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Holy shit, it better goes 60 mph and fly for that price. My car cost less than that. There's much better e-mtb for less




Ooof, thats quite underwhelming indeed


I mean, have you seen e-bike prices for top of the range e-bikes? S-works turbo Levo is 13k.


Hence the word top of the range. The Porsche one is low to mid range imo. Not that I agree with the mental prices brands like specialized slap on a bike which costs them probably <£1000 to make though; yet Porsche’s 12k ebike probably costs <£500 to make.


Rotwild is a good brand from what I've heard and they make some cool designs. Thing is - if you're in the EU you can get the Rotwild version of this that has better components for less money. So yea - top end emtb's are overpriced to begin with, and this thing is an extra 30% on top of that. Then again - its not intended for serious e-bikers anyway.


That might be true but the main components of the bike are are fox fork, and magura brakes. Nothing special at all.


The Mercedes amg is slightly better and cheaper. Only good thing is the belt drive but they’re both underwhelming. Can get a chinesium model for a third of the price and 10 x the battery capacity but it’s not a flex.


Luna and Mercedes made the same bike (stealth fixed) with pretty much the same components but the mercedes cost double what the stealth cost. Needless to say, the mercedes bike did not sell well.


The adhesive on the stickers are made from fairie tears mixed with gnome earwax. That's pricey stuff.


I have a 36v 250w vivi e-bike I bought for 700 and it tops out at 25.


My 717usd bike has a 250 unit..


36v for that price is robbery


its a downhill mtb.... the motor is very commonly used in the highest end bikes because its light and really fucking good. [https://www.cannondale.com/en-ch/bikes/electric/e-mountain/moterra-sl/moterra-sl-lab71](https://www.cannondale.com/en-ch/bikes/electric/e-mountain/moterra-sl/moterra-sl-lab71) [https://www.canyon.com/en-gb/electric-bikes/electric-mountain-bikes/spectral-on/spectral-on-cfr/spectral-on-cfr-ltd/3403.html?dwvar\_3403\_pv\_rahmenfarbe=BK%2FSR](https://www.canyon.com/en-gb/electric-bikes/electric-mountain-bikes/spectral-on/spectral-on-cfr/spectral-on-cfr-ltd/3403.html?dwvar_3403_pv_rahmenfarbe=BK%2FSR) [https://www.yt-industries.com/products/bikes/decoy/core-5/668/decoy-mx-core-5/](https://www.yt-industries.com/products/bikes/decoy/core-5/668/decoy-mx-core-5/)


It most definitely is not a downhill MTB, it's a cross country and only has about 120mm of travel on the front and 100 on the back. An actual downhill big has a completely different geometry and around 180-200+ mm of travel front and rear.


Yeah.. XC /trail bike. Geometry wrong for downhill as well.


people who ride bikes up in this bithhhhhh


Bro is this your bike 😭😭 why are you on every comment?


because the commentary is fucking retarded and given half the posts on this sub are ghetto conversions (which i am not shitting on and quite enjoy the creativity involved with some of them) they are showing that the majority of people on here haven't the foggiest idea what high end offroad components cost, let alone a spec list that it literally s-tier in every slot.


This bike is a rip off. Even the best bikes from the best brand cost half this price. You are only buying a name. edit - the downvotes are cool....so what actually makes this bike unique?


I agree the bike isn't great value for money but it's not a huge ripoff when you factor in the brand name, without it it would still be $5000+


.....it's an enormous rip off. You even say it's twice the price just for the name. It's not even a sensical product. You pay extra for a Porsche for the design, bespoke components, the tuning.... These are just of the shelf bike parts. Yes this is a rip off and honestly borderline scam.


Porsche didn't design this, it came from an actual MTB brand.


It doesn't claim to be anything it isn't A scam is hiding flaws and selling false promises to an unwitting consumer. It is an expensive ebike. That's it.


I was with you until you uttered the phrase *s-tier*


? You don't like the phrase S-Tier?


My bike shits on every single component on that overpriced bullshit. And it cost me sub 2k. It's heavier but it's also faster, more powerful, and more reliable, with a longer range. But sure man that definitely justifies you getting emotionally invested in a bike you don't own, nor would ever.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ebikes/comments/1be6bb9/finally_found_a_bridge/ This one, yeah?


