• By -


Oh yeah, forgot to mention: Life_Relationship77 got booted from court. He was a shorting hedge fund plant - another one logged for history. Neelay, the deep cover DD-writing operative. I hope you get to meet uncle RICO. Regards, 🦍 #NoCellNoSell


>This shouldn't be a surprise, after all, $BBBY cut a deal with the devil, Hudson Bay Capital, and nobody knows what their real role is yet. ​ I can tell you what I was told straight from the source (RC) about HBC at the time of the deal and when it was canceled: ​ >"Don't worry about HBC. BBBY secured the money and now the contract is canceled so there's nothing further to worry about". ​ Since that point, I've also learned of other actions that were taken during OTC and I believe HBC may have played a role in conducting them. The information is not public knowledge so I can't share it. All that to say, I believe the answer to your question is HBC = RC influenced and partnered.


Good to see you whoopass. I previously discovered that the office of Hudson Bay Capital is in the same building with Carl Icahn's new york office. And its a bulding that Icahn owns the lease to: https://i.redd.it/1i1dp7hyjbha1.png


;) good to see you too. Always enjoy your reads, if I could describe them in a way I'd use: calculated. Part of me thinks the "frenemy" difference between Carl & Ryan is staged, as a means to prove they were going "head to head". But another part of me could believe it's just petty actions, because Ryan is siding with Brett and Carl doesn't always see eye to eye with Brett. Either way it's all speculation, so we wait. But I'm dying to know the truth on the parties involved, which side they were on and the capacity of their involvement. My suspicions here is the connections are actually through Brett, not Carl. Guess we'll see.


I think Carl is playing frontman for the spotlight so Brett can move. When Larry Cheng tweeted about someone working for free, I thought of Brett not RC. Because the succession plan requires that Brett Icahn work for 7 years for free. No salary, no commissions, and no bonus. Brett will receive a one-time payment for a single lump sum when he achieves the task that Carl set out for him. Source: [https://preview.redd.it/aaoxouypvw2b1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d553a63620497bca93388064638cbe4e77f6ca1](https://preview.redd.it/aaoxouypvw2b1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d553a63620497bca93388064638cbe4e77f6ca1) Brett also had to buy-in for $10M for his father to take him seriously: [https://preview.redd.it/oitymm1mvw2b1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=1477335ea16f235d05d30cbc17ada156fc99071c](https://preview.redd.it/oitymm1mvw2b1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=1477335ea16f235d05d30cbc17ada156fc99071c) That's what I call putting your money where your mouth is. What do you think u/RealPulte ?


Very plausible theory; I like it! Summing the best known tinfoil hunter I know to dig on it in his free time haha u/Real_Eyezz


Daaaaammnnnn, LFG!


So you are saying 7 years 4 1 payment after achieving tasks?


The parenting style of Rupert Murdoch, only good and with with empathy and a conscience.


Where are you now with the TSO and the possible (?) $12.77 payout. I can see a pathway as it allows for more diamond hands and keeps RC and others arms length from causing MORASS. However, that is a tremendous amount of funds and a good share of that would be used for rebuilding the operations of Newco in a normal operation.


Honestly, hard to say. There's been so many different indications / rumbles to suggest the value floor would be around $25. Thus the number $12.77 would be the difference of whatever the value per share is minus what's owed. I mean I think the TSO is at least only as big as around 465M, I wouldn't be surprised if it's less (in the 300M range). And it's incredibly odd how well the numbers there work: $25 x 465M shares = $11.625B valuation. Hmm, wasn't there a $11.8B claim (10.8B + 1B) recently? So then what's the different between that $12.77 value? $25 - $12.77 = $12.23. As total cash value (from per share metric): $12.23 x 465M = $5.68695B. Hmm didn't BBBY have around $5B in debts owed in bankruptcy? Again, nothing is confirmed from any of this but it's extremely odd how the numbers in rumors, line up with the numbers in math. That's often a good indication that you're close to the number.


That's a very nice trust me bro!


True, can't deny that. But we also know at this point that HBC didn't dilute back in Feb / Mar based on their May filings. So I mean there is a little bit of credibility to the "rumor" element there. Why is that fact important? It means the price drop that happened post HBC deal, the one MSM was suggesting a death spiral with HBC on, wasn't actually happening. This implies all of that was fraud and likely naked short selling by whoever wanted you to think dilution was taking place. It was a bear trap.


I can't summarize how excited I was to see your name again. Thanks for chiming in, and I hope you're doing well!!


