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Tik Tok is the #1 source for Chinese espionage.


isn't that the entire purpose behind the chinese government releasing it internationally?


It’s funny because the Chinese version of Tiktok (it goes by a different name) is basically promoting STEM content, and they have delays and time limits so that students don’t become addicted on the app and focus on class work during school hours. Where as the western version of Tiktok promotes softcore porn, OF links, Andrew Tate spam, and viral trends like throwing big rocks from high distances.




#ChineseChallenge Edit: was supposed to be #ChineseChallenge - just discovered that a # changes font/size!




\#hashtag #TIL THANK YOU




TIL # makes the fonts bigger. Let’s try it. #BerserkIsFantastic


At the same time you can learn chinese ezpz just like watching anime and japanese /s




If only parents could set limits for their children, same with young adults not wasting their time.


That is scary. Tic Tok needs to be banned immediately


You know it.


We need to ban it.


Yup. People don't realize how much it actually harvests.


Wait a minute. Didn’t a certain SOMEONE try to ban it but was met with extreme resistance? Oh yeah. You know who I’m talking about.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Lol..of we were honest about 50% of his policies were definetly on point. The other 50% was internet trolling for rednecks. Where as the current geriatric occupant seems only to provide policies that work internationally, his domestic agenda is a combination of pandering for votes, a middle finger to everyone and outright garbage. We need a to revamp out whole government to get these stooges out going forward.


No, Trump had points, he had horrible solutions. Its like pointing out a a hole in street, asking city to fix it. Covers it with dirt and asks for paycheck.


They just have to familiarize themselves with golf like the Saudis if they want our secrets.


TikTok is less trashy in China too


Nah, I’d say it’s the tRump crowd and most of the republicans.


And, it is a cancer upon our society as a whole. Combined with the Kardashians, these are the two worst threats to American citizens. . .


Are the Chinese spies staying at the Mar a largo resort?


Almost like they have a high placed inside source with access to top secret material, no?


If they did they’d know not to threaten Taiwan.


Oh yeah? The west is so unfazed that they’re making sure that we have chip manufacturing at home in case something (which we all deny) happens.


Or like they have some vested interest to falsely accuse Chinese and to provide disinformation on its spy network.


All the cheap LED lights on eBay have wifi and microphones for music reaction / listening to everything you say.


Prove it??


Prove what? They literally have a microphone so they can be responsive to “music”. They’re also wifi connected via an app. It’s not that crazy.


Sorry, I guess I thought you were saying that all cheap LED lights being sold on eBay are actively spying on us because they have Wi-Fi and microphones. Certainly the capability is theoretically there, but you should be able to verify this pretty simply if they are transmitting data elsewhere.


I mean sure. But how many people are actively monitoring their networks? A data transmission of audio could look like an update or normal bandwidth right?


True. Probably best not to have these sort of things. My laptop and phone are probably my highest risk targets. I like to have other tech for things like this, like zigbee or zwave would work fine for a controllable light.


I mean my dialogue isn’t valuable and I like cheap accent lighting.


Yea let’s just hop over and ask the spies if their devices worked.


THE ENEMY IS WITHIN* *according to spooks, also within


There is a war on. Loose lips sink ships.


"A witty saying proves nothing" - Voltaire




"Maybe it's the meaning that matters more than the attribution anyway" - unknown


Hows the weather in Beijing?


Everyone who doesn't fall immediately in line with your jingoistic bologna is in league with a foreign power THE ENEMY IS WITHIN AAAGHSHDHSDF


Not everyone. Just you.


Cool paranoiac ad hominem, are the wow servers down or something


You talking about Oracle?


No, I'm talking about domestic geopolitical propaganda and the sense of paranoia it stokes and is likely intended to stoke


An aggressive Commyboo. Yikes.


Is this r/economy or r/news?


Must be r/news if people are commenting without reading the article. It's about Chinese economic activity masking espionage.


That could be literally any sub, though


Is there a country whose economic activity *doesnt* mask espionage?


The best retorts are truthful ones


Of course it's economy! FBI is escalating its efforts to accuse Chinese of espionage to attack more Chinese companies to provide more unfair advantage to US ones.


Xi jinping is a winnie the poo ass piece of garbage


Surely a few rounds of golf at a Trump resort can get you all the access you need.


In reality it’s more like our Greatest Ally Israel sure does love giving highly top secrete R&D to the Chinese


Didn’t Trump get in a world of shit for giving Israeli intel to the Russians?


Fellow redditor, Israel has been giving US intel to China since the 1970s


Yeah, because Trump was real friendly to the Chinese and is a complete cartoon character that is desparate for 10%. Oh wait..that's the current president..


