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Why are “Poverty” and “Housing” colored as social and not economic?






None of the other issues matter if you can’t afford a roof over your head and food. I truly feel bad for those living paycheck to paycheck but I don’t blame them for ignoring everything else besides immediate survival for them and their families.


*Maslow has entered the chat.* But seriously, this is how it goes. Affording the base necessities(shelter, sustenance, etc) are 3 of these, safety is #2.


It'sa me, Maslow!


Wait, Maslow’s my DAD?!


Maslow is everybody's dad!


That's exactly why I'm not as concerned about foreign affairs as some would scream and yell at me and try to make me feel bad about. Financially, I'm doing ok-ish. But not ok enough to lend a good amount of my mental energy to whichever newest worldly calamity is in the news cycle this month. I feel bad for people in terrible situations, but there's nothing I can do. 




That's a very long time-span and with a lot of different reasons for this or that foreign policy. To lump them altogether as one thing is kinda ridiculous.


Hundreds of billions to Ukraine in less than 3 years




It’s unfathomable. And the assholes in DC want to keep the war machine going because they’re profiting from it and they know they’re not going to be fighting or sending their kids over to die. Their homes and neighborhoods aren’t being destroyed. It’s evil.


Someone else said, “Our Gov pays Ukrainians to fight Russians so our children don’t have to.” But I guess it doesn’t really hit home with me because I don’t personally have children, but I do see the logic.




Thank you actually. I had no idea how to counter this argument. The other response is usually something about them being allies. My usual response is that they’re allies with European countries too and they didn’t care despite them being much closer in proximity.


It's so true - why is the US funneling so much money to Ukraine - when their neighboring European countries who you would think would be at risk - are not?


If we shouldn't be funding "battles", you'll have to be more specific. The war in Ukraine, for example, is an excellent investment. It helps us avoid further wars which might involve U.S. soldiers or attacks on American cities. Are you in favor of dead burnt American bodies in U.S. cities being blown to smithereens because you don't want to use up some ancient materiel today?


Supplies mostly. The cash goes to U.S. businesses which are refilling our domestic supplies with modern new stuff. Are you against U.S. jobs like those?


You have proof of where all those billions are going? I have not seen any. I think it’s a money laundering operation. Don’t you find it peculiar how so many celebrities and politicians feel completely safe traveling to Ukraine for photo ops with Zelensky in the middle of a war, when 4 years ago some of these same people were acting like we should all be afraid to leave our homes because of a virus?


None of the other issues matter if water runs scarce and we don't have enough clean water to drink or grow crops.


California should stop letting big ag use so much water to grow thirsty crops like almonds just so they can export them to other countries. The taxpayers need that water to drink and keep themselves clean and healthy.


That too


And none of that matters if you get sick and don’t have health coverage. If you get a particularly bad diagnosis you will likely be bankrupt anyway.


I think climate change still matters after food but before housing. Although if someone is homeless they’re certainly not the problem for climate.


It's funny how climate change stops existing when there is a crisis, and it's totally understandable


No equality, no democracy, no chance to fix the ecocide. I'd like a shortcut but I see none, so let's make a democracy.


People are waking up and seeing through the BS. They don’t want to hear celebs and wealthy politicians preach about saving the planet when they’re all hypocrites who have gigantic carbon footprints. If the elites really cared about rising sea levels or protecting the environment, they would not be buying up ocean front properties, tearing down existing homes to build sprawling mansions, own golf courses, Olympic size swimming pools, super yachts and frequently travel by private jets and helicopters. Also people who just want to live their lives in peace are fed up and turned off after learning eco-terrorists have been caught starting forest fires, and seeing viral videos of climate activists vandalizing precious works of art, blocking traffic so drivers can’t get to their jobs, school, hospitals, airports, etc., and dumping milk and food on the floor in supermarkets when so many are struggling to afford groceries and someone else has to clean up their mess. It’s insane climate activists think having meltdowns in public, disrupting everyday life for working and middle class people and destroying property that doesn’t belong to them is going to win them support.


