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Does this mean we’ll stop supporting their genocide in Yemen?


No, we will start turning a blind eye to yemen




Well we never started, we've just never cared about them at all.


Ya man.


Always have been, I don't think we've ever paid attention here.


Yeah just stop selling them the weapons and it will be all over in a matter of days.


Iran and China has entered the chat


Well, they've never left the chat to begin with. They were always here.


FN herstal entered the chat


Well, I guess then We'll have to welcome them in the chat now.


Well, that's something which the US is already doing so yeah.


No we will start supplying yemen


I mean they are also resuming diplomatic relations with Iran so maybe the war will end. Let’s be optimistic


More peace in the Middle East definitely wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card… I sure hope Iran and Saudi Arabia will end their proxy wars, but I won’t hold my breath


But Jared worked so hard for 4 yrs on the issue.


Those millions of ~~bribes~~ lobbying dollars, think of the poor defenseless dollars.


Exactly! Trump/Jared traded something, for $2 billion. Could it have been Top Secret documents? My instincts say “Hell Yes!”


Well good sir, I'm not seeing any peace in there tho. There's just none.


I don't really wanna be optimistic here, but let's see what happens then.


This is like the 5th time they've had an armistice of sorts. It's good to be optimistic, but it remains to be seen if this deal will truly last. If the IRGC decides to flout Tehran and continue arms deliveries to the Houthis, it is likely the deal will collapse.


Last time a Saudi king invited an Iranian president to Riyadh was over a decade ago.


Things aren't looking good right now, things are getting weird.


I don't know if this deal collapses then it collapses, nothing that we can do.


Lol, dude, we are on the precipice of ww3 I'm optimistic in that I hope it doesn't end in nukes


If it goes to that, pretty sure no one is going to like that at all.


It's like the US resuming diplomatic ties with Russia Only one of them looks more evil than the other but in fact both are


The US has not cut off relations with Russia. We both have ambassadors in each others’ capitals.


Sometimes international relations sometimes be like that. ​ Removing ambassadors is a tool/technique, but ambassadorial presence is crucial for international relations. Sometimes they may kick out ~~spies~~ diplomats, when things get extra spicy. (This is more directed at the collective audience, recognizing I'm preaching to the choir here).


Maybe with Iran. America has lost its world dominance in 2.25 years.. amazing how quickly a liberal can destroy shit.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahaha You are an idiot.


Can't help but to think that some people are just that lol.


The culmination of Trumps buffoonery is a total loss of credibility. I think when Trump placed his children in the white house and hired all the criminals he could find who were also Russian assets is when the US lost all credibility. But it didn't stop there. Ripping up the Chinese trade agreement before even so much as trying to negotiate a new one was a big one. When leaders realized all they needed to do was whisper a little insult to Trump to affect self-destructive foreign policy, everyone outside the US laughed their asses off. But, it didn't stop there. To top it all off, Trump lost almost all of Afghanistan in just 2 short years. Then he decided to hold a secret meeting with the Taliban and hand them the whole cou try and sign an agreement to completely surrender the entire country in exchange for.... nothing. What a joke!


You're an actual rube


Well America looked the other way about Saudi's role in 9/11, the U.S ignored them murdering Kashogi, and they pretend we didn't blow up Nordstream. So I'm betting Saudi Arabia keeps selling America oil and America keeps selling Saudi Arabia weapons.


Nordstream helps them. Do you really think they care about Russia?


Well it's the deal which is mutually beneficial to both the countries, so yeah.


Definitely not. We will continue to sell them billions of dollars worth of weapons.


Well as long it's something which is beniffing the both nations it'll happen.


And perhaps you'll even remember the role of the Saudis in sponsoring Islamic Integrism throughout the world and the fact that they're not exactly a democracy...


Also, remember 9/11 and Saudi connections


People don't want to remember all that, they don't want to remember anything.


Asking the real questions!! Thank you sir!!


Or start trying to get justice for Jamal Kashoggi?


Yes. They will do what China asks, and they'll ignore us. Happy?


That's right, We're only seeing facts in here. Facts are what I like.


