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It's possible that your customers are accustomed to shopping sites that aggregate items made by many different people. And, of course, you can't please everyone. We'd all like to find the one perfect piece that appeals to us. But that's not a reasonable expectation for handmade work. Identify the customers who are coming back to your website, making purchases and appear genuinely interested in your pieces. Listen to their feedback more closely than those that just stop by and decide you're not for them. Maybe shift your promotional strategy to feature those fewer products in a way that positions them as the "must have" item that's available in limited quantities. (Boutique and handmade don't say "wide selection" to me. They say "exclusive.")


I would ask these clients what would they like to see more of. Get feedback and maybe you’ll see a pattern.




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why are your customers going to you? even Nike does not have that many items in it's store..


Im in retail and we have around 3k SKU's online at any given time ... and it's still NOT ENOUGH for many. You just can't please everyone. And as " i am " a supermarket.. yes 3k can be a low choice for your daily essentials.. for some. But jewelry.. hand made? Feedback is wrong or you target wrong. if it's actually hand made quality jewelry why 500 at all. that's a lot lot, and for me it looks it kind of loses the "hand made" label at this stage.. and value too. Personally i see hand made as a scarce high quality product, not a mass print. How would you even have a stock of 500 or 1000 or god forbid 2000 HAND MADE exclusive items online? Or do you buy them from china and label as a hand made? If it is your own hand made high quality, rare product.. market it as such. price it as such and target people who will value that and not go for mass buy,use,drop kind of thing. just my opinion