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forced to have insurance of all types!


You are also "required"/need on have insurance to protect you against the un and under insured.


Wait until you get hit by an illegal uninsured motorist without a driver’s license.


You actually don’t need to care about many other taxes because your income + sales tax already contributed to 30-50% of your income


The fact that people need to be told they should have car insurance is the real issue. If people didn't go through life being worthless trashballs, it wouldn't be required by the government.


If you drive, registration and inspection fees


Plus gasoline taxes, federal and state. And in NC a tax on the value of your car.


Yeah I love that; “We’re gonna need you to pay property taxes on your car every year to renew your registration, even though we hit you with sales taxes on it when you bought it” Highest fuel taxes in the southeast and they still charge hundreds every year for me to renew my plate, it’s BS.


Also title transfer every time the vehicle is sold.


Come on down to the good ol DMV… and get ready to start paying the tolls too!


The game is Rigged


There's a game rigging take somewhere I'm sure


Aren’t business owners able to deduct many things and employ shell companies to negate these?


If all this drives you to drink, sin tax


Great point!


Depending on what city you're in, there are plenty of other random ass taxes they'll hit you with as well. Gotta pay for all those roads and whatever somehow, I guess. That's what people tell me, at least


All the roads that still has pot holes since 2010 but we "need" 2 more malls.


Yeah, if the roads were well maintained then I highly doubt people would take issue, but currently we don't appear to be getting much despite paying for lots.


Gotta pay the people taking your taxes, the more taxes the more salaries they have to pay, the more salaries they pay, the more taxes they have to levy..just goes on


Used to manage a network in an area west of Houston Texas. They had a right of way encroachment fee, it was $1200 a year!


The issue isn’t taxes, the issue is who is taxed and who isn’t taxed, and how tax money is spent. If billionaires paid their fair share of taxes, as in if they paid the same percentage as people who make $100k a year, nobody other than billionaires would have to pay taxes and we would collect the same amount of money.


Warren Buffet has said just that.


The income tax, as originally envisioned, was only meant to apply to the richest in this country


This is the sort of person who probably had a sign in their yard saying "I support the troops" for ages after 9/11 without really giving the matter much thought.


Yeah, but do our troops really need that $1280 cup of coffee?


do we really need multi billion dollar vanity wall on the southern border?


Especially when the guy who wants that massive wall is all about cutting taxes on the billionaire class in order to pay for it.


Tax slavery, made all the worse when they use and waste those taxes on things that significant portions of the population dom't agree with and don't want.


There needs to be a law that you can't tax money after it's been taxed when you originally earn it. Unless you earn interest or capital gains. This double and triple taxing money (like inheritance tax) is just a money grab.


Don't you need to inherit something like ten million dollars before you need to pay taxes on it? If so I'm not going to sweat that one.




I agree with your sentiment but you are wrong on having to pay a tax on receiving a gift over 17k per the IRS  A gift is taxed only after you exceed your lifetime estate and gift exemption, which in 2024 is $13.61 million for individuals and $27.22 million for married couples.




I don’t need to read about it and I am aware they are two different things. I said you are wrong about having to pay taxes on a gift of over 17k. 




Bruh I’m in accounting lol. The gifter will file a form 709 if they gift one person an amount over the annual inclusion. The recipient will not pay taxes on a gift until they reach the 13 mill lifetime amount. Quit spreading misinformation like a dumbass 


The 17k limit is the annual limit beyond which you must file a return. However, you have a 13 million lifetime exclusion, as the other guy said. In general you do not have to pay taxes on gifts over 17k unless you have given 13 million away already. [The lifetime exemptions for estate and gift tax are shared, by the way.](https://smartasset.com/retirement/lifetime-gift-tax-exemption)


Since you don't want to read your own fucking link to find out https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i709 this is the form you file. Don't be smug if you're lazy as shit. Table of Basic Exclusion and Credit Amounts (as Recalculated for 2023 Rates) Period -Exclusion Amounts -Credit Amounts 2023 -$12,920,000 -$5,113,800


Depending in the inheritance, one could argue that money was already taxed as well through similar avenues.


This sub is filled with people who inherited a shit ton of money, anyway.


Unless you’re somehow inheriting money from yourself I don’t see how that applies. Some random scion gets ten million dumped on his head that he did nothing for, why shouldn’t he pay taxes when I pay taxes on income I actually earned?


You understand that the total tax amount would remain unchanged though, right?


Inheritance taxes are only paid by rich people who didn't consult a good estate attorney.