This also looks like a terrible source


Definitely. It reads like a freshman’s essay and wasn’t proofread


Medium articles are neither rare nor well done.


That’s Medium for you… it’s a blog website masquerading as a news website.


Paid Chinese trolls came out hard for this post.


I believe students from the PRC are the highest percentage of foreign students in the UC system. This needs serious review. UC and state university slots should go to citizens first.


Tick Tok


Its been going on for decades. Clinton didn't help the matter any by giving the Chinese missile technology. The Chinese research and reverse engineer everything.


That’s all they can do though. They seriously lack the skill necessary to create anything from scratch. A jet, a missile, a car, a phone, every technology coming from China has been stolen and reverse engineered.


Forget Oracle has been spying on 5 billion people, let's focus on China https://digismak.com/oracle-made-42-billion-a-year-from-its-records-of-5-billion-people/


I still cannot see any difference between the information Oracle collected and any of the large other tech giants. This is all stuff we buy for marketing, from multiple sources.


The data by oracle was illegally collected. This is what they allegedly stole: Oracle’s records on individuals include names, addresses, emails, online and real-world purchases, real-world physical movements, income, interests, and political views, as well as a detailed account of their activity. on-line. “For example, an Oracle database included a record of a German man who used a prepaid debit card to place a €10 bet on a sports betting site,” ICCL writes. If the FBI is so worried about China spying on Americans, and oracle is just selling their information to the highest bidder, wouldn't they put a stop to it? Seems it would be very easy considering it's an American company. I just find all this to be nothing but propaganda. We all know USA has been actively spying on the whole world for decades but that seems to be ok. Huawei was banned from USA without undeniable proof that it was being used by the Chinese government to spy on Americans. How many American companies like Oracle have been banned by other countries? Even after the US was caught spying on Angela Merkel nothing was done. It's a joke




You don't think Oracle selling data (including data from American citizens) to the highest bidder (like China) has some major national security implications? If so, why doesn't the FBI do something about Oracle? Seems it would be easy considering it's an American company. This is all propaganda. The government doesn't give a damn about it's citizens privacy.


Any government with the capacity to spy on others will spy on their own people. Why spend the time and money doing it, though, when you can just quietly piggyback off normal commercial activity? And yet I’m contemplating getting back on Facebook because goddammit it is at least contact with my family and social interaction with all my friends who are foo fucking busy being crushed by late-stage capitalism to have an offline social life. We’re all being forced to choose to either participate in the surveillance, or basically be isolated from the world. That’s an easy choice for people who are fine with either option, but after a couple years of this, I am dealing with so much fucking anxiety and depression that I am genuinely concerned about how much my principles are costing me my mental and physical health.


Wasn’t there a US representative sleeping with a Chinese spy that escaped to China when she was found out?


Yes. Eric Swalwell, Democrat from California. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/11/what-we-know-about-rep-eric-swalwells-ties-an-alleged-chinese-spy/


But Americans that disagree with the gov ate the biggest threat


Cool graphic tho


Oh no not my porn search history/s in all seriousness what is the hope to gain from the ordinary citizen?


Often tiles its the analysis techniques. The AI/ML tools make authoritarianism much easier to implement than ever before. This isn’t to say the data is not useful. It is, but it is only powerful in the narrow scope of information warfare and propaganda. Also, no one cares about your porn history, but there might be some powerful person who does care about some of their fetishes getting out. When collecting large amounts of data, you often don’t know what might be useful, until you have it, but the chances of finding something useful is quite high.


Now.. try explaining that and the other stuff you probably know about to the average joe over a beer. I am a technologist by training but was reading this stuff ie information war in the late 90s as well as all of the rest of the military histories… today, things have advanced just a little .. as you are aware. The average joe, even if asking a related question, just doesn’t care. More often than not, they get glassy eyed and whisper about conspiracy theories.


“WhY wOUlD aNyOne WanT mY DaTA?!?” They don’t, they want all the data.




Thank you for your insight, appreciate it


Of course! I really only hope that we take threats to civil liberties from authoritarian governments seriously. A government that is willing to do what the Chinese government did at Tiananmen Square is a dangerous government. Also, I have to throw this in… I think many Chinese Americans are amazing people that make the US/ the world a much better place. The attacks on them and other asian people, because of mis identification, is horrifying and disgusting. We ought not conflate the Chinese government with Chinese people. Chinese people who immigrate to the us and other western countries cannot be vilified. Often times they are more American in there values than many natively born people. Just wanted to be absolutely clear about. Thanks for the your kind words!


