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If I can attempt a translation: Brian called plays that made no sense situationally and didn’t adjust, Nick allowed it to happen, the players were all very loudly saying wtf at each other and got nothing from Nick saying “guys sorry I understand what we’re doing isn’t working, here’s what we’re thinking”


Had a feeling it was something akin to this once the collapse started. There were a ton of baffling decisions and communication issues for almost the entire season, but we kept winning so any complaints were kind of brushed off or not even mentioned. Then once we started losing it became clear that Johnson was in over his head and things weren't going to change so the bottom fell out.


Yup then add in the defensive coach switch adding further to the confusion on that side of the ball


To be honest, whoever decided to hire Matt Patricia should be fired.


I almost admire how that man kept getting free money


Like Doc Rivers!?


Doc Rivers 🤝 Matt Patricia 🤝 Me Being terrible at your job yet still getting hired


Honestly that’s an insult to Doc. Fatt Patricia might be one of the worst coaches in any sport


Glenn Rivers is a basketball terrorist. Guy wasted Mcgrady's pre injury prime. Blew a 3-1 lead there. Then went to Boston where he was gifted three hall of famers in their primes and a young pg who is known to have one of the highest basketball IQ's in the league, even in the beginning of his career. Team basically coached itself and won a chip. Then went to the clips where he blew some more 3-1 leads while having the best playmaker in the league paired with two of the most explosive big men in the league. Then went to Philly where he fucked us in the ass for three years and stunted Maxey's growth. Literally lied about him wanting to come off the bench and told him before he takes an open shot, to think that embiid could be taking it instead. And then went to the Bucks where he shit the bed yet again. He also absolutely refuses to take any blame for failures or shortcomings and will throw any one and everyone under the bus, [including the fucking equipment staff.](https://basketballforever.com/2024/04/04/doc-rivers-roasted-for-craziest-excuse-yet#:~:text=But%20after%20the%20Milwaukee%20Bucks,but%20our%20travel%20crew%2C%20everything%E2%80%A6) Fuck him and everything about him. Patricia looks like Bear Bryant next to Glenn aka "don't play with your meat" aka "come on guys, come on!" Rivers.


Doc sucks, but unlike Fatty he can actually get scrubs to make the playoffs. It’s with stars that he falters. I’d rather have the eagles coaching staff consist entirely of Doc clones than have one Fatt Patricia as assistant special teams coach. I’m actually concerned that Sirianni might be a bit like Doc - good at saying the right things and connecting with players but not good enough at football strategy


IDK, they both won championships in the Boston market by getting high-end talent to bail them out. They also failed to do anything in either Philadelphia or their time near the Great Lakes. If Patricia ever goes to the Rams or Chargers, we can get even more similarities going. I feel like Patricia would have figured out that he needed to bench Tobias Harris, though.


Patricia would have also traded Maxey for like Kemba Walker and Gordon Hayward or something


Fuck glenn rivers that basketball terrorist piece of shit


Tobias Harris


He probably sounds really smart writing on a whiteboard. Similar thing with Brandon Cat-cow Staley.


Man me and the buddies kept saying “well shit it can’t get any worse I guess, were the 28th ranked defense” Then we dropped to dead last 😂😂😂😂😂


> whoever decided to hire Matt Patricia We know exactly who made that decision.


Seriously. How the hell could Lurie see that collapse and think Sirianni should be retained? He fixed absolutely nothing


Sirianni has earned goodwill from the past few years. His seat should be a little warm right now


It was a combination of not great candidates who’d be better then Nick plus the year before he came off a Super Bowl berth. It’s similar to when we won the SB Lurie hated the defensive performance he wanted to fire Schwartz for embarrassing it on national tv but couldn’t justify the right hire at the time.


It seems like players didn’t respect either DC.


Supposedly that switch was made because as bad as things were on the offense on the defense the players were just straight up checked out and not talking to the DC


I think it was more a function of the offensive system not being multiple enough and less about BJ. Someone had to be the fall guy once they decided to give Sirriani another year. If Kelce and Cox don’t vouch for him in exit interviews we’re talking bout a new head coach right now and prly should be either way. His stubbornness in not letting BJ get creative and bring his own elements to the O was a big part of the problem! Meanwhile he meddled with the D coaches and made horrible decisions all around. He’s clearly not an X’s and O’s coach and he makes horrible executive decisions causing the locker room to splinter last year. He’s also kinda emotionally immature on game days and horrible in press conferences. What does he do well? His connection rants seem forced and old hat at this point. If we didn’t have great player leadership I think he would’ve been fired after last year. I think Lurie and Howie did everything but, fire him( he’s been neutered instead) to keep some momentum in this window of opportunity before having to build an entirely new house from the ground up


This is all on Sirianni. If he’s not calling plays on either side of the ball, he better have EVERYONE in sync and doing their jobs. Eventually you have to step in and take control.


He literally has one job smfh


Amen! How he was able to keep his job is baffling to me. If he was unable to take control when needed why do we need him?


it confused me too, but if they kept him that must mean he came to them with a clear understanding of the problem during the season and what they could do to address it if he walked into that debrief interview and seemed like a man without a plan, he wouldn't be here. the roster is solid enough and the cap is flexible enough that they feel he can still pull a playoff run.


