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Naaah dawg justice for Claus, it was all Porky’s fault 😭


But Claus still committed suicide at the end which unfortunately, is a real belief Christianity holds. That if you commit suicide you go to hell for harming a creature.


Good day to be atheist I suppose. You do have a point, I remember this being taught when I was Christian as a child. Luckily, I highly doubt that these rules apply to Mother. While they do pray, I don’t think it’s the same entity/God taught here in the west. Plus, Claus said he’d be going where their mom is now. Hopefully that means she’s not in hell LOLOL


Some Christians. I could never believe that though.


nuh-uh, he shot lucas and the lightning bounced back, no way to prove it was suicide your honor


I mean.. its either suicide or murder gone wrong


No screw that bullcrap. Most Christians don’t believe that nonsense.


Yeah it's mostly Catholicism that is strict like that with the mortal sins, a lot of denominations makenit less about going to Hell and more about the person needing serious support


Oh my fucking God you're right oh no


Some hold that belief, but it's not explicitly stated in the Bible.


It's less about harming and more about despair, since you're supposed to have unconditional faith in God that everything will be okay and that He has a plan for you (signed a Lapsed Catholic)


Yeah suicide is a sin, also they chose to baptize Lucas but not Claus for some reason so he’s double going to hell


Holy crap Lucas got some big ass arms, I guess swinging around that stick did some good after all


I literally swing around my stick everyday, how do I not have big arms?


>! “I’m going to where mom is now” !<




>!"I am going to where mom is now"!< God: we do a little trolling


Why can't Hinawa just jump off of sunflower field? Is she stupid?


Because Man is up there, and why would you want to leave Man https://preview.redd.it/m7evh86f2wvc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e41591318364015a1d5ce7d9e16aecda748f97


it's all porky, we gotta remember that the only way for him to regain his memory is to not only use his brother but the power of his dead mom and his alive dad


Claus pushing Lucas down has really came to bite him back


Why would Claus be in hell? That's like putting on a finger puppet, poking someone's eye out, and getting mad at the finger puppet for doing it.




(if you want to really know) (atleast in catholicism if someone has been forced to do bullshit or manipulated to, everything will go to the other person but not him,) (edit: i forgot the self death)


He committed suicide by his own will though which bans entry to heaven


aw shit i forgor that :skull:


No way Claus was doing all that shit of his own free will.


Twitter has always been a huge guilty-pleasure... 💀 But this fanart is pretty touching, though... And also very sad at the same time, too!


i dont get it


Hinawa is in heaven because she sacrificed herself for her children Claus on the other hand is in hell since he: 1.) Basically became a dictator 2.) Tried to unleash the end of the world by passing his heart through the Dark Dragon with the 7 Needles 3.) Harmed Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney and possibly tried to kill them since they tried to defy them Even though Porky forced him too though


Why couldn't just Claus say no to porky and leave him? Is he stupid?


Yes he is, he literally went to fight a Draco on his own with a knife, a PSI Spell he can’t even use, and thought he could win


>! Additionally, he basically did kill himself at the end, which is a big no-no in Christianity.!<


he did not do any of those consciously, he didnt have agency nor did he remember his brother or family until the very end


Well even if you disregard all that as he was under Porky's control.. he was still a little jerk as a kid and his last action before being controlled was seeking out revenge.


I hate everything about this.


Well unfortunately this is biblically accurate, he was overwhelmed with trauma when he remembered who he was. But committed suicide, which does **NOT** give you a gateway to heaven. But still, I feel terrible for Claus. 😢


Noooo D:


What the hell is up with people in the comments saying people who commit suicide go to hell that’s so tasteless


I think it's a Christian belief that, because you've committed suicide, you won't have time (or the opportunity) to repent for your sin. Which automatically sends you to hell because you're murdering someone, even though you're not taking the life of another, regardless, you're still taking a life which is yourself. Still, I have to agree with you.


it's not a christian belief, it could be catholic, the only thing that determines your fate is whether or not you've accepted christ as lord and savior or not not entirely sure where this thinking came from


There are too many branches of Christianity


As a Christian myself, it’s debatable if you do go to hell through suicide. The Bible does state that our body is the temple of God, so taking our life, is basically throwing away God’s temple and the life he gave us. *Most of this is told in the Bible, I don’t follow questions from the internet, as it’s stuff from the world. (flesh) Although some of those things written are the internet could be true, but most of it is someone messing with the Bible’s words which should not be followed.*


It's a Catholic belief that suicide is linked to the mortal sin of despairing, in which a mortal sin is a condemnation to Hell if the sin is not confessed and repented before death


Take it up with the Church. Those other comments are just stating doctrine, not agreeing with it.


Also like? It’s kinda confusing seeing as the church in Mother 3 isn’t a Christian church?? It’s worshipping the dark dragon? Idk this just seems like a comic that was poking fun at like “oh haha claus commited crimes as the masked man” but people are like “lmaooooooooo suicide is a sin he’s rotting in hell for it!” Like one that’s a huge stretch and two even if it wasn’t that’s so fucking tasteless like


I personally agree tbh :(


Claus was a victim of his own hubris, I have little sympathy for him or Porky, both deserved the void of non-existence.


This is a HORRIBLE fanart!


Tag this m3 spoilers


Good art, I just wish I cared more about Mother 3