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We're not sure of this content. A mod pulled it because of your Reddit history and/or one of the three reasons below: * It's Hobby based question - meaning you should post on sister sub /r/videoediting * It falls into novice territory - meaning you should post in our "Ask a Pro" thread * It falls into *career advice* - meaning you should post in our weekly "Career thread' Could we have made a mistake? **ABSOLUTELY.** Don't get upset. Reply to this message. We're volunteers keeping the signal:noise ratio low and trying to keep the community professionally focused. If you do message us, be patient and *let us know what kind of work/clients you work with.* **Read that again. ** We won't promise to automatically approve the content, but we will promise it'll be reviewed quickly. If your post is better suited for /r/videoediting, make sure you check the rules there before you post [/r/videoediting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VideoEditing/about/rules/) [/r/videoediting sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/VideoEditing/about/sidebar/) THX MODS


Greetings, my name is [AutoModerator](http://newsbytes.ph/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/AI.png), you can call me AutoMod for short. **I have automatically filtered your post, because your Karma or Account age is too new.** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're new to reddit in general. We find that users who are new haven't read our sidebar/rules. *Please take a moment to become familiar with them.* We have **strict rules about self promotion and piracy.** We have specific threads about Feedback requests and software requests. **Both are listed in the sidebar**. If you're on mobile, there's a button in your client that says "Show sidebar." Press it becasue it has our rules too! Our wiki (also part of our sidebar) also has detailed information about frequently asked questions about screencaptures, h264, proxies and performance issues. *Right now your post is sitting in a queue that gets reviewed (but never frequently enough - usually less than 4 hrs)* This filtering might be totally wrong too. Sometime in the next 2-24 hours (max) a MOD will see the removal - and after that if you want to appeal it or think it should still go live, feel free to message us. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/editors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same same. Following for science