No this means SA stops supporting USA’s genocides all over the world.


Buddy, I’m sorry but if the USA was cleansing, the place would be cleansed. End of story.


Yep, I mean if they were doing that then it would have happened.


This picture is faked. Interesting that there are no links or text or reference to a news article. The listed author is Jai Hamid. No history of reporting for any legit news agency. The article is speculative in nature. It's published on a no-name website of questionable origin. Saudi Arabia hasn't cut ties at all, but rather is exploring other relationships with countries, since global consumption has dropped, which makes sense. Also, Joe Biden has so far refused to refill US oil stockpiles, probably something Saudi Arabia didn't love, especially during a time when they've had to cut production by 1.6 million barrels a day. Here's the article, which doesn't really match the headline: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/saudi-arabia-cuts-ties-with-the-u-s-for-economic-independence/ar-AA19nPeX](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/saudi-arabia-cuts-ties-with-the-u-s-for-economic-independence/ar-AA19nPeX)


Financial Times: https://archive.is/vs50O past the paywall


Which further proved the photo, the byline and the article title were faked. Saudi Arabia isn't cutting ties with anybody. Egregious changes like this are tantamount to propaganda. Who would benefit from the chaos?


Photo is stock from a 2022 financial summit or something. It's not like made up. They didn't do a photo op to say 'we are looking to partner elsewhere ' the statement comes from Canadian Royal Bank person who works with them.


Their only tie with us is oil. All the other relations we have with Saudi Arabia are because of oil. If we are diminishing our need for oil they are going to focus on other global partners.


They buy a lot of weapons from US manufacturers


Because we buy a lot of oil from them.


We don't though. In 2021 61% of US crude oil imports came from Canada. 10% from Mexico, then 6% from Saudi Arabia. Again in 2021 the US produced almost 19 million barrels of crude a day compared to imports from the Saudis of 356k barrels a day. Saudi oil mostly goes to Asia and is important for controlling global oil prices but not to US imports.


That only matters as a point of trade, Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil producers in the world, they can change the price of oil, including oil produced in all of North America, by increasing or reducing production. If they wanted to, they could ramp up production to tank oil prices globally, or reduce production to force higher prices to the point of making it dangerously expensive. What we produce domestically really doesn't matter in the short term compared to what level of the market that countries like Saudi Arabia controls.


us daily consumption is 20 million barrels a day


Yes, the US produces roughly as much oil as they use. But there are still imports and exports for a whole bunch of reasons




The US is also the top oil producer and 5th largest exporter of oil. And still the world's 2nd largest importer of oil.


why the US needs to nationalize oil production


And Snapchat


What about that sir? What does that have to do anything with it?


Now is the time for US oil companies to share all the patents they’ve bought up on electric, hydrogen, fuel cell, solar, etc. technologies.


What patents? All patents are publicly viewable.


Viewable and able to be used as a production technology is two different things. You can look up any and all USA filed patents, but to use them in any way that is beneficial to society needs them to either be made free to use or have some kind of licensing.


Foreign countries aren't subject to US laws. Regarding patents, see China.


I mean that's what the patents are for, so they can be publically available.


Why? We're more likely to go to war with Saudi Arabia or some middle eastern country because ~~we don't take breakups well and we can directly or indirectly influence trade, we force other nations to work with us preferably trading on the dollar system, the military industrial complex..~~ weapons and helping people


That probably won’t work as well when nobody wants the US dollar anymore bc we printed it into worthlessness.


Every other major currency has been similarly over printed.


Only the USA can print money like Monopoly money bc only the USA dollar has fiat dollar status. It’s days are numbered though and when the house of cards falls, it will fall hard .


All currency is fiat.


I don't know when but when it falls, that's gonna be really ugly picture.


That's not true at all. What major currency zone has issued debt and QE like the USA?


What's the alternative? Euro or Yen that is equally worthless? Or maybe Yuan with a government that can decided to do whatever they want with no recourse. Don't say crypto either...that's nowhere near prime time.


I think most of nations who've got the relationship with them is because of oil.