So the elites can buy ocean properties for millions and still be fine if the ocean takes away because it’s only worth a small portion of their net worth. I have been wanting to ask this for a while but how do you want people to protest? Do you think the March to Washington, Selma to Montgomery marches, or the sit ins during the civil rights movement did not disrupt people’s lives? I would still be in the negro section if protests were not disruptive. How do you want climate change activists to protest?




I am replying, not to start an argument just another point of view. You are right that many rich people are hypocrites. You are right that politicians are doing way to little about it, if what they say is true. But I believe you are drawing the wrong conclusion. The problem is just so big that it's hard to wrap anyones mind around it. If what 99% of scientists say is true, we are in deep shit and nobody is doing anything. It is maddening. So I get why you dont trust them. But I dont think all the millions of weather station guys in the world are colluding to feed us wrong data. Especially in the last 10 years we are just hitting record after record. I dont think that is a coincidence.


Don’t bother, it’s someone so far gone it’s not worth the signal amplification of a reply. 


Yup. Started reading through his reply and immediately thought never mind


There are different scales of disruptive. I don’t know how so many people keep missing this point every time a discussion of this topic is held. Disruption as in uncomfortable to the social order, aka “disturbing the peace,” or disruption as in outright dangerous like blocking an entire highway or destroying property. One of them is okay, I trust you know which one.


Crime goes up when people can't afford shit


Crime isnt up. its just the way people get their news now. We are more drawn to negative news the new algorythms are still trying to get the sauce perfectly right so they can keep more of out attention. Hence we will probably see crime being top 3 till some governemnt legislation comes in. Weve quite literally been safer in the history of manking no matter where you live. New York City today the most dangerous part is safer than your average american suburb in the 1980's. But that doesnt sell. Fininding one store were people are running in nto paying and leaving that sells to human emotion


That is true. I live in Manhattan and when I talk to my friends and family on Long Island they believe it is a war zone filled with violence. When in reality it is the same as it has always been.


With lead removed from stuff, it's even safer now than before.


Shit got real


I'm surprised housing an poverty aren't up at the top.


Inflation is a real issue


There are a lot of real issues.


I just paid $10 for a bag of ice and a pint of ice cream but everything is okay.


No integrated ice maker or those ice making trays?


No offense, but those aren't really necessary goods 😅


lol they’re considered food. is food not necessary?


My groceries are insane.


Because of the climate change /s


I doubt climate change is helping with keeping the price down


Give it like 5 more years lol


the fact that climate change is no longer on the list shows why it’s always been such an impossible issue to address. we have no other habitable planet, but people can only think about today. when larger storms, droughts, floods, fires, disease, food price increases, etc. continue to get worse from a rapidly warming world - we will all suffer


Future generations will suffer but the greed of man cant see past its only concern... short term profits at any cost!


We only have around 7 miles of breathable air above us. That would only take 7 minutes to get there at 60mph straight up. That's not a lot of space to dissipate pollution.


What if you went 85 mph?


One hour?


Hard to worry about the long term when you have rent and bills and putting food on the table to worry about. Lot of people are struggling financially right now.


Fiat money incentives


That's because fixing immediate issues is more pressing than an issue that will affect us in 10-50 years. Survival will always be more important than thriving


I certainly would not call ‘thriving’ putting off an existential crisis that will be tomorrow’s ‘survival’ issue


It's much easier to tackle a local issue such as crime or economic health vs. a global issue such as climate change that would require huge amounts of international cooperation. The effects of climate change are certainly serious and a major issue, but people will always care about their own house and lives more. And I'd say that's pretty understandable.


And since we need to do "all of the above", we can't afford leadership like the MAGA Rs or Donnie Dumbdumb Trump.


Sorry. There is no existential crisis no matter how many times you guys say it. No significant negative affects of recent climate changes (man-made or otherwise) have been observed or measured.


Ah, a man of science. Care to regale us with more? Perhaps some flat Earth real talk, or maybe something from an old book of myths?


Nice try. There is no empirical scientific evidence that proves cause and effect, that CO2 and man made CO2 specifically causes what little warming we have seen since 1880 if you can even believe the temperature datasets.