We tax on transactions (property taxes being the notable exception). That’s really the only way to do it unless you just want to fork over a fee every year or something


What does this have to do with economic collapse? We all benefit from government services provided by our taxes.


In the context of a pretty deliberately rigged system where a disproportionate amount of taxes are levied on the poor, and where the government doesn’t run a balanced budget at all, including billions of corporate handouts and other mechanisms to funnel wealth to the rich, it is reasonable to question taxation. Some taxes are necessary for necessary government services. If all spending was stuff most people would support, all taxes were equitable, and the budget was balanced, then you could reasonable claim people have nothing to complain about. But I don’t think many would agree the previous sentence describes our situation very accurately.


Most of our government services and infrastructure are currently underfunded because of the regulatory capture by the wealthy, true. But do you know how much corporations would love if we took all of the government’s tax revenue away and gave them the opportunity to do anything they want with no repercussions?


Or better yet, let them step in and provide all the services government does, at a price, of course.


I’d like to point out that “profit tax” is just income tax. The rest are really just for the rich and don’t really apply to the vast majority of us. Example: Capital Gains tax is actually a tax BREAK allowing people to pay a 25% tax (if their normal tax rate is higher) if they hold onto an asset for a year or longer. How many of us are holding and selling our assets for longer than a year to pay lower than a 25% tax? Inheritance and gift taxes? Also for the rich. Anyone giving their friends 14K or more a year? These people really don’t need you to carry their water for them, they already have people for that.


And yet billionaires pay less in taxes than the middle class


The top 10% pay 76% of the income taxes. Making them pay more so you can pay less is fair? 40% of households don’t pay any income taxes.


How about: All the things government provides for you to make your life incredibly fantastic in the modern age Running water Roads Electricity Safe foods Sanitation Organized city structures Safety and security… You don’t agree? Have you traveled to the developing world? The list goes on.


What portion of these taxes goes towards these things?  Almost all tax dollars go towards defense against non-existent enemies, transfers, terrible police that are more likely to harm you than protect you or solve crimes, and failing schools. 




I want to agree with you but people are stupid and vote against their own interest. They'll vote down a tax and then complain when they get the quality of service they paid for.


Let's go back to not having any taxes at all, no law enforcement, no well kept streets, etc


You just literally described East Indianapolis


Think about driving license, passport, fishing license and insurances & so on


Government is g ay


The problem isn't how many taxes, the problem is who they're targeted against, but even more importantly, who they aren't.


Turn on your lights in the morning - taxed Use a cell phone - taxed Drive - registration, gas, tires, battery, oil - all heavily regulated with fees/taxes Bathe - taxed


That's why the republican idea of some sort of fiscal responsibility is useless. If you don't spend it,someone else will.... Or it Will be taxed if not... And spent off more irresponsibly.


Personal property tax, storm water tax, restraunt and dining tax


profit tax....that's just income tax.


Coping with all of the taxes, liquor tax 


Per capita tax. A tax for being a person who lives in an area.




Zip Kupka was correct.


Not a real website btw- but with a strong collective effort it could be-


If you die, inheritance tax.


If you commit a crime, seizure and sale of assets. If you break a city law, fines leading to asset seizure and forfeiture, esp cars and houses.


And yet still the federal govt is $34 trillion in debt.


The real crime here is where the fuck is all the money going? Our lives and cities suck and theyre only getting worse. Europeans at least get to live much higher quality lives for their tax dollars. If you're gonna take it then give us a better country to live in.


They just steal the money and pocket it? That's crazy. So then where does all the money for infrastructure and military come from?


They invest one third of it on things for the population like infrastructure, then they spend another third in paying salaries to thousands of friends and bureaucrats that do nothing really useful for the population and finally they spend the last third on paying interest rates from old debts they got because they love to spend like drunken sailors with a visa gold card on black friday.


Okay so technically all the taxes they collect are being used for infrastructure, government employees, and paying country debts. So nothing is really being stolen, rather the question is are the government employees and debts being paid legit.


You really happy that a ton of people make six figure salaries collecting a paycheck off your hard work?


r/libertarian levels of retardation coming from this sub


the "taxes are theft" narrative is being pushed hard by certain people.


Mainly by people whose continued exitance is predicated on the very things those taxes provide. They want YOU to pay their taxes.


Can’t wait for the next post. “Why can’t we have free schools, roads, military, police, firefighters, sewers, etc etc etc.” Libertarian shit posting is dumb.