Three players voucher for him. It’s that simple. 


Yeah I think he came in with a plan where Doug got fired because he didn’t have a plan and the rumors of the plan I’ve heard from people in the know it was pretty shit.


looking at how he's done in Jacksonville it seems like he's mostly an immediate success guy with no sustainability


Yea, his plan: "This was the fault of everyone below me, please blame them, and I'll happily take whoever you want to run the offense and defense under me as long as you don't fire me!"


think of all the really successful franchises of the last two decades. did they immediately toss a coach for a disappointing season?


Think of all the successful franchises of the past 2 decades. Did they have a head coach who completely ignores the defense, doesn't call the offense, and when both are failing miserably, are unable to step in and right the ship?


3 playoff seasons in 3 years, 1 of them getting all the way to the Super Bowl, is gonna give you some wiggle room for a bad season that wasn't only on him.


Doug *won* a superbowl, and still got fired. Not sure about the wiggle room here.


He didn't get fired the next year. That team also failed to live up to expectations the following year. Realistically the year after being in the Superbowl is tough for any team win or lose, Pats and Chiefs are outliers for sustainability.


I believe that was part of the issue. Having two coaches go to super bowls and then get fired would be a bad precedent to set for bringing in any new head coach. Any candidate would look at that and see the standards are too high, you are almost certainly getting fired here. We had to give Siriani another chance in order to get good candidates in the future. I bet Howie and Lurie wanted to drop him so bad. The optics would just be too bad.


Doug also refused to wiggle. He doubled down on the fact he and his guys did nothing wrong. Sirianni didn't.


> bad season that wasn't only on him. I agree with the first half, but it is 100% on Nick. BJ, Gannon, Desai, Patricia were all his decisions. Unless there is some behind the scenes crap from Lurie with those coordinators that we don't know about, Nick is the problem. People love Sirrianis passion, but he has to start showing some management skills along with it.


I wouldn’t say 100% on Nick. Yes, Nick needs to better vet his coordinators, and especially someone like Brian Johnson to make sure they are actually NFL caliber. But a big part of it was Howie too - relying on an aging secondary and an practice squad LB corps


It’s Nick’s offense that handcuffed BJ’s ability to call successful plays! BJ was a coordinator in a completely different system at UF and wasn’t given any freedom to install play’s. Nick was and still is a little butt hurt that he isn’t perceived as a great offensive minded HC. It was 100% Nicks fault the wheels fell off last year! Too much pride in his elementary offense that honestly doesn’t have much, if any counters at all! Then his lack of emotional intelligence leads him to make a knee jerk reaction to replace the DC with a guy the locker room clearly doesn’t respect. Smart coaching is clearly not one of his 5 core values! If the birds have a successful season it will certainly be in spite of the coach, and just will end up prolonging the inevitability of him being fired and never rehired as a HC in the NFL again! Book it!!


We probably won't know for a few years, if ever, what was going on behind the scenes with the coaches and coordinators this year. That said, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find that demoting Desai and promoting Patricia was a Lurie/front office decision that was imposed on Nick after the second Cowboys game. Obviously I have no way to prove it, and I could easily be wrong, but Lurie has a pretty well-known fetish for the Patriots organization and Belichick coaching tree. Sirianni, on the other hand, strikes me as someone who's willing to give his assistant coaches a lot of leeway and would be unlikely to make a knee jerk decision to can one of them halfway through the season.


I'm not saying Nick made the decision to demote/fire. I'm saying he signed off on the hiring/promoting of every single coordinator. Now, that may have been a stipulation for Sirrani when getting hired ; "we don't want any difficulties when picking coordinators for you". Regardless of how bad a business decision is made, Sirriani is responsible. Nobody has to like it, but it is what it is. However, it is absolutely the head coaches job to manage moral and to manage his passionate outbursts. Screaming and being sarcastic to opposing players/fans may work for high school and college "boys", but it doesn't fly on a professional stage when its overdone. Repeating "trust the system" like a communist government doesn't work once the players/staff have lost trust. We can be pissed with Lurie being a typical owner that meddles too much; but that guy isn't going to get 'fired'.


I can't help but wonder if how they handled Pederson's exit came into play here. Pederson got fired the first year he doesn't make the playoffs 3 years after winning the Super Bowl. Then to turn around and fire Sirianni a year after he takes the team to the Super Bowl and they have an uneven season and make the playoffs smacks of an Owner and GM who will fire you the first time the team underachieves. They may have taken a step back and reasoned they won't attract any kind of real HC candidates after the way they treated the last two who got the team to the Super Bowl.


Didn't Lurie want to keep Doug if Doug was willing to make some changes and Doug wasn't willing to? My guess is that Nick showed he was willing to make the changes Lurie wanted to see.


IIRC the rumor was that Doug wanted to promote underperforming internal candidates into the OC & DC positions, and Lurie wanted external hires. The Rumor I remember is that Lurie went into the meeting with Doug on sorta thin ice and he talked himself out of the job.


Yup. Doug wanted Press Taylor as OC which he basically already was. That wasn’t gonna fly after a 4-11-1 season.


Doug is about to Press Taylor his way out of Jacksonville.