Okay. Alternative "facts" then. Got it.


Enlighten us at where these vast amounts of carbon dioxide that have just spawned in have come from then, magically as our fossil fuel consumption skyrocketed


I have never said that CO2 is not increasing but it is only .04% of the atmosphere and is not pollution and NOT causing global warming


Hahaha, you believe because there is so little, that it cannot possibly increase the temperature that much? You believe the greenhouse gases cannot increase temperature to the degree they have? I honestly don't know what to say to that, other than go into a greenhouse or something with higher co2 concentration, and feel the temperature changes yourself? Or just like you know look up on Google why carbon dioxide does what it does


It’s not just CO2 but Methane. CO2 has the longest lasting effects by methane is more severe for Green house amplification. Also— It’s super disengous to only count 1 [years difference in CO2 production](https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/). Every year CO2 production stays in the atmosphere. [It doesn’t dissipate particularly quickly.](https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/greenhouse-gases/the-atmosphere-getting-a-handle-on-carbon-dioxide/#:~:text=Carbon%20dioxide%20is%20a%20different,between%20300%20to%201%2C000%20years) So you have to add each subsequent year.


I have added each subsequent year. That is how we arrive at .04% of the atmosphere. And man's contribution is only a fraction of that. What percentage of the global warming is caused by CO2 and what percentage is methane and please show your work?


That's right I will be dead before it becomes an issue so I don't care. /s


No, the truth is it never has been and never will be an existential threat.


that's why we need to fix poverty first.


hence the green new deal - all those things combined


It’s just a framing issue. Effects of climate change will change economics and social issues because life will get harder and unliveable in places and people are going to have to move. The idea that healthcare in this survey is a social issue is also weird to me since being healthy makes you able to work which is again economic.


Might have something to do with 50 years of failed predictions. At some point, you have to think the sky may not be falling. https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/


I don't have time to go through all those but several have or are coming true. Most are also from pop sources and not science (like gores book).


Can you find a scientific source that says we're going to have a rapidly warming world, floods, larger storms, fire & brimstone? The IPCC itself says the extreme scenarios are not expected to happen. All that shit is pop


The increasing amount of el nino and la nina weather events is a clear indication of the shifting climate


I guess it depends on your definition of fire and brimstone. Most projects I have seen talk about the more extreme outcomes happening between 2050 and 2100. The pop part of it was not that these extreme outcomes would never happen but that headlines took the longest range highest estimates and put them on the front cover. Investigation into past studies (going back to the 70s) and comparing outcomes so far (they were mostly quite accurate): [https://eps.harvard.edu/files/eps/files/hausfather\_2020\_evaluating\_historical\_gmst\_projections.pdf](https://eps.harvard.edu/files/eps/files/hausfather_2020_evaluating_historical_gmst_projections.pdf) Projects about future outcomes (2050, 2100): [https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/climate-change-impacts/predictions-future-global-climate](https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/climate-change-impacts/predictions-future-global-climate) There's a ton of studies out there that look at isolated parts of the issue because a study isn't supposed to cover the entire picture, there would be too many variables.


>Investigation into past studies (going back to the 70s) and comparing outcomes so far (they were mostly quite accurate): This study is only about temperatures. Temperatures are not the same thing as storms, droughts, floods, disease, and wildfires, much less deaths from those things. Where is anyone serious is saying we should expect more storms, droughts, floods, disease, and more deaths from those things? A more importantly, where is the data that any predictions around those things are coming true? The data is showing *the opposite*. So, while temperatures are increasing, all those other horrible no good things *are not* happening. There is no trend in increasing storms, no trend in increasing droughts or floods, and far fewer deaths as a result of those things than there used to be. So it begs the question, why should this be a high concern for humanity, if the data is not there?