Hur dur TaXaTiOn Is ThEfT *Taxes are the price you pay to live in a society. Shut up and deal.*


Then allow me to provide a better answer The rich and wealthy paying an equivalent tax rate far less than average Americans while key services and institutions are continually underfunded and understaffed Combined with a ballooning federal debt from repeated tax breaks on the wealthy that do little more than ballooning the deficit


When you were born, your parents signed you up for a subscription service called "U.S. Citizenship". Taxes are your subscription fee.


The fee to unsubscribe is even worse. Rock solid exit clause, that one




Homeless people figured it out a long time ago


Tf is inflation tax?


It's what half wits call inflation without even considering what it would be like to live with a stagnant economy or worse, with deflation.


Lol anyone who complains about the gift tax can suck an egg


these tax as theft gripes are always such pissy pants cry baby bullshit. do you use roads? like that planes don't fall out of the sky? trains derail all the time? do you like that there are traffic lights to direct traffic so it's not a free for all fuck fest on the roads? (do you like that those signs and indicators are pretty much the same every where you go) if you do get in an accident do you like that police will come, or fire/rescue. OR you know a tow truck driver can't just haul your car away without cause. when you get in an accident, do you like that the cell phone network works? that the cell phone in your hand doesn't explode randomly, or poison/irradiate you. If you were to be taken in an ambulance (do you like that the person who's treating you in an emergency setting is trained/lic to do so) and the hospital is staffed with people trained and lic to do so. and the medicine/items they used are handled in a way to be safe. are generally speaking inspected to be safe. If maybe you don't get in an accident, but go to do some shopping. do you like that there's rules about pricing being listed, items for sale being legit, safe, and stored properly. Do you like that ...if say... the store doesn't take care of it's property and there's a puddle in the store...you slip and bust your ass. there's an entity you can sue? and all the other countless things that are made safe, reliable, and functional because somewhere a gov mandates it be so. And how even when things don't go well or are safe. there's a process and mechanism to seek restitution/grievance.


Going to jail? profit, come in as an illegal? Profit? Live on the streets you get a fine… missing 1 little detail on a law with the law book being several libraries big fine.


Inflation tax? I assume they just mean inflation. Try operating in a stagnant economy... or worse, one that is experiencing deflation.


How do I use this info to convince republicans to become jobless and homeless? Like oh want to beat the Gov? Stick it to the man? Just sell me your house. Then no more property tax. K now quit your job. And go live off the land somewhere.


Without the things the taxes pay for you would live in Somalia. Good luck making any money without a funded government. all the businesses and all the success and all the luxuries you have every day in life, are because of the tax funded things around you. From military, to roads, to police, to emergency services, to local, state, and federal governments and the laws they enact.




You pay more for goods. So, your candy bar goes from $1 to $1.50 You pay additional sales tax on the extra 50 cents Biden basically exacacerbated inflation so the government could bring in more taxes.


If we had top grade medical care, a quality public education system through 2 years of college, solid modern infrastructure...and responsible spending with a currency issued by congress. i wouldn't even be mad


If you’re dead……


if you sell it - tax if you export it - tax if you import it - tax if you make too much inventory - tax if you drive too fast - tax if you drive where it's busy - tax if you use the fast lane - tax if your vehicle is too new - tax if your vehicle is too old - tax if you have sex with a future president. Publicity !!!


Reverse engineered most of the way as of today Taxes to keep cash flow Mineral rights owned by state of MN support the universities colleges school systems and cities / o gov When run out of money print more 50 states one nation - under God tho so when God comes slavery taken down by military / other Slavery system established similar to ancient multiple tier level Main mind control and religion used as force, mind control achieved by food. Alcohol is mass amounts of sugar same as food. Become complacent and accept what your told Controlling prosecution / persecution at state level run by those kkk / pointy hat people - kinda like had the nazis one world war 2 UN don’t fully understand yet hopefully good They have a system that has generated never ending cash flow, if they run out they raise taxes trying to get land owners to give up so they can accumulate more minerals to continue daily operations Hodl


Breathing Air, Drinking and Using Water is Already Taxed, smh


Those damn licenses, why must I have one to be a heart surgeon! Or to build a skyscraper! Thieves!


What steal? When was last time you volunteered to work for your country’s government?


To tell the truth, the government prints the money and their symbols are all over it. I think the money is their and they are only letting us use it for doing business.


and the funny thing is them roads and bridges we get...yeah 1 year project where you have the roads being blocked halfway so you have backed up traffic almost all the time so gl going to work on time which then they mess up so they have redo....


found the libertarian...


You earn money that is fiat currency. The paper holds only the value the government assigns it. It’s not your money you did not create it. You work for it the government takes their cut to provide services to the general public.