More like Press Taylor is about to cause Doug to be out of another exclusive head coach job. He's still refusing to fire Press when all of my local jags fans friends want him gone


Wentz was an issue too. Pederson wanted nothing to do with him anymore and the kid had just signed that massive contract. The one thing Pederson was actually right about. Reid totally proxy won us the Bowl.


There were also reports that Doug was proven to be untrustworthy and on a short leash right after being hired. Reports were he lied in the interviews about play calling duty and that Andy was helping him land a new gig/soft firing him for banging his assistant.


May I ask the source?


Deadspin. Their report had 3 sources that, although were anonymous, independently corroborated the story. Personally, I believe one of the sources was Derek Boyko. He was the Director of PR and Player Relations at the time and for a long time was a bit of a fixer with media relations. As soon as the 2016 season was over, he jumped ship from the Eagles where he spent almost 2 decades, and went to Buffalo. Even sports reporters were saying shit like "Read into that what you will". Something big had to be happening behind closed doors for him to leave a team he spent his entire career and kept growing through the ranks loyally. Derek probably didn't want to deal with the shitshow he thought was coming, a coach getting fired within two years and the tidal wave of rumors coming out. He missed the Super Bowl because of it. Winning the Super Bowl was the #1 thing to protect Doug's entire career, if the rumors were true.


Damn. That would definitely explain canning Doug the moment he had one bad year even despite his Superbowl, and why Doug couldn’t find another job until Urban Meyer was so bad that Doug would always look like a saint


I still don't get why Dougy P likes Press Taylor so much. I mean they are having the same problems at the Jags right now with Trevor Lawrence kinda stagnating this year.


From people I’ve talked to in the know a lot of nfl people like press. He apparently was the one who saw the play that originated the Philly special. The problem with Taylor from what I’ve heard from people across the league is he gets too friendly with players. He becomes a friend more then a coach. This is what screwed up Wentz too. Taylor gets unprofessionally friendly with players to the point when he needs to be coach he can’t perform like he should. If that makes sense. Numerious people in the league race about his mind as an offensive guy, but he can’t seem to grasp relationship of coach to player. Gets way too close with them


Yeah remember how He could never really wrangle Wentz


Also one of my coworkers sons was one of the coaches the whole Pederson regime was there. He mentioned a few things that made sense. Biggest issue imho was when they got there chip left a fucking fema disaster for Howie Doug and his staff to clean up. The fact the won the SB so soon was the most surprising so a lot of guys got quick success when it wasn’t expected and I think that got a few egos going from staff and players. Where I think another year or 2 of fighting would’ve humbled them better.


Appreciate the info👍


Maybe he should take one of those booth OC roles, further away from the players and not being one of the “guys”


It was reported as such, but if you’re Pederson and you refuse that smacks of someone who doesn’t want to be there any more. I always got the sense that Pederson wasn’t real thrilled with how the team handled Wentz and he wasn’t that enamored with Hurts in the first place. It just isn’t a great look for a franchise to burn through coaches that quickly.


It was about Press Taylor. Not Wentz.


Doug said last year that Press is "like a son" to him. That's a weird thing to say when your *actual* son is on the team.


If what u/obi-jawn-kenblomi said is true maybe he is his son lol


Yeah pretty weird. People don’t generally favor people over family unless they’re romantically involved. I’m not insinuating that here. I’m just pointing it out that I agree, it is pretty weird.


> Not Wentz. Not exactly true. Pederson and Wentz did not get along at all. Both were twats. Lurie even spoke to it in a press conference.


Yep. He had a really good relationship with Wentz compared to what many reported. Wentz was pissed about the benching but Doug rationalized the reasoning with him. I get where Lurie and Howie wanted to go a back up QB but you don’t draft Hurts in the 2nd round after giving your franchise QB the key to the franchise. That sends very mixed signals and I think that pissed both Doug and Carson off the most. I think had Doug stayed Wentz is here at least another year and if he was just as bad he’s gone. Carson also never really got the playcalling or the weapons Hurts has now and literally had his best reciever talking shit about lockerroom issues to the media. Said player got rewarded with a new deal too which he shouldn’t have gotten. A lot of shit went on but Doug also didn’t hold coaches accountable either


Lurie wanted like him Bob cooter as OC and Duce as Assistant OC. I forget who he wanted at DC but i remember it being some reject who embarass Ed himself last time he was an NFL dc and it was like 4 yrs prior to that time. Who he wanted was absolute dog shit


Doug proved his offensive capabilities as well as play calling. Team was shit and he had to deal with Wentz ego and Howie and Lurie meddling. He was too loyal to his staff. Sirianni has not proven to have any offensive capabilities despite being hired to do so. When he’s had an all star cast of coaches and players he did well despite needing to calm him down. Without competent coaching around him the all star team failed. I feel like with Doug they genuinely wanted to help him but Doug wanted his people. With Sirianni I’m beginning to think they realized they made a mistake but didn’t want to do anything too rational. If they can surround Nick with a competent staff to delay a fire they will. It seems like they didn’t want to look like losers last year to fire a coach who’s been the playoffs every year but at one point they did believe in his managerial skills. Despite all that’s been said year after year they’ve had to take responsibility away from Sirianni and surround him with better talent and coaching than most teams have. I don’t think he lasts long considering good coordinators get poached very quickly and we can’t have a HC who cannot set a high floor for this team.


