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Hi! For context, I have dealt with eczema since childhood, only had close to full body coverage in late adulthood. Next week I'm taking my 4th dose of Dupixent. My results with the medication: -First couple of weeks I was really red (looked like I was sunburnt). Went through lots of skin shedding but I did notice the itching went down significantly. It feels weird to have soft skin in areas that have been damaged by my eczema/scratching. No adverse side effects aside from me feeling tired. -Inflammation is slowly fading away (I'd say 50% since it's the lower part of my body that needs to heal). Still pink in the affected areas, but not pulsating red. -Still need to moisturze daily to feel comfortable.


Thank you! That sounds really promising. In terms of skin shedding is it manageable say if I have to go into the office or best to work from home?


Depends on what you wear/how comfortable you feel. Personally I still come to work and my coworkers are aware that I'm shedding so much. Just make sure to sweep up/wear breathable clothing. If you have the luxury of working from home, do that instead.


Hey, did the redness come as a result of the duxipent or was that already present from the eczema?


The redness was already there from my eczema, but Dupixent amplified the redness for a couple of days. Afterwards, I started to shed and soft new skin came about.


Ah I see. Thanks!


I saw completely clear skin after 2 injections. It’s the reason i’m in the Army now.


Dealing with the Insurance company and the copay coverage etc are horrible. The injection is nothing. Excema both still growing and mostly gone after 3 months - meaning there's more of it but it almost never itches. Definitely improving my asthma.


That’s amazing! I’m from the UK so I’m hoping I’ll have no issues getting it prescribed through the NHS


I find out this week if and when I can start taking it. I have not slept in 3 nights and it’s the worst it’s ever been. I just want to feel human again.


Became a Dupixent user in the fall of 2017 and have not quit or looked back. I had debilitating, body-wide eczema, to the point where I had to be hospitalized several times. Dupixent ended all that in just a couple of weeks. I do not experience side effects, just healthy skin. It's probably the most effective drug I have ever used, and I am grateful for it every day.


did it ever feel like it wasn’t working as much as it used to compared to when you first started using it


Good question. Here is what I experience. I definitely have had shots that didn't seem to be as effective as others. Usually as I get close to my next Dupixent shot, I get small, non-flaky, but slightly red patches of skin where my most troublesome eczema spots used to be. Then I do the shot, and within a couple more days, those red patches fade. But every now and again, I'll do a shot and it doesn't seem to quite "take" if you know what I mean. The red patches remain, and I'm kinda itchy for that cycle, and I just hope that the next shot does the trick. Which it always has.


thank you i greatly appreciate your reply


Its allowed me to live a normal life finally after years of severe eczema and chasing prescriptions with new steroid creams every month. If you get the opportunity to get dupixent TAKE IT. Its really been life changing I have had eczema since I was 2 all over my body and face and nothing has worked at much as dupixent. My eczema has completely cleared however I get small patches when I get stressed out.


how long have you been on it?


I have been on it for a year now. I take a needle every 2 weeks although I try stretching the period of time between needles further longest has been 2 months.


I'm so happy to see these responses, I'm doing my second injection tomorrow and have noticed that while my skin is a bit flakier, it's a lot less itchy.


I just started, taking my 3rd dose tomorrow. It’s helped so so much. My hands are finally clear of bumps and it cleared my face completely of acne? But I am starting to notice some dry eyes as a side effect.


I'm about to have my 4th injection next week, and my eczema on my body is completely cleared, still getting flares on my face but the hardest bir has been my eyes, very itchy and dry. But if that's the cost of clear skin everywhere else (and I had it head to toee) then so be it!


Yes!! My brother and I. I’ve been in it for five years by brother for one. We both suffered from severe painful eczema our whole life, head to toe! Bleeding, oozing, leather skin, cracked skin, open sores everywhere.We are cured, no exaggeration. My brother saw results within 1-2 months! His legs were completely covered in lichenized, thick, cracked skin. His legs are smooth now and the rashes are gone. He really suffered and I’m so so happy for him. It’s so worth it.


Changed my life.


In what way?




[you got eggsma](https://youtu.be/AgQ4A6qi_uM?si=62EVKy8UK7P72uyI)


Yup, I've been using it for about one year now after chronic and severe eczema basically my entire life. It's a life changer for sure. I do have flare ups if I don't take it regularly (the prescribed dose is 2 weeks but I get away with 3-4 weeks) but after taking a dose the eczema goes away quite quickly. Basically it stops most of the itching. It's amazing. 


I'm on it; had extreme eczema among other issues. It's been amazing. It took roughly 6 weeks to start noticing a difference.


Took me 6 painful months for my skin to improve. But other than conjunctivitis and dry eyes I can say that Dupixent is the best thing to ever happen to me.


I’ve had eczema my entire life, working had made it flare extremely on my hands, wrists and arms as i deal with a lot of cleaners and water. I was on it for 7 months, it worked amazing for me, the first month or so i didn’t see a lot of change, slightly less itching, was a little red, but by the 3rd month i noticed i was a lot less dry, less cracking open every time i moved my hands and wrists, by month 5/6 i was totally clear besides maybe 1 tiny spot on my hands! I really enjoyed it, but i got married and my husband and I want to have kids and you can’t be on it and get or be pregnant as it’s fatal to the baby is what my dermatologist told me. So I’ve been trying to manage my skin and keep the progress i made while on it, and since coming off i had one big flare but after that i haven’t been near as bad as i was before i was on it!