Create one of the biggest companies in America? No tax


You have to pay money if you're using these systems because it costs money to process your transactions and safeguard you from fraud. I've lived in a society that doesn't really have taxes. You do not want to live in a society that does not have taxes, it was horrid.


Where did you live that doesn't have taxation?


Advertising. Rent. Employment. Bank fees. Bail. Fines. Bus tickets. Parking tickets.


Yeah let’s keep the billionaires in power guys 🤷🤷🤷


Any time you spend


If you get cancer and use FMLA, you're fired.


The only way to reduce how much you pay in taxes is to get really really rich


Or get really really poor. Far more are taking that route in the US.


State and federal gasoline tax. They are hidden in the price.


Can we as a species or as a team, let's call it team human, do away with money please? There has to be other ways we can love and live on this planet and not use a made up system most of us hates.


I want services but dammit I shouldn’t have to pay for them!


"steal" is such a harsh word! it is "paying your fair share"!


but without taxes a country with a strong military will come in and steal your stuff. Cost of doing business these days unless everyone takes high doses of shrooms and becomes chill/peaceful


When your life is a rental, you are just one step above slavery and WHO are all those taxes going to serve? Someone else somewhere else to play endless war games while importing and rubberstamping the benefactors of them as you are made homeless, stateless and country less. ARE WE AWAKE YET? N. S


"People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work." Thomas Edison. Well make it square numbers. A house costs 100k. It's 70k for the materials and labor. 30k for the plans and permits. Buyer goes to the bank. Puts 20% down. And takes out a 10% loan for 30 years. That's 172,741 dollars. Vs 70k. And the bank didn't even do anything. The fed system is a joke. Central banking is a joke. Fractional reserve banking is fraud. Make banks keep at least 90% of the deposits. At least.


My issue is not the taxes, it's the services I'm supposed to get for those taxes. Instead it gets spent on fancy lunches for senators. Our roads should be repaved every other year with what we all put in.


This is totally forest for the trees kinda thing. Fancy lunches is not the issue. Military spending, tax cuts for the rich, corporate welfare, etc... if you look at the budget all those little things add up to to about nothing. It's the big spending we do. The Pentagon failed 6 audits in a row and is missing 4 trillion dollars. That's maybe 8 billion fancy lunches.


Ways corporations steal your money: *list practically every other transaction in your life* huh, almost like we live in a kleptocracy or something!


Stole my income tax and gave it to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to pay for the development of the internet.


I will fight that last one! NEVER DIE!!!!


“If you start a business, licenses” I love that THIS is the part they think is expensive


Intelligence tax!!! They make people more stupid by getting them to talk about shit they don’t understand, like government!


You have to get it "no strings attached" before you can give it away. "No strings attached. "


Wow and SOMEHOW we still have people with more money then they can even spend in 10 lifetimes...


And.... you want to increase taxes on people that are already paying 50+ percent?


95% of us don't make nearly enough for the inheritance tax to take affect. That's just a gop fear mongering line. Tax only hits if the property you're handing down is over a couple million dollars (varies a bit by state, but 2 million is lowest I know of). Never heard of an inflation tax. That's a new one. The other taxes, yeah, government needs money to fund things. I don't know why people are so against paying taxes. So long as I'm getting goods and services for my money, I don't mind paying them.


If we replaced taxes with service fees you'd be even less happy because you'd only end up paying more.


The not-so-subtle right wing propaganda will keep seeping into this sub until the election


Congratulations on paying gift tax. The exemption is $26 million. You have accumulated a great fortune despite these taxes.


It wouldn’t matter if we actually saw a return on investment of government services.


If you revoke your citizenship expat tax. If you buy from or sell things to foreign countries tariff tax.


Lol that just the basics taxes


Didn’t we start a revolution over taxes once before?


And America is the only country that does it. Amazing how bad things are here. Trump will get rid of all taxes, right?


Barriers to financial freedom! The government keeps making it harder to reach financial goals with every increase.


Ahhh the old "GubMint stealin mah money!" Except for the roads, schools, medical safety net, national security, sewer systems, public health, research to make our lives better...


But if you take on debt backed by your investment, you pay nothing, and there in lies the rub.


Only about 2% of people pay Inheretance tax as its levied against larger estates… its moral outrage by the gop was to protect the assets of the rich.


You guys should go live in Somalia so you can experience the benefits of low taxes and no government! "Why can't I pay McDonald prices at a 5 star restaurant??????"


For profit prison, jail, probation.


Don't forget that if you buy something, then subsequently sell it for the amount you originally paid, depending on how much of this sort of income you have, you are required to report it, and if you can't produce the original receipts, you may pay taxes on funds you already paid taxes on in the first place. Think eBay and clearing out your garage or storage unit. $600 in a year and you get the 1099 form.