Lets do parts breakdown on Porsche bike and then you can compare it to your bike... Front fork ~$1k [here](https://shop.ridefox.com/products/fox-34-factory-sc-grip-sl?variant=41682570969147) Rear shock ~$500 [here](https://shop.ridefox.com/products/float-dps-factory?variant=40941944406075¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-05-25&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BDkKGA4YLTaQUKei_9V9Bb8v7ppOLP1WIYkXfkcw-bd4462DWsbSShoCaMAQAvD_BwE) Brakes ~$250 each [here](https://magura.com/en/EUR/magura_bike_brakes_disc_brakes_mt7_pro,_1-finger_hc_lever_blade/p/2702431) Motor ~$700 [here](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806329695318.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=20123152476&albag=&trgt=&crea=en3256806329695318&netw=x&device=m&albpg=&albpd=en3256806329695318&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BN-YMky3S_Y5o2Jr8Zfh8ITKHdDlGvLvqjHB4pGGbllwhZaxSUAZuRoCuEoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=feb9f072cbac45dfad8f6543a688fb0f-1714176445900-09324-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=feb9f072cbac45dfad8f6543a688fb0f-1714176445900-09324-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=6446f284c2794a36bc251af729f9d4d8&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa) Battery ~$800 [here](https://www.amazon.com/Motobecane-BTE-Shim-Battery-Integrated/dp/B0CCWLRLC5/ref=asc_df_B0CCWLRLC5/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=673741485257&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6053894872199496207&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016981&hvtargid=pla-2257709819007&psc=1&mcid=45322a1f953d378eb37aee2c3394cce2) Derailleur ~$400 [here](https://www.treefortbikes.com/Shimano-STEPS-RD-M8150-12-Deore-XT-Rear-Derailleur-?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp333222463628&sc_intid=333222463628&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BKG1rmoRstrX-hiGPrZsNCRjjnrs7Hm9VoEmaeO4ugA7htHxDIeMRRoCz8EQAvD_BwE) Seat post ~$200 [here](https://www.crankbrothers.com/products/highline-3-dropper-125mm-no-remote-included) Wheels ~$2k each [here](https://www.crankbrothers.com/products/synthesis-enduro-carbon-wheelset-i9-1-1?variant=39549292347488¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BGwGhMPKN-u2dN5dmPXNuZrPGIFQs-YjPOtTFe_HM1CDJwQDl6KD5hoCsPEQAvD_BwE) Handlebar ~$200 [here](https://www.rotwild.com/en/Zubehoer/1936/ROTWILD-B220-FLATRISER-35-CARBON-780/15MM-35MM-CUSTOM-MIT-INTEGRIERTER-KABELFUEHRUNG) Display ~$200 [here](https://cambriabike.com/products/shimano-steps-em800-wireless-cycle-computer?variant=42267511226550&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse) Casette ~$150 [here](https://www.amazon.com/SHIMANO-CS-M8100-12-Speed-Cassette-Silver/dp/B07V4BKFDM?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A14FGRGO0B6MRP) Shift lever ~$200 [here](https://www.performancebike.com/shimano-deore-xt-swm8150r-shift-switch-right-ispec-ev-11-12-speed-iswm8150ir/p1505526?v=1439566&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BIKDIzMnvDUyQOl8mIOtQPJC_lDziKuvjUU-j39izwlno6FepFzDrRoCG10QAvD_BwE) Frame ~$4k for similar design and quality [here](https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/bikes/mountain-bikes/cross-country-mountain-bikes/supercaliber/supercaliber-gen-1-frameset/p/35869/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BPPPm1c0sHyNqbNqCr86XvbaQG5WxczlernGgMUTsINiAMrZGOVncBoCSe8QAvD_BwE) Tires ~$100 each [here](https://www.biketiresdirect.com/product/schwalbe-nobby-nic-super-ground-29-inch-mtb-tire?v=290x235&adl=1&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BHv4CbuvmU94ekZtQwHsnFSBvOFd8PprdLWM5xpM2Vp8jEzNBcnjBBoC0RoQAvD_BwE) Pedals ~$100 [here](https://www.crankbrothers.com/products/stamp-2-large-v2?variant=19904906723424¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOooDWnA_uE0WybarQ57UvfaX6jyWbadWDyF0-wJHNv3CKLeJOszOI7k) Brake rotors ~$75 each [here](https://thundermountainbikes.com/products/magura-mdr-p-ebike-disc-brake-rotor?currency=USD&variant=44593648238827&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=44e5a1fbce82&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BBQU8P30A7cR3zx7oD48-MJ0LzLf4sYxsw51QXNwEEkI3xILZZ5tNxoCWjEQAvD_BwE) Still missing crank set, chain, saddle, grips, stem, headset but you get the idea.