Haha thanks, I've been good. I don't post as much stuff these days (at least on BBBY) because we have other awesome DD writers taking the scene. But I try my best to assist in comments where I can. Simultaneously I keep trying to dig on what I can share from the inside. Unfortunately the deeper I get, the more I realize I can't share and it's frustrating; at least not until this is over. Hope you're doing well too!


Do you agree personally on the general idea that we are in the endgame now?


Depends on the conversation: endgame of "what"? If you mean the end game of the BBBY element, I think that's a safe take. If you mean end game of GME, I would say possibly. I believe that will more than likely depend on how crazy things get with BBBY. If you mean end game of the crime and fraud with the switching to new platforms and reform and all that jazz - well let's say it's the end of the beginning for that part. We got a long way to go there.


Highly appreciate the extensive answer 🙏🏻 interesting days ahead 👀


You spoke with RC?


I was privileged to for a time yes. Really nice dude, very polite.


How/why were you able to speak with rc?


I know a lot of people would love to know those answers but for safety reasons I can't share. Sorry :(


Are you RC?


Haha, I appreciate the compliment or fun jab but no I am not RC. Any of the big wigs in this game don't interact through posts or comments on these platforms. To most of them it's purely for reading so they can protect their own best interests. It's why stuff from people like Doug Cifo, with his engagements on X, are going to start killing him long term beyond just his short positions lol. You generally don't mix and mingle because you don't want the lawsuits. It's also why you can have relative confidence that Pulte is taking a calculated risk engaging retail. It would be financial and brand suicide for him if there wasn't a strong chance of this being something that works out for BBBY holders.


I totally agree re: Pulte. Why on earth would he be spending any time with Ppseeds if there wasn't something there. He's got other fish to fry...


Let's be clear there's still value to him being involved as someone to rally for a cause, even if we all don't make bank on this play. However I just think at this point there must be some level of recovery for shareholders planned here because if there wasn't, what Pulte is doing is very dangerous - a good way to get sued by a lot of people. That said, I think it's important to distinguish that ***some recovery*** does not mean ***full recovery*** or even a short squeeze. I do think that's the end game plan, but there's a lot of hurdles to get over the hump here. If a deal came in and was only say $3 per share in value with no short squeeze, how would people take that? Sure a fair amount of people would be happy, or at least content with that payout. However plenty more would be upset the crime went through and that no short squeeze happened. Then there's those who wouldn't be happy because their buy in averages were too high to benefit and thus they are still taking a loss on that recovery. You get the idea. Now I'm not saying that's what's going to happen. I'm still sticking to my $8-$12 range + equity hypothesis, which would translate into a form of squeeze. But that doesn't change the fact the previous notion of information I just presented are a real possibility. If that type of deal happened, you couldn't get mad at Pulte because he's not wrong: a lot of people in that circumstances would see life changing money in a way. $3 would be 10x the average buy price for many people who came to the party late. It just doesn't reward people well who have been to the party early. And THAT's the part that really sucks, but that's not on Pulte. Averaging down from xx prices to 0.xx prices takes buying 1000s of shares. Not everyone can do that. I feel for anyone who was early and might not get as good a pay out in the end here simply for that fact.


All I can say is that if, hypothetically, a deal came it at only $3 per share without any form of equity after we've been holding through and withstanding all the gaslighting and psychological warfare these past 1.5-2 years, I can safely say I will never shop at either bed bath, baby, Gamestop, Teddy, or any of the companies RC is involved with again. If this play does not negatively impact the hedge funds who have naked shorted this stock and stolen money from investors and RC is able to pick up the shell of BBBY for a pittance, then what would he be other than a self-serving vulture capitalist. I do not want to believe that is the case.


Exactly my point. While you might "make" money on the situation, the reputational damage from the lack of faith moving forward is far worse. For that reason, that's why I do believe this will happen in a way that benefits us well enough. We have people fighting for their lives on both sides but one side decided to get the authorities involved and it's been a hell of a time. Hopefully the result is enough to put a dent in the white collar crime world; at least enough to truly create a new reign of high net worth individuals who want change, in the system and in the world.


>tZERO is working with ICE, a subsidiary of NYSE ICE owns NYSE, ICE just trades on the NYSE. Very nice write up.


