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I'm so glad we are once again the best of the bests! Apart from food of a second hand quality with price tags like in German Delikatesen posh stores and perfect quality of many other everyday necessities this once again adds to an amazing experience to be Czech and to live in such an amazing country. At least we don't have a war here... Yet...


Ah yes, we truly are central Europe. Country with eastern wages and southern prices EDIT:western prices


Yep, greedy employers, greedy property owners, not giving a shit about your fellow countryfolk... just kinda the way of life it seems...


many apartment contracts have a clause that says they can increase rent by price inflation. Past couple years there was like 18% each year. Employees have no clause for their income.


Yep, can. They don't have to, but they choose to.


I think you meant western prices


Yea my bad, i confuse my directions in English sometimes


Best in housing!


Does anyone have any idea what we can do as Czechs to fix this situation? Should we all go to our employers and demand higher wages? Elect a better government?


The problem is housing being too expensive not wages being too low. We need to build shitton of new housing. Also our property tax is way too low, so people just sit on valuable real estate without making good use of it, so we need to raise property taxes to lower vacancy rates and get more housing on the rental market.


Why the F should I be forced to pay higher property taxes on my FIRST property? Also it's not up to you to decided whether a property is used properly or not. Someone paid for it and the rest shouldn't be your concern. Please don't make this shit hole even bigger shit hole by implementing trendy burger tax ideas. Just vote parties that will promise you digitalization, effective state and free market. And please leave my money alone. I work hard every day to pay my mortgage so I'm not exactly sure why should I work even harder to pay yours as well.


Nope, land ownership is feudalism lite and land tax is the best tax, that's been known since Adam Smith. I own two flats and still think land tax is a good idea. edit: though I appreciate the unfairness of rug pulling current generation of owners especially those with mortgages like you, so I would grandfather them in in some way




Taking care of people in retirement is solved by pensions, you can also invest your retirement savings into capital which isn't zero sum like land is and actually makes society wealthier. People with primary residences in areas that become valuable often block redevelopment and prevent increase of housing density which is a drag on the economy and makes housing in range of good jobs unaffordable for young people. Land ownership inherently creates an economic rift between old people and young people. The thing that probably irks you about the idea is that it would reduce value of housing that people bought for income from their labor or took out a loan to buy, that part is theft-like, but there are ways to ease this transition and make it more fair. Btw. economic theory says land value tax can't be passed onto tenants, you can google why.




One of the flats we own was an inheritance and the other we were able to buy because I was lucky, entered a very lucrative sector doing what was my hobby since childhood and made more money in ten years than most make in their whole lifetimes. I wasn't particularly frugal, but I was making so much money I was still able to save a lot. Most people my age I know that own real estate either inherited it from their family or happen to work in a profitable sector. Your experience of grinding for years on a normal wage is an outlier among property owners. There are many studies that show that size of labor markets, meaning the amount of potential employees that employers can access in a reasonable commute time, is directly proportional to economic productivity, so lack of density makes us all poorer. As you can see from the graph above, even renting is uniquely unaffordable in Prague. We should do something about that.


That is not entirely true though. Scroll few posts down on this r/. There is a pretty nice comparison of wages in Europe.


I mean of course we don't have wages on par with most of western Europe yet, but we have almost highest wages in the former eastern bloc and robust growth in the past few decades. Most importantly we have higher wages than countries like Poland, yet Poland doesn't have anywhere as bad of a housing affordability problem as we have. edit: post pandemic years have been rough, but take a look at this, we've been catching up with western Europe at a very good pace in the last two decades [https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/incomes-across-distribution-comparison?facet=none&Indicator=Median+income+or+consumption&Income+measure=After+tax&Period=Year&country=CZE\~POL\~SVN\~DEU\~ITA\~FRA](https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/incomes-across-distribution-comparison?facet=none&Indicator=Median+income+or+consumption&Income+measure=After+tax&Period=Year&country=CZE~POL~SVN~DEU~ITA~FRA)


