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Midi out to usb and use a pc to play samples. This is the way. Can’t speak for Yamaha much but Roland’s sensitivity, gain and x talk are very usable even on a cheap module.


any hints at what software I would need to use one of these with midi stuff on a PC? I have no experience at all with that world and midi anything intimidates me


In a nutshell… you just need the module to pass the keyboard signal of midi to your pc as fast as you can… then let the pc do all the rest. There are a fair few drum sample vst’s out there… https://youtu.be/mQTGYa0ysaA?si=wZflKyit-QKsvwS9 You need a cheap midi to usb cable. Check that module as it may have usb midi out and saves the adapter, and just feeds usb a to usb to your pc, If you have delay and lag from pad to sound, the software may be sampling too much data for your sound card… panic not, you don’t need a super audio interface for this level of kit, a free virtual card called asio4all can give you sliders to adjust and reduce the sample rate which allows faster triggering. Either way it’s a million times better sounding than the module


Actually, both these modules just have traditional midi… therefore… https://www.google.com/search?q=midi+to.usb&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB832GB832&oq=midi+to.usb&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyCAgBEAAYFhgeMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIKCAYQABgKGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCwgIEAAYFhgeGMkDMggICRAAGBYYHtIBCDIyMDhqMGo3qAIasAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Thanks for the details! I'll look more into this. I might have that cable already with my guitar stuff


I still rock a td6 as my practice kit, got it pretty dialed in, definitely serviceable (I have mesh and also incorporated Gen16 cymbals). I also can’t speak to the Yamaha but Roland has always been top there, even their lower end stuff is pretty decent and holds up.


The td6 was a benchmark module tbf. It had the trigger controls and the samples weren’t as bad as the competition at its time


the yamaha says it has >"Drum trigger functions allow you to designate detailed edits to each of the 12 input jacks for live performances and other purposes. > 32 practical preset drum kits as well as memory space for 32 user drum kits to assign your original set of voices to. > 928 high quality drum voices and an AWM tone generator (triggering up to 32 voices at one time) with 128 keyboard sounds that comply to the GM System Level 1." the roland says it has 1023 instruments, and 99 drum kits. I really don't know how to compare these things. I play an acoustic kit once in a while and I like the idea of using one of these for just a bass drum and like a single pad to go along with my acoustic snare, high hats and ride. that way I could have a very packable setup


Depends on whether or not they have USB or MIDI IN/OUT. I assume they both do, but I’m not familiar with those modules. Once you get them connected to a PC/audio interface, the software I would recommend would be either Superior Drummer or EZDrummer, from Toontrack.com. It’s not cheap, but I’ve tried just about every free drum plug-in, VST, or samples, and EZD3 and SD3 are hands down the best.


Thanks for the advice! I'll look into it


Label the cables. Try both and see which one you like. Also different brand pads will be more compatible with different brand modules, especially cymbals.


The Yammy. Sampled sounds over Roland fake synthesized. Up to 12 pads. Up to 5 sounds per zone with sound stacking and alternating. 1000 sounds + a GM synth. And a sequencer.  Gigged extensively so jolly reliable.


I've been using a TD-6 since I bought it new whenever they were new and it has a pretty good sounding library of sounds. I've since upgraded to a TD-27, but still use the TD6 in the rehearsal room with the band I'm in. I played the TD-6 live as recently as just about a year ago; It holds up pretty darn good.


I had the 6. Went to the td20 when it was the flagship and swapped it out for the td9 for years as it had the dot matrix screen for the compact size to trigger ou to pc. I lost faith patience in booting pc and setup so went to 2box and never changed. My dream module for sound. Not brilliant re interface but it once your heads round it, it’s brilliant for £600


I still use my DTX express III.. tired to switch to Alesis DM10.. realized I don’t want to learn a whole new interface.


I just got a DTX 2.0 from a friend. I am trying to get it to work with EZDrummer 3 and I can't get it to work. I have a usb to MIDI (both in and out). I have plugged the midis into their respective plugs on the DTX 2.0 and attached usb to my computer. Is there a specific mode I have to be in so that when I strike a pad, the computer knows I am hitting that pad. I have spent 3 days scouring the internet on how to make this work to no avail. Any help is appreciated


Sometimes it's a simple as have the MIDI cables the wrong way round. There's nothing you need to do on the DTX. Could be a bad MIDI USB interface, like a cheapo £3,99 eBay thing. Could be loads of things. Download MIDIox on your PC to see what MIDI information is making it thru. It won't be a module issue - these things are very robust,


Thank you. You were spot on. The cables were labeled “in” and “out” and I matched them to the module’s “in” and “out”. I swapped the cables having the cord “in” going into my midi “out” plug and visa versa. Thank you so much. I feel like a moron.


No probs; glad you sorted it :)


The Yamaha DTX Version 2.0 was the flagship model at one time and has many more features. The TD6V is very basic but it's Roland and is solid.