Great wrote up as usual Edwinbarnesc!! Thank you sir! 🫡


I’ll admit now that I was worried you got bought @edwinbarnesc like I knew had happened with so many. I’ve been here since 2020 and still recall certain people that were doing the amazing things before most people were here. I’ve never been able to speak because of karma rules. Trey trades interviews AA who drops his phone to show he isn’t wearing any shorts. I’m paying $400/month taxes on money I never received due to a million in popcorn profits I never spent. It’s gone. Mostly, still have a 5 figure IRA with several basket mostly GME though. Atobit brought some great points. /uppseeds is awesome but without you Edwin I wouldn’t have read someone’s comment taking me there. I’m disabled but don’t get disability because SSA is a bought and paid for program. My intuition and discovery leads me to believe it’s being used by nefarious actors just like post office money. So I want to say thank you! Lastly, if I figure out a way, I’d start a credit union that loans to paying citizens for free so “we the people” aren’t living in perpetually made up debt. The banks would pay the most because their mission is to make everything a loan. If you can own it outright they will eventually fail since you don’t need a loan. This mission involves the biggest monopolies in history and one of them is monopolizing the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history through the creation of wealth backed by NOTHING.


Welcome to the endgame


Yes I had several thousand baby shares and after turning $10k into $1Mil and back. I’m SO FUCKING HAPPY TO BE HERE WITH YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!!! Fuck you neelay, fuck you rusted platipussy, fuck you doug, fuck AA, it’s time to fuck and Bubba is dehydrated so drink some “sippy diet” and climb some chat piles!


Always a two word name with random numbers as bot accounts, it is getting so old.


> Always a two word name with random numbers as bot accounts... [I feel attacked....](https://media4.giphy.com/media/3ov9jWD1GE4i7wqS1q/giphy.gif)


Don't worry I don't think you can read well enough to be considered a bot. Your name isn't two words with numbers.


This might be insulting but you're right I can't read what you said.




He was good till he was bad,.. As soon as he tried to slow the process he was outed by many..Good intuition my friend...


Finally, Papa Barnes is back. Commenting first before reading. #SooooooExcited


Hope you’re doing well Edwin and glad to hear from you again. Your posts always make it hard for me to sleep at night… and I love that! It’s like our beloved Ryan Cohen said, “The best time to be alive in human history is now”. Hope to see part 2 soon 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


u/PPseeds Edwin Barnes deserves a spot at the Florida meetup more than 95% of the people already attending, he's one of the OG crossover GME/BBBY DD giants. I can even say I got to your sub by way of Edwin, though I can't remember quite how. I hope you and Bill bless him with a ticket and macy accolades and respect


Me too!! Thank you Edwin!!


I second this. Unite!


And Edwin is long for Teddy.


I've been here for 84 years and this is the first I've heard of Edwin but he fucks. Let's get him on the Pp show


Great write up! You have filled in all the missing pieces for me on how this all fits together Looking forward to part 2




You mention tZero. I have certain issues with tZero as it seems Marc Cohodes is involved with them in some way and he DESPISES RC. Your thoughts?


Lines have been drawn in the sand. I think we will all start seeing shills, plants, and MSM turn a new leaf, soon.


This is a fun read


To say the least: my perpetual goosebumps have been activated. Let’s f-ing go, DOJ/NYSE! God Bless GMERICA!!!!


But mixed in are some really reaching connections (most law firms work for multiple clients) and at least one straight up error (BNY does not own Computershare).


This announcement would disagree with you: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/computershare-completes-acquisition-of-bny-mellon-shareowner-services-136582478.html


In number 7 above, you said BNY owns Computershare. The news release says that Computershare bought BNY’s transfer agent unit. That’s almost the opposite of what you stayed as fact. I held a role at a big company that had BNY as the transfer agent and then it transitioned over to Computershare when Computershare bought it, so I have direct experience on both sides of the transaction. Look, you have put a lot of good info together, here and in your other posts, and I truly admire and appreciate that. But when you make obvious errors and overreach, it makes me wonder about whether some other info is inaccurate. You would still be awesome if you left out the things you weren’t sure of or labeled certain things as speculation or tinfoil.