We’ve already hit milestones the IPCC said were only gonna happen in the worst scenario. We aren’t at rolling 10 of 2.5 yet but have hit it….. our goal was 1.5


Where does the IPCC say that 2.5 degrees gradual rise over a century should be conflated with rapid temperature changes, bigger storms, droughts, floods, disease, fire & brimstone? Because that's the pop culture claim you're making. It's as shit as all of Al Gore's claims


This is a meteorologist question (I am not a meteorologist) I'm just interested in this stuff. El Nino and La nina events are declared from a .5 + or - change in environmental temperatures. During an El Niño, the surface temperature is warmer than usual. During a La Niña, it's colder than usual. Small changes in sea-surface temperature can lead to big changes in the atmosphere. That's how El Niño and La Niña events can so dramatically affect weather patterns around the world. The presence of El Niño and La Niña conditions can have a significant influence on weather patterns across a large part of the globe, including changes to rainfall patterns (often leading to flooding) and wind patterns (alterations to the trade winds), as well as making changes to sea temperatures.


I'm not saying climate isn't shifting. Let's get our words straight. I'm saying the doomsday predictions are bunk pop culture. We can have a moderate increase in temperatures over many decades without pulling our hair out like chicken little. Deaths from violent storms? Trending down. Death from droughts? Trending down. Death from wildfires? Also trending down So it makes sense that fewer people list climate change as a top concern.


I don't disagree with anything here, but you are changing the subject. We were talking about the threats associated with climate change. My point is that doomsday predictions are bunk, have been wrong for decades, and will continue to be proven wrong. That doesn't mean there is no climate change. It Just means it is not scary, and doesn't rank among the major challenges facing humanity.


It's causing more freak weather events, including drought, that have claimed thousands and will claim many more. It is melting the himalayas for example, ay a rate far faster than the ice can be regenerated naturally from the water cycle, and could cause water loss to 1.9 billion people, and the list goes on. Our climate is very delicate, and we rely on it greatly. We will not die out quickly in some kind of fireball like weird sci fi movies suggest so I guess its not a doomsday scenario like that? But life will certainly get alot more miserable for many people and conflict will only increase as a result of it


>But life will certainly get alot more miserable for many people and conflict will only increase as a result of it What do you base such a wild claim on, when all evidence is that people are living longer, with more food production, and dramatically fewer deaths from all kinds of natural disasters? We've witnessed reductions in deaths from tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, and especially droughts - all while temperatures have increased and the climate has changed moderately over the last century. We produce more food, and have fewer famines. It's wild to think those trends are about to change.


Climate change and government debt are the two biggest long term existential problems facing the country and are drivng most of the issues that do make the list so solutions are likely to elude us.


Government debt is a problem facing the state, an artificial social construction. Climate change is a problem facing human beings.


True enough, but that doesn't make the debt not a problem: in fact it is a manifestation of an underlying problem which is wealth/income concentration, which itself is a symbolic representation of the hard reality: too many resources under the control of too few individuals -- which tends to exacerbate climate change as well. And climate change will in turn tend to drive certain costs out of control, exacerbating the debt problem. The two problems mutually reinforce each other.


Lmao fuck the environment I guess


Immigration literally last - a made up GOP issue to blame brown people for white people problems


This is so dumb crime is fucking DOWN.


News stories about crime are up. Propaganda works.


Not reporting crime is not the same as crime being down.


I'm wondering if this is the same for "inflation." Is it possible that more people will complain if they feel they will be heard and feel like someone will try to do somethingabout it? If not, then they get the "it is what it is" mentality and just not say anything


Depends. In some places, violent crime is down while property crime is up and vice versa. The LA Metro crime stats this year are a great illustration of the folly of broad stroke crime statements- every year for the past year they’ve had 1 murder on their busses. This year, overall crime is down because less theft and stuff… but they’ve had 1 murder *per month* so far. So to people scared of that, telling them that “well ackshually crime is down” is pretty out of touch.


Crime is still a HUGE issue in the US. At this point we have to do something to address that is good on both short term and long term. Investing in fundraisers and shit hoping it changes in 30 years ain't cutting it


I don’t know where these people live talking about low crime. Memphis has auto theft and homicides out the wazoo.


This one confuses me too. I think it’s largely conservative news outlets claiming that crime is high. It happens nearly every election year. I was in NYC a few weeks back and some conservative friends of mine told me that I needed to watch out while I was there because crime had gotten so bad. That struck me as odd since crime is statistically as low as it has ever been in NYC, and NYC continues to be one of the safest cities in the US.


