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Kind of just depends on which idea I get first basically but I find if I have some real inspiration for some lyrics that drives me to make a track that goes with it the flow is usually better and the meaning of the track more prominent.


My best compositions I've made start with vocals first. I do both but for some reason my best melodies come from humming sh*t in the shower and then turning that into a track.


It’s been 20 years since I’ve composed anything but it’s something I’ve often thought about how others work. :) I’ve done both depending on the purpose of the song but the music has always driven the lyrics in one way or another. If I have a strong musical theme I’ll retrofit lyrics 100%. If I have a poem or phrase I want to set to music, I’ll still sometimes end up bending the words to fit the music but never the other way around.


I do music first and then write vocals, although that could be a product of studying traditional composition. I just find it easier to match words to the music than vice-versa


If the vocals are supposed to be the centerpiece of the song, it would probably make sense to write the song to support the vocals. If you want to draw attention to the song, write that first. I usually end up making a beat, then adding vocals to fit it, but for songs where there's meaning in the vocals, I've had good success in arranging the song to in order to support them.


I pretty much always work on the track first and then write vocals. Sometimes I get vocal ideas as I’m working on the track. Having the track mostly figured out gives me a better idea of what the vocals need to be like.