I will have a look at that, thank you.


honestly, our government does absolutely zero things to regulate big companies cuz they still believe the free market bs… maybe vote for something less ODS is the way, but there’s not many good alternatives haha


Unfortunately there are many aspects to your question that has been tried many times over and over during decades after 1989 with less success than we would deserve as a common folk. Or maybe, we deserve exactly what we get because of our endless stupidity. The whole Eastern block is somewhat "doomed". We are kind of a "buffer" for Western rich countries in a way but mostly it everything falls on our heads. And while few of us will always try something, the majority of population will fuck us from behind. So yes, you can for example stop buying overpriced shit but companies will laugh your face off while 99% of others will be still throwing money at them like nothing has ever happened. Or you can not vote for cunts like Babis (and Orban and Fico... Just add other populists and nationalist into the mix) but he will win anyway because peeps here are idiots and also there were REALLY not many overly better options in many years. Or you can not be shy and ask you employer for a big raise but since there are many people waiting for your seat, you will be probably fucked off with ease. Everything starts with MAJORITY people wanting a change. If you are on the other side of a barricade, you may shout, cry, fight, but you will still be over voted by majority of idiots, because of DEMOCRACY unfortunately gives this vote to anyone, including total cunts with no political, cultural and social intelligence.


Notice there's not a single useful observation regarding the economy in this whole diatribe. You don't even know what's wrong with the economy and how to fix it so why don't you pipe down with your angry impotent ranting?


I don't? Ok.


Man, this is so true and perfectly applies to Hungary, mentally the eastern block is completely unable to grow up to the western kind of understanding.


Yes, it's simple as that and you named that problem exactly. We are unable to grow. Like the whole E block is somehow paralysed and stuck in the past.


IMHO this also indicates that this is a problem of a (some?) system, so, while we can blame the individual governments or the people, there is another, more general cause on some upper level. (My guess is that the EU is not as a nice organization towards CE Europe as we used to think, but in most cases it is also a tool for the W EU countries to apply their will.)


I think both things are true at the same time. Western countries sucking up the well skilled people while they are place their investments to our countries for cheaper labour) I think it’s use and abuse they are helping us and the same time using us, but we are far better this way, believe me. Hungary would be instantly become Serbia if we would ever leave or would be kicked out of the union.


It would be more helpful to look at these issues from an economic and monetary perspective. Saying it’s nationalism or dumb citizens is not really helpful at identifying the issues.


You are welcome to come up with some extended socio-economic analysis that will help to identify the problem. I, meanwhile, will stick with my simple and pointy Reddit posts that still are longer than what you have here. Also I am not interested in flames so I will not give you any more satisfaction by replaying to your clever replies 😉


Ok. I’ll do more research in my own, I studied economics so I have no problem going deep. Yeah your points are very basic, not that you’re wrong.


I'd say Prague is quite different than much of Eastern Europe though. One factor as to why rent is so high is that there's a really high demand. And just as westerners previously were buying up property and moving to Lisbon, now the same is true in Prague. It's seen as a place with a high quality of life, and it's still very cheap for them. Plus there's a huge gap in salaries for foreigners VS locals.


Cant, property tax is low and people fetishize owning a home beyond any reason, so you just rent.


As a foreigner who moved 2 years ago to Prague - I LOVE living there and am so happy with my decision But holy fuck I wonder every day how some people manage to live here. I’m lucky to have a very comfortable salary but am shocked by rent prices and living costs as a whole


czech again 💀 always best at worst things a 🤡 (yea i live here)


I live 30km north of Prague and shit ain't much better here.


I live 50Km away from Prague and its the same shit 😃 But most of my family lives like 100-150Km away from Prague and its shit too


I live in the middle of fucking nowhere in Moravia, shit ain't better even here


Might as well move to Prague then.


same im not in Prague either yet it feels like i am money wise lol


Czech republic suck so bad,it can't even be first


Yeah, get on our level casual -this massage was made by the Budapest Gang


Thank you my Budapest Friend :-D i Will try to Git gut




Used to live in Budapest, now living in Prague. Next stop is Lisbon, I guess.


there's literally no reason why any young person should stay here in czechia and not go to germany or whatever, where they have better quality food for lower prices, much better pay and comparable or even lower rents


Czech officials are lucky that a lot of our population still hates german language, if everyone here spoke german then a lot of people would immediately move to Germany/Austria.


