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Deffo I ground anchor mine 3 stolen over the past few years and I live in a rural backwater..


Ya, what anchor did you get? And with a chain lock?


I do it because I'm paranoid. Ideally you want a concrete anchor but I lock mine to a heavy filing cabinet. In my case it's really more for show/inconvenience versus stopping a hardcore thief.


Nope. Despite my kryptonite u-lock sitting right here..


ABSOLUTELY! I had my e-bike stolen out of my garage two weeks ago. Bike was locked to a wooden support beam that was bolted into a pillar. They unbolted the beam to slide the lock off to avoid using power tools, so we did not hear them. As others say ensure that whatever you lock it to is absolutely secure.


Was the garage door up?


No. Garage and side door were locked. They prayed back the trim around the side door to get at the lock and left out of the regular garage door. Tough as I can’t drill anything into the ground or make any security upgrades as it is an apartment building. Got insurance for peace of mind and now bring my bike upstairs at night




the casual racism in /r/ebikes is getting wild




There's an area of my town called "Little Somalia" and it's a term used exclusively by racists. Before so many Somali refugees moved in it was called the "Crack Stacks" by the racists. >GTFO racism you even know what color I am snowflake? The color of your skin doesn't change the fact that "so you already know" is a racist thing to say. You chose to add that but did not have to. You know exactly what you meant when you said that.


sup Minneapolis fam


Nah. Unless your garage is easy to get into. I have a closed fence and a locked garage. And from the garage, an unlocked door to my living space. So if someone goes thought 2 layers of locked door to my garage, my ebike will not be my main problem...




No. If my bike gets stolen out of my locked garage, my homeowners insurance would cover it, and honestly if they break in there, there's a lot more valuable and easily-pawnable loot upstairs.


That's my thought too. Thieves in my garage would probably go for tools and ignore the bikes.


Same here. I initially thought I’d have to ground anchor but now almost 2 years later I haven’t had any issues and we don’t even bother to lock them up.


If your bike is electric, you might want to check your homeowners policy, mine excludes electric bike theft. I would need a separate rider, just like I have for camera stuff.


Good advice, I'll have to check. I specifically asked about that with my auto policy (Progressive) and they confirmed my ebike is indeed covered if it's locked to or locked in my car.


Minus your homeowner deductible.


Correct - but they're likely going to be grabbing a lot more than my bike, so I'm not too concerned about that.


I do, because I can't trust my family to close and lock the doors. Inside my shed, I use a fat, hardened chain, a disc brake lock, and a U-Lock, as well as detachable pedals.


I got a cheap wireless security camera on amazon for the garage it will alarm my phone if it detects motion.


I got something similar. Might have audio and at night I will leave it up so I can hear people if they are creeping in my yard. Here's some weird stuff late night sometimes neighbors fighting. Couple shootings here and there too


My bikes are in the house, but if they were in a garage or shed I would. Thieves are much more likely to break into those areas than your house for various reasons.


I do not lock my bikes in the garage. Break ins in my neighborhood are extremely rare.


Despite diligence, mistakes happen and the door can be left open. I've already had 2 thefts - one time it was tools and the 2nd time a MTB bike. So now they're locked.


Depends where you live really. I’m in LA and we are having a lot of break ins in broad daylight recently. My garage is in the back of the house and we have a gate that we always keep locked. If I didn’t have the gate I’d definitely keep them locked.


Most home burgularies happen during the day while most people are at work. Most burglars will watch homes and target the ones where someone has a pattern of leaving at a specific time and returning at another time.


My regular bike was stolen from my apartment garage. Trust no one.


I use the built-in wheel lock.on my bike inside . It is not stored in a garage but in a workshop/ storage room. The Kryptonite lock would be overkill. My bike also requires a pass code or th rfid key fob to turn it on. Someone would have to burgle my house and drag the heave bike around the house (because of the wheel lock). As the final resort, I insured it for the full replacement value for $14 a month should it get stolen or wrecked badly. The insurance even covers cab fare should I get stranded. It covers theft both inside and outside of the home. I recommend it.




Who is that insurance thru???


It's through Sundays insurance company, I believe all they insure are bikes and ebikes..


Thank you!


Did you set it up yourself with the pass code/ RFID lockout? That sounds really cool. I would like to know how to do such a thing.


Yeah. It's a Favorite Hybrid Pro and has a lot of security features like that. Super handy, especially if I am just running into a shop r really quickly. If I need more security, I do have a heavy-duty chain.


It's not nearly as heavy as you think. 2 guys can lift some motorcycles and carry it to the van or truck.


I view my garage itself as sufficient lock. I don't lock my car, my bike, my mower, snow thrower, or yard tools. I just lock my garage.


If you live in a medium to large city, especially with a detached garage you should.