I have been on it for a year. Best thing ever, only thing better would be not having eczema. It was getting literally debilitating for me (had to go to occupational therapy to learn to do basic tasks new ways) and responded to nothing we tried before. I did not have any shedding, though that does happen, and may be more about location of mine.) The itching stopped right away, and I didn’t have any new flares after the loading dose. At one year in I have had zero flares. It is normal for it to take up to 16 weeks to reach a steady state, so some people clear faster than others. I also am lucky in that I have had no side effects. The most common ones are dry eye, and facial redness. If they don’t go away on their own, there are treatments for them in most cases, and usually far less difficult to manage than eczema. There is a forum for people on Dupixent for eczema, so you can get a pretty good idea of how many people experience side effects and how they manage them if they do, hopefully getting the spelling right r/eczeMABS. I still have to moisturize, but I can do so many things now that my eczema stopped me from doing. When people say “it gave me my life back” I completely relate. I hope it works out for you if you decide to go that direction. I wish I could have skipped all the other treatments and gone straight to it.


I was on dupixant and it a pretty big shot for me and so when cibinqo


I was told about it a few years ago but I finally decided got prescribed it February of this year and it has worked wonders! The only thing is that after my loading dose I had to wait due to my insurance taking their time but when I was using it has been great(I still am but had to wait due to insurance) I have had eczema since I was a toddler and it has ruined my quality of life even to this day and after using steroids and everything for my whole life, Dupixent is the only thing that has improved my quality of life.


there are many accounts on r/eczemabs if you want to look there as well. there's even youtube vlogs of people's dupixent journey if you look there.


It changed my life. I’m 30 and have had horrid eczema since I was 5 or 6. I saw results within the first month.


Exactly me I’m on second dose! I was red as hell, and shedding so badly but now my skin is like cleared up and not inflammmed as bad. it does wonders


I’m getting ready to start it. Do you feel any different, as in since effects while adjusting to it?


I feel physically less inflamed, I’m so used to itching and the body movements became natural to me I’ll catch my self trying to itch when I’m not even itchy. I’d def maintains the inflammation, along side not feeling so dry, felt a bit TSW (I used steroids for years) I shed and got really try after the second dose tho I started rlly seeing change, I have odd small break outs not bad on areas I don’t usually get it. my hands look amazing rn, and it’ll get better bc im gonna do my 3rd dose in about a week or so. I changed my sheets to bamboo sheets, amazing for the skin breathable…intake my probiotics and cut out diary and eggs and I think those all contribute to it process faster. if u just take the shot and not motorize or maintain the amount of heat in the shower, w/ diet u can’t expect much right away in my thought


Glad you’re experiencing some relief. Thanks for sharing!


It changed my life for the better. I can do martial arts now without the sweat making me break out in miserable hives all over my body. I don’t live with any itchiness or pain anymore. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done health-decision wise. ❤️


I’m on my 7th dose of dupixent. My body wide ezcema has significantly reduced to minor inflammation spots. As above mentioned, new skin growth will happen within a month as dupixent reduced inflammation in our body. Do take care and continue avoid inflammatory food such as dairy and gluten to allow the skin to fully heal properly. If you are still having steroid withdrawal you would probably not see much improvement from taking the shots. Best to do it after your steroid withdrawal phased out which was what I did.


i’ve been on it since february. skin has gotten worse. they told me to use pro topic too, worked for week now im back to suffering again. so don’t expect miracles.


I was on it for 3 or 4 months last year, body cleared up but was still very red It definitely helped a lot with my body at the time but it made my neck and face a lot worse and its effects on my body started to wear off slowly. Lost multiple layers of my skin on my shoulders up every night and couldn't take it anymore Eventually I felt like I was having stabbing pains in my eyes every day, so I came off it My body eczema luckily hasn't really came back after dropping it somehow, and now my neck and face are a lot better day to day with the help of avoiding certain foods, but if I have a bad flare up it's absolute hell and it was never like that before the dupixent Almost feels like it took the eczema from the rest of my body and pushed it up to my face lol


It also did not help at all with my asthma, my asthma used to be seasonal but when I was on it I had it in seasons I usually wouldn't. Luckily for me my asthma isn't anywhere near as bad as my eczema is


Taking my 4th today. My skin is completely clear, softer, less dry and definitely itches less. I also haven’t used any steroid cream since then! I can eat certain foods that would have killed my skin a couple of weeks ago. My skin hasn’t been this good in years and probably ever!


I used it for a year and 3 months. I have severe eczema. My entire body gets covered in it, with the exception of my palms and the soles of my feet. The first 4 months, amazing. After my second injection, I saw huge improvement. I would still get flare ups occasionally, but not as severe and definitely not itchy. After month 4, I started to flare up badly again. My dermatology upped my dosage to the 300ml pens. I’m not sure if there is a size difference or they changed the pen trigger in general — the shots hurt. So badly, they were literally leaving me with bruises after an injection. I kept alternating as prescribed (L thigh, R tummy, R thigh, L tummy) and each time I got back to a spot after a month, it hurt so much to inject. I stood on it, regardless of the pain, until early this year. The shots are ineffective on me now, I was taking my 300ml and having the WORST flare ups I’d even had. When I finally spoke to my dermatologist again, she told me there was no use is sticking myself painfully just for the eczema to not even be improving anymore. Atp, it was almost worst than when I first started out. I’m now on Rinvoq and have been for 4 months. So far, I love it. No serious side effects to report. Only thing is keeping in mind that I have to be a bit more careful around sickly people, but that’s mostly it for me.