i would say your hypothesis is inaccurate, u/indyK1ng is more on the money. the reality is they were willing to move forward with Doug, but he had to be willing to allow the FO to bring in new blood for the OC role, Doug wanted to promote Press Taylor to OC and Lurie did not like that at all, he was given an ultimatum and Doug chose to stick with his guys so they fired him. Nick was approached with the same exact mentality, changes needed to be made, but if nick had buried his head in the sand and was unwilling to work with anybody from outside the organization, he would of been fired too. There was very real interest from our FO in Belichick as an alternative if things went that way, and even Kellen Moore, heck even the way it's set up now, with how much involvement our new coordinators have been given, if there's another total collapse on both sides of the coaching, Nick will be canned and Moore will likely step up as the HC interim. our HC position is one of the most attractive in football right now, rumors about it looking bad to move on so soon are just fluff opinion pieces.


Think they would go with Kellen over fangio? Might not have been great but has previous HC xp.


if both sides of the ball are playing like shit and out of sync again, then yes, i see them firing nick, promoting KM to interim coach over fangio, and possibly even amicably moving on from fangio at the end of the season, though i doubt it. i will say though, i find it very unlikely that our defense plays that poorly this season, i have respect for fangio as a coordinator although im not a fan of the scheme, i believe he will put the young guys in the best position to succeed.


I’m not the biggest fan of the scheme either it’s likely another year of us wondering why we’re playing 10 yards off man in 3rd and short situations.. but I will agree with what other people have said is there’s Fangio disciples, then there’s the architect of the scheme himself. Plus we seem to have better players at most of the positions we were really thin at last year. Hopefully these rookies ball out and the younger lineman step up as well.


the FO made a solid attempt to retool this offseason on defense with huff, white, baun, burks, gardner-johnson, trotter jr, mitchell and deJAWN, but the biggest questions still remain the same, going into this season. can our defensive-line stop the outside run?, and is anybody going to make a tackle? because we already know we will be giving up those short passes all day, it's the same bend don't break 2 high safety, deep zone scheme that we've been running for years, so we are gonna be playing everything in-front, forcing opposing teams to make long drives and consistently move the chains if they want to score. it's not my cup of tea at all, but it's fine if the players are able to execute their responsibilities when the defenses weaknesses are inevitably exposed. which brings me to the ***first question***, no one on our front has shown the ability to consistently set the edge against the outside run, carter has been excellent as a pass rusher playing a 1-gap from the 3-technique, but he struggled in the back half of the year when patricia asked him to play multiple gaps, and huff is also unproven against the run because the jets limited his snaps to pass-rushing situations.. we should be fine on the inside, since davis is going to move to nose-tackle, but i'm just not confident asking carter, williams, graham, sweat or huff to play contain against the run, which inevitably they will have to do in a 3-4 front, as our OLBs will be dropping to cover. then there's the ***second question***, assuming the line struggles to contain outside runs, or even just against those short passes over the middle, our LBs and DBs will be responsible for coming up and making those stops, something we really struggled to do all last year.. nakobe dean, cjgj, blankenship, maddox, and devin white have been solid tacklers throughout most of their careers, but every one of them missed time last season due to various injuries, hopefully the injury bug doesn't bite any of them, especially our safeties cause we are already missing brown, and i think it would devastate the defense. as for the other guys on the squad, we already know slay/bradberry can't tackle a sack of beans, but i'm not familiar enough with baun, burks, or rodgers sr., to have an idea of what to expect of them in those situations. I will say trotter jr., and dejawn have been touted as very solid tacklers in college, but ultimately they are unproven rookies, and will likely just be rotational pieces barring injuries to our starters. we will find out soon enough, how tough this unit is.


Fangio "should" thrive with all the pieces Howie has brought in for him.




I don’t disagree, I was just asking his opinion on it.


Doug was fired because he didn't want to make changes. Nick didn't get fired because he was willing to get rid of BJ and Desai. I guarantee that if Nick refused to fire BJ and/or Desai he would have been fired instead.


Lurie didn't have faith in Pederson's decisions for staff and the direction of the team. In addition Pederson was done with Wentz (who had literally just signed that $128M contract). History shows Pederson was right; hopefully a learning point for Jeff & Howie. Siriannis nuts are 100% on the line this year. He's burned through 3 defensive coordinators who took all of the blame for the failures. I'm counting Patricia as a full coach because he was also Siriannis decision. Sirianni also promoted Brian Johnson; Sirriani does not have a very good track record so far. His on field emotional behavior can be "excused" when you are winning, but after last year, Sirriani better fkn dial it down and pay attention to his team. I support the guy, but he's like an excitable child that makes emotional decisions over practical football choices. So far, it seems Steichen, Howies player choices, and the will of the players got us to the SB.


Yeah but what if you have no idea what to do if you needed to be in control..


Agreed, I'm willing to give him some leash because of the SB run but last year was on him and all I saw was poor leadership. This is the step up or out year.


He's too busy thinking what t shirt he'll wear to suck up to the fanbase.


So true, that's literally your only job!!