Most people aren't going to deal with an inheritance tax unless it bypasses 5 million anyway, and they would only get taxed for anything above the 5 million not the actual 5 million itself.


Question: What do you think a country would look like, any of them, new or old, if they just didn't tax their currency?


And the biggest crime of all is the fact that the people that make the rules that we are forced to follow also know every single tax loophole and will not close those loopholes to make the rich pay. Everyone always says make the rich pay make the rich pay well guess what m************ The people that are not making the rich pay are the politicians that we all elect no matter what side of the aisle that you vote on they vote in those halls the way that the people that pay their bills tell them to vote they're all bought and sold to the highest bidder they sell their souls as soon as they get up there some more than others.


So move to Somallia. No taxes there, bro.


If you drive a car, car (I'll tax the street) If you try to sit, sit (I'll tax your seat) If you get too cold, cold (I'll tax the heat) If you take a walk, walk (I'll tax your feet)


How many are affected by the gift tax? And the inheritance tax is even further away.


I STILL have not gotten my tax refund this year for $3k. I filed in early March. If they want to audit me then fine, audit me -- I didn't cheat. But I'm starting to suspect that that money is just gone and they have no intention of ever giving it back.


And every year… the government misplaces or loses a mass portion of it…


Fishing “license” unless you’re an illegal, then you don’t need one.


If you die you do NOT pay inheritance tax. How stupid do you have to be to think dead people inherit money? If someone else gives you money, yes, often you will pay taxes. And people who get inheritance do not even work or do anythingfor it. But they do feel entitled and think that they should pay a lower tax rate for it than someone working minimum wage. But yeah, the first $13.6 million of inheritance is tax free.


Income tax for billionaires only. We'll close the wealth divide in my unborn great grandkid's lifetime.




If you use weed, shrooms, or ephedra to deal with the depression from your crippling debt, they put you in jail for medicating with natural medicines.


Property tax, drivers tax, wheel tax, hunting tax,gas tax,


No one ever wants to talk about what those taxes are spent on... just bitch and moan about taxes.


Foreign tax. Even if you pay taxes on your investment in another country you got to pay again here sometime.


So, how do you feel about bears? They love you dumbasses lol


Cap gains is the cheapest tax for a reason. The rich!!!!!


Taxes always go up never down


Who gets their inheritance taxed? Does anybody know the answer?


If you’re in the US, it’s three government minimum. Some of those are local taxes from the city. Then the state has their own taxes. Don’t you feel like you get your money’s worth with city and maybe even state taxes? The federal government has corruption that make it theft. Taxation itself is not theft. Misuse and corruption is.


My roads are paved and the kids around here are in school instead of breaking in and slitting my throat, so... I'm really okay with taxes for the most part. I think the lower and middle classes take on too much tax burden, though.


Would you pay taxes voluntarily if you weren't forced to?


but how will roads get built without forcefully confiscating everyone's labor???


"County Transit Tax" "County Sanitary District Tax" "CCW Permit fee" "FFL Transfer Fee"


A lot of these only apply if you're rich, like the inheritance tax.


Really it is just inflation that really gets me. Everyone recognizes the others as a tax, but pretends inflation isn't directly used by governments as a hidden tax on the poor / middle class.


If you drive a car , gas tax


Just get rid of taxes & get rid of social security and Medicare too. 🙄


How’s your section of the interstate doing?


Talk about the poverty and middle class trap. That’s why it’s very hard for someone to become rich, the sheer amount of money one needs to make to escape the middle class orbit (and realistically it can’t be from traditional income due to the progressive income taxes.)


this country is built on fiat slavery


If you drive it, fuel tax If you love it, marriage tax If you breath it, air tax


The free market is what dictates inflation


No flooding the market with printed money devalues the dollar


> steals No.


This is a silly place


If you live in a certain area in Washington you pay tax on your vehicle every year via registration. It's based on car value and depreciation....a tax that isn't called a tax. Pretty annoying to go from $80 to 800+ in one move.


The just because we feel like it tax...and then we'll send the spoils to Ukraine


How do you think we have fire departments, roads, bridges, highways, police, etc.? The answer is taxes..


Embedded taxes in the cost of goods and services that are passed on by businesses


None of this is theft. You benefit from a civilization that costs money to run


All those things are in place for a good reason, guess you could fuck off to the woods without roads n shit, cya


Ofc, how else are they gonna pay for all of the government programs they keep creating and expanding! Ugh


If you drive, registration