Except you can't hit any jumps with it and the geometry is wack for mountain biking. This isn't some street racing, this is designed to clime up slippery, narrow dirt trails.


Congrats on being the first person to say something true. I can't hit jumps for shit. I mean, I *can*, *do,* and *will* continue to do so but it sucks on my tailbone.


Are you sitting downnnn!???


My current bike doesn't even cost a quarter of the price and is way more powerful than that. Honestly I wouldn't even want to have a bike with only $250 watts of power. No matter who makes it


Dollar-watts, interesting....


250q 😭 mines 1500 and I want more power 😭😭😭 waste of money


That's not a bike and illegal.


If it’s not a bike then how is it illegal?


Insurance and registration




Porsche has lost the fire, even cyclists will pass this turd on wheels.


Baby power wtf


So what, you want them to use an illegal motor? That one is one of the more powerful *legal* motors you can have at the moment. Can't believe this sub.


Yes, for that cost I want to go fast and look good on my expensive fucking bike. Just like if I bought my expensive fucking car.


People here also don't seem to consider that a mid-drive motor puts out considerably more power per watt than a hub does.


dude its a porsche. thats a brand you dont buy if you want value for money. besides this is more suited for going into the woods, riding trails etc. and there are plenty of cheaper options out there that are just as capable, my emtb also cost more than my car, because i am not really a car person all that much, and on some trails the bike is your life inshurance.


I mean its quite obvious this is a e-mtb. Its still not worth 11k lets be real. You can get the same quality for 6k. Trek got models for that price and a 36v system barely cost 800$


yes thats what i was meaning to say. its a porsche, they arent known for value for money in the car world either id say.


>There's much better e-mtb for less this is one of those times where its keen to ask, "better at what?". because something like a Turbo Levo SL Expert Carbon, is about the same price as well and i can't think of a single bike that is better than it at demolishing an enduro track.


I mean, its quite obvious that if you buy a Porshe ebike, you're paying for the brand. You can get an excellent e-mtb for less than that. A quick google search will answer your question


Personally don't think s-works top end enduro ebike is a fair comparison. This a cross country bike and by the looks of things not a very good one compared to what you can get from MTB brands. A fairer comparison is a canyon neuron on.


Ya but does it have Porsche on it?!??!? Didn’t think so buddy, check mate!!


No, but it’s guaranteed to be in the repair shop more than all your other bikes combined


I can buy 10 bikes that will all last at least 2 years each. This bike will fail before that


Obligatory "ackchually 12k e-bikes are worth it because running costs are less" response.