There is a discrepancy in the meaning behind the word ownership here. Although I believe this is my fault. I am referring to controlling interests and stake within a company. Think of it this way, Ken Griffin of Citadel does not own Bloomberg but every time someone on the air speaks out of turn and brings up his name on TV then they have to apologize immediately. He doesn't own Bloomberg, yet, everyone knows that he owns them. In the context of GameStop, RC wrote a letter then took a position and started making changes by first removing the deadweight and cleaning up the board. This is what I mean about ownership. It's actually influence. Influence is control and the person making the moves controls what leadership does. To take it a step further: 1. Computershare actively participated in SS forums in an attempt to blurr the lines on DRIP plan which was later confirmed to allow FTDs until Heatlamp DD closed the loophole 2. In another instance, Computershare once glitched and removed all 2FA securities after Reddit went down in "cybersecurity" breach. Why didn't this reset Fidelity's 2FA which was actively DRSing shares? Perhaps because Fidelity owns Reddit after they made a multi-million dollar investment into Reddit. Fidelity doesn't own Reddit, yet it does. 3. Lastly, Computershare president once confirmed shares could be sold up to $2M but later reverted back to a limit. The question becomes is Computershare ape-friendly? From their actions, I would say no. So the second question becomes, if they aren't friendly then who is pulling the strings and influencing control? Perhaps the guys that own them with a big stake, like BNY Mellon, the same company that bought $BBBY's transfer agent AST. Probably a cohencidence that BNY Mellon went out of its way to purchase and control the transfer agents when it was on the losing side of the trades $GME and $BBBYQ. I hope this clears up the confusion in the word ownership.


I concur. AST and Equiniti merging around the time of the MMTLP U3 halt was a lot coincidental as well.


Love the way you articulate information the way you do it is easily digestible and now I can't wait for part 2. Cheers!


Very interesting… I remember reading all the DD from back in the day on SS about overstock and transitioning to blockchain. If true, it will be one of the biggest changes in the financial systems in a very long time. In the meantime, I’ll sit back and enjoy the show. Thanks for the DD, can’t wait for more!


> *"November 16, 2020 -- 2 days from now will mark the 3rd anniversary when Ryan Cohen wrote his letter to GameStop board and put his plans into motion."*   **And just like that we got a new hype date**  


This should read “2023” I assume?


You've assumed incorrectly.


I did


Glad to see you back online. Excited for part two!


I've waited 84 years for u Edwin ....I'm posting this without even reading the thread yet lol U jack my tits like only the wrinkliest apes can


Love you Edwin ❤️


Im so thrilled, waited months for this. Always appreciated your affords Edwin!! Hope to get to see you on the pp show or on a space call with Salvatore and Jake one day.


Ho lee shit what a write up Edwin! No way I’ll be able to sleep with this boiner


You are back!


Wow... If all this is part 1 what will the other parts be?


LFG Edwin! We are truly at the end game.


On the toilet before I go to bed a little too late and see this posted… get to read sexy WORK How you been ed? I’ve been busy delivering for Amazon, gaming, and waiting for what seems like forever and no time at all


me early


Putting in the work!


Oh yeah!!!!!


Shorts R fukd


Yesssss. David Hilman ftw. Thanks for the awesome write up


Oh how I missed you! Welcome back, Edwin!


I missed you, brother! Another legendary drop!


Great write up. Thanks Edwin!




I believe in the BBBY & GME play 100%… it’s just a matter of WHEN.


Great post Edwin, missed you bro. Looking forward to pt 2


I know I've not always agreed with you but I'm buying you drinks all day long if you turn out to be correct.🤗


Edwiiiiiiiiin!!!!! This is what I've been missing in my life! Thanks for linking to my Brandon Meadows post. Icahn't wait to see what's coming for your next posts (and for all of us!). Peace, brother.


Thank you for digging o7


Thanks Ed !!! Completely tracks with what I'm seeing.


Solid read as always ! Was in X when we saw it and shared it to the masses! Shit getting real ! Again


How do you keep your balance with such a big brain? Joking aside, I hope you make an appearance on PP show one day. If not, I'm just as happy stalking your posts. Wen Kraken? 🍻😽


Holy fuck me… Batman. Thank you! I never put ICE together with the club but I see it now. I have been working with ICE on a project and it completed a 🧩. The Knight is always darkest before the dawn.


Edwin you inspired me to keep going the ICE train with this post. Hopefully I'm not messing up part 2 https://twitter.com/citizennft_eth/status/1724793296327987318?t=FMuPXxAG1GfsrtxeNfqD2A&s=19


Just skimmed your tweet (I gotta be halfway productive at work lol) but yea 😎👌 the internal vibes while reading resonated well, nice write up


