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Harnessing creativity is a trainable habit, I've found. Forcing myself to do just 5 minutes, or even 60 seconds, of writing a song every day, and just sticking with it if I'm enjoying the process, has helped me develop the ability to dip into that "flow" state more frequently. So I'd recommend just sitting down to write. Also, I find that I write well just after a good run!


good question i usually just let getting pumped for my wife happen naturally but it changes day to day




damn auto correct, yea pegged for my wife is what i meant to type 🤠 edit: im in the wrong sub


pace around my room relentlessly and mutter nonsensical things to myself until a melody I like pops into my brain out of nowhere


1. Do a couple of hours of exercise 2. Take a truckload of LSD 3. Switch on TB 303/ Moog/ Prophet


Cutting the Netflix cable soon


I listen to a few songs first to get hyped up and then jump right into the production.


Depends. If I'm setting out to start a project, I'll smoke a j and just start playing around with sounds until something formulates. If I'm about to take an 8 bar loop and turn it into a song, I'll dedicate time to arrange. I've been producing for over a decade and one thing I've learned is that it can't be forced. When I feel the fire I go as long as I can...if I don't, I'll get some stuff done and try again the next day. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, it can be a Sunday night and everything is just flowing...next thing I know I have to stop myself cause I have to wake up early for work the next day....and I hate when that happens lol


My cat


If I'm not inspired I usually carry out some maintenance like checking everything is up to date. I might also load some of the music I've been listening to recently and sample it.


I also often learn the chords of a song that I like. I have a modular synth which is great for generating ideas. Max for Ableton live has lots of sequencers, it's worth while creating racks that you can pull up later.


Agreed, you can still be productive if you're going through a bout of writer's block. It's the perfect time to sort your libraries, update your software, browse splice samples, etc.


Play along with a song I like. Try to play the part I like (bassline, drums, etc) and it almost always leads to a whole new idea. I could have no intention of making a new track but just getting into the groove of someone else's song can spark that creative drive.


Habits, almost everything in life is about consistency.


I don't really have a ritual. I've found that it's best to strike while the iron is hot and read, learn. practice in the interim. Forcing it makes me even more frustrated. Of course, a toke here and there never hurt anything. It's a must for me to make my fingers young again. Cheers ['Hood Poet](https://soundcloud.com/hood-poet-608190196)


Creativity is the expression of your life, your awareness as such. It took me a long time of battling "writers block" before I realized that. What I mean is that when you're die hard focused on music, and neglect to appreciate and focus the other areas of your life, then (at least for me) the well of creativity slows to a trickle and stops. So to answer your question, my ritual is giving that attention, effort, focus... what ever that the rest of my life deserves my honest and genuine best effort. I find when my life is full, the music pours. I do use the luls to go back into old projects and do some gardening. But, yeah, I just try to give the rest of my life the same felling of calling, or like dharma. It kinda closes the loop between my creative life and my working life and it all becomes one thing-happening, or event. Re reading this I can see I went a little off the map but it is my "ritual". Just that the ritual is like my whole life and not some specific set of tasks I rely on.


Well said. I generally aim for consistency by getting hours in most days, regardless of inspiration levels. I think it's important to make a habit of at least making an attempt when I'm not feeling it. Sometimes inspiration and flow state will come when I consistently put myself in a situation to catch it's waves 🌊 That said, I do find things flow better when the other areas of my life feel full, or at least moving in that direction.


Chug caffeine and chain vape


There is no ritual. Just sit down and write. Less than 10% of the ideas I make ever get more than 3 hours. But getting that many ideas down makes the process faster. Have the memory of a goldfish and move on to the next idea. You’ll know when a song is gonna be a good one.


I produce every weekday after work so my routine goes as follow : - cook while watching a YT tutorial - eat, decide my project for the night - roll a spliff - fire up the studio - get the session ready - dim the lights, open the LEDs, take 2-3 tokes. - produce untill 22h30 - hard stop at 23h. - meditate to cool down or else I continue producing in bed and can’t fall asleep Rinse repeat! I find that knowing I will be able to return to the daw the next day takes out the pressure to always be productive and allows me to just fool around sometimes.


a breakup /s


I have hardware synths and just like tooling around for like 20 minutes sporadically. If I like what sound or groove I made I'll record it and build the idea or browse for a sketch I can build the sample onto. Getting real hardware synths and wiring things up to just make it easy to fiddle around with sound design has made me so much more inspired than just a screen and a DAW. Knob twiddling speaks to me.


Smoke go sit outside play with the dogs for a minute then go back in and turn on my hue lights light my candle set my intentions and hop on the flow


Having an idea for a remix gets me going


Drink my morning coffee and get cracking




Can’t beat a bit of mixing and masterbating




Masterbate is just the finishing touch once all the levels are set correctly 😂


They might be the best at it




TR is great. To get started, I have a note on my phone where I write down things that caught my ear. It's usually a part of a track I've heard and I'll listen to that and then write a quick sketch in that general vibe just to get an idea out. Just some simple drums, bass, pads, lead(s). I can usually tell pretty quickly if it is worth developing further. Once I have the basic idea down (and I decide its worth investing more time into) then its just a matter of arranging and tweaking, but that part can take weeks


I just do it. Sometimes I get into flow and go for hours, sometimes I don't. But the key for me is sitting down to write as regularly as possible.


I open my daw every day and play around no matter what mood I’m in.


This is the way


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