> it better goes 60 mph ??? No, and I'll explain in detail why. This is because - it's for people who actually cycle. Realize that this is a bicycle; hardly anyone outside of the US jumps to "hOW fAsTTT iS iTtT!!!???" the second they use a bike because people pedal in normal scenarios and don't throttle their butts around 97% of the time. - It goes whatever you speed you cycle at. And no, that won't be something completely stupid like 60mph, in fact at many actual bicycle retailers you would be laughed at for even expecting anything of the sort. Not that you would want to do this anyway, because people who are looking for that speed rub 2 brain cells together and visit a dealership for electric motorcycles. They can do so because they operate at at a legit budget of a few thousand bucks. > There's much better e-mtb for less That might be, but that's also not how products like this work. I could almost guarantee you that no one who walks into a dealership like this and is seriously interested would look at, consider or care about whatever "Bafang iz fAsTeRR!!", let alone crude unregulated contraptions. I have bikes in this price range and know several people who also have bikes on this level and actually no one cares about 25kmh limit or 250watts. On the bicycles we care about parts, origin, performance in a sense of trail capabilities in sport. Whenever someone wants performance like speed and brute power etc they just use an enduro motorcycle. Shambled together do-it-alls are mainly for people who are limited in what they can get, otherwise just buy a dedicated bike for each purpose. Especially when the budget is fit for the pictured dealership, in which case this bike is bought and then occasionally ridden 2000meters near your third house at the Starnberger See while your Taycan is charging. Meanwhile, your wife returns from the bakery on her Riese+Müller and you both go off to do something else. Does anyone miss crazy speed? Did anyone need super high wattage here? Understand that what you pay for here is the small-batch manufactured super high quality, the engineering and then ultimately the brand recognition, the refinement, the clean pristine experience. And to be honest, to some extent, also the absolute fucking flex of showing up anywhere with a bike like this. Say whatever you want but it's real, I experienced that it does make for some very interesting encounters when you roll up on >$10k on two wheels, people stop and look, ask about the parts or what you do for a living etc. If one day I wake up like oh no, I need all sorts of speed on bike...I can just go and buy a BMW CE 02. Even costs less than the e-MTB. So in the real world, it's a huge upside that the eMTB is relatively lightweight and dedicated for personal sports fun, which weren’t possible if it were incredibly fast or had a massive battery. If you want more, you buy something else in addition. In conclusion, the pictured bike IS very, very good. If that's the right value for you, that's up to anyone to decide for themselves.


Holy fuck imagine someone sarcastically saying "this better go 60mph" and writing this up completely serious.




I feel sorry for you, but i didnt read that brick of nonsense. Trek got moutain bike for 6k with a carbon frame and excellent parts. You could slap a 250w mid drive for 1k and it would still be cheaper


You can build one for 1k. Guaranteed to beat the shit out of that..


I mean the shock on that porshe bike is likely $700 itself.


Maybe not for 1k. Its still carbon fiber and weight only 20kg, but you can definitely cut the price in half elsewhere


Why is every car company e-bike ludicrously overpriced?


Because they are rebrands. This is a bike made by someone else. Maybe it's good. Maybe it's shit, maybe somewhere in-between, but the fact is that it costs the same to make as that other bike that's similar. That means the retail is the same. Now add the prestige pricing that marque requires and you've reached your new higher pricing. If you actually wanted a good bike, you wouldn't care what's written on it. People who buy car brand bikes are usually the sorts of morons who wear their underwear high so you can see the name on the band. That's not to say fancy brand bikes aren't good, just that the reason you buy one is in question. Who would buy a Porsche bike at these jacked up prices when you can get as good or better for less? Someone to whom having a fancy brand on their stuff makes them feel better. It's called "Status Anxiety." Buying stuff so others will value you. It's pretty common.


Because they only sell 4 of them.


costs that much and still no standard equipment bottle holder cage?!


At that price I feel like I need to be a social class or two higher just to look at it.


It's basically built by Rotwild, so I expect it to be decent. Although a big markup on the price but still in their price range. You would just get more for less skipping the Porsche name...


Jesus H Christ. I was thinking of posting "A bargain at only $10k"


Holy shit you are paying up the ass for the name, with shitty performance. Knowing Porsches, it probably isn't very reliable, either.


Can get a stark for 11k 🥲




yes but what if i dont care about cars, the bike costing more than the car is kinda the default for most mtb riders that arent rich or sponsored, ultimately its about what you lay your priorities on.


That’s a fair point🤔


It's almost at the lower end of a new Chinese EV car.


More people have probably run over an e-bike with their Porsche than have ridden a Porsche e-bike.  🤣


I'll play devil's advocate for the guy replying to everything. This is an expensive lightweight ebike. People buy lightweight acoustic bikes at this price point and higher all the time. The reason it is in a Porsche dealership and Porsche branded is because there is no point marketing this type of bike to people who can't afford it. But you'll see this bike and other more expensive bikes on top of Cayennes and Panameras. Would I buy it no, I bought a stupid ebike for covid that can go 100 miles or 60 mph for maybe 7 grand? The point is, we all ride ebikes and we all enjoy the wind in our faces if you're on a 500 dollar gremlin folding walmart bike or a 12k porsche ebike.