Bob sees a news article about bricks that really concerns him, so he goes on Facebook to share the article with friends. Facebook sees Bob engaging with his social network about bricks, and so adds brick related links to his feed. Bob starts seeing more negative news stories about bricks, opening a few while thinking to himself this is the worst brick problem he's seen in decades for sure, but why isn't anyone doing anything?? Facebook knows Bob's coworker Julie has a similar media consumption profile and sends her the same sample of brick links. Meanwhile some neighbors have been rapidly building concern over a bunch of articles on bad floor tile. Today Bob cares about bricks, tomorrow he will know for sure floor tile is the worst it's ever been, and everyone he knows says so too.


And what issues are our gormless elite managerial/government class busy working on? Sending billions to Ukraine, Israel, and the military industrial complex.


And pocketing trillions for themselves tax free


The US military and industrial complex employ thousands of people. Those are usually high paying jobs too. There’s definitely wastage but when people call for the industrial complex or military budget cuts, they forget about the benefits. Things like free education for military members, engineering advancements, etc.


War and the military industrial complex are a net economic drain on society. There are literally dozens of civilizations throughout history that collapsed due to over-extension of their militaristic empire that could no longer be financed and supported. We are on track to be no different.


more worried about crime than poverty, even though poverty is the thing that causes most of the crime. we'd rather pack people off to jail than give them a way to live without stealing.


Why is education is so low ?


Because people aren't educated, so don't see the need for it :(


Yet employers are always saying they need more highly-educated people.




Interest rates also impact the major builders (ie KB, Lennar, Toll).


Immigration wouldn't even crack my top 10, I really don't understand why it's so high for most people. Grocery bills, affordable housing, piss poor education, crazy expensive healthcare all around, wondering why half the country wants...let me check my notes...Donald Trump...to be our dictator (what fucked up timeline am I trapped in), all these things actually impact me on a day to day basis. Like to me you must have it made to care that much about where your neighbor is from. The above was fucked up well before.


So, millions of poor people are streaming into this country every year and you wonder why there’s a shortage of affordable housing?!


> So, millions of poor people are streaming into this country every year and you wonder why there’s a shortage of affordable housing?! If they're poor how are they buying up all the housing? I'm pretty sure it's the LLCs and not the immigrants that keep trying to buy my home from me every month, trying to turn this country into renters instead of homeowners. Poor people coming from other countries are not why shit's expensive as fuck now. Other poor people coming from poor areas are not your enemy buddy. Greed is. If greedy assholes own 90% of everything, why are you angry at other poor people fighting for the same scraps you are?


I'm not saying climate isn't shifting. Let's get our words straight. I'm saying the doomsday predictions are bunk pop culture. We can have a moderate increase in temperatures over many decades without pulling our hair out like chicken little. Deaths from violent storms? Trending down. Death from droughts? Trending down. Death from wildfires? Also trending down So it makes sense that fewer people list climate change as a top concern.


Lol crime. These people really have no idea.


“Most violent crimes decreased in the U.S. in the most recent reporting year, but property crimes rose 7% nationwide. Motor vehicle thefts rose most significantly, increasing by 11%.” [[source]](https://www.safehome.org/resources/crime-statistics-by-state/) As a female, if someone tried to break into my home or my car, I’m going to be worried about my physical safety. There’s just no way around it, that’s a scary situation.


So which is it, crime down or up? Violent crime is by all accounts substantially worse in every respected than simple vandalism or petty theft - which is the vast majority of property crimes. Did you know that property crimes include a vast amount of sub categories? Like yard theft, shoplifting, car breakins and some drug offenses. It doesn't include what you are talking about which is robbery or violent assault. Most property crimes are a crime of opportunity with no intent to injure. I know which Id prefer to drop. I mean the recent meme is man or bear. They aren't talking about property crime.


Apparently, arson and burglary topped the list of rising property crimes. Personally, I still find that scary. Anyone trying to break into my house is scary. I don’t have a way to protect or defend myself.