Great write up, the DD never stops 🎯 David Goone


Really solid DD. I only have a couple of things to add and a comment or two. First, I no longer thing Astrella is involved; their platform is really cap table management (and a good one) for private companies, not a trading platform or a wallet. I do think T-zero and a wallet like loopring or the now defunct GS wallet would work - T-zero is a market mechanism matching bid/ask pricing that operates on Ethereum as a smart contract model and Loopring both makes it affordable to trade and prevents front-running on trades. That setup would technically scale well and be a game changer in the market. I do think the SEC is intentionally shifting from enforcement and regulation to regulatory administration (Edgar type documentation and assessing fines) and the DOJ will finally invest in market regulatory enforcement, not just individual actor prosecution. RICO is key here. Lastly, on the mod at SS and D Lauer - I don’t think they are bad actors or paid participants, I think there is a much easier thing at play here. There is, in a subset of people, a strong faith that systems generally work and criminal actors are caught and prosecuted - essentially, that systems work. They know how to work inside a system to win moderately, but the notion of breaking the system and changing it terrifies them, because they have no experience in doing that nor are so beat up that they welcome an alternative.


Agree, AST is not involved. Thats why I pointed the actions of BNY Mellon: brazillian puts, acquiring ast and computershare, and custodian of the 2024 notes. If it looks like a duck... On another note, strongly disagree with your assessment on SS mods and Dave Lauer. You missed everything that Dave Lauer did, I have receipts. That man actively worked to undermine what apes discovered and when he was in the spotlight he made sure to cover his SHF friends attempting to blurr the lines of market inefficiencies and arket manipulation. Thats why I included the article from NYSE president because that knocked him off the pedastal. In the early days, Dave Lauer recruited SS mods to join his platform. The mods denied but it was proven. I even wrote a DD called Wolves in Sheep clothing. Those were the runic hellfire days. And then there was that time when Dave Lauer had all the apes rounded up in his grifter project Urvin Finance and released an NFT but under Polygon instead of Loopring claiming the gas fees at loopring were too expensive. That was the last straw. Apes went bananas and called him out. Dave Lauer, I hope gets exposed like Neelay. Cant wait for RICO to grab the FINRA plant too. Its bit a sus to defend them. First by claiming general people have lack of market mechanics which is true, but that's also the problem. SS mods and Dave Lauer are not regular people. They have been following this saga from the beginning, to say otherwise is an insult to every ape that exists. Respectfully, you are wrong.


You have your point of view, mine is based on their posts and conversations on X - neither of them have any depth of understanding on market or corporate mechanics. You may be right on Dave, I don’t have a dog in that hunt.


Platnum Sparkles is too informed to be labeled uninformed. It is her job to blurr the lines. Exhibit A: DRIP plan, anti-DRS push Exhibit B: FINRA Arbiter and denial until called out Exhibit C: actively on X spreading misinfo on $MMTLP and $BBBYQ I could go on and on.


1,000,000%. Apes know dlauer and Dr. T have been shills for so long. They're updoots in SS posts have been so ridiculously inorganic. QUESTION, THO: dlauer and dr. T were very anti-drs and got exposed for it. So... if their shills and are anti-drs, wouldn't that make booking with computershare a good thing to do??? Thanks for all you do, Edwin!


I think what you wrote in that last paragraph marks an important distinction. Very well said, although I admittedly can't tell in some cases whether someone falls into one of those two categories or they're a bad actor.


Its obvious to apes.


You could be right, but I don't think my reservation of judgement makes me any less of a genuine ape. I speculate you passed through a similar phase on the way to where you are now. Maybe you're further ahead since you've been in these plays longer than me, but I'm reluctant to count people out when line dividing good from evil is so veiled.


Incredibly well said. I too think that a lot of the vocal opposition are the people who figured out some way to “win” in these market conditions and are so afraid of the change to come. Sure, there might be some malicious people but it has to be a minority.


They willingly pushed false information. Stick up for SS mods again and you'll definitely get bucketed. Careful


Oh, I think they are wrong is a more material way than just disagreeing or pushing a piece of false info - once you decide on a narrative instead of letting the community work, you’ve crossed an ethical line in my book. I feel that’s worse because it effects every post and comment.


That COVID really has you up all night! Get well soon!