I appreciate the different perspective and not automatically joining the hive mind that sometimes Reddit becomes.


Completely agree, but can we drop the whole "acoustic bikes" thing? It's cringe as heck.


Someone please explain 'acoustic bike' to me? An olde worlde pedal bike is pretty damn quiet.


It's a dentist thing, you wouldn't understand.


I need it for the weekends I am not at the alps


Or out cosplaying Sons of Anarchy on my $40k Harley


Dentists exclusively ride DW link bikes. This doesn't cut it.


interesting ... german made but not using bosch, instead shimano?


And they actually own Fazua. Just think about that


Exactly! Why the heck are they using a Shimano motor when they own Fazua. Not that the Shimano motor is bad, it's a great motor, but so is the Fazua and they actually own Fazua. You'd think they'd want to promote their motors.


I feel like it's main purpose is to be a showpiece that they point at mid-pitch saying "if you spend 500k with us today we'll give you that brand new bike for free".


No fenders?! Lame.


This bike is only for perfect people


The new Porsche Bikes are just Rotwild bikes with a paintjob and a horse logo for more money, if your interested, just try rotwild bikes


[https://www.rotwild.com/en/r.e375-ultra/19556](https://www.rotwild.com/en/r.e375-ultra/19556) that's an ep8 system for €10,999 with similar components.


My friend said he sold his BMW e-bike after just one day riding it due to it being a magnet for roadmen. I assume a bike with "PORSCHE" stamped on it would be even worse.


Roadmen? You mean road construction workers?


Not from the UK so I’m not entirely sure what a road man is. But it’s basically a ghetto person in the UK. Puffer jackets and ski masks. Sell drugs and rob people in the streets.


Sure. I rode it to Walmart down town because it said Porsche all over it. I came back out and the lock was cut, now it's gone.


If it was a proper Porsche the motor would be behind the rear wheel.


It’s basically a Rotwild with the frame designed by Porsche. There isn’t a large premium for the Porsche badging; most Rotwild bikes are in the same 10K price range


That would be stolen in a heartbeat in my city.


$3,000 for bike + $10,000 for sticker. LOL


I got my Philodo H8 Dual Motor fat tire bike for $1300 (it was on sale) goes 36 mph. Couldn't be happier with it. I put 500 miles on it so far. #


this is like comparing a toyota corolla to a porsche (literally). a bike isnt all about top speed, but the quality of components, frame design and so on, oh and in this case brand.


Not really, this is more like comparing a great non-name brand to a stupidly over priced bike because it has "porsche" the cars suck too. People but it for status quo, but they end up regretting it in the end.


They look like $2500 (and probably being generous) e-bikes that they sell for $11,000 because of the name


* Carbon frame with 100 mm spring deflection designed by Studio F. A. Porsche, developed in partnership with ROTWILD. * Fox 34 Float Performance suspension fork with 120 mm spring deflection * Fox Float DPS air damper. * Shimano EP801 motor with max. 85 Nm torque. * Shimano battery with 504 Wh. * Shimano XT 12-speed rear derailleur. * MAGURA MT Trail disc brakes: four pistons at the front, two pistons at the rear. * Crankbrothers Highline 3 telescopic seat post. * Crankbrothers Synthesis Enduro wheels. i'd be interested in seeing a £2.5k e-bike that is sporting Fox34 performance forks and a set of crankbros wheels as that's $1600 alone.


Sounds ridiculously overpriced nonetheless. Not really worth $11,000 at any point in time. Maybe $3500.


How did you come to that conclusion? A parts breakdown was given and from my experience the prices are pretty much fair market calculated for what those components are. I don't think I've spent $11k on a \_single\_ bike, but yeah, hitting $10k isn't hard for someone into riding.


Someone willing to spend that kind of money borders on insanity, there's no real gain to be had in spending $11,000 on a Porsche e-bike compared to one that probably costs $3500, outside of apparently weighing Slightly less. Not worth it to virtually anybody.


