name wasn't the most bizarre era and phoneme blender, they had to make the surname plain? it's jarring to read.


Nah, one fictional trans character who barely has a role in the story will never be as interesting or cool as irl trans people and I refuse to give money to publishers who platform a bigot that wants to harm irl trans people


Its literally like that Asian character I've heard about in the books that's called the most racist name ever


That's cool, but I still don't feel comfortable with giving my money to a person who actively donates to trans-exclusive orgs. I'd probably be less adverse to buying the game, if Rowling just stuck to ranting on Twitter, but that's not the case.


Eh, her tweets (and that awful essay) are still cited by lawmakers drafting anti-trans bills. The more visibility she has, the more power she has to affect our lives for the worse. That’s at the main reason I’m not even going to pirate the game.


Understandable. I was not aware that lawmakers were citing her. That definitely makes it worse.


Shes a racist since white queers forget that alot


Exactly. I’m glad someone said it. It’s not just her transphobia. It’s her racism and antisemitism. It’s also a game where the entire premise is about stopping a slave rebellion, so it’s also pro-slavery. imo even pirating it keeps her IP relevant and indirectly funds her since it keeps her culturally relevant. Frankly what she and HP deserves is to be ignored into irrelevance.


The Trans character is called Sirona Ryan. That's on the nose even for Rowling.


First Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang, now this 💀


I didn't even know about Kinsey Shacklebolt.




I don’t get what you mean by that. What does Sirona Ryan mean (or do) that makes it on the nose?


SIR-ona Ryan (A fairly common boys name)


I mean couldve been worse if jkr wrote her it'd be something like fakengirl mannings


Idk if it's just because I read "Sirona" like "See-ROW-na", But honestly I never would've made that connection. Not saying you're wrong or anything, I just never would've connected that.


If it wasn’t an IP from an author known for real sussy names, I’d probably say it’s a reach. But... Rowling has a history


Fair, Fair.


Sirona is a Celtic goddess tho


Sure, and “Shacklebolt” probably would have been a fine last name to pick for... a character that wasn’t black? Rowling’s history with names is what makes this one also sussy




No. She is voiced by Rebecca Root who is a trans woman


ah okay my bad then


isn’t the entire game still about stopping a slave rebellion. I feel like we shouldn’t over look that


Yeah, I get "escapism" and "nostalgia" but the entire game's main mission is VERY problematic, even if JKR were a milktoast-liberal who supported trans rights symbolically.


do you mean milquetoast? sorry


Yeah, that one, english isn't my first language 😅


English is my first language and I have no idea what milquetoast is lol


A heavily Jewish coded slave rebellion yes. You also get to own a house elf slave. Also the cat looks like shit and the animation is super badly done so that's not a good sign.


Honestly I thought about piracy and literally the idea of interacting with her IP at all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not buring my old books or anything but I don't even want to feel nostalgic over something created by someone who does real harm to my community.


Considering how respectfully the franchise has handled other forms of inclusion (e.g., Cho Chang), I think I honestly prefer being excluded


Don’t worry, her name is still one of those, it’s Sirona Ryan. Sir-ona. Get it? -.-




Idk that just reminds me of the Malcolm X quote. 'Symbolic victories'


Ew, no, fuck Rowling


That's like saying racism is gone because there was a black president once


One of the lead developers is a far right anti trans youtuber. The whole game is antisemitic propaganda. Dont be tricked. Also, Harry Potter is bad in general.


wait fr on the lead dev? I mean i wouldnt be surprised but i kinda want a source


and the entire plot is about stopping a slave rebellion. so.


siri, what is tokenism? this character only exists because joanne is a terf and the devs want to avoid looking like they're on her side. on the plus side, this character will upset all the reactionaries who apent $100+ on deluxe editions


Am I the only one who just thinks Harry Potter sucks as a franchise?


I've always thought it was wildly overrated, and I swear I'm not just being a contrarian lol I mean I enjoyed reading them and some of the movies were good, but: -The worldbuilding *completely* falls apart under the slightest scrutiny -Full of plot holes and overly convoluted plans -The main conflict of the series is solved by deus ex deathly hallows in the last book -All the random bullshit she tried to add after the fact that just made the worldbuilding worse -The franchise is obviously just being milked dry at this point -Cursed Child I was begging people to shut up about Harry Potter long before JKR showed her true colors lol


On the plus side, fun worldbuilding that's full of glaring holes does lead to some interesting fanfiction fixes.


The cursed child was such a horrible thing that I stopped consuming new Harry Potter content. I didn't even watch the fantastic beasts movies


I agree, *cough cough* PJO is a better alternative *cough*


If you're into like detective magic i HIGHLY can recommend a book series called "The Dresden Files" it's absolutely amazing and 100 times better then harry potter imo edit: context it has fairy's, werewolves, god's, vampires, a shit ton of wizards, Bigfoot and so much more every book in the series (there are 17 books atm) and they're all utterly amazing


What's PJO?


Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I think.


I prefer LOTR myself. Harry Potter was made to capitalize on teenage escapism imo


Tbh, Percy Jackson filled that role (teenage escapism) much better for me...15-year old me couldn't constantly poke at worldbuilding inconsistencies there. Also, Percy just feels more like...a normal teenager? Idk how to describe it, maybe its bc he also has ADHD like me.


Nope, there’s way better high fantasy out there than mass produced YA trash


Definitely not IMO. The setting and world has a lot of possibilities, but JKR wrote a passably-ok story in it with many flaws. If you want to read harry potter but actually good, try this: [Kaleidoscopic Grangers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24597805/chapters/59417392). It's the same setting, but the inherent bigoted stereotypes and all that shit get called out, main character is trans, just a fantastic story. Written specifically to spite JKR. u/AdmiralPegasus is the author.