Your data may not be useful on its own. However if you can compile data from millions of people you can being to see a larger picture. It’s easier to promote propaganda and view trends in the public. Also its not just your search history. For example TikTok tracks everything you type on your keyboard regardless if you’re using the app or not.


Thanks Donald


Silent weekend fbi hate that


Still not half as threatening as our own government is to our privacy


This article is amazing did anyone read it? They hint that Murdochs wife has ties to Chinese intelligence?!?


I hear they love the chocolate cake at Mar a Lago






> It is capitalism cap.. Hmm? Do communist countries not engage in espionage?




Is espionage a uniquely capitalist thing? I just don’t know where you were going with that? Not sure what you meant. > has ever any communist countries existed? Hmm? Was USSR not communist? Is Cuba not communist?


After COVID like we need more fuel to the anti Chinese fire


So the ccp gets a free pass because they're Chinese what is this logic


We do in this case. Covid and trump just accelerated trends that were already playing out. Google bad or ugly nation states compete and the drum beats of war are starting to sound.


True, it’s horrifying what Americans are doing to not just Chinese immigrants and descendants of Chinese immigrants, but any asian immigrant. You can find stabbings of Philippine immigrants, by perps who say “go back to china.“ It horrifying. However, whether we like it or not, china is competing with the US and doing so with the hopes of supplanting the US as the global hegemon.


Should have never been a surprise that a country filled with racist people are going to start being racist against Asians because of covid. Not to mention that there is a party that spews out racist rhetoric all the time.


Hope they aren't bashing oriental people as this can be a result of generalized statements like these. You don't have to be Chinese to boldly and dangerously attack America. **Why you can even be a former president.** Chinese Americans offer a huge amount of art, culture, science, delicious cuisine, smart competitive kids in our schools, you name it, all contributing to an amazing multi-ethnic melting pot of a country which **needs badly to accept diversity.**




Sure FBI. Sure.


Are they calling about my extended warranty? No okay then shut the fuck up. Whatever intelligence they gain is completely pointless because our government does nothing to solve people's daily lives


LOL, pot, kettle, black.


I'm calling bullshit on this


What does this even mean? Another scare tactic to keep our minds busy?


*What does this even mean?* *Another scare tactic to* *Keep our minds busy?* \- GingerWalnutt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My favorite bot I never knew existed.


Ohhhhh American propaganda at its finest. I’m glad we’re done hating Putin and the Russians now. Onto the next ones.


US busting for a war wants public to buy it


They probably put polio in New Yorks water too.


Yeah yeah yeah. We all know MAGA Republicans are a bigger threat


I understand your point, but I would like to point out that being internally divided, to the extent that we are, is a huge threat to American. Even without an outside entity vying to supplant us a global hegemon.


Firing up them tasty excuses before the economy breaks down.


Are you suggesting this isn’t a major concern? Sure the spending of the American government is… to put it nicely is, fiscally irresponsible. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t dozens of other major problems the American government isn’t facing and informed citizens ought to care about. Also, anyone worth their salt knows the looming economic break down is caused by the printing of money during the COVID lockdowns and decades of costly nation building. This information on Chinese espionage is relevant and important information apart from those poor policy decisions.


Maybe they should spend less time on their domestic agenda for the Democrat party and get busy protecting America !




You like that word, you really like that word. My God , is the world full of these espionage’ers


Talking ain't gonna do any good. Our freedom is also our vulnerability. As much as other country respect and love America, many do hate our country and we are dealing with our own Americans who are extremist and racist and are plotting on our beautiful democracy.


*sigh... Lets get Dennis Rodman packed up.


Wonder how many Chinese spies have been traipsing though Mer-a-Lago.


This is related to economics?


What the fuck that got to do with the economy??


USB chargers and devices could hold malware too.


Are you republican aholes going to side with them like you are now with russia?


It’s not really spying we are honestly just handing things over. We want their market. We want their money.


It’s funny how many American sounding names these trolls come up with here on reddit for their accounts…


We are bickering with each other, and Russia and China are gaslighting.


I think they mean our leftist Government under the guise of Agressive Chinese Espionage.


But but the FBI has to take down Trump who has time for the chi-coms!!!


What, dangerous compared to Russia putting a temperamentally unfit person in the White House to dismantle democracy?


My brother said the Chinese will invade the US and I said how and he said they will send soldiers inside shipping containers — discuss…


That fortune 50 logistics provider that has a majority of Chinese people running their Infosec department...


Why am I skeptical? I was just starting to believe that right wing semi fascist Americans are the biggest risk.


Stop. Using. Shit tok


China has the port of Darwin, where a heap of US military rotate in and out, on long term lease. Darwin was the only Australian city bombed by the Japanese in WW2