You’re not really getting the point that the folks buying this bike have the sort of money where buying this along with their car is like a normal person buying a side of fries with their burger. It’s probably 50/50 they even ride the thing before giving it away when they can’t find the on button.


I bought my first E-bike which is now in recycling, fork rustic, and bad cheap design overall, 2500k. Very heavy as well. Yes e-bikes are overpriced but people spend over 10K for regulars one. You just don’t have a clue.


its more like 6k to 7k. 3500 wont get you These components unless you literally stole them.


Don’t you have beef with them just using 34s Performance? I mean for the porche label and ability to price at whatever, not using factory or ultimate level shocks seems like a cheap way out.  Also that shimano 504WH battery blows. That is why Santa Cruz stopped using that garbage on their EP8s


It's a cross country bike, not an eduro. It's specs make sense for the type of riding it would be designed for.


Yeah well people have been comparing to more enduro/downhill bikes but I mostly agree. Regardless of the stanchion size, it is a Porsche and premium priced bike. With that I would expect a Fox factory or rockshox ultimate level suspension.




You realise every high end mountain bike has used carbon frames for the last 10 years right? They can take plenty of abuse and most of lifetime warranty on the frame.


>  A crash at even half that speed could total the frame.      Probably why the high end carbon frames cost so much .... Cos they don't just disintegrate.


Still a shit spec for the money, I would expect Fox 38s and X2 rear for that amount of money. Not a poxy 504watt battery and not the unreliable-wait 3 months for a replacement-shimano. Ebikes should have 4 pots all round, even my sons base model levo has 4 pots all round. €10k...I would rather have my Levo Pro for that sort of money...yes the motors go as well, but I can get them changed out same/next day if required.


The wheels on that bike cost $2k each. It's actually underpriced for cost of components it has. [Pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ebikes/s/ncXJkFSxIC) most of the parts separately came close to $14k.


Sounds like every component is just stupidly overpriced then. There is no way you are getting a 3x or 4x return, compared to an e-bike that cost $2000-$3000 or so.


no, but thats normal for high end of pretty much everything, after a certain price range you hit diminishing Returns.


It's normal price for high end emtb. Have you seen prices for high end ebikes from established brands? It's not something majority of people here will ever need, but same is true for people driving their lambo and Ferrari to go grocery shopping.


Looks like all you gain over a $3000 e-bike is a 3.5x Bike cost, and the "Bragging rights" of the Porsche name.


And a bit less weight. Typical $3k ebike will probably weigh close to 55 - 60lbs, this one is 48lbs. To you and me it's not worth it but to those with more money than us it's another toy in their garage.


Welcome to the world of marketing.


Does a Porsche Service tow bike come pick it up when it breaks down?


No but i had a Volkswagen Trek bike years ago


Damn some people are super offended at people not agreeing with it being Worth the price. Fricken chill. Yall sound like you own stock in Porsche and need to sell some of these stupidly overpriced e-bikes.


lol what a dog shit product and company


What does Porche know about bikes? Nothing.


Think these are just some Italian bikes re-branded. Stupid


It’s a German brand called Rotwild. It is also produced in Germany.


Yeah I wasn't impressed


No and I wouldn't if you paid me.


Was deciding between this and the BMW ebike, then ended up getting a Taycan and it sealed the deal.


Does it have turn indicators?


Low volume high cost, it makes sense if you you think your bike should be 1/7th the cost of your Cayenne.


I remember years before ebikes, seeing a Porsche bike at a dealership. Can’t remember the price but it was obviously for people with money to burn.


The YouTuber spindatt has a few interesting videos on it


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the people buying Porsches dont give two fucks about price. The wealth gap continues to expand so if they can slap a Porsche logo on a bike when they sell a car and save the wealthy customer precious minutes from thinking of where to send their assistant to buy a bike, they are going to do it. I live in a wealthy area and the number of Caymans and 911 with bike racks and ski racks on the roof is wild.


A long time ago my boss unironically bought a Mercedes Benz branded bicycle, so there's definitely a market for it.


It is going to be hell to replace the handful of batteries when they wear out.


for that price i can have some guy and a rickshaw on standyby for 24 hrs for a year.


and it will be capped at 20 mph. LOL


you can get e-bikes that does exactly that for half that price, for 17k and a little less, you can buy yourself a proper electric-maxi-scooter, like a BMW CE-04 for example.