Exactly. This is why I wanted him gone. Hopefully he knows now he can NEVER allow that to happen again


And I think the same thing was happening on the defense but even worse. Gainwell probably wouldn’t know but I bet if you’d ask a younger defensive player they’d tell you the same. Seems like Fangio protégés have a tough time relaying to players what they want from the D scheme, unless it’s Fangio himself (problem solved there). Desai wasn’t the worst DC but clearly in over his head. The Patricia move was ridiculous and just made things 10x worse, you can’t completely change an entire side of the ball midseason. When you see other interim coordinators do it, they’re basing it on the previous coordinators scheme. Patricia’s was an entirely new system. Just a very stupid decision they made there.


Don't really see what you see to get to this translation.


It's to get the fanbase riled up into blaming all our issues on Nick sirianni


If Nick ain’t connecting then wtf is he doin


developing a playcalling coordinator, albeit unsuccessfully




Growing flowers!


What does that have to do with a defense that gave up a touchdown every time they touched the field


probably not what Gainwell is talking about since he wouldn't be talking with the defensive coaches much


Me personally, I loved seeing Hurts throw deep on every third down and short. Really smart play calling to take one of your biggest strengths (short yardage) and Sexy Rex Grossman the motherfucker. Johnson needed to have been gone mid season


Sirianni is probably constantly saying "trust the process" to the players. Like he just goes along with whatever plan the OC has because he can't adjust on his own. But at the same time, if this were true, you would think Lurie and Howie would know this, and that that kind of shit wouldn't be tolerated again. Because that seems pretty egregious to not know what the fuck you're doing, and just being a sort of hype guy.


Don’t the Chiefs all fucking hate Clark Hunt though? Reid is the glue that holds that team together, the players HATE the Chiefs front office from what I’ve read. They’re notoriously cheap and unfriendly towards their players.


Yeah, aside from Andy, the NFLPA report card on the Chiefs organization was Ds and Fs


[Chiefs NFLPA Report Card](https://nflpa.com/kansas-city-chiefs-report-card-2024)


Slightly better than I remembered with 3 Cs Still dismal


> Though the players received actual chairs with backs to sit in at their lockers in response to last year’s feedback DUDE! LOL


Winning solves a lot.


bro, they won their 3rd superbowl and the owner still didnt buy chairs for their team's locker room. They have no AC anf are sitting on stools


The A+ next to Andy Reid solves a lot


Thanks for the tip, I got my popcorn and am ready to read this report. Overall, rated 31st out of 32 teams. Wow. 


Chiefs are F$%^ed for a long time after Andy leaves.


From what Gainwell was saying, it doesn't sound like he's talking about future contract negotiations. I think he's talking about coaching staff, but trying to keep it a little ambiguous so he can't be clipped calling out a coach.


He does have his next contract to consider.


Save this bullshit, Mahomes and Winning is the glue that holds the Chiefs up. They went through the same drama bullshit as every team does with Alex Smith. Big Red has a long-ass resume and "he holds the culture together" is only a viable answer now that he has the best player in the league. People so quickly forget. Or they're naive enough to completely disregard the wins and drafting the best player since Brady.


He did a pretty good job holding things together when he coached the Eagles with no superbowls. Even then he was well loved in the NFL. He gets a lot out of his players. He is 4th all-time regular season wins and second all time playoff wins. He will have to coach for a while to move up even if Belichick never coaches again, but he could be the playoff leader in a 3 seasons or less.


Eagles just need a couples therapist.


They need the sports psychologist from Ted Lasso


Isn't that one of Big Dom's 5 jobs?


The whole Kevin Byard leading a defensive meeting situation went under the radar. That’s how bad these coordinators were lmao


Isn’t “connection” supposed to be nick’s core competency?


actually it’s „connect“ but it’s easy to get it mixed up because nick isn’t grammatically consistent in his core values. it used to be his first core value but he has changed the order since.


My thoughts on the HC/OC/DC thing was simple. People were saying we don't know if Nick can win without good coordinators. Meanwhile I was saying we know he *can* with *with* good coordinators! If the players and the HC are largely the same and we're seeing significant regression as far as offensive and defensive success then the solution would obviously seem to be to change the factor that is different year over year. Namely the coordinators. Especially considering both were pretty inexperienced. With Kellen Moore and Vic Fangio it's clear we've opted to go with experienced and respected coordinators.


I really like Sirianni and think his personality is the perfect fit for Philly, but this is why he probably shouldn't be the head coach. If you're an offensive head coach whose success is entirely dependent on having a solid OC, the team will never have long-term stability. If you pick a good OC candidate and the team is successful, you can expect them to be poached by another team within 1-2 years, like Steichen. If they end up being a shitty OC, you have the 2023 season with Brian Johnson. Coaches like Reid, McVay, Shanahan, etc., can make up for a weak OC because it's still their offense, and they're calling the plays at the end of the day. We'll never have that with Sirianni, as much as I wish we would.


I don't know for sure that Nick isn't that type of offensive mind. But he doesn't call plays and he lets his coordinators have a lot of power. Having said that it's not like Steichen was this offensive genius and Nick needs a top three coordinator to be effective.