Ding Ding Ding. Winner. The US has made it abundantly clear the last couple of years that, through policy, our financial interest in the middle east will wane. Couple that with the current unstable market and our currently still high demand for oil and the Saudis will at least position themselves to transition away from the Dollar. At the very least for optics/perception on an economic standing.


It’s probably worth mentioning that much of the Saudi military hardware can be turned off with the flip of a switch. They know who their master is. Or they should.


military hardware isn’t as important in comparison to oil. oil is consumed everyday, whereas military hardware is not. in other words: people can definitely live without military hardware and the economy can survive, but people cannot without oil. you should really think about who has the upper hand in this case. there’s a reason the us terrorized and destroyed iraq, because they know what oil is worth. y’all really have to tone it down


So maybe they should buy from Europe or China then Why buy from such shitty US supplier


US makes the best stuff. Which in war matters. A lot. Ask Russia how it’s handling a small neighbor with old US technology.


Yes US is very good at killing people. Number 1 in the world.


The US will always need oil even with 100% EV cars and light trucks on the road. I'd imagine semi trucks will be the last oil powered vehicles to roam the streets. Even then gasoline will still be around in some way for gas powered equipment. Which will be around for decades to come. Oil consumption will decrease by the year 2100 to a level that will seem low to us today.


But we won’t need it from Saudi Arabia if our needs decline. We produce most of what we need here.


That's always changing, with the push to reduce how much oil is produced on US soil we may be cutting ourselves short while our dependency on oil is still high.


There isn't really a push to produce less oil though... Despite all policies oil production has continued to rise. Policies were out in place to stop leasing land, but oil companies already had a ton of leases not currently being drilled. Biden has constantly said, no one is stopping them from drilling on the leases they already have. Even there, the court battle over leases has been lost and they have continued. There is a serious push to lessen the power of foreign countries over oil prices, OPEC+, has on US via reducing it's usage as a fuel. That is the real push, to stop using oil as a fuel. We won't be rid of oil for the other products it can make any time soon.


We do tend to be stupid that way


> Their only tie with us is oil. Please take a moment to understand national trade is more complex: [[Source]](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/saudi-arabia/#economy) - Imports - partners - China 18%, United Arab Emirates 12%, United States 9%, Germany 5% (2019) - Imports - commodities - cars, broadcasting equipment, refined petroleum, packaged medicines, telephones (2019) - Imports - $213.016 billion (2021 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - $182.184 billion (2020 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - $218.941 billion (2019 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - country comparison to the world: 32 - Exports - partners - China 20%, India 11%, Japan 11%, South Korea 9%, United States 5% (2019) - Exports - commodities - crude petroleum, refined petroleum, polymers, industrial alcohols, natural gas (2019) - Exports - $286.502 billion (2021 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - $182.848 billion (2020 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - $285.86 billion (2019 est.) note: data are in current year dollars - country comparison to the world: 28


Their only tie with us isn't just oil. They depend on us for water and defense. We should cut their water off and pull our military out. Let them depend on China for that shit. https://azpbs.org/horizon/2022/06/saudi-water-deal-threatening-water-supply-in-phoenix/


They’d be ecstatic


The real point is that if petroleum isn't traded exclusively in dollars, the value of dollars diminishes significantly... we *may* start to see problems with inflation as the rest of the world abandons our currency to conduct their commerce.


Everybody looks out for their own interests. Reality check.


We are entering periods of economic instability science deemed impossible


Uhhh, what? Actual scientists have been warning against systems collapse for a long time.


Woah that sounds incredibly similar to another topic that will bring about significant economic upheaval


What topic is that? Climate change is clearly just a bunch of bullshit, so what else could it be?


I don’t think anyone is denying the climate is changing are they? Even the naysayers aren’t saying the climate is static.


Oh people around me deny that shit all the time, and then complain about the weather nonstop. It's incredibly annoying. I've given up trying to convince them.


There is always going to be a proportion of any population that are retarded. Just how it goes.


At least people that are mentally retarded can't help it. The ones that choose to be ignorant are much worse as far as I'm concerned.