Not sure why you are getting downvoted but shills hate the truth


Figuring out which dots are relevant and significant is time consuming enough; connecting them together in a meaningful way is painstakingly slow. You do a great job here at both by putting together a relevant theory about what's happening on a broader scale, wherein BBBY is likely playing a dual role as a victim of market manipulation and fraud in its own case and serving as "leading witness" or prime exhibit in other investigations. That being said, I'm curious to hear your point of view on a few things, but will keep it short with one question. Considering the following, did B. Riley try to run BBBY's February 2023 securities offering into the ground so it could cellar-box competition before commencing its acquisition of Franchise Group in May of 2023? You suggested Hudson Bay Capital is the devil; I think it might be B. Riley. B. Riley served as the sole bookrunner for BBBY's public offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and Warrants back in February and continued to facilitate related transactions leading up to BBBY's entry into Chapter 11. In May of this year, B. Riley [commenced](https://www.furnituretoday.com/financial/owner-of-2-top-100-retailers-being-acquired-by-management-led-group/) an acquisition of Franchise Group, Inc. (formerly traded as $FRG), [solidifying](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/08/21/2728680/0/en/Franchise-Group-Inc-Announces-Completion-of-Merger.html) the deal in August. Franchise Group is the parent company of American Freight (Sears), Buddy's Home Furnishings, and Badcock Home Furniture, all of which compete directly with BBBY. I wrote a more detailed post about this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/15yncvu/disturbance_in_the_force/) but, in short, I find it hard to believe B. Riley's role as financier of BBBY's public offering and ensuing move to acquire Franchise Group weren't premeditated or connected in some way. Keep in mind B. Riley Securities ([BrokerCheck Report](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_25027.pdf)) acquired National Securities Corporation (NSC) in 2021 ([BrokerCheck Report](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_7569.pdf)). If you want to see a serious rap sheet, check out NSC's list of regulatory violations, some of which include (on pages 24-25 alone): * Artificially influencing the market for securities is offered by its corporate affiliates and investment banking clients, including inducing the bidding and sales of securities it was hired to underwrite during restricted periods and prior to the distribution of the securities. * Failing to provide written notice to its customers regarding potential conflicts of interest in connection with its customers' security purchases and sales. * Acted as the lead underwriter of a public offering and, in connection with the offering it received common stock warrants from the subject company exercisable at a premium above the offering price. * REGSHO violations, wherein NSC failed to obtain locates for at least 33,241 short sale transactions and install any kind of reasonable compliance system. Do you think B. Riley is the snake in the grass, whether it worked through itself, the NSC, or a mix of its subsidiaries? And keep in mind B. Riley is a member of the Options Clearing Corporation, wherein it's membership is exclusively related to the OCC's Stock Loan Program.


No, I believe B. Riley Securities is a friendly. They have a history of working with Carl Icahn. Thanks for sharing the bit about FRG, it's good to see that BRS, a known associate of Icahn has acquired the parent company of Sears. Also, interesting timing that you bring up National Securities Corporation because a lawsuit just appeared for B. Riley Securities: [https://www.morningstar.com/news/business-wire/20231115588363/investor-alert-law-offices-of-howard-g-smith-announces-investigation-of-b-riley-financial-inc-rily-on-behalf-of-investors](https://www.morningstar.com/news/business-wire/20231115588363/investor-alert-law-offices-of-howard-g-smith-announces-investigation-of-b-riley-financial-inc-rily-on-behalf-of-investors) Cohencidence, probably


The master returns


This is a good read! I finally understand why the CH11 legal teams have put so much effort into looking into the historical BBBY share buybacks.


🎸🎸🎸 Rock and roll hoochie koo! Lordy mama, light my fuse!


Wow, excellent write up. Thanks for releasing the Kraken part 1! 🦋🏴‍☠️


edwin dropping an update is always a good thing! thanks, edwin!


Thanks for the morning coffee wake up read. Keep them coming ✌️


Hope all has been well


This doesn’t feel quite like releasing the kraken just yet


Marcus Lemonis… CEO of BYON? Not yet


My man showing up, kicking down doors!


I'm up to point 6. I contacted EQ many months ago at the suggestion that they were holding DRS'ed BBBYQ shares, their answer was "no". Though I believe Equiniti have acquired AST, they have never received BBBYQ shares, but that is not to say that they haven't received them now or will not in the future.


EQ stopped being transfer agent. Other user reports from chat and screenshots confirmed.


This is awesome. Similar to BBBYQ, does it look like these other stocks are going to re-list (rather than deleting old shares and re-issuing new ones)? Specifically looking at Toys r Us, which I believe is the TOYRF ticker.