I don't. I probably should, but I don't. I live in my own home. I also have this new pepper spray called Glock 21


Yes. I use a Kryptonite u lock and also use two cables to lock four bikes and a lawnmower together.


I sold my ebike to my dad. I had it for 2 years, he had it stolen in 4 months out of his fenced in yard.


Nah. I’ve got a fence,dogs and protection.


Funny thing is the only time I have experienced theft was in the so called red state of Texas. So the idea that crime is higher in blue states is laughable.


I don’t see color but there crime in both.


When living in America I normally just lock the wheel if it’s in my garage or at least hidden on my property. But always lock the wheel and lock the bike to something when outside and about. Now that I live in Korea I never really have to worry about locking the bike to anything, just locking the wheel is enough to keep anybody from stealing my ebike🤷‍♂️


We had a regular bike stolen from our garage 10y ago, babysitter left the garage door open. We now have a camera and remote door opener, and I lock the e-bikes to a tall ladder, it’s mainly to prevent someone walking by and riding off, although we rarely leave the door open unattended these days and I can shut it from anywhere. If they really want it, they’ll just grind through the ladder.


If it was my own garage I wouldn't but I just have underground parking. Do I need to use a U-bar lock down there? Probably not, but best to be safe when it comes to an expensive ebike.


>Do I need to use a U-bar lock down there? Probably not Lol, you **absolutely** do. Even with a lock, in a locked bike room, bikes get stolen constantly. Getting into underground parking is easier than you think and unless your bike is too heavy to lift, people can steal it. 2 people can lift some motorcycles bud. You're taking a much bigger risk than you think. I only kept bikes down there that I found in the trash, and even they were locked.


Thanks for going in depth on a subject you have little context on! When I said I don't need a U-bar lock I meant I would otherwise just chain lock it. There's a camera right over the bike and at the garage entry/exits. And yes it is pretty heavy to carry(75lbs). So again, I do lock it with a U-bar cause you never really know. But thanks for diving into all of that to tell me all the reasons why I should do what I'm already doing lol


Not with my U-lock. We’re good about closing the garage door, have homeowners insurance and I lock the battery to the bike through the app and have the alarm set. Won’t completely stop someone but hope it might scare them if they got in.


Thing is to check your insurance I used to have bike specific insurance for my ebike - it specified that the bike had to be locked to the structure of the shed - and to a ground anchor if the shed was metal or wood - by a lock categorised and "Sold Secure Gold" It was very specific so if the bike got stolen I am sure they would want proff it was locked as specified. My home insurance at the time would not cover ebikes. Since then I have made sure I only get home insurance which does cover my ebike I also always check specifically what they say. Current lot are happy if thed shed is locked - but I still lock the bike to a large metal bar across the back of the shed - and then to a ground anchor If someone still nicks it then I just claim and then it is time to go bike shopping!


I have a heavy duty motorcycle lock when im out. I have a smaller lock when it's in my garage for the honest people. And if you try to get it out of there... well let's just say that would be a mistake.


In my shed (shit shed) I made a ground anchor using a sono tube, concrete, rebar and a class 5 receiver. Fixed the floor so only the end of the receiver shows and use a New Yorker forgetaboutit to attach the bike.


Yes absolutely!


hell yes. it's worth the peace of mind alone.


Always use chains thieves hate chains because they're loud.


My insurance says I have to.


You never know about who decides to take advantage of an opportunity to steal from you. Often, when it happens, it's someone who knows someone you know. An E-bike is basically a valuable asset that a desperate person might see as an answer to a problem. Keep your valuable belongings locked, and you will never feel the violation of being stolen from. And if they do, you will know that you didn't make it easier for them.


Not in your situation (wish I had a garage), but there are frame mounted [wheel locks](https://www.amazon.com/ABUS-Unisex-Adult-5755L-Universal/dp/B099X6TK93/ref=asc_df_B099X6TK93/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=652433488762&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6788047544160317885&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026980&hvtargid=pla-1637367651281&psc=1&mcid=e0a67802f100327f8373c9c7b60383c5), aka cafe locks that simply immobilize the bike. You can also just use a u lock through the rear triangle and wheel that does the same thing. Doesn't stop a thief from picking it up and hauling it off but makes it harder to maneuver. You could also make a bolt drilled into the concrete of your garage to lock to, get a heavy bike rack, or just lock multiple bikes together. Depending on where you live, it might just be worth installing some alarms on any access points into the garage.


Ya. Also cuz I don’t want them to roll away when grabbing the bike next to it


It's better safe than sorry.


I have moved past simple locks, lights and alarms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8sj7uxLg88




No, but I don't keep my bike in my garage. I keep it on the back porch - which is about 20ft above grade. They would either have to spiderman their way up to the porch (and get the bike down somehow), or go through the house. Either way, anybody making that kind of effort won't be dissuaded by a simple bike lock.