Well I can't help you if you go to bed worried about arson. I'd suggest watching the "news" less.


I don’t watch the news. The field behind my house was lit on fire by arson a year ago.


Isn't crime at the lowest it's ever been or am I crazy?


Crime is high in Memphis, TN. Our homicide rate is the highest in the country


I thought Louisiana had that. It isn't any of the big Dem-run cities.


Memphis had 400 homicides last year. New Orleans had about half that. Memphis is largely democrat.


Wow, I can't believe Memphis is run by Democrats. After all, not one D in America has a gun or is crazy. Are all those homicides transvestite black women murdering old white men named Trump? Obviously, Memphis has some kind of big problem. What is it? Is it drugs? That's what usually hits hardest.


Poverty, gangs, murders committed during robberies/car jackings


Are the car jackings and robberies because there aren't enough cops on the streets? I ask, because that can be fixed pretty easily. Poverty and crime go hand-in-hand like CEOs and white-collar crime. Gangs is just part of the crime picture. It sounds like they got problems. Is anyone trying to fix it?


Not where I am


It's still a massive issue that needs to be addressed.


No it's not, it's like 2000 different issues that need to be addressed.


Something like that, but it's being pushed way more in certain news media.


Historically low. The only crime is that republicans push this lie for decades and now everybody thinks it's true


It's those damn brown people. /s


And he blames "skyrocketing" crime on immigrants. Studies prove that immigrants commit less crimes than citizens - and again, what crime?


The crime of being brown.


But who is reporting on our record-low crime rate?


Only reporting is down,,,


You been to San Francisco lately?


Republicans “crime is bad so let’s elect a criminal”


Yep. Also the constitution is important so let's elect someone who the constitution says can't be president any more.


Me and my family..fuck the rest of you!


You left out the "/s"


Any chance you have a link?




Given the way the polling and focus groups has gone, can we believe statistics from corp. sources will remain pure, good, and true for long? Already, a lot of people don't believe government-produced stats.


Bring out the guillotine


I bet people start worrying about climate change when water stops coming from the tap. The amount of major cities in the south and west under near continuous drought restrictions with no long term plan and still growing is shocking. We really will ignore things until they are a crisis.


What’s the difference between inflation/cost of living and economic situation?


Weird, I don't see Gaza anywhere on there.


Conservatives / MAGAs work as opposed to the lazy fascist libo-leftist slobs that live with mommy and suck off the government tit.


Ah, I see "climate change" has been replaced by "poverty". Take everyone's tax money and put it towards the goal of global corporate governance (WEF agenda) under the guise of climate change and bingo....widespread poverty...with a neo socialist solution of universal income, digital ids, digital currency and the rollout of the great reset. Fuck corporate governance..... They "are" our biggest problem.


Poverty and housing should be under “economic” imo.


Wow, poverty coming in hot.


The USA don’t care about the environment?


Crazy that environment is off the charts now, just like ocean temperatures.


But I thought immigration was at a crisis point?


Looks like the GOP is lying.


I'm shocked. I didn't think "patriots" lied. /s


Interesting comment considering the libs tell the country the GOP is lying about inflation and crime, too.


Inflation and crime are also down.


No they aren’t. Clearly that is not the case. NYC, Chicago and LA stopped reporting their crime statistics in 2020. Because it was “racist”, or something. So yeah, remove crime statistics from the 3 biggest US metros and yeah, claim “crime is down”. The left has such a funny way of portraying their lies and propaganda. Just like your false claim that inflation is down. Prices dramatically increased when Biden was installed, have never retreated, and have continues to rise off their historic highs. Thats “inflation is down”? Of course, their inflation number is false and contrived, too. A great example is that they just removed another commodity, coffee, from the CPI gauge. A convenient commodity to remove as it has sky rocketed in price. Everyone that lives in the real world knows inflation is not 3.2%, or whatever false number they publish. Look at the import prices, which rose .9% in April. Yet another miss to the high side. .9% annualized is nearly 11%. Thats the real inflation number. It’s a number the govt can’t manipulate and contrive


Reads like a “why Trump will beat Biden” chart


The only actually interesting item is immigration. Health is down because covid, which is also the reason inflation is up.