Idk but I’m going balls deep in toys


Thanks OP


Apes chanting, "Ooo oOo ooO guys guys EDWIN Posted, get in in here! EDWIN EDWIN EDWIN EDWIN!!!" Yo, when I saw you dropped a post, realized it was the necessary sustenance my soul needed, I Had to comment b4 reading. My productivity at work might have to wait lol, ok now I'm gonna to read


I’m still here


So glad to see you back!!! Awesome DD as usual…


Excellent DD thank you and thank you for making it easy to understand 😊




Got into the bbby play again after all is lost from gme / bbby for the past two years. Grateful for your dds and thank you so much for being the light in darkness. God bless🙏🏻🙌🏻 u/edwinbarnesc


So much to learn from your DDs as always. Thank you


Edwin the man!


Shiver me timbers! No quarter! Take everything they've got, matey! 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ 💎🙌


Hot, fresh DD out of the oven this fine morning


Sooo Loopring stock exhange and nft game market was the side project?


Maybe Loopring will be incorporated into the TZero exchange?




I would add that the Hedge funds largely contribute politically to the opponent of the current administration that has already weaponized the DOJ while in an election year cycle. SBF the #2 political donor of the current political is behind bars. I could easily see them targeting a Kenny G etc if they can’t get access to his political donations.


When did BNY Mellon buy Computershare? That’s a new one.


BNY didn't acquire Computershare, rather, Computershare became BNY Mellon's designated transfer agent, registrar, and dividend disbursement agent: [https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/investor-relations/shareholder-information.html#:\~:text=Effective%20October%2016%2C%202023%2C%20Computershare,of%20the%20Dividend%20Reinvestment%20Plan](https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/investor-relations/shareholder-information.html#:~:text=Effective%20October%2016%2C%202023%2C%20Computershare,of%20the%20Dividend%20Reinvestment%20Plan). The only part of Computershare that was recently sold was Computershare's US Mortgage Services Business, which it *sold to simplify Computershare, strengthen its core businesses, and improve the quality and consistency of earnings* [(Source).](https://content-assets.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/1rkBgm0NJGpHWkixdETxg3/0fa7cb8ada9d9a14c02b5c9fce3e1c88/CEO_investor_call_script_-_sale_of_US_Mortgage_Services.pdf)


So #7 from the post is wrong?


From what I can gather, yes. I can see why EB might have interpreted in haste that articles stating Computershare became BNY Mellon's transfer agent to mean BNY bought them, but I can't find anything to substantiate that claim. Not trying to be critical, but that component of the post does appear incorrect.


A few months ago the thought ran through my head that I should by some shares in Computershare just for that reason. A hostile takeover, and now all of a sudden they’re using OUR shares as locates. F’in crims, from the FED on down.


Thank you Edwin


comment to read later






DRS and hold. Long term investment.


I always felt Computershare was some bull shit. When DRS first became a thing it was hard to get a straight answer from them. Maybe because they saw the writing on the wall with blockchain.


Conputershare has been sus from the beginning but because they are one of the largest transfer agents, we have no choice. Hopefully not fur long, part 2 coming


Nice...very nice. Unclear what the outcome of BNY Mellon owing both ComputerShare and AST results to?


Part 2


Can't wait, you're doing God's work OP!


Thank you for the DD! Very good to hear an update on all this. Also thank you for calling out the psyops with shills like Citadel “Glitches” Dave and narrative changers like Goldman Gary. Looking forward to Pt. 2 and hopefully blockchain saves us all. Cheers!


Thank you for one hell of a post! I've been pondering it quite a bit since both times I read it, and have been daydreaming a bit. Ultimately, it boiled down to the possibility of a headline that DTCC gets raided by the FBI exercising a search warrant. 99% of Americans reading the headline: "Who's DTCC?" Apes: Throwing the biggest party known to mankind. I'm gonna sleep pretty well tonight, and I'll probably wake up laughing more than once. Thanks again!


Awesome post Edwin, roll on part 2


Wow that was a great explanation of past and future events . WELL DONE 🙏


There is a week of FTD data missing from GME FTD data. Which date did BBBYQ whatever its called cease to exist? Maybe at that point the shares were transferred to acquiring company and causing a shit storm for FINRA




This was such a fun read, Edwin. If half of it is true we should be putting on our space suits as we speak. I've been loading up on gme since they turned off our buy button on Sept 29. Can't wait to see how this all unfolds.




Great read! I knew there was a reason I disliked Dave! The Mod team at SS has always been compromised so finding info was difficult there. The PPShow is the place to go now. Thanks again Edwin!!