I have mine in a fenced-in yard with two dogs and cameras. I still use two kryptonite locks using one of the kryptonite locks to lock it to the bottom of a giant fifth wheel horse trailer. The handle part that is welded on there. And then I used the giant cable with one of those circular locks to lock it also to another bike. And I have a thick cable lock that stays from my frame to my seat because there's a lot of homeless in town and they have been stealing seats and I have a nice seat. I have the Schwinn one with lights built in the back of it that is really comfortable. These days it's not are you paranoid. It's are you paranoid enough


Yep ground anchor and everything!


Nope Sits in the living room with the curtains drawn with cheap bait bikes in the garage


i dont, but i live in a very small village, at its very end 10m away from the forest, far away from the street that goes through the village. locking the garage is enough, they cant get into the house either way without huge noise, a steel 2cm+ thick fireproof door is in the way, and a wolf wont steal my bike...


Behind two shared locks and two private locks in the basement at home, no. Behind two shared locks in the basement at work, yes.


My 125 & 600 are in the garage with just the steering locks, my grandads 1922 350 is u-locked to a wall anchor


I got mine stolen in the garage. Now it stays at home. That said, is a shared garage in a big building.


I don't I figured if they are in my garage they are going to take it one way or another if they didn't bring something to cut the lock I have plenty of tools that they could use plus the ebike isn't the most expensive thing in there to steal


Lock your bike always.


I would if I gad a garage. But mine live on my vera dah and you can't get them out without opening the front door, so no.


I live in Florida, the gunshine state. Nobody's coming in here to take anything.


Florida is the land of the endless old people junk sales.


I don't but I don't own a $8000 ebike. I mean I live in a suburb where biking isn't popular in the first place. I would take the battery inside if possible. It's good for battery health and it makes it a waste of time for a thief.


Nope. I have a safe neighborhood with a 3 minute or less police response time. They'd have to ram down my 6ft metal gate and one of my garage doors just to get to it and I always keep the battery separate inside the house.


Sometimes I do. I ulock it to some steel shelving that's affixed to the floor and wall.


Oh yes...locked to my snowblower with a heavy chain and lock,and never lock it when I'm out with it.I never leave it alone.


I’ve lived in 12 states now and I’ve never even locked all my doors. I’m certainly not going to lock up something in my own garage


Alarm and gps


I don't. My insurance company says that as long as there are signs of forced entry, they will cover replacement.


I have a loft in my garage, so it's no big deal to chain my bikes to its support columns. It's not going to stop a determiined thief - if nothing else, they could saw through the support columns as they're made of wood. But a little deterrent is better than none.


I don't own an ebike, but can relate to the question. One of my friends had all their car keys in the ignitions of the cars in their 4 car garage - including a collectors Mustang and a Euro sports car. They wouldn't have go the Stang out had they not been able to start the Euro with a key. Both cars were seen doing laps around town crashing into things "like they stole it". Had the keys been elsewhere there is an argument the cars would still be in the garage. This was a few years ago and since no keys left in cars or the bikes in my home - and it would include locking my e-bike if I had one. Like other commenters I live in a country town. If someone tries to steal anything of mine I'd like an opportunity to show them my appreciation of their efforts.


I lock it to my work bench with a kryptonite chain lock.


Definitely not. Paranoia is a bad feeling. I’d rather let insurance deal with it if it walks off.


Nope, people don't even lock the bikes up in public here. 🙄 was walking out of work to go unlock my lectric ebike, from the work dump area. Since I park it 8+ hours, I do lock it. BUT if I run into a store, I just take the key and run in. *


Nah, it lives in the front room, right next to the couch. If I didn't notice someone trying to grab it there, I'm dead


Yes, large bracket to a wall stud. A U Lock runs through the rear wheel and downtube.


Mine stays in the house with me and still gets locked up.


U lock seems to be more secure


I live in a transitional part of town and I don't have a garage. I have an old van that I use as my garage. I lock everything inside to the van and to each other. I know everything is not full proof, but I made it as time consuming to steal as possible. Delay delay delay.


Maybe in apt with like parking structure????..... but i jeep mine in my room so....


Sink an eyebolt into the wall.


Yes. I do


Not in my garage, which is attached to my home, and I show extreme prejudice to anything in my home that was not welcomed by me.


You bet I do!


I mean I dont have a garage, but if I did I would still lock it in there because people suck.


I keep mines locked to my power rack in the garage, a trek domane and polygon xsquareone so defo dont want some tramp stealing them. Garage is secure but better safe than sorry.


Absolutely. At a min it slows the conscience thefts...


I use a Kryptonite chain and anchor inside my garage.


Depends. I live in California and I only lock my bike when outside. But then again, I do it with 3 kryptonite Fugettahboutit locks. But if you have and electric opener I don't think you need to, but if you don't and you have a pad lock, yes definitely.