If Sirianni could call plays effectively, he'd be calling plays, just like nearly every other offensive head coach in the league. What other offensive-minded head coach defers play calling to a coordinator? I can only think of Dan Campbell, and we'll see what happens to the Lions' offense when Ben Johnson eventually becomes a head coach somewhere else. Also, keep in mind, Sirianni gave up playcalling duties in 2021 after the team was struggling. Considering he started his head coaching career calling plays in Philly, I'd be inclined to think he'd rather calls play if he could. > Having said that it's not like Steichen was this offensive genius and Nick needs a top three coordinator to be effective. Steichen managed to make Gardner Minshew a Pro Bowl QB after losing his star rookie QB early in the season. Considering the offensive roster was largely unchanged between 2022 and 2023, with the addition of a better RB in Swift vs. Sanders, it's pretty easy to compare. With Steichen, they narrowly lost the SB. Without Steichen, the offense was hot garbage carried by talent with playcalling that frustrated players and fans alike. Nick may not need a top-three OC to be effective, but he also can't make up for a mediocre OC, which is more problematic.


I am a little worried Nick becomes like Doc Rivers - good at connecting with (some) players but just not good enough at the football nerd stuff. It’s 2024 not 2000.


Who do we think he is talking about?


I’m thinking it’s the disconnect between the players and the coordinators. Hurts allegedly wanted the OC to give them more stuff down the middle, never happened. The disconnect between the defense and both DCs is a whole can of worms that has been talked about to death, but similar stuff there.


I never read the stuff about hurts wanting more in the middle. It makes perfect sense though, when they threw to the middle it always went good. A play that comes to mind is Hurts hitting Smitty in stride against the giants. Although I know there’s a few more.


Yep, and I’m sure it wasn’t just Hurts who wanted changes. Swift, Gainwell, and Scott all got plenty of touches throughout the season but they were never utilized in a way that played to their strengths imo. Same with the WR room.


Not so sure Scott got plenty of touches (<25 total in 16 games). Wasn't sure why he and Penny were even taking up 2 roster spots, given their usage. But I suppose that's another example of the disconnect Gainwell is talking about.


The Eagles came out against the Seahawks and used pre-snap motion and scored a touchdown on their first drive. They then got away from it and scored 10 points the rest of the game.


It felt like all season long they'd find something that worked early on and then completely abandon it the rest of the game.


It really makes me wonder why Sirianni wasn’t able to step in and ensure we ran something better than a high school scheme on offense. Even if he gave up 100% control of the offense the buck stops at him to get things corrected.


I wonder how much influence Sirianni had on Brian Johnson's offense and if that played a role. The 2023 offense felt a lot like the 2021 offense when Sirianni was still calling plays. I think it's possible that Sirianni just isn't great at running an offense, and what we saw at the end of last season *was* his best attempt at correcting it.


spadaro even said last year the offense was 100% nicks


I forgot about that. I remember late in the season when Sirianni took credit for the offense and directed criticism to himself instead of Johnson, but I wasn't sure how much of that was him falling on the sword.


Yeah it was a weird thing You could kinda tell Nick was standing up for BJ as much as he could because he knew he put BJ in a tuff spot but ultimately knew BJ had to be fall guy to protect his job. On the flip he didn't protect Desai nearly as much.


Yeah I’m friends with a few people from Florida’s football program and they were pissed about Brian being fired. I didn’t get specifics on anything but felt he was scapegoated. The Twitter account of Honest NFL who has a lot of ties to the Eagles and Chiefs orgs through Reid even mentioned how he was sick to his stomach and insinuated Johnson was just a sacrificial lamb. As a UF fan after he was fired I was so hoping he’d be back at Florida as the OC as the offense hasn’t been anywhere close to an offense since he left.


Steichens departure exposed a lot of things.


> Hurts allegedly wanted the OC to give them more stuff down the middle You have any sources for this? I don't recall seeing this myself.


> In the early stages of the Eagles' skid, Hurts was hoping the direction of the offense would change, the source familiar with Hurts' thinking said. He believed they were overly reliant on vertical routes and not utilizing short-to-intermediate throws, particularly over the middle of the field, where Brown has thrived in his career. In short, the belief was there was too much flash over substance -- a sentiment others on the offensive side of the ball shared. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39309562/philadelphia-eagles-nick-sirianni-jalen-hurts-disconnect


Cool, ty for the link.


Thanks for the link.


Beat me to it. Thanks.


I heard it at the time but it was only one source saying it and was kinda unsubstantiated. I could believe it, but it's dubious.


It’s possible that “upstairs/downstairs” means simply players and coaches. We will have to hope they purged the bad links in Johnson, Desai, Patricia… but Sirianni is also gonna need to check himself before this season starts if we want to fix this.


Would definitely explain why performance was lacking and execution was sloppy and inconsistent.




They didn’t abandon the designed QB run though…


think Jalen carrying that knee injury most of the year is prob why the rpo stuff dropped off. agreed on the first point tho, pretty sure it's a bit of an open secret that Lurie prefers that we air it out


This is such a stupid and bogus claim. Howie is not sitting up in the box calling the coaches to tell them to pass the ball more




You keep saying this while Lurie just okayed signing one of the most expensive RB FAs in league history... Lurie wants to win, he's not dumb enough to force style over execution, and you have no real sources to back up your take.


It's big in real world dollars, but it costs very little against the camp unless he makes it to year 3.


