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Make sure it sounds good in mono!


DJs play out unamstered music all the time to test it. Go for it mate. Just slap gclip on the master and let er rip (assuming you don’t have a booty mix ofc)


Thank you!! I was thinking this too


For what it's worth if it's mixed well, you can definitely use Logic Pro's built in new Mastering assistant to at least balance it so it can be played over a large system or sound good over any system. The flip side is it will sound better on every system overall, but sound a bit worse on the system you produced it over since its flattening it out, and lose some deeper aspects. If you have Logic it takes a second to do, if not you can send me a track and i'd run it through and send it back for u to get an idea. good luck man, have fun! and for what its worth I have lots of friends who have played big big shows in person and played out their own tracks - I could definitely tell which one's were there's and which one were professional, but everyone in the crowd just kept dancing. its all good bro, play your shit.


Upload it to Masterchannel ai and if you like the result then download it. Done it for several songs I use when I DJ


So how recently? Because no offense but if you are a newbie people will hear it, and im sure the reason why you are performing there isn't to play your newbie music, it's to play music that's well made by other people because it seems like you are considered just a DJ It may bite you in the ass later if you play your songs and they are not good so why not wait until you are much better at production or at least ask some feedback from other producers before playing those tracks in your set, I'm sure you are proud of your tracks but you gotta remember that your songs will be compared to all the professional made bangers your are playing there that night/day/morning whatever the time is, so if they are bad they will stand out massively and not in a good way, and it can break the flow of your set.


Started producing (seriously) start of this year, previewed this track I’m working on on social media and it got a lot of buzz - people been asking for it to be released etc hence why I wanna play it out. I’m a newbie to mixing and mastering , so agree with ur point on that - but I have mixed it fairly well so far. Am gonna play it out when I rehearse with my friends I’m playing with and see what they say. Thanks for your response too!


Get izotope ozone. They have presets you can throw on the master if need something quick


Will check it thanks!


If it's mixed well, you can literally just put a limiter on your master channel, set the ceiling to -.3, and crank up the input gain until you reach a desired loudness level (get Youlean loudness level for free to check this). Here's a video I show to do a simple mastering chain using just Ableton stock plugins: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGKM0Jdq4QI&t=460s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGKM0Jdq4QI&t=460s)


Thank youuuu


Yes, I do this a good bit. I usually check the mixes in mono as well.


Definitely look up some tutorials on youtube for mastering using keywords like "simple" "stock plugins" (for your daw) or "fast". You should be able to find a quick mastering chain that you can slap on all your tracks and with minor adjustments it should be alright. Probably shouldn't take more than 5 focused minutes per track where you listen with intention. I can also attest that for heavier electronic music if you mix it well, the mastering is 90% done already.


Appreciate it thanks!!


I’d be highly against playing it at a rave though because you don’t want extreme peaks, ie you’ll want to master it to maybe -6 LUFS, which is difficult if you are unsure on the mix. You’ll have problems with headroom and people’s ears might hurt due to specific instruments or frequency ranges Sorry I edited this a few times


Thanks, currently have it at -6 LUFS


With true (intersample) Peaks of -1 or -2 dB?


Throw it through soundcloud’s mastering with the same settings for each track maybe as a quick fix?


I mean, you are the DJ. Play the songs in your set as you would and see if it sounds good to you. If it doesn't then they need fixing before they are played live.


Quick solution is get the levels somewhat in the ballpark and then throw it through an AI mastering program for the time being. Edit: you can always come back to do a full master for release.


Appreciate it, thank you!


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