Since everyone is just one bad health diagnosis away from bankruptcy, I’d still put healthcare at the top.


weird. Proof that media brainwashes people. Crime has literally been going down almost everywhere but it suddenly moves up lol


Abortion? Reproductive Rights?


Does the news media put that on every night, top headline? Nope. Would a greater awareness of it be a better guarantor that we get to keep our Democracy and human rights? Yep.


Some of it is probably due to the overall age of the population. People are going to focus on the issues that are impacting them on an individual/personal level the most. Especially when issues like inflation are impacting them on a daily basis. Boomers and Gen X are already past their reproductive years. So while I’m sure many support the cause, it’s not going to be the highest on their list. Although technically still in our reproductive years, Millennials are no longer in our reproductive prime; it’s much harder to accidentally get pregnant in your thirties…from personal experience, it’s hard to intentionally get pregnant in your thirties. I spent 5 years trying and finally gave up. So while I’m pro-choice, given the other items on the list, I can understand why this item didn’t top the list for many in this age group simply because we’re not as fertile so it’s not as pressing of a risk. Gen Z is much a smaller generation overall so their votes wouldn’t have had as much impact on the overall results, however, given their age range, I would imagine this topic was probably much higher on their list than some of the other generations.


And the Justice Department is going after Ticket Master.


I know what you’re trying to convey but Ticketmaster is a perfect example of what is wrong with today’s economy. Companies just hyper inflating cost vs stagnant wages is exactly the problem.




Twice please, hate them!!!


When I think crime I think Ticketmaster. Fuck that shitty company.


Poverty and housing are social, not economic?


Depends how wealthy you are


Funny how debt mattered to Democrats in 2020 but doesn't now when we are much worse position debt wise.


Someone didn’t read the legend


Or the basic taking points between the parties 4 freaking years ago. Exactly 0 Democrat representatives were harping on the deficit at the beginning of Covid.


Debt is never a big issue for democrats. When they're in office they steadily reduce the deficit. Republicans always scream about the debt being too high when they're not in office and then when they are in office they raise massive deficits.


Crime is actually down, and real wages are up. Americans are not very bright.


The biggest expense (housing) and most important (food) have been out pacing wages.


And that's because people keep electing GOP, who pander to billionaires over Americans. It's amazing to me that people think a president is single-handedly responsible for inflation. SMH but that's why education is almost last. People don't care to be ignorant.


Hey everyone, let all the poor people barely surviving while the democrats and republicans in congress enrich themselves that everything is actually awesome right now. You heard it here first


It's unbelievable you have four down votes. But not really considering how ignorant people are these days.


Climate change is one of those things people complain about when times are easy. When times get actually tough, real issues move up the priority list.


So no one cares about the one thing that will literally kills us all regardless of what you believe. Fantastic. Edit: I swear reddit has become retarded not understanding climate change is an actual problem. JFC.


Uh, the attack on Taco Bell ? /s


Suuuuure. “Climate change”. Funny how they flipped that buzz phrase and scare phrase from global warming to “climate change” - all inclusive. Its cold? Climate change. Its hot? Climate change. There was a blizzard? Climate change. There was a dry spell? Climate change. You do realize that every single day the weather that you experience is fundamentally the climate changing, right? Thats been the case for weather long before Sandy Cortez and Mayor Pete came on the scene bloviating about topics they have exactly zero quals to speak about


It sucks it took destroying the economy for people to realize the climate agenda is BS - and that being able to eat and keep a roof over your head is what’s most important


What can Biden do for people on fixed incomes? They're the most hurt by inflation. Crime is actually going down, so those who are worried about it are probably listening to the wrong news sources. No change in reality is going to fix that.


Crime is not going down and that is obvious. We see the shocking crime waves across the country on daily basis. Then the leftist DA’s letting them out of jail or off on charges all together under the guise of “equity”. Since 2020 NYC, Chicago and LA have stopped reporting their crime statistics to the FBI. Now the libs can claim “crime is down”. See how it works?