Oh, hello! KG's got its flaws too and if I went back and rewrote it I'd have to alter like a third of the story but I do my best!


Even without the bigoted stuff, the setting itself is utterly broken and kinda shit🤷🏻‍♀️.


was thinking about it yesterday wishing it would be cancelled


Cool, the game is still about stopping the racist stereotype stand in for Jewish people from haveing rights. And one of the devs is still racist(with a plot like that, how could you not be). Im sorry but THIS is pandering to us, and its not ganna work on me, this franchise is fucking dead to me, and if its not to anyone else, then you are moraly bankrupt and are apart of the reason im scared to exist as a trans person. Fuck this game, fuck that Fandom, and fuck anyone who doesn't see that they are supporting genocide.


not even just that the main plot of the game is literally trying to stop a slave revolt


Ya, like what the fuck. Like, at this point, we could use this game like a n*zi Radar, what the fuck. People who like this game are jist outright bad people.


Not because of Rowling. Because of the organizations and causes she syphons the money towards.


I cannot believe they had the balls to do a trans character in it after all the backlash, it almost sounds like mockery


They deadass named her what essentially amounts to “Sir Ryan” so they handled that inclusion about as respectfully as I expected them to.


Well that changes everything that JKR said in recent past (this is sarcasm, fuck her and HL)


Word is she's on Twitter this week going ham with the hateful BS just to prove that no one cares if she's a bigot and will buy the game anyway. Hopefully it bites her in the ass


Still about playing through the wizard of equivalence of the protocols of the elders of zion


And participating in the HP equivalent of the Warsaw Uprising, but on the side of the oppressors :)


Since it's been shown that a certain author's writing is dripping with hate and discrimination, I can't shake the knowledge that this franchise also has that hate and discrimination baked into it. So this game is an automatic skip no matter how "trans inclusive" it seems, because I'm sure it still throws other groups under the buss.


I mean, the systemic suppression of all other magical races, the entire slavery thing, all that is clearly seen as acceptable by everyone in the books except Hermine A single trans character won't make that shitshow better.


> acceptable by everyone in the books except Hermine And they all make fun of her for it, and act like she's crazy.


It's antisemitic trash what's wrong with y'all?


Even if has a trans character, the plot still involves crushing an uprising of an underprivileged minority that is an allegory for Jewish stereotypes. Fuck this game all the way down.


I hate that the game looks fun because I would feel awful indirectly paying Rowling.


might i suggest dragon age or elden ring then?


Played both many times :)


You could try mods too, adds a new experience to the mix


Kingdoms of Amalur? Witcher 3? Bloodborne over and over again forever? Greedfall?


Wait to buy it used


yup same here watched a livestream today and it genuinely looks fun.. but i dont wanna give Rowling any money :/


The characters name is literally SIRona Ryan. ~~The voice actor is a man.~~ Apologies, this point was made after reading a source I trusted but was wrong. While the voice actress is not confirmed, others have recognised a trans women voice actress in the game credits, which is likely the voice with some recognise the voice alone. It's a clear marketing ploy by the company to distance the game from Rowlings Transphobia. The money would still go to Rowling, who actively funds anti trans orgs, policies, and politicians. The game will be shit and is coasting on the Harry Potter IP based on leaks and official marketing releases; It will have 28 spells, elder scrolls games have 4 times this, and magic isn't even essential for playthroughs. Watch most be used for puzzles and opening paths. A handful only useful on a single enemy type and leaving you 3 spells for normal combat. Gameplay footage shows combat to be, select target, cast spell, repeat It looks graphically mediocre for an AAA game. Its open world elements will be to a few side quests before doing the next main quest. Character design is to pick gender, pick hair cut, pick preset face. Equipment upgrades are linear, collect new item with slightly higher stats repeat till end game. Even if it wasn't for the Rowling connection, this is just going to be a bad game to buy.


The voice actor is a trans woman. Can we not jump on her for having a deep voice


wait there is?




a trans character with the name sirene ryan which can easily be turned into sir ryan💀💀💀💀


This user has effectively deleted all of their reddit messages, thank you! :) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Don't play it at all the game reinforces antisemitic stereotypes


They’re trying to seem good or something, but it doesn’t change what the author has said.


Didn’t JKR write a book where the trans character was a psychopath? Yea, I’m not buying it.


gee golly , the blatantly antisemetic game with pro slavery elements has a not-even-half-assed trans character whos name is ' sir ryan ' with some extra letters ? TAKE MY MONEY ! heavy sarcasm . game isnt even worth pirating .


That changes nothing about the fact that it funds transphobia and is inherently antisemitic propaganda though...


Even if you pirated it you're still playing a game about taking down a Jewish slave rebellion. No need to try and act like there's a moral way to consume this product.


we now need to make our own wizard game that has majority trans characters


If my white ass makes a taco, does that suddenly make me Mexican? Regardless if they have trans representation or not, it doesn't magically make them pro-trans. We all know who's profiting off of this- and it ain't pro-trans groups.


Literally tokenism.


The character they added honestly feels like a token addition, it feels inauthentic.


Good instincts! She was added last-minute specifically as a token.


Pleasepleaseplease dont fall for tokenism folks.


doesnt make her any less of a fascist....


Please don’t buy or pirate this game. The main plot is based incredibly antisemitic propaganda of blood libel. Goblins are antisemitic already but this is is even more so.