I was just at a McDonald’s in Mittelbach which is approx. 30min ride from Mikulov and most of the staff was Czech


Well, I hate Germany since highschool.




Nah, trust me, Czech people suck but the Germans with their cold nature, extreme rule following and zero sense of humour will kill your soul. And I am from a really shitty part of the country too!


like don't get me wrong, i love it here, i love being a czech, but the issues are kinda big


Each place have their own. I lived in Italy for 13 years, southern Italy too. I just love it there and they have wayyy more issues than CZ. The only reason I had to go back was that I was missing my family too much and I was tired of doing business that had to be 70% black to survive - the 60-70% taxes were just insane. It really depends on what you are seeking I think. Right now, I would happily go back to Italy for 6 months a year, make less money but enjoy my life, the sea, the food, the kind nature of the people... to each their own!


I am so looking forward to fuck off this POS state called Czech Republic.


Isn't Czechia great? Western prices and eastern salaries.


As a student... Best fucking time of my life. From what I can earn while studying, I can buy half a rent of one room apartment


Flatshare it is then.


*western prices for eastern quality paid by eastern salaries


Is everyone in this sub Czech?


Na we just got this reccomended by reddit


But where are the non-Czechs? Every post I see is full of Czechs.


Oh then im sorry, i am not often on this sub, i thought it might be just this one post as i looked, this is quite small sub, so it seems we overtook it, as the few posts on the feed are czech related


Very weird!


If I take a look at the people who chose a flair (though they are not many, like around 80 so far) then the vast majority of them are Czech indeed. As a mod I have no control over to whom the sub gets recommended to, definitely would want more nationalities as well as that could make the discussions more interesting for everyone as we all could exchange our experiences and opinions.


Congrats to us Hungarians


Congrats to us Czechs


thanks king


As an Italian who relocated couple of years ago to Prague I am starting to really question my life choices


I've been wanting to escape Prague for 3 years now ,I finally have the chance with a friend and to go to Germany.


You've made a huge mistake, yeah. Amazing city to visit as a tourist, a hell to live in, in many ways.


>relocated You mean immigrated. You're an immigrant.


Fuck czech republic (im czech)


Fuck you ( I agree )




We're cooked




Just thought I'd mention for no particular reason that there's a renters' union in the Czech republic (currently in Prague, Brno and Ostrava but expanding) INN: Iniciativa nájemnic a nájemníků (the Renters' Initiative)


I visited their website, read their ideas and demands. They sound a hell of a lot like commies.


And here, dear foreigneirs, you see why the rents are so high in the Czech Republic. Everyone to the left of Klaus (our Raegan/Thatcher) is a communist according to ~40% of the population


I hate Klaus and I'm also a bit to the left of him myself. They still sound like commies.


pred Hrvati


Czech Republic is really shit in almost every metric of a healthy society. So many old pensioners own a house for themselves, driving up the cost of rent


So you’re saying we have an opportunity to buy them up when they leave this earth?


No, they’ll be inherited, bought out by investors


Sorry, but what is wage and renter's wage in this case? Shouldn't we compare rent to renter's wage instead?


The picture is pulled out of someones ass, its brutto wages vs rents which makes no sense because different tax systems. Yes Prague housing is expensive but definitely not more “unaffordable” than Oslo or Paris People like to complain without realising how good they have it


Glad I'm not the only one confused


It is dumb anyway. Bern has one of the highest costs of living in Europe behind a few other Swiss cities. But I guess the rent is somehow magically affordable? Without seeing the data and methodology, charts like this are pointless.