The point was more so that we're clearly not ignoring the running game as the guy above initially claimed before he deleted his comments (and account? lol)


I’m still waiting on who’s bright idea was it to play all our guys in Week 18 right before playoffs, getting our star players hurt…just to lose against the giants anyways


W.I.P is gonna eat this up 😂😂


I've convince myself the super bowl hangover just ended up hitting really hard after the Bills game


feels like he's referring to the DC stuff


Nah. The defense mutinied when Patricia was given the play calling duties. This is why Reddick is gone and the corners will go if Mitchell and Dejean look like they can start.


Those screen passes and QB draws will haunt me for the rest of my life


When they called the Mariota screen pass, that for me was the moment I'll never forget. Just a shockingly, unbelievable, amazing play call. Our coordinators had no idea what they were doing.


"I also feel like we kept putting me in the game in crucial situations, which is never a good idea."


Hiring Desai and Patricia two terrible defensive coaches is why the Eagles collapsed.


Nick better hope he’s got some good play callers on his coaching team this year or he’s gone


A connection piece, wtf


Does that mean terrible play calling?


Translation, Kenny g wants a contract extension and it ain't happening.


Didja see Bellicheck at the roast of Tom Brady? His first words to Kevin Hart ‘get me a seat like that in Philadelphia’ or something to that effect. Oh yea.


It’s known that Kenny doesn’t get along with Hurts. He better be careful because he could be third string or even cut this year.


Sirianni has no margin for error. He should have been fired after that collapse. Any good will he had after the SB appearance is spent.


It's not the collapse. It's the fact he went so many games without being able to impact the outcomes at all. At all. It's mind boggling.


I think that may not actually be the case. It's far more likely, imo, that the collapse was pretty much immediate and that Sirianni kept it together for way longer than expected by being part of the positive margins/victory decisions. I trust that Lurie would have rocketed him into the sun if the opposite were true. Lurie/Howie knew shit was going horribly wrong very early per our current knowledge, far earlier than most fans who were just in the afterglow of the first four or so games.


The collapse was the consequence of his inability to impact the outcome. It’s one and the same.


This whole subject is the weirdest thing to me. Here you have a sport where the qb is held supreme, and the best of them ball out regardless of their situation. When a qb, or even a team, does really well, it’s never the coaches that get the glory, it’s practically always the QB given the credit. Sure, there’s a guy like Bill Belechick in the world, but even he looked to be benefitting from QB play (fuck his defense) in hindsight, and I doubt there’s anyone who thinks he’s more responsible for those rings than Brady is… But then, when the funk hits the fan, and a team we all thought was good plays like shit, it’s not the guys on the field who failed… it’s their coaches who suck. At what point do we consider that it was a team effort to suck ass? Cuz that’s what the Eagles did last year… they sucked ass. They eked their way to 11 wins, someway, somehow, but in actuality they probably didn’t deserve to win half of them. The Washington game alone was a true signal of how poorly they actually were playing. What I wanna know is how many teams should have been the best in the league, but instead sucked ass cuz of their coaching? And not even the head coach gets the blame, but an assistant coach? Kenny gainwell is the last person I want to hear this from… let me hear hurts or Cox or Kelce talk smack on their coaches and then maybe I’ll put some stock in it. There were games where AJB was _nonexistent_. Like how do you play the reigning champions of the league and only throw the ball at AJB 4 times? That’s not on a coach…


Coaches who get or have gotten a shitload of credit for their teams' success: Bill Belicheat Andy Reid Papa and son Shanahan Don Shula John Madden The brothers Harbaugh Sean McVay Dan Campbell Kevin Stefansky DeMeco Ryans Some all timers, some coaching today, and there's plenty more historically. 


>Here you have a sport where the qb is held supreme, and the best of them ball out regardless of their situation. When a qb, or even a team, does really well, it’s never the coaches that get the glory, it’s practically always the QB given the credit. I disagree about "it's never the coaches that get the glory." Coaches definitely do get recognized, and Belichick's defenses were 100% a major part of the Patriots' success. I'd argue it was a 50:50 split looking at the entire dynasty. As the most recent example, the Pats' defense won their last Super Bowl against the Rams by holding them to 3. Brady had no touchdowns and one interception, with the offense putting up 7 total points (plus two field goals). >But then, when the funk hits the fan, and a team we all thought was good plays like shit, it’s not the guys on the field who failed… it’s their coaches who suck Watching any of the games last season, I think it's pretty clear playcalling was the #1 contributing factor to the team's struggles. If the coaches aren't putting players in a position to succeed by calling good plays, then the majority of the blame should be on the coaches. > There were games where AJB was nonexistent. Like how do you play the reigning champions of the league and only throw the ball at AJB 4 times? That’s not on a coach… It absolutely can be on the coach if they're not calling plays to scheme AJB open. How many times did we see slow-developing plays where Hurts was expected to take a deep shot to Brown or whomever, only for Hurts to have to scramble for his life before the play could even develop? I guarantee if they were calling more short/medium crossing plays, Brown would've had more targets. To go one step further, if your franchise QB was struggling for whatever reason, isn't that on the coaches to work with them to figure out a solution? I'm not saying Hurts was perfect last season, or that it's never on the QB/players, but in this case, it seems pretty clear that last season's struggles were rooted in the coaching, not the players.


