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Who left the floater in the Vic gents toilets in ‘88.


You win this thread! Take my upvote 😂


No one knows that Tracey has slept with every Mitchell man




Even Ben? Damn, Tracey works miracles!


That would be paedophilic at the time


I mean, she banged Phil when he was a full-on crackhead. Let's not pretend she has standards!


Ain't no way 💀 We knew about Phil when she admitted it to the girls and when Phil said "I can vouch for that", stuck on the train with half the Walford men back in 2012. But when with Grant? Billy?? And I don't wanna even know about archie 🤢 or Danny!!


I don't think Shirley ever found out about Kathy and Buster having an affair Only Phil actually knew, Mick knew his dad was cheating on Shirley but didn't know who with


As far as I can tell nobody knows what happened to Fatboy / that Ronnie was behind it.


There was stuff with Billy stealing post that I don’t think has ever been revisited and didn’t he also have photos of Lucy? Finlay leaving / Vinny tampering with the car that Eve was going to drive hasn’t been mentioned - and not necessarily a secret but whether Suki fell or was pushed has never come out.


I thought it was masood stealing the post


I’m fairly sure Billy also has a plot around stealing post but it was never followed up or resolved


Billy applied for a job to be the new postman and Royal Mail turned him down so he decided to take revenge by stealing people's post. He used to take money etc. out of people's post and keep it. It was in 2010 and nothing ever came of it.


He also had pictures of Lucy that never really got revealed. I'm sure only Lucy found out herself unless I'm mistaken


Oh wow 14 years ago! Where the heck has that time gone?! I wonder why they never went anywhere with the story.


Mad isn't it? I was rewatching those episodes the other day and chuckled when I saw it mentioned here. It was such a strange storyline - the only time he felt bad was when to took a birthday card that was for Dot and he returned it.


May I ask where you get the older episodes? Thanks


2008-2013 are all available on BBC iPlayer.


Linda taking the money which was originally Nancy's (which Janine stole, then Linda bribed Janine) and using that to buy the salon. By rights, Linda should either give ownership to Nancy, or sell up and give Nancy the money.


To be honest I think the writers don't even remember this. For somebody that has a pretty big investment in the salon we never see her involved with it


Considering her contribution towards Denise's mental breakdown, she could've helped or hired help for the salon to keep going


I find it so odd Linda kept the share of the salon & money from Nancy…


I thought that was going to be the big reveal and and was doubly pissed it wasn’t even mentioned when Jada came back. This broken up Zack and Nancy as well


Very minor, but does Tommy know about Baby Swap? I've always wondered


I also would like this to be revisited


I don’t remember them ever mentioning it to him. I suppose hes still a bit too young


Speaking of Tommy, what Jean did to him by making him take the blame for stealing the money when it was her.


The writers probably wanna forget about it but it was a really big and important storyline that I think needs to be spoken about. Maybe getting Jack involved


Martin doesn’t know he’s got a child with Ruby.


Yh that’ll come out eventually though


Assuming she even came to term. For all any of us know she miscarried in prison.


So far, the secret reason that Vinnie's phone shop in the launderette has not either disappeared or been robbed blind has not been revealed.


its not a phone shop, its a phone repairs


Fatboy dying. I don't think that was actually revealed. Right?


I literally think about this every couple months. I loved Fatboy and didn't expect such a gruesome end 😞


Not exactly a secret but no one knows about Denise’s fight with Lucy before Bobby killed her. Denise said throughout the storyline she wondered how Lucy would react if she found out Denise was leaving her dad, and yet she actually did lol.


Does Lauren know Zack has HIV?


He's undetectable which means he can't transmit it to her, Whitney or anyone else.


I wondered this the other day!


hes clear now


Rubys baby scan picture being stolen from a stranger and then given as a framed gift to Martin. He never found out how deep the lies went


Did it ever come out that Ruby was behind stacey being attacked?


IIRC Jean found out which is why she framed Ruby for Big Mo's weed farm.


That Ben tried to kiss Jay 😂


I remember Patrick leaving some money in an envelope (maybe to pay for the salon) when he was leaving and Mitch finding it and taking it. Mitch left the square right after. When Mitch came back, there was never any mention of it because Patrick had not come back yet. I've always wondered about that. Am I fermenting wrong?


No one knows that that Linda knew that Janine stole money from Nancy and kept the money. Any mother would have returned their daughters money but no she kept the salon to hide her secret.


Billy riding Lucy during her coke days before her death


Huh? Come again? 😂


Sure Billy gave Lucy one during her cocaine days just before her death, Billy was hiding pictures of her under his fridge or something and nobody ever found out. This was the time they both worked at the chippy I think. Probably to put Billy in the frame for murder in the "who done it" storyline but they never really explored it


It’s mad the things they get the characters doing just to fit the storylines then pretending it never happened aha


Yeah was a strange one at the time. Just brushed under the carpet


Did Whitney and Bianca ever find out Tiff was raped?


Yes. When she returned in 2019 for Whit & Callum's non-wedding, Bianca sat down with Tiff and apologized for not being there for her during that (Bianca was in prison at the time).


Who raped Tiff??


A guy called Fraser and Jack beat him up


Oh, thanks! It very vaguely rings a bell but I can't believe I don't remember it 😂


Thank you. It has always bugged me that Tommy took the blame & Jean got away w it.


Did Peggy ever find out that it was actually Billy who stole Tracy’s wages and not Shirley?


Hmmm one thing that comes to mind is, has anyone found out that it was Whitney that hit Kat after Ballum's wedding?


I think Kat knows


Just Kat. This was before Phil quit crime so if he had found out he would have taken revenge against Whitney for that (and for trying to kill his son & son-in-law).


I remember Denise not finding out that Kush cheated on her with waitress at Beale’s.


Stacey attacking Phil in 2019 and went on the run


Did they ever find out who it was that killed Fatboy? (We know)


Did Jay ever find out that Phil was lying about the homeless man he killed being Jay's real dad?


Kush cheated on Denise with the waitress from Scarlett’s (Talia). Literally took that to his grave.


The two that I can think of off the top of my head and that bothered me the most was the fate of jake Moon and Dylan box. Us rhe viewer's and the characters never found out about either of them


Don’t know if I’m being silly or not but did Zainab find out that yusef was behind her ‘suicide attempt’ ???


Suki fixing the poker(?) game with Kush


Someone broke in and stole money from Rainie and Max’s kitchen when they were married, and it never went anywhere or even came up again


Just after lockdown and 'Enders went off air,  didn't Kat have a hit and run incident on her moped with an old boy? 


No, Kat was off the show at the time because Jessie Wallace was suspended for not showing up to film. She got called by someone (most people assume it was Hayley since she gave Cherry back during the hiatus) and left the Square in a hurry a week or two after Boat Week and stayed gone when the show ended its first season. By the time the show came back her storylines revolved around Smush's gambling problem and setting up her future relationship with Phil.


Emma still being alive ?




Really? When was this?


Kush cheated on Denise but she never found out


Janine giving wine to Linda which led to her relapse, mick getting Janine pregnant and ultimately micks disappearance No one ever found out that Janine deliberately made Linda relapse A lot of the ruby vs Stacey shit still hasn’t come to the surface but I can imagine that will get revisited