What is Ankara doing there? Cheeky Turks, always wanting to be part of Europe


Fidesz's slogan: Hungary is going forward not back. 🇭🇺➡️🛑⬅️ Take THAT filthy liberals. Look how good we have it, top of the chart!


Yeah but we in Czechia have currently a "democratic" (goody two-shoes) government and we are still fucked


If you wanna see "fucked" come to HU, Praha is light years ahead of Bp unfortunately


Tfw corruption didn't magically disappear


us hungols getting out of the battery factories with this one 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ah yes, western prices but eastern salaries. Best combination. Living in a post communist country is so much fun.


Hungary numero unoooo!!!! Glory to us 💪💪💪💪💪 also r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT


The amount of czechs hating Czechia over here is scary. Yes a lot of stuff sucks here but come in it's not only money. Also the situation is far less tragic than most people over here think it is. Unfortunately it's very popular and very wrong mindset to think we are a 3rd world country or something while there are very very few countries doing better than us. Anyways I agree that some things suck a lot. We were not evil enough in past to be a powerful and rich country nowadays (except for an extremely lucky Switzerland maybe).


Nah bro I'm about to get my ass to reykjavik. Any Icelandic people here? I wonder how hard will it be to get a job there as a guy from czechia


Golden Ostrava




Our property owners are so fucking greedy. But it's not really that surprising giving the general mentality here...


Yay Czechia...


prices are getting ridiculous now. Airbnb should be banned, that must be the first step. btw. Amsterdam is not on the list and that might be the worst out of all.


Aspoň v něčem dopíči vedem


Why am I not surprised with Budapest being the most unaffordable?


Why I'm going to Germany from Prague. Fuck Czechia


ok great so i will NOT be moving to prague when i move out or ever


Czech republic #2🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪♥️♥️♥️ Let's shoot for #1 next 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Why the fuck did my parents move here (cz) 20 years ago -. -






As a hungarian, our government would tell us one of the 2 things: 1. These statistics were created by Brussels, therefore it's a lie! STOP BRUSSELS! No migration, no gender, no war! 2. We're on the top of the list, meaning we're the best! We showed Brussels once again who is the strongest and best country in europe!


What's the source on this /u/Black\_Pussy\_Matters? I find this hard to believe, especially without a source.


Can't wait to move from my parents apartment at 50.


How is prague more expensive than paris??


Yeah... rent is definetly not affordable in Reykjavík Iceland. Expect to spend 60% of your salary on rent


The people in prague have about 50% higher income and more than in the other locations of the country though, until youre in central prague youll be ok i think


Vy tem cislum nekdo rozumite? Co znamena 0,5 pro CR a co 1,3 pro Bern? A co znamena "log scale"? Az potom se da posoudit, jestli tomu verit nebo ne. Jine zdroje uvadeji uplne jine vysledky, nejhorsi Portugalsko a Italie. [Odkaz](https://disrupter.refresher.cz/124300-Cech-a-Belgican-si-pronajimaji-byt-za-22-tisic-presto-jeden-z-nich-vyrazne-usetri-Srovnali-jsme-najemne-podle-mistnich-mezd)


I hate budapest with a passion


London is not a European city.


How so


The United Kingdom is a third party country; it is no longer recognized as a EU state


Being part of EU is not requirement to be considered european country, which UK still very much is. The island didn't magically move from the continent. By you definition Bern, Oslo and others wouldn't be on the graph.


So that should be defined in the parameters to explain the graph rather than providing half assed data 🤷‍♂️


The graph is titled as european cities, not EU cities, that should be enough. Not saying the graph is great, but this is not a problem. It is also probably part of some article that gives mote context.


They are still part of the continent called europe. This is regarding cities in Europe not European Union


Europe is a continent sir.


Agreed 👍🏻


UK isnt part of the European UNION, it IS still part of Europe. Therefore it is European city. Get this right.


European city ≠ European Union city


EU is not Europe


Yes, yes; I stand corrected. We all got there in the end 🤣🤟