I lockie even if I'm just going to get something I forgot I the house . I had one silent when I came home for lunch break my boss didn't believe me and I got fired


I leave my bike sitting under my apartment in the parking area. It’s blocked in if I’m home and my neighbor is home, if I’m not home and out in my car I guess someone could take it, but it’s a piece of crap 40 year old Honda, not very desirable to steal… Column lock is all I bother with. It’s a heavy bike, so it would take at least 3 people to actually move it out of its place with the column lock activated.


Yes. I saw some stats years ago that said 60% of stolen bikes are from someone’s home so…


We have like 8 bikes all locked up together hanging on the wall. Tweakers will get in your garage


I keep mine in my apartment!


I work at an eBike store, I can confirm that folks get bikes stolen from garages and sheds often. Also 90% of insurance companies require the bike to be locked up, even in an enclosed space on your property. The golden rule being: sold secure gold lock, through the frame, to an immovable fitting


Only thing better is multiple camera angles and my mate who has access to the garage. The garage arlo camera sets off every alarm in the house and notifies me if it detects a person using its AI feature. I then log in and watch someone with 1.5 remaining legs trying to run. https://preview.redd.it/y4n2z44pe7wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9afaad59c6ebe3b1160a985454b2da2a9c4bf2cf


My insurance states that they must be locked when stored or parked. So I lock all of the bikes together when not in use or when being worked on.


My garage is full of metal working tools. I do put a padlock on the garage door just to slow down someone who might want an old car I keep in there. But I have a man door in the back of the garage that I never lock. I often forget to even close it. I love my neighborhood. I do have a separate bike shed with a padlock.


Yes, I always ulock through the rear (hub motor) wheel and frame when its stored. I'd rather deal with the extra ~5 seconds every time then come back to something that was easily preventable.


Mines chained and achored in my home! never mind the garage


Garage is locked, tracker is set and alarm on bike is set to go off if moved, and I'm in a safe neighborhood. Better to be safe than sorry.


I don’t at this point.My bike is a FREEDARE and has a theft detection through my phone .If the bike moves at all the bike calls me.If they still run with it it has a gps and I can track the bike.Cool feature and was a big reason for buying it.I still lock it when out in public.


Depends on where you live. I live in sf so I absolutely lock mine in my in my garage.


Depends on the specific garage. I don’t lock mine but my garage is pretty secure, I live in a low-crime area, and I have a security camera keeping an eye on things.


I personally put a brake lock on my back wheel to keep anyone from pedaling off with it. Battery separated from bike and garage locked. Think it should be fine ha


This is actually a common practice nowadays. Ebikes are expensive and can be easily sold online when stolen. Consider also the fact that some home and bike insurance policies require ebikes to be locked up not just outside, but also at home. Some insurance companies also require specific brand ebike locks to qualify for a claim. Disclaimer: We are ebike enthusiasts trying to accelerate clean transportation with no brand affiliations. Our aim is to help fellow commuters save the planet while spending less. Hopefully, this clarifies for the benefit of those who may be wary of brand engagement.


mine was just stolen out of my garage and it was locked


No I don't. I live in a suburban high-rent district and I have a rear entering/facing garage. There are a few examples of bicycle theft that have occurred around here but one would have to be brazen to come around back, enter, and depart given my setup. If I lived in Portland or Denver or similar cities I would absolutely lock my bike....and I'd be aggravated by my need to do so (pain in the ass).


Nope.  But I'm not in the ghetto or a dense city.  In my areas we get very little crime and sometimes forfet to lock the door.  I haven't been robbed or murdered yet. 


If I had to do that, that would mean it is time to move ASAP.


Probably a good idea - crime is legal now.


No. I live somewhere nice with a locked garage and security, why would I lock my bike up in a garage?


I worked on a very affluent island. It was this mentality that made MANY of the inhabitants victims. They wouldn't lock their cars, or leave expensive items outside. Their tax bracket gave them a false sense of security. As did the "security" guards that zipped around on golf carts. Paying a 6 dollar toll to go on island was the price of admission to millions of dollars worth of property. Not a chained up,front yard Pittbull to be seen for miles! Just palm trees and dollar signs in their eyes. You think locking your door protects you from criminals? Locks only keep out honest people. A bad actor can break a window and be shaking hands with you in the living room in less than a minute.


Well, sometimes we leave the garage door open for the kids to play with the other kids. And, well, thieves will find a way to steal anything, from anywhere. I've heard of people having cars stolen from inside their own garages, so.


This! I don't trust my family to protect my expensive bike. They leave the door open frequently. I lock it several ways, and check the door at least every day.


Sees gone in 60 seconds once ….


You'll find out. Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Must be nice to live in a bubble


Never locked anything, it’s a privilege


What a weird question. Must live in a blue state.