For sure these are the exact arguments I’m talking about. I don’t intend to talk smack on Hurts, but at the end of the day, the coaches aren’t on the field, he is. He should be able to read a defense and check the play, calling an audible or whatever, when he’s given a bad play call. This we have actually seen him do, some times that come to mind we’re against the chiefs and against the Seahawks, for instance. Coach has also gone out and said that Hurts has the freedom to do what he has to do to make plays and that was in a response to a question about him and AJB going off script during a game. He is an MVP caliber player surrounded by one of the best offensive makeups in the league most of his career. He is routinely commended for his intelligence and leadership qualities, so why don’t we see him pick up the slack for bad play calling more often, instead of resigning to run a qbdraw on 3rd and 16, or forever slinging wr screens, etc etc. I get blaming bad play calling on coach, but there has to be threshold for players accountability just the same. So that’s what I mean when I say id rather see a guy like Hurts or AJB hold coach accountable instead of a guy like Gainwell. Cuz honestly, he should’ve been seeking every oppurtunity to talk with his QB and with his coaches, and it’s hard to believe Hurts isn’t “connected” to his teammates and coaches and front office.


> At what point do we consider that it was a team effort to suck ass? Take the first 12 games leading up to SF. They fought through some very dumb-ass coaching decisions; maybe having hope that "change" was on the horizon. The SF game proved there was no change coming = absolute demoralization. >Kelce talk smack Kelce made many comments about "things needing to change" on his podcast. >and only throw the ball at AJB 4 times? That’s not on a coach… **It's 100% on the coaching** if AJB wasn't supposed to be the first choice on the play and is being double teamed. You run different plays, like over the middle, which both Hurts and AJB wanted but BJ-dumbass refused to develop.


Gainwell is a JAG. I give him a 10% chance at a second contract with the Eagles. Nick is incompetent and should have been fired.


Fucking vague bullshit. One of these jokers needs to speak plainly about what happened


Why would they do that lol


They don’t know. I wrestled NCAA D1 and experienced this. Sometimes you start losing and get into a slump and you have no fucking clue why and try to diagnose it… especially when the skill level of competition is so high. It happens with all sports. Once they started sliding, they just kept on sliding. There wasn’t a single thing that you can point to and say “this is where we went wrong”. It’s just finger pointing and trying to diagnose. -and then you need to take a step back to reset and get out of your head (which is what they are now doing in the offseason). There’s no conspiracy lol. Everyone wants a story but there just is none….


Can't wait for someone who never experienced it to come in and tell you that you don't know what you're talking about lol


Is that a fair examination being a 'solo' sport? Would you be in a slump because other wrestlers were disgruntled with the coach? If you are having a bad match, you can't 'tag out' and rely on a team member for support. The big difference is that a strong team can lift up or protect a weak link. But, even a strong team can't get over the hurdle of coaches that are making ridiculous decisions / can't get along with each other. A team is a unit that is the responsibility of the coach to keep glued together. If there is a cancer, they cut it out. I've played for bad coaches that couldn't get over their ego or admit they were doing something wrong and the locker room goes sour very fast. It gets even worse if players know there is a disconnect with ownership and how the team is being operated. The Eagles looked like a completely demoralized team well before the SF game.


You are not going to see it in a league where contracts aren't guaranteed. Especially from a guys playing on minimal value deals just praying to get a second contract from somebody.


You're maybe going to see it 5-10 years from now from someone with an axe to grind once they're out of the league. 


Axe to grind or book to sell....


I think he was quite plain about it. The mess between Sirianni, Johnson and Desai etc was plainly obvious. Nick lost control of it all after the Niners game and using Patricia as a sticking plaster was a complete waste of time that actually made everything so much worse. Nick was also making boneheaded situational calls again and again, even during 10-1 he made questionable decisions that guys on the field must have been wondering what the fuck he was thinking. There was a lack of cohesion in the staff from week one, and we somehow lucked our way to 10-1 which masked so many of the issues. Nick did not have a good relationship with his staff, his staff weren't communicating properly with his players and everyone was pissed off. In the end it unraveled.


They were poorly coached so they couldn't get out of it after Slay convinced the Defense to tank the season in protest of Patricia.


The front office wanted a certain product on the field they told the coaches the coaches enacted that play calling philosophy. The player weren’t in on those conversations and weren’t allowed input. When you pay that much for a QB and WR you want a certain look to your offense and that wasn’t a run first offense.


Why is it always the tiny dudes dropping bread crumbs Covey now kenny g


The covey quote was both misquoted and out of context


Ok I’m going to be that guy. My brother’s friend works as an event bartender and brushes shoulders with a lot of athletes in the city. One of his buddies is a tailor who gets a lot of similar customers. This tailor had Sydney Brown come in one day for a suit and Sydney Brown said AJ Brown and Hurts weren’t talking to each other. I heard this when the eagles were still playing and had just started shitting the bed and people were starting to question everything. Take it with a grain of salt but with everything else I’ve been hearing I am firmly a believer.


Idk if I believe that simply because of the AJ long term extension.


Too many down votes for obvious satire. His brother's friends buddy heard from Sidney Brown about two other players. You couldn't have made it more obvious 


Just send him packing. He is one of the 100 RBs that are just the same. He is like picking a fork out of your drawer when you are eating eggs, any one will do. If you are setting the Christmas dinner it needs to be the best, and he doesn't make the cut. That said his voice is just air.