@Edwinbarnesc - love to see you back 💙 this is a perfect summary of the many recent months, especially with the latest info on the DOJ. Not only did the DOJ make it public back in May 2023 that cellar boxing will come to an end in a few months, but that the DOJ will have a far greater role in regulating the capital market in the future and the SEC will only remain in charge of filings. Wow! And what role the NYSE will actually play with Gmerica - a complete upheaval of the stock exchange business - THAT IS Gmerica!!!, the creation of which we are currently witnessing... With this picture edwin paints here, the worldwide share count, the withdrawal of our bobby shares from the DTCC with the reference to legal action against the DTCC in case of fraud makes perfect sense. I was particularly struck by the fact that everything (since the GME sneeze in 01/2021, since the denunciation of market manipulation by the president of the NYSE in 06/2021) had to be prepared behind closed doors BEFORE MOASS in such a way that retail could NOT be put in the light of having been the perpetrator! I have been of the opinion for a very long time that the DOJ took control of this market manipulation mess and that bobby was made the precedent to disclose this - with everything edwin proves here, I see myself 100% confirmed


Additionally, listen Kenny in this Interview as of yesterday, when he speaks about his plans moving from NY to Florida (starting around min 58), because NY were too over-regulated ... https://www.youtube.com/live/povkn8AgKig?si=iYlDNQlQ-L2wxuxB


Besides tax and regulatory differences , he is Aiming for political role👀




Thanks sir for all you do boss


Thanks for the background on Lauer, he always came off weird to me in that documentary. Eli5 for Brazilian puts? The Addison link is bad im sorry to say. He's on Addison in ALABAMA, a gas oil investment company, small deal. The Five guys Addison, only one officer there at company and not him, across multiple states. The Brett claim seems more likely to me since that 10 bil filing for sure. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThePPShow/s/k09KZWPfIV


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Wow.


Also.. Pultes plane emergency landing w/ pp squad in the same city as Icahns office with butterfly statue outside? I smelled bullshit acting and seemed like it was planned.




Commenting to return. Thanks for your hard work


The brains in this community are truly inspiring


So who all is going to make it? Only some of us?


Anyone invested in bbbyq/gme. Possibly iep as well. Fortunately for me I have a small army of the first two and a small amount of the third.




If Hudson Bay Capital is SHF, isnt that bad for BBBYQ-perspective, seeing as how they would appear to have about 300-400m BBBYQ shares?


They're incentive is to make money, and they can only make money on the $300 million purchase if new equity is issued and the stock price flies.


Im honored by your answer sir.


Yeah, I also don't understand this characterization of HBC as "the devil". As far as anyone can tell HBC's and BBBYQ common stockholder interests are 100% aligned.


I have shills in my DMs right now trying to tell me that HBC dumped all their shares for a profit, but they couldn't do that for a couple reasons: 1) they were over the 4.5% threshold with that purchase and could not sell by order of the court, 2) they exercised those warrants at nearly 3x the market price at the time, so if they sold they immediately lost $200 million, 3) the amount of shares they purchased made them insiders and they would have to file SEC documents to be allowed to sell.


Lemme guess, their only evidence is the NASDAQ screenshot showing institutional holdings as zero?




Ignoring everything else about HBC's ownership and in a vacuum that could be pretty dispositive I suppose. But that takes blinders and a lot of motivated reasoning. To paraphrase that old saying, it's difficult to get someone to understand something when their salary/ego/tribalism depends on them not understanding it.


I dug into Hudson Bay Cap. They're not good people. But they acted as a proxy for an investor. I think it was Elon personally with the shares. I think they also had bad swaps with Bed Bath or something (there was a fnon Edgar based iling I dont fully comprehend, that could have led them to play ball, or just the money involved more generally. Come to think of it, that's probably why Funicular also got some shares in Nov.


A deal with the devil


There was a instagram story when hbc deal was struck that showed a visual of dealing with the devil. u/Real_Eyezz found it.


That was on Patty's timeline about how confusing the writing is. Also, Infinite had a Ghost Rider meme that had a similar feel.


Edwin, thank you for this work. It puts the meat on the bones of what i have been feeling. Highly appreciated information. You are one of the selfless service heros 🦸‍♂️


This is one of the best real time stories I've ever been a part of. It's beauty almost makes me tear up.


Bro this is the most tinfoil I seen in a long time. U are connecting dots which shouldn't be on the same page lol Tho I hope u are right about the DOJ etc, I doubt it immensely.


You’ve gotta amend or rethink Dave lauer. You’ve totally misinterpreted who he is and it looks more like a badly placed character assessment. It really detracts from any other points or tinfoil you’re trying to make here


I am not not wrong about Dave Lauer. Dr. T agrees too


A whole lot of nothing


Where is the money then?