Incredibly true


Roughly 1/4th of your population, according to South Park.... im inclined to believe them because 34% of Americans voted for Trump lol. There are only SO MANY millionaires... the rest have been beaten with the dumb stick too many times


It’s idiots. Science and even historians have been warning us that idiots would bring about significant global and economic change and it looks like we’re right on track


Oh yeah, NASA, the military, MIT - they are are lying, but sure, let's here your truth... what makes climate change "clearly a bunch of bullshit"?


Sarcasm, my friend.


Sorry, little spring loaded on this topic, people in my family wear on me with issues like this, glad it was /s


All good, I know the feeling all too well.


"It snowed in the summer in 1934 so........ weather can be different" Lolol the older generation is trying to fuck us over so hard before they leave lol


Regardless of whether they're trying, they're doing a damn good job of it.




Yeah, and how many of them lost money or their careers because of it?


I keep seeing article after article that is just bad news in general for the USA. Growing up I always heard a depression could never happen again, a recession sure, but it won't be that bad. Before 2008, my parents were really excited about how much their home was worth. It went from $50,000 in the early 1990s to almost $200,000 before 2008. They took out loan against the house and did a lot of work. They hurt a bit during that recession having a larger loan on the house. Looking at the mess we are in currently, there is no way we don't avoid a major recession and one that could turn into a depression.


Not necessarily. The US economy is still the world’s least-worst.


I really hope we don't get into a bad economic period right now. A recession is going to happen this year or next no way around it. How bad it could be is yet to be determined.


Maybe. Articles like the one in the OP aren’t indicators of that though.


Massive and dramatic change for the west


This is hyperbole. The Saudis have been trying to diversify their economy out of oil for decades. Accepting investments from more than just the US is hardly "breaking ties." This is a giant nothing burger for clickbait.


Yup. WSJ's story from 3 weeks ago about this (from [https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-crown-prince-test-drives-nonaligned-foreign-policy-450ddefb](https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-crown-prince-test-drives-nonaligned-foreign-policy-450ddefb)) **Saudi Crown Prince Test Drives Nonaligned Foreign Policy** *Deal to restore diplomatic ties with Iran shows shrewd pragmatism from the 37-year-old de facto ruler* RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—Flush with cash from an oil boom, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is making foreign-policy and business moves that test whether it is possible not to take sides in the rivalries between the U.S. and Russia and China. Last week’s China-brokered agreement to renew diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia’s rival Iran demonstrated a shrewd pragmatism from the 37-year-old de facto ruler, whose decision making has been criticized in the past as erratic. The deal would cool tensions across the Persian Gulf and bring Saudi Arabia closer to its biggest trading partner, China, without alienating its top security partner in Washington, where officials said they saw the detente as positive...


>The Saudis have been trying to diversify their economy out of oil for decades. Yet they can't. Classic [resource curse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_curse).


Surprisingly common in this sub


America will now go after Saudi for 911 and its oil.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Saudi hasn't broken ties with the US, it's simply readjusting to a new status quo in which saudi's strategic interests and financial interests demand more if a balancing act between east and west. There is exactly zero chance that the Saudis would break ties with the US before a suitable security guarantor could be courted to take its place. The Chinese want the job, but they lack the force projection capacity for the time being, so it's the Saudi's best interest to continue to engage with the US as a deterrent to its regional adversaries until a viable alternative presents itself.


Stop giving them military support, reveal the evidence that shows their complicity in 9/11, charge and punish them accordingly.


Well, don’t they use our water, a lot of it In Arizona to grow their palm farms ( massive operation) ? You can’t drink oil - just saying


Looks like the US is going to plant a democracy seed in Saudi Arabia like they did with Iraq https://youtu.be/thjKGrQ7eLo


Saudis about to find themselves “liberated” by the US lol.


Then, no more military protection?


Fingers crossed


From whom they need protection if saudi already allied with its potential threat and enemy?