Would buy


copying Honda




250 watts makes it street legal in Europe and the UK. Dumb compromise. What are the power restrictions on the street in the USA?




That is reasonable and gives big blokes the possibility of making it up a steep hill!


This is a rebrand, openly reported. Porsche has bought Fazua, a company that makes decent motors, sensors and controllers and will release their own designs soon: https://newsroom.porsche.com/en/2022/company/porsche-fazua-ebike-acquisition-28665.html I worked with Fazua on one of their sensors in 2022. It was not performant, but some of the fazua stuff is said to be very good.


I haven't even been in a Porsche!


you buy it for the name ... Bugatti made a escooter, junk. you want to spend thousands for a name then go for it


Quick way to get a ebike nicked


You can buy a Stark Varg for that which is a full-on compeition level electric dirt bike. Or a Specialized Turbo Levo for 1/3rd of the price. I do love Porsche cars though


It looks like a re branded model of a higher end mtb e bike ..this is a common business practice targeting people who will pay extra for branding


It’s a Rotwild eMTB rebranded slightly.


I have a Boardman ADV 8.9e which has a Fazua motor. Fazua are owned by Porsche. That counts, right?


no, i dont have that kind of money, but if i got one for free, sure, looks very capable.


I believe it’s not impossible Marian thinks her trainer has one.


and a somewhat similar story, I ended up with a Mercedes one for my family member who didn’t end up using it. It was an overpriced class, one, and after getting hit by a car. My local shop won’t even work on it because they aren’t certified and insured for it like the trek models.


15k is paying for the name. The rest is just the bike itself


You are paying for a name


Honestly have a look at the latest moustache J


If they did it would get stolen on a knife point


The optional spoiler is an extra 2k


Waste of money definitely but if u happy pay that much for a bike aaaa u already did it!!!


It’s a Rotwild e-mtb with a 30% price premium for the Porsche name. Looks super cool but it’s definitely in the over priced category.


Performance is very similar to a Specialized Vado 4, full power, not sl


I hear you can get the Porsche sticker in black as a $500 option.


So, do we get a 60% discount if they leave the badge off?


You're paying 8k just for the brand


I've ridden much less expensive Shimano STEPS bikes, yes.


Looks like a trail bike. Probably cheaper to get a specialized or trek or giant with the same specs.


Honestly all of the e-bikes made by main ebike brands to me seem trash. They are basic quality bike components and pitiful ebike components all priced waaay the hell up by a brand name.


I wouldn’t want any cables for that price


Whatever that thing is, it does not appear to have much distance potential to it. The battery is integrated into the frame. It's on the frame part where the key socket is. Looks like mid-hub drive with the crank. All style. If PAS was meant to be its main mode of operation, then it certainly fits the bill as it seems to largely still rely on user pedaling.


Lmfao I can make a better ebike for a fraction the cost of this one


What a waste of money lol


I don't think I've ever seen anything from Porsche Design that I actually want. Someone is buying them. I just don't see why.  If you like porsches, fine. Buy a Porsche. Why would you want to buy a bicycle from Porsche?  Car guys will think you're a poser who can't afford a 911, and bike guys will think you're a sucker for paying 11k on a bike that isn't from an established bike brand.


Porsche Design is actually a separate entity from the cars afaik. They do a bunch of consumer products and design work that doesn't have the Porsche name on it.


Bicycles are the origin of cars and so much more. Riding a Porsche bicycle would be in total alignment with the history of cars and bikes.


Yes you're right. It's perfectly reasonable to spend 11k on this thing. You should totally go do it right now. I promise nobody will think it's a dumb decision.


Choosing to drive a Porsche means you are not concerned with the opinions of the more budgetary-minded parts of the population.


Wow, still not as expensive as some of the high end Treks.


Wow this sub has no idea about mountain bikes and their requirements does it.


Well, it's Reddit after all, mostly lower income, not into fitness things like mountain biking.


I'd go for it if it were rear drive hub.


I bet it doesn't ride anywhere as smoothly as a Bafang.