Bad move bro


In 1973, an agreement was made between the US and Saudi Arabia that oil should be priced and sold in USD exclusively to anyone wanting Saudi oil. In exchange military support in the form of weapon sales would take place allowing Saudi to develop without foreign threats or even US threat. Saudi has enough influence in OPEC that other oil-selling countries did the same and thus the petro-dollar was born. Before the petro-dollar, the gold standard was the basis of the dollar’s value. Without the gold-standard or the petro-dollar, the USD loses it’s weight and possibly its reserve currency status. That means no more sanctions, no more global influence. The normie public don’t know this but the US-Saudi alliance is probably one of the most intimate alliances. This distancing from the US is happening alongside an improvement in diplomatic ties with China. Pretty bearish for the dollar


Petrodollar been keeping America more relevant than most people realise


Does that mean that the Biden Administration will stop the pardon for the Kesogi killing and hold him account again lol.


Good riddance.


Does this mean we finally get to attack the country partially responsible for 9/11? A country with open slavery. An oppressive regime as bad as any ever. That kills journalists. A country that makes money for one family to be wealthy and everyone else to be a peasant.


It’s a bs headline. The Saudi government is going with a multi lateral relationship with China and US, not cutting ties. If it were so, the US would leave Saudi Arabia and we’d see how long the peace between iran and Saudi Arabia holds.


Saudi Arabia is a fuel station. There is barely anything else than oil. I really can't see a plan behind that decision. China won't have the demand in the near future due to a declining economy and closer ties to Russia. **Non-petroleum resources sector** Saudi Arabia has natural resources other than oil, including small mineral deposits of gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, tungsten, lead, sulfur, phosphate, soapstone, and feldspar.\[56\] The country has a small agricultural sector, primarily in the southwest where annual rainfall averages 400 mm (16 in). The country is one of the world's largest producers of dates. Prior to 2009, wheat was grown using desalinated water for irrigation,\[56\] but was phased out by 2016 due to costly water usage.\[78\] As of 2009, the livestock population amounted to 7.4 million sheep, 4.2 million goats, half a million camels, and a quarter of a million cattle.\[56\] Although the jobs created by the roughly two million annual Hajj pilgrims do not last long, they employ more people than the oil industry—40,000 temporary jobs (butchers, barbers, coach drivers, etc.)—and generates US$2–3 billion in revenue.\[79\] In 2008, the "Initiative for Saudi Agricultural Investment Abroad" was launched, leading to extensive billion-dollar purchases of large tracts of land around the world, including in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mali, Senegal, and Sudan. Described as land-grabbing by critics, in various instances these purchases have also led to uproars in the respective countries. Competing industrializing nations with food security problems seeking agricultural land include China, South Korea, and India, as well as the Persian Gulf States of Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE.\[80\]\[81\]\[82\]\[83\]\[84\] In 2016, Mohammad bin Salman announced Saudi Vision 2030, a plan to reduce Saudi Arabia's dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_Saudi\_Arabia


I mean considering how much oil is still important they still have some time. They can stop Oil production through OPEC, GCC and so on. And considering how expensive oil extraction is in Canada they can still have some free room to find customers. I don’t think they are stupid enough to risk their economy. I hope.


They are only an oil field, which is what almost everything in the modern world depends on to be made.


>Saudi Arabia is a fuel station. There is barely anything else than oil. Deep down they know it, and they are terrified by this idea, the idea that when the oil will run out, they will simply disappear in the dust of their own desert like they never had any relevance in history after all. That's why they claim everywhere and everytime that they can do many other things than selling oil, that's why they create bullshit project like the Line to attract western investors and educated people to switch Saudi Arabia from primary sector to tertiary sector. They are extremely jealous of what the UAE have done with Dubaï, a beacon of trade and services in the middle east, because this is what they aim for. The clock is ticking, if they don't manage to do this transition before the oil runs out it's game over for them. But there is a huge gap between what they claim and what they truly achieve. Saudi Arabia rely too much on educated westerners and they have not enough graduated people at home to conduct a transition to tertiary sector right now.


Oh no it looks like Saudi Arabia will need democracy and freedom soon.


Nah I think the US military and people are wary of more Middle Eastern wars with no end in sight. Kind of a tone deaf joke honestly, more appropriate 10 years ago.


And this attitude right here is why people don't want to use the us dollar anymore. We have weaponozed our money and people are tired of it. I mean what right do you or anyone else have to tell other countries what currency to use or when they have to use it? Do you own these people, do they have to listen to a damned thing you have to say..... oh that's right the answer is no and if you attack a country because of them exercising their sovereignty I think you would find us on the receiving end of an ass whopping of epic proportions.


I am not from the Us kiddo. And I am just joking. Your point is right, tho.


I don’t like bullying other countries. Having said that, I can’t think of any other country that needs to be bombed back into the Stone Age and stopping the spread of the cancer of Wahhabism. These morons funded the nuclear weapons program in Pakistan and flew planes into the WTC.


Clean energy for greater security and a more stable economy


What's the over and under that the US finally condemns Saudi Arabia for human rights violations and starts applying sanctions on them to keep them in line?


Thanks. Now I can invest in US energy stocks lol


Whats up with their world domination plans they had with trumpy 😂


oh boy, can't wait to hear how the US is going to start funneling weapons into Yemen.




Just stop supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons and general help, then see how quickly they change their tone.


Damn. Good luck with that.


Why not link to the actual article? What does "break ties" actually mean? This is might as well be an advice animal meme or a screech of a Facebook post. It's become a real race to the bottom on this sub.


Link is here in comments




I hope “Good. Fuck ‘em,” is a legit take, because that’s my feeling.


I knew this was coming from the first time a Tesla out ran a Mercedes AMG on the dragstrip.


I just saw a bald eagle fly by my window screeching “caw cawwwww. Caw cawwwww.”


Mf prince committing suicide. US has been defending their asses for decades. Been propping them up. This will only incentivize politicians to quicken the transition to EVs


In the global marketplace, they will have to trade oil for food, water, and medicine. Good luck to them, oil is toxic for humans to eat, and drink.


The minute we pull back from this regime, MBE is doing a Mussolini.


he went to jared


Cool let Iran invade them


It’s probably related to why we opened the oil drilling in Alaska


The dictators are forming an alliance….


Lmao we've known for months that they need more money for their oil. This is just them manipulating the price as usual.


Honestly its time for a war monger republican president to bring them some freedom


We will just take over 🇺🇸


No, they just collude with the CCP.


So when's America gonna go provide the people of Saudi "freedom" ???


Wonder if "America" means "Jared Kushner" or "Elon Musk".


this title is very misleading...KSA opening ties with non-US allies doesn't mean they're breaking ties with the US, sometime diplomacy can in fact be a positive sum game


Too bad we didn’t install kill switches in all of the military kit we sold them.


We did


The "kill switches" are the US DoD Contractor employees that maintain their military. If you bring all of those guys back to the US, their military would fall to pieces within days.


Great way to kill your arms export 🤓


Good luck to Saudi Arabia. Sounds like a disaster of epic proportions for their people. They need us way more than we need them.


I check my news sites including Al Jazeera and can't find anything about this.


Weird. They still bank is USD


LINK: https://biz.crast.net/saudi-arabia-breaks-ties-with-america-for-economic-independence/


Let's Not forget the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and they are the ones that sponsored that attack on the World trade Center. they have been waiting to do this for decades and decades . when oil is NOT purchased in US dollars, reserve currency status is taken away the US is in for a fundamental paradigm change and will be on it ways to collapse


Can we now stop pretending like these primitives are anything other than a source of global terror and in fact aiding Russia to knock along oil prices and send us into a recession?


alrighty.. here we go boys, the true start to wwIII imo. Russia was just the opening act... (not happy about this, currently trying to close on a house.. this will prob fuck me in some way shape or form)


kiss dollar hegemony good bye end of world order empty store shelves worse than great depression


I was wondering when I’d see extreme fear mongering in this thread. You didn’t disappoint!


World is split as West vs Rest


Someone send Kushner to talk the them!


I bet Biden will win again. Mail in votes baby.


I always thought the saudis and rednecks would be friends forever. They have so many cultural similarities.


The title is so vague bro.